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Genetic Menace
Genetic Menace
Genetic Menace
Ebook336 pages5 hours

Genetic Menace

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GENETIC MENACE is a haunting suspense thriller about the never-ending stronghold that family can have on us all. Love traps us in more boxes than caskets. And living in a dysfunctional family is no exception to that rule. So when the estranged son, Rusty Menace Jr., comes home after twelve years gone to find his father's sinister family secret exposed for the world to scorn and ridicule, Junior's love for family is put to the ultimate test. Will Junior seek vengeance in this quest, or will he try to save the man who gave him life? That is the question...

The author's vision while writing this thrill ride was to make readers question what they would do if life imitated art. Every vile person has loved ones in the world hiding amongst society in plain sight. And being one of those unfortunate souls himself is the primary reason why S.J.B. Chase felt that GENETIC MENACE was his tale to tell. A story that he is confident all readers will thoroughly enjoy from beginning to end.
Release dateAug 28, 2022
Genetic Menace

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    Book preview

    Genetic Menace - S.J.B. Chase

    CHAPTER 1 - Graduation Day

    RUSTY MENACE, Jr., echoed from the loudspeaker and floated into the clouds above Cheyenne West High. Two thousand loved ones smothered the football field bleachers as an assembly line of gold cap and gown graduates shimmered under the red sunset.

    There was hidden wisdom in Junior’s innocent eyes as he crossed the stage. He moved with a hitch in his giddy up so strong that his limp resembled a cool stride as the front side of his Italian leather shoe scraped the floor when he walked. Principal Coleman hovered over the fifty yard line, with her glossy black gown rippling in the warm wind like a hero’s cape as she waited with the graduate’s diploma in hand— and bulging eyes that screamed, ‘move your ass!’

    By the time Junior made it to his hand shake and diploma —the crowd had erupted into a wild standing ovation like he just caught the game winning touchdown pass. And for the longest fifteen seconds of his life he reveled under the unexpected adoration. Making the foolish mistake of letting his heart believe all that praise was for him.

    Forgetting all about the —Quarterback of your two time state champion West High Pronghorns.. Scottie Van Berkem! Standing behind Rusty, Jr. in line, with his arms already raised high in the sky like he just threw the game winner. And Scottie was more than delighted to borrow the spotlight as his cocksure smile lit up the jumbotron big screen hovering high above the stage.

    And the quarterback’s antics were encouraged by the principal with a beaming smile, who was so eager to greet the school money grab that Junior received a flippant shove in the back send-off to prove it as he proceeded to waddle off stage. Looking down with hidden shame as he moped all the way back to his fifth row chair in the midst of the golden graduates as the football star continued to egg on the audience and transform the ceremony into a pep rally.

    But even a legion of cheering football fans could not overshadow Junior’s mother who had a two-finger whistle mean enough to terrify a kennel of K-9’s. And he didn’t even attempt to turn and search for her in the crowd behind him. The gesture was comforting enough from afar to make him chuckle and smile with a loving twinkle in his eye as he whispered under his breath. Love you, Ma…

    Fifteen minutes later, soft music filled the thin air as the mood shifted into a somber calm in reaction to the slideshow of pictures playing on the big screen. All dedicated to missing classmate Nicole Bruizer. And the cheerleader captain was high kicking, smiling and hugging friends throughout the entire tribute. Closing with a moment of silence as Nicole’s sly eye’s peered down at the masses from the colossal screen above. Lingering for a good ten seconds before gradually fading to black. Her face was replaced by white caption that read:

      Nicole Bruizer

        Forever in Our Hearts

                  Class of 2007

    When the stage lit up again, Principal Coleman was standing dejected behind the podium and wiping tears away as she geared up to address the crowd. Class of 2007 West High graduates, and loved ones in attendance here on this special evening, will you please help me welcome Nicole’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruizer up here to accept their daughter’s much deserved diploma.

    The Bruizer’s sat in the last row behind the graduates to represent their daughter, Nicole. And they were dressed to the nines, wearing close to ten grand between them —from her Louboutin designer shoes, to his tailor made Tom Ford suit— as their body language cried ‘I would rather be sulking in bed right now’.

    But that did not stop the bleeding heart standing ovation that was already in full bloom before the melancholy couple could stand. And it would continue to grow like a title wave as the two made their way to the stage —Mr. Bruizer comforting his visibly devastated wife the entire stroll. Principal Coleman met them at the top of the stage steps with a heavy heart and an extended hand. Mr. Bruizer stopped to shake with a fabricated smile as he accepted Nicole’s diploma. But Mrs. Bruizer had other plans as she proceeded to the podium center stage determined to address the crowd as they continued to clap with glossy eyes like they could go for another ten minutes.

    —She is not dead! Mrs. Bruizer screamed into the microphone a destroyed woman. And when her screeching voice finally dissipated into the wind the witnesses were stunned breathless. Including her husband, who in frantic reaction rushed to his wife’s aid as she continued to shame and scold. My darling Nikki is not dead! And I will not let you kill her off!

    Mr. Bruizer met his hysterical wife with a hug— straight jacket tight— and she collapsed right into his arms as she continued to spiral with convulsing tears under the blowing-wind silence of a shocked crowd…

    Minutes after the graduation, Junior stood on the edge of the courtyard like a fly on the wall as he watched all of his fellow golden cap and gown graduates say their goodbyes to one another. So many smiling faces that he couldn’t wait to never see again pranced about —signing yearbooks and making summer plans.

    Including his popular track star cousin, Stevie Menace. The sophomore stood out like a sore thumb in the formal affair looking ready for a run —with her ponytail, cross-trainer shoes and fraid West High T-shirt and shorts— as she laughed and mixed it up with her older teammates that just graduated. Seeing Stevie smile made Junior smile as he eventually made his way into the school through the wide open east wing doors…

    The long corridor was empty when he walked in. The centerpiece of the area was an 8x10 black and white professional headshot of Nicole Bruizer. That sat on a small table next to a cup full of red, blue and black pens, and her open yearbook waiting to be signed.

    While skimming through the book, Junior kept getting lured back into Nicole’s eerie still gaze in the photo inches away from his face. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes before refocusing on finding his face in the yearbook. All of the students were signing their own picture. And every page was covered with signatures from freshman to senior. If Nicole wasn’t the most popular kid in school before she went missing, she most definitely was now.

    Junior eventually found his photo pretty easy as it was the only unblemished square on the page. With all three color pens in hand he wrote ‘Dusty’ in red, ‘Musty’ in blue, and ‘Crusty’ in black, before finally defacing his photo with a bad sketch of a big cheesy smile to replace his permanent scowl of malcontent.

    —Don’t you dare look away, said a gentle voice, gritty and tired as it crawled up the back of Junior’s spine and instantaneously paralyzed him with fear. Elbows to the table he sunk back into the silence while desperately anticipating another word —for the sake of his own sanity, or lack thereof. Junior squinted his eyes terrified to look up and find Nicole’s mean gaze glaring back at him. —Until an arm abruptly reached over his cowering shoulder and scared him even more. That rude hand belonged to Mr. Bruizer, who snatched Nicole’s picture and yearbook right out from under Junior’s nose. But the sullen whisper came from Bruizer’s belligerent wife as she ended the conversation with devastated rage in her eyes. And don’t you ever forget her!

    Mr. Bruizer was not interested in whether Junior was done with the book or not. All he wanted to do was escape back into the dark hole mansion of sorrow that he and his wife regretfully crawled out of. For a ceremony that they obviously wanted no parts of as they sluggishly walked back out the door they came in. Moving like undead creatures from Romero’s imagination.

    Junior’s heart ached for them as they shuffled out the way they came in. But that sympathy would immediately go up in stale American Spirit tobacco smoke as that aroma creeping into the building revealed his true face of fear. Without even turning around he knew that his father had entered the building.

    Rusty Menace Sr. stood in the exit doorway forty feet away from his Junior. And he was wearing his special occasion hand-me-down blue blazer to go along with a dingy pair of pleather Al Capone brown Oxfords. Which complimented his bent gray ball cap and prescription gradient lense shades with perfect imperfection. If the two men with the same name stood side by side it was like looking at an age progression photo twenty five years apart. They shared the same square jawline and slim frame. The first difference between them, that a passing eye might notice, was their facial hair. Junior had sideburns with a patch of dirt under his chin and a little strip over his lip, while Senior liked to keep a razor blade clean shave.

    Even though Senior was wearing dark glasses, Junior could feel his sneering eyes harassing him from afar. A look that would inspire the timid graduate to quick-limp all the way out the door with his head down like a bad dog. But Rusty Sr. didn’t follow Junior to the car. He just stood there in the doorway of the building and took a mean drag off his cigarette. Glaring at his son with stone cold eyes like he had just met a brand new enemy…

    CHAPTER 2 - Meet The Menace’s

    Junior, now looking Armani suit dapper with his gold square graduation cap tilted on his head, celebrated his big night at his favorite steakhouse with his dysfunctional family. Led by mother and matriarch, Ruby Menace, who was balancing on a chair in high heels and a champagne flute filled to the brim with pinot noir ready to force everyone in the packed restaurant to raise their glasses in honor of her son. Okay good people, on the count of three just like we practiced. One, two, three!

    —Congratulations, Mr. Graduate!

    Ma, be careful please, said Junior, standing up to help Ruby back down to her seat. Aging like fine wine, Ruby was dressed to tango as she did a little shimmy to adjust her black dress that dripped down her fit frame like it was custom made. Her crimson and black winged eyeliner matched the petunia hovering in the midst of her big hair. And her shiny pouty full lips were like putting icing on eye candy. Ruby Menace was seductive overkill. Exuding an effortless sexy that was impossible to teach. And every soul on the planet could see it, but her. Which only added to her luminescent aura as she controlled the room like a maestro composer with a charismatic glowing smile.

    You are so sweet to me. Ruby kissed Junior on the cheek before sitting down next to him with her glass of wine spilling over as she sat down.

    Going around the table, the Menace clan were busy being their abnormal selves only disguised in fancy clothing as they devoured their food. Even Stevie was draped in her Sunday best dress. Picking at the baby-back ribs on her plate with the scowl of a spoiled toddler. Like she was mad that mom forced her to change clothes in the car on the drive over.

    Speaking of mom, Tammy Menace, was also wearing a bitter scowl to match her daughter sitting across from her. But she wore hers everyday like it went well with her burgundy lipstick and pixie boy haircut.

    Next to Tammy sat her twin brother, Tommy, sporting a cowboy hat and spur boots to go with his bolo tie and leather blazer as he nursed his third shot of Hennessy. Sitting on his lap was the spunky and voluptuous Victoria, who was more interested in being a flirt and trying on Tommy’s hat.

    Next to them was Gina Hall, dressed like a successful business woman in her Lafayette pantsuit. But with the classy flare of a drug kingpin’s widow as her face was immaculately caked with heavy makeup. Two decades of nicotine and southern California sun had taken its toll on Gina’s skin. Enough to erase the age gap between her and big sister Ruby, who was eight years older.

    Last at the table was Rusty Sr., who bypassed raising a glass for his son to grab a second steak knife to help him destroy the bloody 16oz ribeye stretched across his plate. Not knowing that Junior was watching him eat the entire time across the table. Fascinated by his father’s rugged and tense hands as he continued to rip apart his steak. His knuckles looked like he had been boxing bricks bare handed. Junior was so mesmerized that his soul flinched with fear when he looked up to find Senior glaring back at him…

    —Did you hear me whistle? Ruby cut the tension between father and son.

    Yes I did, replied Junior, looking at his mom with a growing smile. And it was right on time.

    I had a feeling it might be. With that damn cocksure quarterback spotlight stealer behind you. If I had his good arm I would have thrown my heel at him from the stands.

    Oh, I would have loved to see that.

    —So, what is the story with the Bruizer girl? Gina asked the table.

    You don’t know about the Billionaire’s daughter? Victoria was happy to chime in. She has been missing since the fall.

    Gina here is from the center of the universe and clueless to all affairs happening outside of her home planet California, joked Tommy. I’m shocked that your va-Gina spidey senses didn’t go haywire with all that money in the room?

    I thought I felt a bit of a tingle, replied Gina. Shaking off the bad joke play on her name with a shimmy and a smile.

    How you Yin to my Yang so well never seems to amaze me, said Tammy with disgust, before flicking a sticky crouton from her salad at Tommy.

    Sis, I love you like a twin, but I ain’t yinging anything to your yang. We need to draw the damn line somewhere.

    I can’t take you twins anywhere, said Ruby. The Menace name fits you both to a tee.

    How did these Bruizer’s make their billions? Gina asked.

    Mr. Bruizer is an energy man, answered Tommy. Russ drives by a couple of his power plants on his truck route along the coast. Ain’t that right bro?

    Still lost in his ribeye, Senior doesn’t answer. He just grunts.

    Was she a friend of yours? Gina asked Junior.

    Junior answered with a laugh before scraping the corner of his lamb chop through the mint jelly on his plate and tearing off a nice bite.

    Yes. She was a dear friend of mine, said Stevie, suddenly somber. Athletes and cheerleaders run pretty close together, so I used to see her everyday at practice. She was the life of the party type, so her being gone rocked a lot of worlds. She had a beautiful relationship with her parents. I was so jealous of that…

    Sounds like they should have put their daughter in private school with the rest of the silver spoon yuppie puppies? Gina dissed the privileged with privilege. As if clueless to the fact that she was the spitting image of boujee herself. Looking like a Fifth Avenue store mannequin come to life. Equipped with Botox injected plastic face and matching Bottega bag. California had obviously swallowed the former mountain girl up whole.

    It was Nikki’s decision to go to West High. That princess loved being the big fish in a lame pond, said Stevie, reminiscing with a sweet smile.

    —Yes she did, said Junior. Reminiscing with a jerk smile as he squinted through his lamb chop bone like it was a magnifying glass. And she got off on it. Reigning supreme over the rest of us low life peasants since grammar school.

    Hey, don’t talk bad about my son like that, Ruby snapped at Junior. And stop playing with your food.

    And now little miss big fish is probably dead in a ditch somewhere, scoffed Tammy. I hate to say it, but having sympathy for a billionaire just seems wrong.

    —No, you loved to say it. That’s why you said it, said Stevie, seriously offended. Wow… Evil and proud. My mother, ladies and gentleman!

    Don’t embarrass me, little girl, growled Tammy, with an ugly glare that made the mother look like she regretted not using protection.

    Me, embarrass you?! Yelled a mad Stevie. Knocking the chair over when she jumped out of her seat ready to go on a rampage. Let me see what I can do.

    Stevie began to jog around the table like it was track practice. And she had a crazed look in her eye as she circled the table lap after lap. Dreaming up a million ways to piss off her mother.

    Okay Stevie, now you are starting to embarrass me, said Ruby.

    —Little girl… You better sit your ass down before I sit you down. Tammy seethed in her seat with a glare mean enough to scare the entire table silent. Then in response to her threats Stevie started stealing everyone’s alcohol around the table. Starting with downing Ruby’s glass pinot before moving on to Tommy’s low ball of Hennessey.

    Is that what we’re doing now? Said Tommy without flinching as he sat back and continued to watch Stevie rebel. Laughing when she coughed trying to choke his drink down.

    But when she went for Senior’s Southern Comfort, Stevie was met with a steak knife over the glass ready to slice her finger off. Touch my drink and I will replace it with your blood. Senior growled like a dog protecting his bone. And Stevie smartly backed away from the table with villainous eyes still on her mother as she dug into her bra strap for the fat joint she had been craving since the ceremony ended.

    That better not be what I think it is, gasped Tammy.

    Yes mother, I do drugs! And guess what? I can’t get enough, boasted Stevie before biting the joint and splitting for the exit with Tammy’s eyes digging into her back like daggers the entire way…

    That dirty little cunt, smiled Tammy. So stunned that she stood up like a boxer getting a standing eight count before getting ready to emulate her daughter and walk away from the table. But instead of putting a joint in her mouth she bit a Winston light.

    Don’t go, Tammy. Ruby pleaded, but she didn’t mean it. Never moving a muscle as Tammy slowly sauntered around the table like she was playing a game of duck-duck goose. But when she stepped behind her baby brother Rusty she stopped to lean over his shoulder. So close that his face would suddenly shrink from the smell of her dead tooth breath when she whispered into his ear. You threaten to hurt my daughter again… you’re a dead man… Do I make myself clear, little brother?

    Crystal, said Senior. Sipping on his Southern Comfort as the rest of the family watched Tammy stroll for the exit. Bye bitch.

    —Can we please not do this today? Ruby scolded Senior like only a disappointed wife of twenty plus years could. I promise, at 12:01 you can blow the house down and be the big bad wolf that you so desperately love to be. Just please, please, please not today. Ruby begged with her hands pressed together tight in prayer. Not on my baby’s day…

    On your baby’s day? Sneered Senior, before standing up drink in hand ready to leave. NIce choice of words.

    What are you talking about? And where are you going?

    Senior didn’t say another word, he just ignored Ruby and walked away. Following the same exit strategy as the others by walking out the door ready for a smoke break.

    Sorry that I asked, mumbled Gina. Knowing that the Bruizer girl question started all the chaos.

    Ah, don’t beat yourself up about it, sister, said Ruby. With this much Menace in a room an altercation is bound to happen.

    And then there were five, said Tommy, trying to lick his empty glass of Hennessey with an uncomfortable Victoria still sitting on his lap.

    Okay Tommy. I think that is our queue to go outside and talk to a man about that horse, said Ruby, winking at Tommy as she stood up ready to leave.

    Um… Oh yeah. Yes ma’am. Let’s go and handle that, replied Tommy, taking a few seconds to catch her drift as he patted Victoria on the butt and she right away hopped off his lap. Meet me outside and share a square with me?

    Gimme five minutes, said Victoria with a sexy smile, before picking up the empty tray that she hid under the table and started stacking empty glasses and plates on it. Can I get you fine people anything else before I go on my break? How about some dessert for Mr Graduate? It’ll be on the house.

    Do you have strawberry cheesecake? That is my baby’s favorite, asked Ruby, with a loving smile as she brushed the speck of dust off the shoulder of Junior’s blazer.

    We sure do.

    Ooh–yes please! Junior’s eyes lit up. With real strawberries?

    —And fresh whip cream? Ruby chimed in just as excited.

    You got it.

    You better bring two, said Ruby.

    —Make that three, said Gina. And the check please.

    Coming right up, said Victoria with a smile before walking away with her tray of empties hoisted up on her shoulder.

    Three minutes and counting. I’ll be waiting. Tommy barked at Victoria on his way toward the exit. Congratulations, Mr. Graduate. You lucky duck fuck that dudn’t even know it yet.

    Tommy smiled like he had a big secret. Until Ruby ran up and assaulted him with an elbow in the back to shut him up. Hush and lead the way, big mouth, said Ruby, making sure to shoot Gina a suspicious look before fleeing the scene.

    Don’t worry, I will try my best to not eat your cake, said Gina with a wink and a smile.

    Dammit, you better not. And you better not pay for that check either. That Armani suit was already too much.

    You are not the boss of me… Anymore.

    Ha. Hey, that’s my line, laughed Junior, excited to have some rare alone time with his favorite aunt.

    And then there were two, said Gina. Reaching over to flip the tassel on Junior’s graduation cap from left to right.

    What is the deal again with the tassel? I forgot the rule. Is it left to right after you walk the stage, or the other way around?

    I believe that it is right to left. But don’t quote me on that. It has been like, a good hundred years since I made that walk myself.

    Really? I was going to guess two hundred.

    Oh, the little jerkface thinks he is funny, smiled Gina, before punching Junior on the arm. So, what is the plan now, Stan? College? Work? Backpacking through the Sovereign states? Junior shook off every question like a pitcher on the hill. How about getting high all day and eating cookies in the basement?

    Bingo-bango, por favor, said Junior, giving Gina the old gun-thumb-pointer finger salute with a wink.

    Sounds like a good time to me. I always find time to be my old hippy self at least one week a month. Mother nature would kick my ass if I didn’t. Learned that from your mother back when I was in Junior high school. Back in the 1800s, by your wicked estimation. Back in the olden days your sweet mother used to love the green. She stayed high.

    What?! Junior’s jaw dropped. Stop lying!

    Higher than bird pussy. Don’t tell her I told you.

    Okay, I won’t. Junior, rubbed his hands together. But I really want to.

    —You better not. Gina slapped him in the back of the head. Don’t make me rescind my offer for you to come out and stay with me before I even extend it.

    Come out and stay with you? Junior looked at her puzzled. Why have I never thought of that?

    Well, now that is a good ass question.

    I don’t know… Maybe I did not want to cramp your style.

    Well, sad to say, but I don’t really have a style to cramp. My life revolves around my restaurant. Even in my sleep. I had a dream the other night that my tomatoes were sour and I poisoned all my customers.

    Sounds like a nightmare.

    It was terrifying! And pretty pathetic. I am not gonna lie to you, nephew, but it would be nice to have a man around the beach house. Enfaces on ‘the beach’. Which means that there will be bouncing bunnies for you to play with. I see them running by everyday. Plus the restaurant could always use an extra hand. You never know, it might be yours one day. Many many moons away ofcourse. Your Aunt Gina is living her dream in progress. And loving it. So don’t try to kill me off just yet…

    I am not gonna lie to you, Aunt Gi-Gi… but California does sound pretty right on time to me. Now more than ever before.

    Not just California, we are talking southern California. No place like it in America. Hawaii included. Believe me, I have been everywhere. Every other place is either sticky and buggy, or dirty and cold. You know what San Diego is? Seventy two all year long. You can’t go wrong. And if you start to miss the cold and snow, you can come back home for Christmas. Hell, we can go together.

    Oh, mom would love that. Seeing you on the holidays that is. Not me leaving. She would have an aneurysm if I ever even entertained the thought of leaving her. That is probably why I never thought about it…

    Well, please don’t feel pressured to move down. That is not my intent. Do what you want. It’s your life. I just think that me and you would have a fun time…

    Can I tend the bar at the restaurant?

    "You sure can. Or you can be the guy that gets paid to sit in a corner booth all day, if that is what you want. Your Aunt Gina is

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