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A Fantastic Story
A Fantastic Story
A Fantastic Story
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A Fantastic Story

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Marina Novgorod's fantastic fictionalized story of the Edenia series as typed recorded onto laptop from an emailed outline from family member relation named Victoria Montreal said to have writer's block.

PublisherBeth Hoyer
Release dateNov 18, 2022
A Fantastic Story

Beth Hoyer

I'm currently a lover of cats. I love to type stories on my computer for hours. I like the science fiction fantasy genre with romance thrown in it when it comes to my stories. I like to take hikes through forests snapping photos to use as my covers for my stories. I'm an aspiring author of science fiction fantasy.AccomplishmentWe that seek goals and dreams,Seek many ways for the dreams,To be accomplished.We that seek the path to the goal,Know there will be many paths.Choosing the right one,Will take time.We that dream the impossible,To be accomplished,Will face many,Obstacles, bridges,And challenges,To be overcome in time.It will take time for,There’s no challenge too great,Nor too small that waits,To be conquered.

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    A Fantastic Story - Beth Hoyer

    A Fantastic Story

    Edenia Series

    By Beth Hoyer 2022

    This is Marina Novgorod as known identity as typing this fan fictionalized story to a family member’s Edenia series. The story was said one of her family relations seen as a sisterly way despite different fathers couldn’t sleep from a disturbance dream. She was like Marina attending a graduate university school but in different state’s cities locations out of studies’ interests. The relation is a female by another predecessor family member’s line named Victoria Katherine Montreal.

    Victoria typed down this story outline said from a dream as emailed to Marina Help me write more of this.

    Marina thought I’ll type my own version.

    This story is a retype of Victoria’s story to have as Marina felt like as needed to type this version to type this story down. The naming of using Tom Mindbender Thunder himself as named character was originated by the email.

    Victoria had admitted by message I know of your interests in my lovely dove relationship pairing with Tom Mindbender Thunder. I included him into this story’s outline for I’m stuck with writer’s block.

    The email was as stated a story outline at first till Marina herself out of thinking mind filled in the blanks with quoted talk.

    The story starts as baby felt himself pulled out of hands’ grips hearing a voice female saying No! No I won’t do this!

    He heard a voice sounded firm of language he later identified as Shinto said You will forget having this offspring and assume you had bad eating for your size.

    The voice was said identified later by a Compeller said name I’m Barry the servant of the High Council what the High Lords said what they order you obey.

    The baby felt himself wrapped into a blanket from the feel including hearing Take him to be scanned medically on the base.

    The baby felt carrying motions followed by a picture image flashing into his mind he confused to what that imaged scene was. This followed by a figure appearing to be a long in shape headed humanoid with bony thin beige form dubbed species Banshee.

    The Banshee species was said Enforcer of the High Lords’ group the High Council said doing their rules’ kept orders.

    The Banshee on orders appeared from open doorway in medical bay holding a wrapped bundle as places down on the floor then disappeared through opening. The baby was sensed concentrating onto that imaged scenario of medical bay belonging to the High Council. Their medic a Highlander pointed points on the ears with the traditional blonde shoulder length hair and brown First One spoken for human’s species’ eyes.

    He was overheard said They did it I knew it they came through with that status. Mindbender pick that up for scanning.

    Mindbender not identified till later was in the room who obeyed to as the baby in bundle felt himself picked up. The baby stared at a face looking familiar as he’s unwrapped the others gasp to see a male baby that flares Berserker’s look. The Berserker’s look involved eyes turning entirely glowing sun colored like eyeballs. His mouth formed teeth that sprung into the area with two upper ones forming canines to bite. He had a bulked up arms with upper body’s form of scaly muscles that formed whenever he willed that forwards to be shown. The baby from that Berserker’s flaunting had managed grow hair from head bald to entirely covered hair framing his face. The baby had shifted into size from newborn’s babyhood’s form to regular sized form of a child said to start walking.

    The medic seeing him shift the Berserker said Of course he’s the offspring as fathered by the Cursed One. Mindbender you are to place the offspring onto the bed.

    The baby found the medic’s order obeyed as he felt himself getting tested mentally and physically by scanners giving off Beep beeping beep!

    The medic said Tests I tell you Mindbender that he has inherited visible Berserker’s side with the mental abilities. Pause then continued You are expected to raise him as said by the Meritanians’ broadcasting their orders.

    You’re dubbed Tom. The baby recalled heard from Meritanian sounded girl like by baby voiced tone that said I’m Taylerra as identified.

    I’m Tom. This thought said mentally by Tom in the Summeranne language.

    The medic said Get the offspring transported through the gate to the nest now Mindbender.

    Tom as identified name found something of lightening flashing above zapping including a faint wind like storm Whoosh!

    He sensed brightness of something zapping ERR!

    This followed by noises of Beep AR beeping AR!

    Tom found himself lowered down left alone as the noise of zapping continued for a short time then he heard voices saying What the shades depths does the High Council want now?!

    You to sound noises. said Taylerra into Tom’s mind which he obeyed to give off an ear splitting wail Wah!

    We raise Tom as if feeling like needing to do that raising. This said excuse when his raisers were confronted with You dumped him onto us once he was a humping sexualized idiot! this yelled by the High Lords dubbed the High Council.

    I confirm that talk when I recalled feeling urges to sex hitting me. this said by Tom who added said I insisted on the name of Tom Mindbender Thunder’s identity for records.

    This is the reached end of the emailed message paragraph Marina added more to the original paragraphed story by adding quoted talks while adding more of the idea. This is the idea of the story as typed of Tom as named character once grown fully into a male adult man.

    He was told You do not need the parenting for anything any more followed by as heard Good you to go home.

    He blinked his eyes by compulsion How did I get here? to discover himself standing in front of a round metal arch with whiteness in between he did recognized as a Travelers’ Gate shining.

    He heard booming noise booming above him Boom Zoom!

    Tom recognized the noises as a thunderstorm arriving as he stared at the gate as an image of a gated room came to his mind and he walked underneath the arch. He found himself in a room as he felt two humanoids of tall sized with gonoid feathery headed forms with black beady eyes and a clawed hands onto his arms. A third was gonoid headed with cat’s eyes and a loyal sniffing gonoid’s pointed eared head with the big nose he could never figure out what the species were. He as noticed as all three got him to the High Council’s throne room he saw as recognized.

    Tom glared annoyance The High Lords’ group the High Council.

    There nine humanoids telepathic mind walkers covered up in traditional blood red robes hiding their species including their genders. They are the ruling group of the natives of the planetary world said to rule them underneath their thumb.

    Tom recalled someone told him by hints said Never displease the High Council or your punished harshly they don’t do forgiveness for any simple mistake.

    Tom said The talk made it seem like they hated the High Council themselves.

    Tom groaned Ouch! from a splitting headache arrived followed confusion hitting him as he said Who are you?

    The High Council said by speaker Says we have orders for you crystal clearly for you to do. You are to give us your words of loyalty.

    He not knowing who he was or his identity despite a familiar itchy feeling hitting his back he said firmly I give you my loyalty.

    They through speaker said Says Meritanians put this servant out asleep to give him the proper downloaded memories for him to do his mission.

    The memories were obeyed by putting him to sleep as downloaded were started with

    I saw a black armored figure with a black with a barrel shaped helmet having a white bladed sword attached to belt I was facing him once I was out of body. Tom remembered the memory.

    He stood facing the armored black figure an unknown knight as dubbed thrust his hand in his direction by eyesight. He found himself in a male body form while next to the male on a beached area he that looked too dimly for Summerland and anywhere on planet side.

    I await your orders. He said to the knight

    The knight removed the helmet by making a wave motion over the head followed by the barrel sliding down. The knight’s head and facial was revealed a form of a humanoid male with black hair in a shoulder length style and humanoid black eyes with a marking of an inverted sword onto one cheek.

    This knight was said by identification Mindbender himself as the Cursed One.

    Mindbender always spoke in a cruel voice tone You will be known as a day lighter among the First Ones and the vampires as my offspring Mindbender himself.

    Tom recalled himself nodded his head saying Yes I do your orders.

    Mindbender dismissed him Go now, my son offspring as you are will be to where you'll be born and return here once it's your time to return.

    Mindbender wound up forcing his eyes shut. Tom came to remember doing a job for the High Council followed by further of he coming to an area with a clicking noise of transportation. Tom was feeling warmth like the Summerland hitting him he assumed he went to there. Tom recognized was himself in the sunlight from the familiar warm feelings hitting in the light’s presence.

    He felt the warmth stop followed by coldness hitting with transportation including hearing growling noises Day lighter!

    Sleep! Tom heard as he felt sleepiness hitting him shut his eyes passing out unconscious only to come to feeling a hand patting him on the cheek Wake up!

    He was having hands gloved holding him up in a standing position and that his naked body’s was clad in his traditional green outfit like uniform for him to do a body guarding job in the city of New Jack City he remembered. He jerked open his eyes to see the hand’s owner belonged to a gonoid head male with a Humanoid muscular moron like body who removed the hand gloved and stepped aside. Tom wasn’t sure as guessed on the name of the humanoid saw in front of him was a set of stairs going up he counted ten of them. Tom saw standing at the end on the top was a humanoid armored figure in entirely black looking twinning to a vampire from the suit but face was covered by a mask with white orbs seen with mouth of upper fanged teeth peeking out line. He continued to grimace from the headache as he noticed behind the speaker were figures in red bloody colored covered up robes seated on chairs he figured from memory that they were the High Lords’ group the High Council. He eyed the High Council the speaker bowed his head by the group waggling and making signs then quitting for him to raise his head followed by the headache stopping.

    The male spoke sounding in basic Says we have a mission for you, Mindbender your to do without questioning our orders.

    I’ll obey to you. he said brainless as the order was downloaded into his mind he admitted when telling the tale I didn’t remember till I viewed a recording of this visually is when I remembered. They took that memory out of my mind I waking up by alarm’s ringing without that in mind but resuming my normal job of body guarding people.

    Tom remembered once he did the order he was sent to an apartment where he lied down without that memory fully in mind.

    He shut his eyes as he passed out to come to hearing a ringing noise of siren sounded familiar Ring a ding!

    He jerked open his eyes red colored First One’s style from the memory dream of I’m a bodyguard to people in the city.

    He did remember the dream of the mysterious armored knight saying You’re my son.

    He eyed the ceiling feeling his hair was shorn cut short from its traditional long waist length style. He saw a dome onto the ceiling with a faint red light onto it including a feeling of itchiness onto his back on one spot.

    He telling the tale said I would learn later that feeling meant filmed and recorded including stared at brainlessly.

    Your name is Tom Thunder. He heard unsure of his mind or his ears he couldn’t figure it out till later was Taylerra saying that on the High Council’s orders who she said Mindbender.

    Ugh! He got memories into his mind involving what he was doing into the residence a one room studio apartment.

    His job was acting as a bodyguard to females hiring him to serve them. Tom as he assumed was his named identity Tom Thunder got up from the bed. He was finding muscle memories leading him into a direction he glimpsed a shower room including other private business.

    That’s what I look like. He thought as he peered at himself in the mirror finding he had human’s First One’s red eyes with black short hair.

    He willed forwards his other ability dubbed Berserker to see himself satisfied that he still had that ability in control to his relief. He went into the shower after removing his clothes him brainless stupidity didn’t know why he was sleeping in them. Tom went once done with his showering and grooming put on his uniform of green sweatpants with a black bullet proof vest underneath his green sweatshirt that highlighted the form like a tight shirt. His pants are at first he wore weren’t the type of armored thick pants that couldn’t be easily cut till later when he did his schooling as included his traditional boots. Tom from muscle memories walked to the lobby entrance of the building taking the hallway and stairwell route towards it. Tom on arrival saw a female wearing red skirt and a blazer like jacket highlighting a bit of breasts on her form pacing there while having a briefcase near her foot.

    Tom walked up to her saying Excuse me at your services.

    Tom eyed the female who focused onto him and spoke Oh I took the liberty of calling my hired driver to come and pick me up. He called by cell phone that he'll be late traffic. I wasn’t sure if any of the guys would take up my request to handle that drunkard bothering me.

    Tom head bobbed then went to stare out the lobby's glass doors to hear a ringing sound from the female Ring a ding!

    He saw her yanked out blacked hand held device he assumed was the cell phone as dubbed despite terms Communicator.

    She spoke Yes?

    He eyed her as she spoke Fine will be out waiting like you said.

    He frowned as the female put away her cell phone in her pocket and then spoke towards him while picking up her briefcase The driver called to report that traffic on the road leading to here is quite bad for him to stop and park for pick up. We'll have to go to the car while it's in traffic once it's sighted.

    Tom frowned but wordlessly followed her outside to stand waiting and watching the cars mostly yellow like taxis driving by till a black sedan with tinted windows came by and stopped. He assumed was the vehicle to find his hunch correct by the female going towards the sedan radar focused. He went around the vehicle to get inside while hearing horns honking sounding annoyed to him. He got inside the sedan to buckle up his seatbelt finding the female doing the same and eyed the driver seeing that he was a Human from the rounded ears seen despite a cap on the head hiding his hair. He eyed the scenery lengthy finding the car driven to a part of the city metallic monoliths that was near a park from the looks of it.

    We’re ordered out. this said by the female.

    Tom obeyed to follow her inside a building having a stairwell. He followed her going up them lengthy passing doors him peering into having hallways with multiple doors in them. Tom frowned as she stopped at a doorway and went into the hallway leading him to a door with the number seven on it he saw her unlock with a key on the doorknob to go inside him following. He found the apartment was small only two rooms with a separate private room as popular for buildings’ residences to have than any forms of apartments. He saw a main room for kitchen unit and living while there was a separate room for bedroom and attached private room from the explorations from the looks of it having facilities for private use. The apartment as dubbed residence was indicated a female lived there from feminine used coloring and products. Tom frowned as he went to sit down on an armchair pink as the female ignored him watching her went into the bedroom after yanking off her high heeled shoes and dropping her briefcase while slamming the door. He frowned as the female seemed lengthy in there till she came out looking completely different from her neat trimmed business suit haired appearance showing her as a blonde with shoulder length hair. She was wearing loosely molded to her body’s clothes on her form that indicate sweats.

    Tom eyed her as she spoke loudly It won't take long till this drunkard gets off work on a break to start harassing me like clockwork every time a habit he has pulled repeatedly over and over with no originality on the time frame. He'll be here in like five minutes as usual to start his inappropriate behavior.

    The female went to sit in another armchair and saw her pick up a device from the footrest to aim it at a flat screen TV monitor in the wall. He was seeing the TV flick on showing images of humans onto it. Tom found the program bored him despite she focused onto it seemingly about two females getting paired together by oath ceremonies said various themes by the couple. He agreed with the saying love is love a view he shared towards whoever he was paired with as he felt boredom hitting. Tom heard a faint banging noise focused onto the door to hear the noises become louder and louder. This followed by the TV monitor turning off and hearing a loud groaning sound.

    The female groaned with Not again.

    He got up in response to put his ear on the door to hear banging noises rapid fired pace not in pattern.

    Tom was able to stepping back to speak to the female loudly Open the door and let me handle this drunkard.

    He eyed her who obeyed to find the drunkard was some burly male Human slurring rude language words. The drunk was wearing a stained short sleeve top and pants on his form that indicated a uniform along with his shoes making his senses blare.

    Tom willed the Berserker from memory of that ability Banshee forwards! and mentally spoke towards the drunkard Throw back down!

    He saw the drunkard fly backwards hitting the wall of the hallway outside the apartment that slid down with groaning Ooh ouch ugh!

    Tom mentally spoke Banshee away! He shifted to will that aside to find the female slamming the door speaking loudly Good riddance to that idiot.

    The female without a comment went to an armchair picking up the familiar device to turn on the TV again. She appeared to be focused onto it seemingly lengthy as he went to the other armchair to sit feeling himself bored again. He heard a sound of a doorbell during the break of the programming showing some product.

    Ring a ding! sounded the doorbell in an insisting tone of Your answering the door!

    Tom heard from the female after turning off the TV Humph like clockwork the cops are here on complaints of this drunkard once he's sober saying that some guy took advantage of his drunken status to punch him. Cops have always believed him over me complaining about his drunken status repeatedly towards them whenever they question the matter.

    He spoke as the female went to the door him following Seems like this guy's job position gives him a better reputation involving this situation. He was wearing some kind of pants and shoe wear indicating some uniform of a job.

    Tom heard from the female in response Humph figures.

    He eyed her as she opened the door to find two males wearing twinning pants and shoes as the drunkard but different tops as that guy both twinning each other.

    One spoke We got a call from an identified postman complaining of being punched while being drunk. He has some kind of injury from that as seen when we checked onto him. He points the finger aimed at you for doing the punching. We see that you're not responsible but for this male you have in your presence must have done it.

    Tom willed the Berserker in response to flex a clawed hand in their direction to see them appear to gulp out of fear.

    This followed by the other speaking sounding nervous The postman has repeatedly delivered mail to the precinct. He is well known for having a drinking problem he admitted to us on that and has problems trying to quit.

    He heard a Humph from the female as one of the cops as assumed was his authority title twisted his form sideways yelling loudly the word Bruno!

    Tom saw a gonoid he saw was identification as a wolf said This is a skin walker species of First Ones’ named Amula. come into view going into the apartment to sit onto the armchair he vacated.

    Tom heard from the cop Judge dismissed Bruno’s case said that he was protecting you from the victim who was reportedly being too unruly with his drunken status. Excuse me we have to take your bodyguard to the precinct for getting a hold of his boss. We are seeing if we can arrange for a ride to bring him home at the moment.

    He willed aside the Berserker to hear from the female Fine make it so and do something about this drunkard causing me problems. I'm sick and tired of whining complaints to you. You’re not listening to me.

    He heard from a cop Judge insisted that the victim take some program for getting out of the drinking addiction or have him pay some fine for that. I heard the money amount is in the thousands something he won't afford. So excuse me now about that bodyguard of yours.

    Your done body guarding. said the female ordered him out.

    Tom followed the cops to outside and found one opening the car door to the back speak Sorry rules on who can ride in the front as ordered by our Commissioner who's been threatening to fire officers if their caught breaking that rule.

    He got into the car to buckle up his seatbelt and stared out the window as the vehicle went to the police precinct.

    You ordered out! and told You to follow! in a firm tone.

    Tom obeyed finding himself led to an interrogation room You’re ordered to stay inside.

    He sat in the chair next to the table eyes on the black

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