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Payless Part Deuce: The Retribution Novel
Payless Part Deuce: The Retribution Novel
Payless Part Deuce: The Retribution Novel
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Payless Part Deuce: The Retribution Novel

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La' Vicha Brown is in the middle of a self-imposed crisis. She has made decisions that have had disastrous results for those she loves, and she now has to fight to regain the trust of her family. But is it too late? 


Payless Part Deuce highlights the continuing highs and lows of the Brown family that began i

Release dateSep 8, 2022
Payless Part Deuce: The Retribution Novel

Skyelar Nelson

Skyelar Nelson, author of Payless: A Novel, is all about family, fun, and his passion for writing. He represents his hometown of Flint, Michigan, and currently resides in Charlotte, North Carolina, with his beautiful wife and three wonderful children. Skyelar hopes to continue to inspire the world with his literary work. Payless Part Deuce is his second book.

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    Payless Part Deuce - Skyelar Nelson


    The Revelation


    …I can’t believe I’m in the middle of this!"

    Those thoughts control Rebecca’s existence. In her arms is an incredibly battered young lady, who has been in her life for many years. She remembers like yesterday when she first heard the caged bird sing. It was like hearing heaven opening its gates to Rebecca’s heart. The control, the octaves; the range. Like her name was Whitney Carey; a combination of two of the greatest singers in history. She remembers her first time hearing the songbird. Her heart was overjoyed at hearing her voice. She’s gonna be a superstar, she would often brag to everyone. As she stares down at Little Niqua, the thoughts of songs don’t come to mind. Only the thought of that faithful night resurfaces. The conversation comes back, and the mental torment begins. She knew what she heard, despite the Hennessy laced countenance and lack of sleep. It begins to take its toll and tears begin to fall; Rebecca feels horrible for a multitude of reasons. The fact that Niqua confessed this secret terrorizes her. Not to mention that her fiancée is an alleged rapist. Mostly, the secret that she’s hidden. "What if my dad finds out everything?"

    As for now, Niqua is hurting, something that Pastor Davis is having a hard time comprehending. This sweet child just dropped a bombshell. A bombshell that could rattle this church to its core. La’ Vicha is his KiKi Sheard; his Kim Burrell; his Tasha Cobbs. He receives numerous compliments and notoriety. Because of his treasured Gospel singer, some come from across the country just to hear her voice. Instead of turning La’ Vicha into his next Sunday’s Best, he would tell La’ Vicha to allow the spirit of God to use her to her benefit, not his. A decision that is hard for him due to the outside demands for other Pastor, clergy, or peers for La’ Vicha to be a star. But because of this young ladies’ confession, he has to do what’s best for the church and for this bruised soul.

    First Lady Paula Davis and Stephanie continue to console this young girl in front of them. Paula is completely heartbroken. Stephanie is overwhelmingly angry. While Paula adores La’ Vicha to the highest degree of compliments, Stephanie never bought into La’ Vicha and her spirit. Don’t be surprised if La’ Vicha is a fraud, Stephanie would often tell herself. She would never tell her best friend since grade school her actual feelings because of the fond admiration for Nurse Brown. She also never wanted to be outwardly negative. Therefore, she kept it bottled inside and she’s keeping it bottled now.

    Niqua is broken. The projection of that night stays in syndication in her mind. Even with the confession to her spiritual family, she remains torn to shreds. The only saving grace is the confession itself. She’s glad she told someone other than her judgmental siblings. Someone that she actually trusts somewhat through the pain, the confession feels good. That is until Rebecca begins to ask questions.

    Niqua, sweetie, would you, would you like to explain to us what happened and everything that’s going on? Do you want to…to talk about it?

    An emotionally unstable Niqua sniffles, and it burns a hole on Rebecca’s forehead. Not because of the question. It’s because of the moment she doesn’t want to believe. Despite her inability to speak at the moment, Niqua gives it thought. The whole reason Niqua showed up was to expose her darling mother. "Okay, okay. I…I gotta do this," Niqua thinks to herself. She gets herself together by wiping her tears with the tissue first Lady Davis gave her. As her soggy head leaves from Rebecca’s damp shoulders, Niqua sits up. Sniffling, Niqua takes a deep sigh before letting out more confessions.

    Yes, yes, Niqua mumbles. I’m ready. I, it’s a lot to share. I mean…

    Take your time sweetheart, First Lady Davis shares. Niqua takes a deep breath.

    Okay, um. I’m gonna let everything out. My…my mom is not who y’all think she is. She’s a fraud! She’s fake! All this holier than thou stuff is phony and fake! This, this holier than thou act is nothing but an act! Whenever she’s not around y’all, she’s cussing up a storm smoking, drinking, and partying every weekend! Every dirty little deed you can think of.

    These words bring back memories for Rebecca. The images of that faithful night at Fishbones put Niqua’s confessions into perspective. Whether it was the snuggling or the skin tugging freak’em dress, Rebecca was indeed startled. Those feelings then are now heightened.

    And that’s why I’m here, Niqua yells. I’m here because she doesn’t care about me. She is still sleeping with the same guy that tried to rape me. I can’t…I just can’t…"

    The fighting with tears ceases. Niqua’s cheeks feel like a damp washcloth. Paula and Stephanie’s heart crumbles. Pastor is trying to not allow any anger to take over his spirit. Despite their comforting, Niqua fights to tell everything.

    I can’t understand how someone who is supposed to protect me let someone put their hands on me and does nothing! Nothing! She did nothing to him!

    Okay, okay, Niqua. Sweetie, explain to us what you mean, Paula says. What happened exactly?

    Uh okay. So, this goes back a while. I was, um I was walking home from school and when I got home, her and Quisha was arguing and fighting. And they were arguing and fighting because Quisha caught mom in the bed with the guy.

    Oh no, Paula gasps, covering her mouth.

    So, her and Quisha went back and forth and Quisha stormed out cause my mom was being a lunatic. The next day, the dude came over to get his jacket that he left. He…he…he. I let him in cause it was raining and…and…

    She can feel herself about to hyper-ventilate. To reverse what is trying to combust, Niqua fights within her comfortable spirit and keeps going.

    I…I let him in and grabbed his coat. I…I handled him the coat and then he…he refused to leave. Pastor Davis lets out an intensively angry sigh. His is also fighting, fighting from having his own outburst. He feels for this young lady.

    And…and he when he slammed the door. I panicked and I tried to call the police and I screamed. He then…he grabbed me and tried to choke me and…and I fought as hard as I could! I felt like I was fighting for my life!

    As the news travels around the echoed vestibule, Paula, Stephanie, and Rebecca begin to show water puddles on their cheeks. Slight sniffles join the quiet area.

    I can’t believe, Rebecca mumbles under her breath without the others noticing. In an instant, she remembers that faithful night for more than just the overheard convo. Hennessy and a R&B mix with tons of Trey Songz was part of the main attraction. The sex filled room started early and ended with dreadful precautions. Although inebriated, hearing Shawn and La’ Vicha jawing back and forth about the alleged rape attempt has haunted her since. It’s the guilt of knowing what she heard that plagues her entire well-being. And for that amongst other thoughts, Pastor’s treasure is lost. And she’s having a hard time taking this all in. So is the rest of the somber room. Every word is being dissected and closely observed. The long rant continues as Niqua holds a napkin close to her pupils.

    Eventually, I fought him off after I threatened to kill him, and he finally left.

    And where was Sister Brown while all this was going on, Pastor Davis asks with a very concerned look on his face.

    She had a hair appointment.

    What time did this all take place?

    Uh, I…little after eight thirty.

    Eight-thirty… Paula mumbles.

    A hair appointment that late huh?

    Stephanie sneaks in. Paula and Rebecca give her the look of death. Without a second of hesitation. Stephanie shrugs her shoulders.


    Not now, Stephanie, Paula pleads. Not now.

    Stephanie shows restraint but wishes she can display more of what and how she feels. We are here for you sweetheart, Paula mumbles. She holds Niqua‘s hand. After taking a deep breath, the nerves kick in. So much confusion and uncertainly has festered for what seems like an eternality. Either way, Niqua has to express the controversy.

    I know, I know Mama Paula, Niqua softly says. She has called Paula "Mama Paula since she was three years old. It’s an alarm to showcase her comfort for the co-commander-in-chief. I’ll keep explaining everything that’s been going on. Uh, um. It’s tough to talk about because my mom plays this role of perfection in front of everybody. She pauses while wiping her eyes. She’s…the older we got, the more she became distant from us. She would go out to the club almost every weekend and just drop us off whether it’s over my granny’s house or one of our daddies’ houses."

    Daddies, Stephanie cuts in. Daddies? Plural?

    Everyone except Niqua look up at Stephanie. The stares are relieved of any joy and Stephanie senses that.

    Stephanie, Paula gently whispers.

    Hey, I had to ask!

    Ne-Ne, continue huh, Paula expresses.

    To answer your question, yes, Niqua continues, confused. Daddies. Me and my siblings have different dads.

    Different…dads, Rebecca asks. Her face turns to a confused Paula, who looks at a more confused Stephanie. An ever so boisterous Stephanie quickly responds.

    Wait, wait a minute Niqua. I thought, …we thought y’all all had the same father.

    I only know of Tyrone Niles, Pastor Davis finally speaks up. At least that’s what I was told.

    Uh no, Niqua says with a deep frown. We all have different fathers. She never told y’all, never mind.

    Hmph, Stephanie quickly huffs. She catches the eyes of a focused First Lady. Paula never glance Stephanie’s way. She’s all too familiar with this look. "I been saying La’ Vicha is a fraud for years," Stephanie’s head share those thoughts to herself.

    Okay, that’s beside the point, Pastor Davis says while taking a very deep breath. Please continue Niqua.

    Yes sir, Niqua respectfully answers. Like I said, she doesn’t care. She stays playing this holier than thou role in front of y’all.

    Pastor Davis asks Niqua a few more questions. I suppose Junior and Quisha were gone as well?

    Yes. Junior was working out with his football friends and Quisha was at work.

    Hmph, Pastor Davis sighs. His heart breaks with each tenth of a second but wants to get to the bottom of the situation.

    Would you like to continue?

    Yes, Niqua adds and nods. Well, after he left, I told my mom cause I was completely spaced out and, and she asked me what was wrong. I told her everything and instead of going to comfort him, she calls him on the phone and doesn’t do anything! Nothing! She hasn’t said two words about it since then.

    Ummm, Stephanie mumbles.

    So today. I was coming home from school and when I was turning the corner toward the house, she…she was kissing him and…and. I, that’s why I came…came here!

    The flashes return like lightning bolts Niqua feels like she is stuck in a time capsule. It becomes more and more difficult to shake the lip exercise her mother practiced. What does return are the cries that doesn’t let up. It keeps everyone heartbroken and on edge. While the emotionally diluted women of faith caroled around the battered teen, Pastor Davis’ eyes water. His hands begin to shake and sweat profusely. His own personal memories of his mother’s issues with physical abuse still haunts him. He has dealt with the pain of watching his mother being raped by an uncle. Like Niqua, his mother Joan was a singer. The two possesses scary similarities. It frightens him sometimes and, in this time, the vivid descriptions hold his emotional state hostage. That is why the struggle with the news torments his head. As a changed man of God, he knows forgiveness is necessary. However, justice is reserved for someone that he feels deceived him and his contemporaries. Trust is of the areas Pastor Davis still struggles in. As his heart tries to search for answers, his mind asks questions to a battered Niqua.

    Niqua, Niqua, look at me, his very firm voice summons. The room becomes stagnant in movement while Pastor Davis speaks. A teary eyed Niqua looks up. His face shows fire in his eyes. Listen, I’m truly, truly, truly sorry that you are going through what you’re going through. No one deserves such cruel and distasteful care. As a father and family friend, I’m completely hurt and upset that someone could be so negligent. As a man of God, I have to forgive, despite my feelings at this time, okay?

    Niqua nods. She wipes her eyes with her index finger.

    I won’t tell you to do anything other than what I feel. And I wanna share my story. My mother was raped by a man who I spent a lot of my life with. He was my uncle; my father’s brother and unfortunately, I witnessed it firsthand when I was around your age. Because of that and other things, that led me to the streets and eventually led me to prison. That’s why I always teach about grace and why I’m always honest about my upbringing. Your mother is not a bad person, but I believe she may be lost.

    Stephanie has a hard time holding her face together upon hearing Pastor Davis’ soliloquy. "Yeah, okay Pastor. I don’t even think you believe that." Pastor Davis continues.

    And I believe God can heal all wounds over time. His specialty is his mercy when in error. We as a family will get through this. I will talk to her.

    She won’t listen to you, Niqua shouts. She won’t listen to anyone! Not my parents, grandma, no one! The only time she shows any kind of care is when she is front of you!

    Have you told your father?

    No, Niqua shakes her head. I was scared to tell him, especially after my mother did nothing. Just…I don’t know!

    You, so you don’t feel like your mother would listen to me?

    The… well the only way she will listen is if she’s either embarrassed or if she’s in a room with everyone.

    Like a family meeting?

    Yes, Niqua nods. She knows she is stretching herself with Pastor Davis. Revenge is what she’s seeking. Yes she’s hurting, but she feels like if there’s anyone that La’ Vicha won’t run from, it’s her beloved Pastor. Even if she feels like La’ Vicha won’t listen. But if there is anything that she knows Pastor cherishes, it’s Divayonce. The mere fact that this confession reaches him sheepishly delights her. However, she awaits his response in hopes for her intended request to oblige. Pastor Davis takes another deep breath before speaking. He glances at his wife whose face shows nothing but despair and horror. A slight nod shows a sigh of approval for the evident request. He looks back at Niqua who also takes a deep breath.

    Would you like for me to set up a meeting…you know what. I’ll make an effort to have a meeting with everyone later on today, okay?

    Niqua nods her head. A little sigh of relief jumps from her shoulders. She knows a tall order of hurt is still there, but the trust she has for Pastor and First Lady Davis outweighs her feelings for her mother’s feelings. Baby girl gives everyone a hug. The last hug Niqua gives is to First Lady Paula. The mighty hums of It’s Not Over, by gospel great Israel Houghton escapes like a sweet silhouette. It pleases the room. Everyone except for a bothered Pastor Davis, who despite his encouragement is infuriated. Rebecca is also bothered. Her heart is caught into a web of confusion. The mere thought of her fiancée’s actions brings hurt to her eyes. She joins in perfect harmony with her mother’s comforting hymns to help refine Niqua’s spirit. Not only does the singing comforts Niqua, the shame and guilt bring more tears to Rebecca. It becomes like waterfalls once Niqua attempts to join in. Without missing a beat, the flawless octaves bring an emotional delight to the room. After about fifteen minutes of crying, comforting, and encouragement, Pastor Davis decides to give Tyrone a call. Rebecca is the first to leave as she prepares for work. While driving in her brand-new charcoal grey Nissan Altima, she thinks to herself my daddy will never find out about this. I can’t believe this! Damn it!

    4:47 p.m.


    a’ Mesha Mitchell is at home looking at her college applications while listening to Quavo and Yung Miami’s Strub the Ground. If there is ever the comparison between good and evil twin, Ja’ Mesha is definitely the calmer of the two. While Ja’ Recha is the super stylistic diva, Ja’ Mesha is always busy chasing Quisha. She loves Quisha like her twin sister, but the competition for academic supremacy brought a little rivalry between the two. When she lost her bid for valedictorian, she was happy, but jealous at the same time. Despite her loss, Quisha keeps her motivated.

    Take this time for instance. She is well aware of her friend’s acceptance to the University of North Carolina. Ja’ Mesha received her own letter of intent to the University of Florida. Despite the rivalry, she loves Quisha, and that love grew the more they pushed each other academically.

    While internet surfacing to shop for Ka’ Trina’s upcoming birthday, twin sister Ja’ Recha bursts threw the front door. With her cellphone in hand, a rumble shakes Ja’ Mesha out of her surfacing. She looks up to see her twin sister trembling.

    Hey, hey, what’s…

    Ja’ Recha slams the door with an intensity that almost cracks the walls in half.

    Oh my God, oh my God!

    Re, are you okay?

    Within seconds, Ja’ Recha is next to her sister. With her sweaty palms losing a grip on her phone, she tries to show Ja’ Mesha the phone. However, her shaking prevents her hands to hold the phone.

    Shit! Shit! And no, I’m not okay! What I just read is not okay!

    Girl, Ja’ Mesha’s phone from the floor. What in the hell is going on and why are you shaking?

    Because, um here. Scoot over!

    Ouch! Damn girl!

    My bad, my bad. I want you to look at something real quick.

    Ja’ Recha forces her way in the soft black leather office chair.

    Hey, don’t exit out of my stuff!

    I’m not! Calm down!

    You telling me to calm down, but you the one tweakin’ and shit! Hell!

    Ja’ Recha uses the grey mouse from the Apple Mac computer and clicks onto Instagram to log in. Ja’ Mesha immediately gets angry.

    You did all this just to log on to Instagram? What the hell…

    No! No! You don’t understand, Ja’ Recha reacts. You have to see what I just saw on my phone. Just hold on. I gotta blow this up and screenshot it!

    You could’ve just did this on your phone! Damn!

    I know, but like I said. I wanted to blow this up. Just hold on!

    Ja’ Recha continues to surf though her Instagram page. She quickly types in a familiar foe’s name in the search tab. From there, the person’s page instantly surfaces. Ja’ Mesha is very curious to see why the name was typed in the first place.

    Why you going on his page?

    I need you to read the same thing I just read so I’m not trippin.

    Read what?

    Just look!

    Ja’ Recha highlights the post and saves it on computer. Meanwhile, Ja’ Mesha reads the long post and gasps while her eyes catch each word.

    What the he…

    You have almost the same reaction I had when I first read this. Girl, can you believe the shit?

    Uh, no! This is crazy, but I can’t say I’m surprised. I mean, this is Derek we are talking about.

    The post the twins are referring to is from Mr. Derek Mays. During school earlier, he was watching a crowd of students’ coral around Junior. They surrounded him to help commemorate the celebration of the high school football state championship. Junior’s dominating play on the field had the entire city of Flint proud, especially his fellow students. Junior and the Flint Northwestern Wildcats played a very grueling game against the number one team in the state. Cass Tech (which is located in Detroit) were considered heavy favorites. Down thirty-five, twenty-one going into the third quarter, the Wildcats marched back with twenty-one unanswered points. The wildcats won, forty-two- thirty-five. Junior had three touchdowns and a pick six to win the game. He was helmed the most valuable player for his performance.

    While the celebratory process was taking place, Derek grew agitated, annoyed, and jealous. His massive ego couldn’t handle Junior’s culmination into elite status among the high school football giants in the state. So once the opportunity to throw stones at Junior’s success presented itself, he seized the opportunity to let out an all-out verbal assault. So Derek used his platform on Instagram to attack Junior and others.

    You know what, I’m gonna speak my shit and I don’t give a fuck who cares! Fuck the Browns! Fuck dat bullheaded hoe ass nigga Junior. Fuck Quisha and her stuck up nerd ass. Fuck that little bird built bitch Niqua! I’m sure ya’ dumb ass will come crawling back to me when you get a itch! You know what I mean. And while I’m on that subject I wonder do they know they mama be on that mutt dust. She a bum bitch too. Ask all my family about her. She fucked with all of em! I’m airing niggaz! IDGAF no mo! They gon put some respek on my name! All tree of them niggaz! The mama too! I’m exposing em! #readyforwar #fuckthemniggas #gotmywarbootson #gunzup

    Ja’ Mesha looks at Ja’ Recha face with utter disgust. Though she hasn’t experienced the same encounters with Derek, she is well aware of his ways. Therefore, she stayed away from him. Seeing the words spread across the screen instantly angers her!

    I can’t…oh my God! Girl, Junior is gonna kill him! It’s the audacity for me! Calling Junior a hoe after he already knocked him out. Boy bye!

    Oh, you already know how I feel about his ass. I can’t stand his ass and that karma will come so damn fast.

    Tuh! Hey, did you talk to Que?

    I tried to call her, but she didn’t answer. But I know her phone is on fire. He just posted this a couple minutes ago.

    Y’all don’t follow each other on IG though. How did you see it?

    Somebody on my timeline shared it and a couple people called me.

    Ja’ Recha reaches in her pocket and decides to text the bestie. "Hey girl. I’m texting to make sure you’re okay. I know you probably heard about that Derek post. I’ll TTYL."

    4:34 p.m.


    uisha reaches the front porch of her home. The fresh smell of Febreze air freshener dances in her nose. She looks around and quickly notices everyone’s absence. A deep, comforting exhale follows. After spending an hour tutoring a few underclassmen after school, she is mentally exhausted. However, the task of helping her fellow alumni is rewarding. It is a rush but is also a daunting task. She is reminded once she sees a family portrait from a few years prior. As Quisha closes the heavy door, she becomes overcome with emotion. The realization of attending school out of state starts to overwhelm her. While removing her jet black Ugg boots, she sheds a tear. The familiarity and routine for seeing her siblings after school is winding down. It hurts her. To keep from breaking down, Quisha has purposely kept herself busy. She has done so ever since her and Junior’s emotional conference months prior. For the first time in a long time, she beats everyone home. By herself, she has time to reflect.

    Reflection dominates her spirit as she removes her book bag. The large portrait that sits adjacent from the front door stares back at her. Usually, the picture is ignored due to routine. But this time is different. The aura is different. She knows it. Quisha wipes her short tears and quickly moves to the refrigerator.

    Damn it Junior, Quisha mumbles. The same raw emotion his younger older brother spoke returns. She knows that feeling will not leave, even with the leftovers her hands are reaching toward. The tears flow, but she quickly grabs a napkin from the kitchen counter and slightly pats her face.

    A few minutes later, she hears a little commotion outside her doorstep. Because of the recognizable voices, Quisha thinks about opening the front door. Curious, Quisha begins to walk toward the door. She quickly notices it was just noisy neighbors walking by the icy pavement. While chomping down on leftovers barbecue wings courtesy of La’ Vicha, her phone buzzes after turning her phone on. She laughs at realizing that she had her phone turned off the whole time she was in school. Hungry, Quisha quickly checks to see who is calling and she grins.


    Que, Que, where, where are you? Are, are you home? Are you…?

    Um, uh, yes. Yes. I…Tabitha? Are you okay?

    No. I, no. I’m not. I have, I have Junior and he… he is trying to go over to Derek’s house and fight him! I need you too…

    Wait, what, Quisha says nervously. She stands up from the couch and sprints to the side door. She looks through the peephole. At first, Quisha thought they would come through that door. Once she doesn’t see them, she goes back to the phone.

    Uh, where are y’all?

    Walking, shoot! Uh, walking to the house! I…Junior stop! Junior!

    Okay, okay. I’m on the way! I’m coming! Quisha quickly grabs her boots and coat to run out the front door. Seconds later, she sees Tabitha struggling with keeping Junior held back.

    Junior! Junior!

    Even her educated track feet can’t prevent her from almost slipping on the black ice. Balancing quickly to keep from embarrassment, Quisha finally reaches the two.

    Tabby, Junior! What is going…

    Fuck that motherfucka! I’ll kill him! That pussy ass nigga! Fuck!

    Hey, hey, hey! Junior! Come on. Calm…

    No! Fuck that! I want his bitch ass outside! Come outside now! On God, I’ll give him these motherfuckin’ hands!

    Desperate, Quisha tugs at Junior’s prized duffle bag. She is well aware of how her little big brother may react to touching his prized possessions. The black Nike duffle bag is like the Omen. Snatching it from Junior’s broad shoulders, Junior reacts as she expected.

    Hey, what the fuck are you doing?

    Quisha looks around to see if anyone is investigating the thunderous noises from Junior. Once she sees multiple doors opening, Quisha urgency to leaving heightens.

    Trying to get you to leave! Now! I don’t know what’s going on but you need to come on before the police are called! Let’s go!

    But bu…ah shit!

    The three quickly begin to move back home. About a minute later, Quisha reaches the steps first. She unlocks the front door. Her brother’s expletives send confusion across her frame. Once everyone steps inside, Quisha doesn’t waste a second.

    Okay, okay. What the hell is going on?

    Junior’s slam of the door is a clear indication that something is amiss. Because of the vibration, Quisha jumps.

    I wanna kill that motherfucka! You should’ve let me fuck him up Que! I can’t believe…

    Okay Junior. Okay. I don’t know what’s…

    Oh, you don’t know what’s going on? You ain’t heard?

    Heard what, Quisha asks while sitting at the dining room table. Tabitha sits on the couch thankful that her boo is safe in the house.

    I can’t believe you ain’t know about that bitch ass nigga Derek and the shit he put on IG live and his hoe ass IG post.

    You should know I don’t follow him on IG, Snap, or Twitter but that’s beside the point. What the hell got you so damn heated?


    Junior hands Quisha the phone. His feet find it hard to keep from moving. The constant pacing back and forth now makes Tabitha more nervous than before. Even the tough and hardly intimidated Tabitha becomes frightened due to Junior’s temper.

    As Quisha reads the post, the words that bounce from the cell phone produces an instant migraine. She looks up from an angry Junior with fire in her eyes.

    What the fuck, Quisha mumbles. Blood begins to feel her fill her face. The phone is almost a forgotten prop as she stares in the abyss. There is also a numbness that has overcome her body. Junior stares back. He quickly notices her out of body of experience.


    For almost an entire minute, the numbness prevents hearing anything from the outside world. Quisha is almost paralyzed. It’s like she is caught in a whirlwind. Derek’s hurtful words set off a fury of an unfathomable reality for her. That reality is how much of a firestorm this could set off her family.


    She receives an instant headache. Almost blacking out, Quisha begins to slowly regain stability. She looks at the phone for a second time to ensure what she was reading was not make believe. The words come back, and the feeling of anger escalates.

    Que, Junior yells for a third time. This time she responds.

    I can’t, I can’t believe this, she mumbles while handing Junior back his phone.

    And you see why I wanted to kill him? You see why I wanted to beat the breaks out of him?!

    Junior, Quisha says finally returning speaking again, she takes a deep breath. I want somebody to do something to him too. I just…

    You just what?

    I can’t have you risking getting caught up in his bullshit again!

    I’m not trying to hear that shit this time, Que! Did you see the shit he put out there? He putting that shit all over the internet!

    I know.

    So you just want me to let him to get away with this shit?

    I’m not saying that.

    Then what are you saying?

    I’m saying that this is what he wants! Look, when you got kicked out of school, I was happy that you knocked him out. But I went through hell to get you back in school.

    But we not in school!

    Which makes it even worse! I’m not, I don’t want anything to happen to you! You not just gonna run up on his first porch with all them niggas over there!

    Que, I’m not scared of none of them niggas!

    I know you not!

    So let me continue to do what I was gonna do then!

    Junior makes a sudden move towards the front door, but Quisha quickly jumps in the way. Immensely irritated, Junior tries to move Quisha out the way!

    Que, move yo!



    I said you’re not going!!!

    Junior, Tabitha shouts. She moves and quickly darts to her boyfriend and grabs his hand. Bae, come sit down! Bae! Bae!!

    A deep breath escapes Junior’s lips. Deep down, he knows Quisha has his best interest. As much as it bothers him, he backs away from the door. Fuck, he mumbles while returning to the couch. Never has he felt this defeated, not even on the football field. All he can do is fold his arms and stare into the abyss.

    On the other side of the room sits a very disturbed Quisha. Her elbow is folded to keep her face up. Derek’s words still have her spirit extremely bothered. Despite his words, Quisha feels a need to protect her brother from himself.

    Butta, butta.

    No response.

    Butta, please. Please don’t be mad at me. I can’t let you do it!

    Man I…damn it Que! Why do you have to be so logical?

    Honestly, I do want you to beat his again.

    What, Junior frowns.

    I do Junior. I really do.

    Man, what the hell Que.

    No listen. Look, I, I want you to knock him out again. But I’m saying though. You can’t play into his nonsense! He knows what he’s doing by posting this shit. But Junior, you can’t go out like that!

    Quisha’s phone begins to vibrate but is ignored.

    I understand or whatever, but I can’t let him get away with that! Straight up! I mean, he thinks that shit is cool!

    But if you go over there trying to fight, he’s gonna send all his goons over this way and then that puts all of us in danger.

    No, Niqua messing around wit’ him put us in danger! He’s toxic and his bullshit polluted her. That shit…


    …spread in here.

    Quisha phone buzzes again. Again, no answer.

    Babe really, Tabitha interjects.

    I thought we talked about this y’all, Junior explains. I’m just saying.

    I think you need to stop talking about that right now, Quisha yells, getting increasingly agitated. You not about to start that shit again, are you?

    Well, I’m not cappin’ though. He wouldn’t be saying none of that shit on IG had she not fucked with him!

    Quisha’s phone buzzes again. Finally, she looks at see who is calling or texting.

    Shhh! It’s daddy! Calm down! Hello?

    What are you doing, Tyrone asks with authority. The anger in his voice is quickly noticed, which frightens Quisha.

    Uh, here at the house with Junior and Tabby. Is…everything okay?

    No, As a matter of fact, we will all be over there shortly. Where’s your mom?

    Gone. She was gone when we got here. Daddy, what’s going on?

    Junior and Tabitha lock into the obvious serious conversation. She begins to rub Junior’s back to keep him calm. It works, but barely.

    This is an emergency, and it involves Niqua. This time, it’s far worse than before.

    Oh my God daddy. Her mind quickly races back to her birthday party.

    Is she, is she pregnant?

    No. I will tell you this does not involve Derek. I’ll, I’ll, we’ll explain when we get there.

    Okay daddy.

    Tyrone hangs up. He takes on old baseball trophy laying on his desk and violently throws it across the dark room. Glass begins to spread

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