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The Handcuff Collection
The Handcuff Collection
The Handcuff Collection
Ebook61 pages51 minutes

The Handcuff Collection

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Accessory to Reckless Driving (street racer girls get caught in the act and arrested)
Callie Gets Zipped Up (cheerleader gets caught up in a police raid of her school)
Happy in Handcuffs (university girls play around with a set of handcuffs - is there romantic tension in the air?)
Humbled Cop (female officer gets arrested by a younger cop, bringing her to a humbling realisation)
The Final Heist ( spunky cat burglar gets caught attempting to swipe valuable data)

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PublisherRachel Writes
Release dateJul 4, 2022
The Handcuff Collection

Rachel Writes

Hi there! I've been writing stories for 10+ so maybe it's about time I give publishing a go :'3.Starting freelancing this year has enabled me to write finished works for the first time! Even though they are commissions they are pieces I am so proud of and have decided to collect some into a book in order to publish!For the moment I have my books set to 'Pay what you want'. But if you pick it up for free and really enjoyed in - consider leaving me a tip ^^ ! You can do this by 'buying me a coffee' at these sites: you for reading! Feel free to leave a review ^^ !

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    Book preview

    The Handcuff Collection - Rachel Writes

    The Handcuff Collection

    Rachel Writes

    Published by Rachel Writes at Smashwords

    Copyright 2022 Rachel Writes

    Thank you for downloading this ebook. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy from their favorite authorized retailer. Thank you for your support.

    Table of Contents:

    Accessory to Reckless Driving

    Callie Gets Zipped Up

    Happy in Handcuffs

    Humbled Cop

    The Final Heist

    Author’s note

    Accessory to reckless driving

    3… The engine revved. 2…A calming breath was released. 1… The lights were changing from orange to green - go!

    The car lurched forward with a screech of the tires and a squeal from its riders. At the wheel beside Mia was her mentor and good friend, Gisele. Her fingerless driving gloves were positioned at ten and two on the steering wheel. The older girl looked over at her passenger and grinned. Her face then morphed into one of fierce concentration and pure determination. Her knuckles turned slightly white from her tight grip. This wasn’t her first rodeo.

    Finally, it was the day of the big race. Days, maybe weeks of practice had led up to this. Learning the roads, nailing the timings of gear shifts… Mia got to attend most of the training Gisele put herself through. She was grateful for her friend using it as an opportunity to teach her eager little student a few tips and tricks. As she had only just gotten her licence, it would still be a while before Mia could be a solo driver in the street races she’d admired her whole life. As cool and laidback as Gisele was, she would make sure of that as her self-appointed guardian. The kid had still a lot to learn. She respected her judgement enough not to go against her. Besides, even Mia knew at this stage she’d get her arse kicked. Despite the slight disappointment, Mia was still more than happy to be along for the ride.

    The experienced driver shifted into gear so smoothly and with so much ease it was as if the car was an extension of her own body. Gisele had six years on Mia and each one showed her mastery of the art of driving. Gisele was one of the best drivers on the streets. The girl had a reputation - legends were told of her! She excelled in all forms of racing: drag, street, timed and lapped. These skills and formidable nature easily made her Mia’s idol. If Mia could become half as good as a driver as Gisele, she'd be happy. It would definitely be enough to make her go far.

    The passion for such events was born out of the racing movies Mia loved to watch growing up. Need For Speed, Fast and Furious, Rush and so on… They were her bread and butter. She’d love the races themselves, but also the cars and the aesthetic. Until recently she’d been too young to drive her own set of wheels. That’s where Gisele came in. They’d met a while back through friends, or friend’s of friends. The details were foggy but what mattered was that now, Gisele was like a big sister to her. She was the one who taught Mia to drive (to the slight distaste of her parents). And before then, fueled her fast car fantasies. She played a big part in what car Mia got for her sixteenth birthday. A Ford Mustang. A roaring race car with a sensible paint job to disguise it as a regular road car. Her parents were initially neither fooled nor pleased, but a convincing smile and continuous begging from their only child eventually swayed them.

    As in love with her new baby as she was, it was nothing compared to Gisele’s beast of a car. At that time, they rode in a Mercedes SL class. The product of many past victories. A sleek but powerful machine - a convertible with the roof presently down

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