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AMERICAN REQUIEM: How the Left is Destroying America
AMERICAN REQUIEM: How the Left is Destroying America
AMERICAN REQUIEM: How the Left is Destroying America
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AMERICAN REQUIEM: How the Left is Destroying America

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American Requiem offers a penetrating expose of the corruption, lying, cheating and self-dealing that pervades our government at all levels. The text presents a collection of essays chronicling the disastrous actions of Obama, the treasonous attempts to destroy Trump and the demonstrably stupid, but intentionally destructive policies of the Biden Administration, leading to socialism and catastrophe.

A must read for all concerned Americans.

Release dateApr 10, 2022
AMERICAN REQUIEM: How the Left is Destroying America

George Hassel

Mr. Hassel is a dedicated student of history and a keen observer of the recent and current character of our political system and leaders. The approach to his commentary draws heavily on historical events to provide context. His observations and critiques are contrary to political correctness and prevailing narratives. They are direct, poignant and often acerbic. He relentlessly exposes the mendacity, cheating and hypocrisy that comprise the basic principles of our leaders.


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    AMERICAN REQUIEM - George Hassel


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    Published by AuthorHouse 10/05/2023

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    Multicultural Time Bomb

    Illegal Immigration Myths

    English is Our Language, Right?

    Term Limits

    Political Campaigns

    Climate Change, the Big Hoax

    Islam Myths and Reality

    Political Correctness


    The End of the Beginning

    Celebrity Nation


    Rogues Gallery

    The Power of One

    Children at Play

    The Florsheim Affair


    Fort Hood Massacre

    The Muslim Thing

    Let Them Eat Cake

    Marching Off a Cliff

    KSM, Surely You Jest!

    Wake Up Amerika

    Target USA

    L’etat c’est moi

    It’s Illegal

    Obama vs. Arizona

    The Showdown

    World Man

    Big Speech, Same Drivel

    Mosque at 9-11?

    The Profile Debate

    Freedom of Religion?

    The Enemy?

    9-11, Proper Response

    The Debt Dragon

    The Marine

    AZ Massacre

    Battle of the Budgets

    Democracy, Not Likely!

    OBL Dead! Problem Solved?

    The Amnesty Syndrome

    With a Straight Face

    Maxed Out!

    Economic Wizard

    Illegal Confusion

    Arab Sprung

    Versailles on the Potomac

    Cover Up, Conspiracey?

    Victory or Indictment?

    Turning Point

    The Threat from Islam

    The Tarmac Affair


    The Interregnum

    The Alien


    The War on Trump

    Against All Odds

    Après moi le déluge

    What the Future Holds for America

    From Russia With Love

    It’s Demographics Stupid

    Anatomy of a Scandal



    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, our Evita

    Destruction Derby


    Philistines at the Gates

    La Trahison des Clercs

    The People’s Work or Insanity?

    MSM, The Enemy of the People

    Impeachment of the Three H’s

    Will There be Justice?

    Irreconcilable Differences


    The Beginning of the End



    Storming the Capitol

    Our Brave New World

    Master of Disaster

    Border Crisis, What Border Crisis?

    Good-Bye Ladies

    Afghan Surrender

    Afghan Surrender Part 2

    Truth for its Own Sake

    Concentration Camps Next?

    Illega Immigration, the Fall Out

    The Big Red Wave?

    Whirl is King!

    The China Conspiracy?


    Our Herculean Challenge

    Western Civilization


    Table 1: Racial Composition And Trend For California

    Table 2: Racial Composition And Trend For The U.S.


    Other people



    but it’s all insane!


    By selecting this book, you probably already know that something is radically wrong with the leadership of our country. The major reason for the disastrous course we are on is that our leaders, though perhaps otherwise intelligent, all too often do stupid things, either to appease special interest groups or to get elected or reelected. These acts of stupidity are worthy of the "idiot’ label in order place such acts in proper perspective, i.e. they should know better. Accordingly, I have used this term throughout the book.

    This book is meant to provide a basis for understanding what is happening to the social, judicial and economic fabric of our country. In this regard, it is no longer business as usual in terms of how our government works and its influence on our everyday lives. It is arguably fair to say that some of our leaders have always been corrupt and guilty of appalling self-interest. What is different today is the Liberals’ open contempt for all of the foundational principles and institutions that have allowed the U.S. to become the greatest economic powerhouse and beacon of freedom the world has ever known.

    The conclusion here is that we are about to fall into the abyss of socialism and the inevitable destruction of freedoms and economic viability that follow unless we wake up to the reality facing us. There is a tendency to believe that even though things seem more disruptive than normal, we will soon return to normal. This complacency plays directly into the hands of those who wish to destroy us. Thus, we need an urgent wake-up call to invigorate our base sufficiently to crush the opposition. Also, it is important to realize that THE march to socialism and eventual one party rule will continue unless soundly and finally defeated.

    An Important Historical Example

    One of the most disastrous decisions of the 20th Century was made by President Woodrow Wilson who led us into WW I. His leadership in this regard is an example of an highly intelligent person whose actions contributed either directly or indirectly to one of the most destructive events on recorded history.

    Woodrow Wilson’s decision to enter WW I on the side of France, Britain, Russia and Italy tipped the scales in their favor. By the time we entered the war, both sides were essentially exhausted and the end was near. The probable outcome would have been a settlement with Germany and Austria-Hungary, and no significant gain or loss for any of the powers. With the advent of the US entry into the war, however, Germany was decisively defeated and Austria-Hungary devolved into several remainder states. WW I was by any measure a catastrophic event. It could have been avoided if the US had simply taken heed of George Washington’s admonition in his farewell address to stay out of foreign entanglements.

    The Versailles Treaty following WW I was grossly unfair to Germany, resulting in chaos and anarchy. These propitious conditions led to the rise of Adolf Hitler, the NAZI regime and the bloody war that followed, wherein over 50 million human beings were killed, not to mention the associated suffering of myriad peoples and the destruction of innumerable cities and historical treasures. This conflagration could also have been avoided if the allied powers had quashed the NAZI movement early on when its intentions were clear and they had the upper hand, viz. after Munich when Neville Chamberlain stated he had achieved peace in our time.

    The lesson here is that well intended decisions, especially those guided by ideology, can often lead to unintended and largely uncontrollable consequences. Unfortunately, these consequences too often result in enormous suffering, death and destruction that have a lasting effort on countries, governments and peoples.

    We are at a turning point now where events controlled by the incompetent leadership in Washington are very likely to lead us into a catastrophe similar to WW I. The demonstrably insane policies of the Biden administration are already having a deleterious affect on our lives. The worst, however, is yet to come. The simple fact is that the open boarders policy alone will result in a drastic transformation of our demographic composition and concomitantly, our culture.

    Section I


    T his section contains a series of essays that address fundamental issues confronting our everyday lives. They are decidedly conservative in editorial posture, but hopefully will be judged by the honesty and validity of the content, rather than through a political lens.

    These essays are meant to provide a context for the following sections where essays are specifically targeted to singular events of a certain day or period by a certain person or group. Thus, each is augmented by one or more of the fundamental essays that address a broad issue relevant to the daily events.

    The essays in this section have been written at different times, but are considered relevant to today’s events. The reason for maintaining the original version and date of publication is to illustrate the duration of various problems and the fact that, in most cases, our leaders have not addressed or solved the problems.

    Multicultural Time Bomb


    F or the past 5,000 + years, our world has been dominated by cultures or nations that have developed around a system of customs, beliefs and laws that provide structure to their people and evolve into governments. This began with the primitive family, which expanded to a clan, and again to a tribe, which became a community, and ultimately an ethnic group, usually with common religious and linguistic characteristics. These are the building blocks for a culture or nation.

    In an historical context, these customs and beliefs, or mores, were derived principally from superstition and trial and error by the family, clan, tribe, etc. As time progressed, experience enhanced and expanded the mores of the various groups. This process led inevitably to a rich fabric of cultural expression and laws directing and restricting the behavior of citizens in order to protect and control them. The extent to which citizens were/are protected and controlled often defines the type and character of a particular culture or nation.

    In the modern period, rational thought and inquiry, along with scientific method and discovery have amplified our mores and laws considerably. Today, whether a society or culture is a small entity at a tribal level or a large country such as the U.S. or China, citizens of each are typically subject to its mores and laws. These are generally maintained and enforced by the hegemonic ethnic/religious/linguistic (ERL) group. The mores and laws tend to be the glue that holds cultures together, often despite great differences among constituent peoples.

    To the extent the hegemon is weak, it will eventually be subsumed by one or more of the lesser participants that comprise the culture. To the extent it is strong, the other participants will either adhere to its principles, become lawful dissidents, i.e. agents of change, unlawful dissenters, i.e. revolutionaries, or emigrate. As we see all too often, dissent is not always a viable option. Thus, in order for a society, culture or nation to survive, there must be a cultural hegemon whose mores and laws are respected and enforced.

    Just in the past century, we have witnessed the breakup of Austria-Hungary, Prussia and Russia after WW I, the division of Ireland and India, and the demise of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia in the wake of the communist melt down. Most recently, Slovakia broke away from the Czech Republic. In each case, the breakup was largely upon ERL lines.

    It should be noted that just as it is natural for a dominant people to coalesce into an hegemonic ERL, it is also natural for the lesser ERL’s to form groups. In some countries, lesser ERL’s are either not tolerated or are accorded lesser rights by the hegemonic ERL.

    The real or perceived abuses by the hegemon toward the lesser ERL’s formed the catalysts for the above noted breakups. Extreme examples here in recent history include: the persecution and murder of the Jews in Nazi Germany, The starvation and murder of the Kulaks and other dissidents in the Soviet Union, the murder of millions of Chinese under Mao Tse Tung in China, the slaughter in Cambodia by Pol Pot, and the extermination of Armenians in Turkey.

    As long as a country’s cultural hegemon is tolerant, and its component ERL’s remain numerically small and generally compatible, the country is likely to flourish in relative terms, i.e. no country is ever without internal strife. As any one of the lesser ERL’s gains in population and influence, however, it is only natural for it to push for more specific rights for its constituents. This should be recognized as a "cultural imperative." While this is perhaps a natural and predictable response, it ultimately results in a break-away movement. This is not to imply that this response by the lesser ERL’s is necessarily bad or ill-intentioned (though it well might be), but simply that the result is the demise of the original body politic. As noted above, this is amply demonstrated by the historical record.

    Today in the U.S., we are witnessing the emergence of three ERL groups that are growing in numbers and influence. Broadly speaking these include: Hispanics, Blacks and Asians. Collectively, they have increased in population from 14.6% of the U.S. total in 1960 to 34.9% by 2010. As a nation, we are increasingly mandating special treatment for these protected groups, largely at the expense of the white/non-Hispanic hegemon. Examples include the failed experiment with affirmative action, race norming of test scores and entry exams for college, lower academic standards for all students, workplace discrimination laws, bilingual education and hate crime legislation.

    This special treatment is in the form of laws ostensibly designed to level the playing field for the protected groups. Ineluctably, one must ask from whom are we protecting these groups? The bogyman here is, of course, the white Anglo-Saxon male. It seems obvious that this entire process is, or should be, profoundly demeaning to exactly those who are the intended beneficiaries of the protective laws and policies. By acknowledging that certain groups need protection, we are likewise acknowledging that they can’t make it on their own. While it may be true that some who are members of these groups are indeed incapable of enjoying success in our society, they in no way enjoy a monopoly in this regard. There are large numbers of white Anglo-Saxon males who also can’t or don’t make it.

    The mandated special treatment is essentially the reverse of the real or perceived persecution and restrictions experienced by minority ERL’s in the nations that met their demise in the last century, but the result is quite similar. Our protected groups are agitating for ever more special rights and privileges, most of which result in higher taxes and some form of reverse discrimination. More importantly, however, is the simple fact that the protected groups have less incentive to become Americans. The hyphenated American is a subtle, but important manifestation of this process. E Pluribus Unum means from many, one, but the constant drumbeat supporting diversity encourages both hyphenated Americans and identification of one’s group as special and differentiated from America as a culture and ideal.

    For most of our history, the true American experience has been for immigrants from diverse countries and cultures to arrive at our shores to become Americans. Typically, the trappings of their native cultures were relegated to scrap books, attic trunks and occasional festivals. It should be noted, however, that the vast majority of these former immigrants came to America to escape some combination of economic, social, religious, political or ethnic persecution. Moreover, by far the majority was white and came from the Judeo-Christian based societies of Europe. Thus, they had certain common traits and a shared history. The most important trend for these new Americans is that they willingly and enthusiastically adopted our culture, language, mores and laws since doing so provided advantages significantly greater than ever possible in their previous circumstance.

    Our recent experience with immigration, since the disastrous Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (you can thank Ted Kennedy for this gem) has been quite the opposite. We have seen a veritable invasion of third world people, principally from Latin America and, more recently, from all over the world who have no connection whatsoever to our founding principles, our mores, laws or institutions. In addition, most are here as economic refugees who care only to make money and to benefit from the lavish largesse created by our idiot leaders in government. A good example of this is found in the alarming and increasing trend in birth tourism, where pregnant women come to the U.S. to have their babies. These newborns become instant citizens, and are entitled to all the rights and privileges that inure thereto. They are also able to bring their extended families to the U.S. to further feed off the generosity of the American body politic.

    With regard to Hispanics, most came here legally before about 1980 and became Americans, i.e. assimilated. Recently arrived Hispanics, however, tend to view themselves as a unique group deserving of special treatment, e.g. bilingual education, economic and housing assistance, education, extended family benefits, etc. They are represented by such groups as the Hispanic Caucus (BTW is there an Anglo-Saxon Caucus?), MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund), MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) and Council on la Raza. All of these groups espouse to varying degrees some form of ethnic supremacy or special character that is the very antithesis of the American experience and ideal.

    The irredentist advocacy for the reconquista of Aztlan from the Ango-Saxon usurpers is, quite frankly, seditious and dangerous. For example, the stated goal of the MEChA is to seek self-determination for the liberation of our people. In this case, the self-determination refers to their desire to reconquer Aztlan, not necessarily by violence, but by dint of a majority population. It is, or should be, of great concern that these organizations receive taxpayer financing. Further, that much of their support is from young people who will soon be in positions of power.

    In the case of Hispanics, there is a real possibility that, by dint of their dominant population, Aztlan will indeed be reconquered without a shot being fired. The southwest may simply become a de facto Hispanic region where Spanish is the primary language and the mores are Latin based. If you believe this could not happen, you are either naïve or ignorant of the historical record. Already, the Hispanic population of Aztlan (California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and Texas) comprises one-third of the total. If amnesty is given to illegal aliens, this share will increase significantly. Given a successful Hispanic reconquista, would the federal government intervene as under President Lincoln to save the union? Short of that, would the new Aztlan participate with the rump U.S. in foreign policy, military actions, taxation, etc.? Would U.S. law prevail, or Napoleonic law? Would Anglo-Saxons be welcome? These are critically important questions that are not being asked.

    Since most Blacks have been Americans for some time and are more geographically dispersed, the thrust of their movement is focused on deriving more special rights and entitlements to compensate for past grievances. While it is certainly true that there were horrendous injustices in the past endured by Blacks, we have essentially moved past that period. Most blacks living today do not experience meaningful discrimination any more than that experienced by whites or others. Though perhaps a subject for a separate essay, it should be recognized that discrimination is a natural and constant process for human beings. We discriminate when we select a neighborhood, home, automobile, restaurant, friend, mate, job or college, etc. In this process, we are also subjected to discrimination on the other side. It is simply human nature.

    The current state of affairs has devolved into an entitlement mentality that encourages large numbers of Blacks to expect the government to provide various services and special advantages simply due to their race. On this note, it is perhaps worth pondering at what point is one considered Black. For example, Obama is half white and half Black, yet he chooses to be Black since that choice has provided him with manifold advantages. Further, if one is half white and half Black, should he/she receive only one-half the benefits accorded to a person who is 100% Black? What about those who are only ¼ or ⅛, etc., you get the picture. This is not healthy. It perpetuates and amplifies racial differences, which should be limited simply to appearance; obviously not a cause for special treatment.

    As a consequence of the above, African-Americans are becoming a separate group that enjoys special treatment and benefits, which tend to reinforce the special character of their group. This is a dangerous path since, at some point, African-Americans might decide that their special status will allow them refuse to serve in our military, obey our laws, or participate in our traditions. They would essentially become a protected group with little to no connection to our culture or responsibilities as citizens. I do not believe significant numbers of Blacks would welcome this eventuality, but if the idiot leaders who continuously push the race agenda in legislation are allowed to continue, it could be an unhappy outcome.

    The underlying philosophy that propels the poisonous policies outlined above is Multiculturalism, which is directly linked to cultural relativism. In simple terms, cultural relativism maintains that all cultures are equal and their legacies to the great panoply of events we call history are undifferentiated. Sadly, this moronic premise is not supported by historical fact, anthropological evidence or pure logic. It does, however, fit nicely with the PC mantra so dear to the Liberal mind. It certainly is true that most cultures offer something of value to the human experience, but like people, each is unique in character and relative contribution.

    Multiculturalism takes the cultural relativism mantra to the next level, and posits a priori that a society is enriched by multiple cultures living and working together. Again, this absurd proposition is not supported by fact or experience. Quite the opposite; history shows that nations with multiple cultures tend to experience internal strife in the form of competition for political power, economic resources and demands for special ERL rights. As noted earlier herein, this has resulted in the notable demise of numerous countries just in the last century. Despite the foregoing, the MSM and our idiot leaders such as Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Obama continuously state with great authority that diversity is our strength. This Liberal experiment is a great fraud perpetrated on the American People. Yet, anyone who attacks this risible canard is immediately labeled a racist, bigot and, let’s not forget, stupid. Such is the state of affairs under the toxic reign of PC. As Herr Goebbels noted: if you tell a big enough lie often enough, people will believe it. Diversity is our strength certainly qualifies as a big lie.

    The big picture here is that, by mandating special treatment for Hispanics and Blacks, we are effectively creating states within the state, one regional and one racial. This process is exactly what destroyed the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which had endured for over 600 years before its demise. Thus, we are doubtlessly headed toward storm-tossed seas in the future if we don’t arrest this insane political trend.

    What can be done? First, illegal immigration needs to be stopped in its tracks on no uncertain terms. Second, we need to stop all forms of affirmative action, either de facto or de jure. Third, any government program designed to address specific ethnic groups should be scrapped forthwith. Such programs should be constructed to provide assistance to those in need, irrespective of their ethnicity. Fourth, our education system needs a drastic overhaul. We have literally destroyed our schools by sacrificing academic standards on the alter of PC and mandated equal outcomes by ethnicity. In a global economy this represents national suicide since our workforce will be left in the dust by China and emerging economies such as the BRIC countries and Eastern Europe where standards are far higher. Our shortcomings in this realm also auger poorly for the future of our military and ability to defend ourselves, much less project power. The obvious solution would be to return to the standards that precede the PC era, and that served our nation well until recent times.

    For those who are concerned, you must become informed and engaged in the political process. Write and call your congressmen often and express your displeasure with their idiot legislation and policies. One bright light here is the recent movement to impeach Obama ( By all means express your support for this action. The alternative may be far more ruinous than you can imagine. We should all remember that nations come and go, and can be radically transformed. It can happen here. It all begins and ends with people and ideas.

    Illegal Immigration Myths


    Did our ancestors fight and die for the rights of illegal immigrants to desecrate our flag, denigrate our culture and destroy our country? If you believe the answer is yes, then by all means do not read further, because you will doubtlessly be offended by the text.

    F irst, lets all get realistic about immigration. With 300 million people in this country, WE DO NOT NEED MORE PEOPLE! Even with a very low growth rate of only 1%, we would add the equivalent of one new city the size of Minneapolis-St. Paul every year! We need to recognize the insanity of uncontrolled immigration, legal and illegal, before it utterly destroys us. There is no mandate from the American People to encourage immigration. It is only the elites who foster this position for their own selfish reasons.

    With regard to illegal immigration, it is extremely frustrating to witness the on-going debate. This is really a simple issue, THEY ARE ILLEGAL!!! By definition, they have broken our law of sovereignty, and should be deported forthwith. Why is it so difficult to recognize this for what it is? I will tell you why. The simple fact is that many people are simply uninformed or misinformed on this subject. This is largely due to numerous myths perpetuated by the mass media and supported by government and business for their selfish interests. These myths are as follows:

    1 You can’t round-up and deport 12 milllion illegals: Nearly all discussions about illegal immigration begin with this flawed premise. This ubiquitous assumption is reminiscent of Herr Goebbels who stated that if you tell a big enough lie often enough, people will believe it. That is what the elites are doing now. In this regard, It is of some interest that we can identify illegals to give them free education, health care, housing, food stamps, voting rights, drivers licenses and other social services, but we seem paralyzed by the thought that we could identify them for deportation. This was done in 1954 at the direction of President Dwight Eisenhower under Operation Wetback. Various government agents rounded up 80,000 illegals and deported them to Mexico. It was estimated that as many as another 700,000 fled to Mexico for fear of being apprehended.

    While deportation is definitely our right as a country, it would be largely unnecessary if we first STOP ALL BENEFITS to illegals, i.e. education, health care, housing assistance, food stamps, voting rights, drivers licenses and other social services. We must also end the disastrous policy of jus soli that results in anchor babies, which in turn allows parents and relatives to stay in the U.S. Concomitantly, we should vigorously enforce employer sanctions. These three steps will result in a mass out-migration of illegals virtually overnight!

    The next step is to begin deportation of those who remain. While on the surface this appears to be overly challenging, follow the math: assume you can find and use 1,000 school buses on weekends for one round trip to Mexico (this should be a no-brainer). Further, assume each bus contains 50 illegals, therefore 50,000 illegals could be deported per week. Twelve million illegals divided by 50,000 = 240 weekends, divided by 52 = 4.6 years and the problem is solved!

    As noted above, however, if we end our insane benefits programs, we will not need to deport 12 million illegals, Instead, given the experience of Operation Wetback, we most likely will need to deport only a small fraction of the total. A reasonable estimate here would be for a deportation period of about one year. This is not only possible, but is absolutely necessary if we wish to avoid the absolute destruction of our culture and nation. It is important to note here that if the 12 million illegals are given amnesty, their numbers will multiply exponentially by virtue of chain migration, which allows each citizen to bring in members of his/her extended family, i.e. parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunts, etc. thus, 12 million will quickly become 100 or more million and much larger numbers to follow. To say this would be a demographic and economic disaster would be the understatement of the century!

    2 They come here just to provide for their families: This situation should be a profound embarrassment for the Mexican Government and its proud Latino people. Instead, the government encourages their people to invade our country, and the proud Latinos are thrilled to take our largesse. Yes, make no mistake about this, WE ARE BEING INVADED (per Websters: an incursion of an army for conquest or plunder). While illegals may not constitute and army per se, the result is the precisely the same. They are indeed conquering and plundering our country. They are conquering by dint of numbers. Very soon they will outnumber the Anglo-Saxon population in California and become a de facto state within a state. Thus, their conquest,

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