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The Theology Third Book in the Biblical Evolution Revolution Series
The Theology Third Book in the Biblical Evolution Revolution Series
The Theology Third Book in the Biblical Evolution Revolution Series
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The Theology Third Book in the Biblical Evolution Revolution Series

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This ark brings to life a mirid of ancient concepts humanity has discarded as impossible. Concepts such as direct democracy and world peace. It challenges each on an internal level to seek the wisdom of their rival to become whole and externally through the diversity of our politics and religions to become one. There are explorers of the known, and then there are explorers of the unknown. This ark takes the reader into the uncharted waters of humanity, religion, and philosophy. It is a book for the dreamers who see the world not as it is, but as it could be. Yet on this ark, all of humanity is brought onboard. Insightful. Adventurous. Bold. Candid. Refreshing. Enlightened. A portal to the real-life world of our dreams.
Release dateSep 30, 2022
The Theology Third Book in the Biblical Evolution Revolution Series

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    The Theology Third Book in the Biblical Evolution Revolution Series - Michael Stansfield

    The Theology

    Third Book in the Biblical Evolution Revolution Series

    By, Michael Stansfield

    © The Theology, September 5, 2019, Michael Stansfield

    ISBN: 978-1-387-57692-0

    Table of Contents

    Previous Book in the Series: The Covenants

    Introduction to COEXIST

    Square of Humanity

    Liberating God & Humanity

    Judaism Secularism Enlightenment

    Judaism Transcendence

    Christianity Secularism Enlightenment

    Christian Transcendence

    Islamic Enlightenment

    Love Awakened

    Idolatry in the Modern Era

    Help Wanted for Prophets of Love

    E Pluribus Unum

    Ambassadors of Reconciliation

    Separation of Church and State

    the Altar Call

    Next Book in the Series: Jezreel

    The Theology

    Part I – (Dedicated to the Moralist Element of the Square)

    Introduction to COEXIST

    The religious institutions of which most familiar gather in a building where one person speaks to a congregation whose perspectives are little to no different from their own.  The success of these institutions is measured by how many seats are filled as well as how many profess the beliefs of the speaker.  The congregation is not permitted to ask questions or speak in general during the sermon.  Questioning the fundamentals of the faith will make you a subject of gossip and advocating another faith will find you an early exit with a request not to return.  The political parties in terms of how diversity of opinions are treated is virtually indistinguishable from those of a religious nature.  Thus, the expression of faith be it secular or religious is through conformity, rather than diversity of opinions.  COEXIST exists on the other end of the spectrum and its success is measured by the diversity of the religious and political expression it yields rather than its singularity.  As questions can cross multiple disciplines of faith and philosophy, they are infinitely more complex to answer.  Thus, to say this book or any book represents the beliefs of COEXIST would be totalitarian or laughable.  Rather this book structures a framework for a God of diversity¹ in a world we call home through which He, or She, willed a plethora of religious and political opinions. 

    As human beings, we know what home is, or for some of us the hope or ideal of what home should be: friends, family, nostalgia, all interlaced with love.  It is an emotional, spiritual, and physical connection to a place that goes beyond the superficial level.  In the broad sense I ask, you the reader, ‘Is this world your home?’  If you are honest with yourself, you must confess it doesn’t always feel like home. The pain within our world creates an internal drive within each of us to find that desired home, whether it be heaven, beyond the pages of this life through religion, or hope to reshape our world through politics or technology. Politics and religion share the illusionary draw to pursue a destination limited only by our imagination.  However, as is the nature of dreams, there is always someone who invades our grand delusion with cold dark reality, and then a retaliation takes place to cut down their beautiful delusion.  This is the nature of the perpetual conflict between the religions and political parties in our modern era. Religion, political science, technology, can be kind of like love.  You find that special someone, and at ninety they are still the most beautiful person in the world, and no one is going to tell us any differently.  Ask any Christian, Jew, or Muslim, if they follow the God of Abraham, Moses, or Elijah, the same people, analyzing the same historical settings, often with the very same words in print, but with a very different perceptible meaning.  Also consider political science, the same nation, the same struggles, but with very different perceptions between the political factions. The difference is not in the present, but in the desired destination, the mythical home that each faction is striving for, as Peter Pans in search of their NeverNever Land. There is a connection we feel between ourselves and nature, as it is said, from the dust we came and to the dust we will one day return, but within humanity, the internal struggle between the beautiful fiction and the cold reality divides us. The diversity and creativity within creation draws in our soul as we take in our interconnectedness within our atoms between the planet and stars and our shared DNA within the plant and animal kingdoms.  Yet this same interconnection and diversity where it is strongest within our own species has created an internal rivalry throughout humanity, a disconnection, an aura of isolation, and contention that makes our world far from the home we desire. Without the beautiful delusion or at least the hope within the beautiful delusion, the perceived hopelessness of the human situation draws many into bouts of anxiety and depression, where life itself is viewed as a curse to the extent that some view suicide as the solution.  Most of us attempting to cope with the reality of our world will instead invest ourselves in a fictional world through sporting events, hobbies, video games, sitcoms, movies, and other things where passions can be safely invested on a superficial level.  If you are like most human beings, this will cause you to gravitate toward others who think and reason within the same delusion, so that family and friends are defined through nationalism, corporate, political, and religious infrastructures, such that most define themselves through terms, such as an Accountant, a Christian, a Democrat, an American, etc.  Under these conditions for a Republican to accept the criticism of a Democrat or vice-versa is to destroy how he or she defines him or herself and his or her dreams.  Without the dream (the hope of home), one is left with hopelessness and the despair that follows.  This is why their opponents' only solution, beyond suicide, is that their enemies should adopt their delusion, and so the circle continues indefinitely.  Yet in the broader sense while such definitions, Republican, Muslim, etc., connect us within various niches they also separate us from our universal connection within humanity and the Divine, while also detracting from the internal inspiration and creativity that uniquely defines each of us as human beings.  And on an external level, what is the perceived value of the human being to their niche beyond the servitude he or she can yield?  Or to rephrase, is a human being valued by their government, their employer, or religion beyond a piece of property or resource to be utilized as their owners predetermine?  To answer no is to be naive of the power of each niche to make existence for the divergent, the whistleblower, or the Imagineer into a living hell. 

    I am hiraeth, which is to say, I am homesick for the human home we can all share as ourselves.  Such a universal home could only exist through the symmetry of the global human family.  I realize as a species, while many have tried, I acknowledge that we have never arrived at such a utopian destination.  Such a destination only exists within our dreams, and for most such a target is purely delusional within itself.  Nevertheless, it is only through our hopes and dreams, delusional as they may be, that such a world may be constructed and realized because all human advancement has always begun with hope and a dream.  This path that you are about to embark upon, to discover humanity’s home, is not a home exclusively for one race, religion, or political creed, but rather a home for all.  Where each is accepted as members of one family and one creation.  Using all our hopes to magically create something real.  While I realize to fulfill this goal, the oneness of all creation, thought, and science is required, to achieve this end, our first prerequisite lies at the other end of the spectrum.  For each of us in humanity must appreciate the diversity and unique awe within all things, so that each one of us can not only accept the differences in others but also cherish them enough to embrace the hopes and dreams of our rivals.  Therefore, our assignment in this textbook is to design and construct a system that unites all of humanity and creation without compromising, limiting, discouraging, or hindering the hopes and dreams of any element within humankind.  Ergo our first task is to determine what these

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    niches within humanity are, what their deepest hopes and aspirations are, and how these various niches and rivals within society relate to one another, both within their historical and modern context.

    To construct a basic framework for understanding these differences in the spring of 1995, I graphed and charted the intersecting lines within Humanity’s thoughts so that I could begin on an elementary level. This graphical map I call the Competitive Square of Humanity maps the intersections between the philosophies of logic and ethics.  Most of our political discussion will center on the American political system and Great Britain as they are considered the fathers of the modern Republican form of government, which dominates the globe in the current era.  In these modern republics to keep one philosophy from dominating the others, the political system has designed each ambition to counterbalance the others so that each philosophy is restrained from reaching its pinnacle Shangri-La by the others.  Using this counterbalance approach, the dreams of each aspect of society have become like a donkey chasing the carrot, never reaching, endlessly pursuing. The carrot becomes a fictional, unachievable, and impossible destination.  Without fulfillment, the carrot becomes immortalized.  The carrot, our unfulfilled dreams, desires, love, with time becomes a source of bondage used by the system for manipulation and control.  Each political party brings out candidates who inflame our desire to achieve our hopes and dreams.  Some even get elected to Congress, but society is not selecting their ideas to become law through such elections, but rather choosing their warriors to fight against the hopes and dreams of their rivals, so that the core vision, the end game of the heart, is lost to all sides.  Ergo, the political party apparatus and our legislature itself become the instrument that prevents our greatest dreams from ever seeing the light of day.  This intentional design provides short-term stability by limiting the size and scope of progress, but in the long-run when a society by design encourages its people under the guise of political liberty to struggle to achieve hopes and dreams that can never be realized through built-in limitations within the system, should anyone be surprised that the end-result of this perpetual political battle is distrust, deceit, and isolation between human-beings?  And if this is the anticipated and encouraged result within the Republic, should humanity be surprised that such animosity would inevitably spill over in a world of Republics, giving rise to wars and partisans as the factions’ exhaust their faith in the bureaucracy and look to other options to forcibly implement change.  The good book says, love your neighbor, which begins with an understanding of what your neighbor’s aspirations are, even if your neighbor is your political or religious enemy.  Taken collectively, if one truly and deeply understands all the political and religious dimensions that compose the Competitive Square of Humanity, they will see that each philosophy has noble intentions at heart.  This textbook is divided into four parts; each part representing one of the four core beliefs from which all reasoning is born with the direct aim and goal of understanding what that philosophy’s impossible dream is and how in practical terms that mythical home can be realized all in the tone and voice of that philosophy.  Finally, the most impossible reality of all is that each of these impossible dreams can be practically and realistically achieved in harmony with the other philosophies so that one ambition is not forced to compromise the essence of who they are for the sake of another.  Therefore, the Square will naturally evolve into the Circle,

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