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What is Scientology?: History, Beliefs, Rules, Secrets and Facts
What is Scientology?: History, Beliefs, Rules, Secrets and Facts
What is Scientology?: History, Beliefs, Rules, Secrets and Facts
Ebook53 pages

What is Scientology?: History, Beliefs, Rules, Secrets and Facts

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About this ebook

It's a safe bet that you have at least heard of Scientology. Nine times out of ten what you have heard is negative. This often leads to a greater misunderstanding of Scientology, Scientologists and what the mission of the Church of Scientology actually is. What Is Scientology: History, Beliefs, Rules, Secrets and Facts, objectively explains and dis
Release dateDec 10, 2013
What is Scientology?: History, Beliefs, Rules, Secrets and Facts

Boyd Grant

Boyd Grant is the youngest of six siblings and was raised in a strict religious family who faithfully attended and practiced the beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church. Throughout his childhood he was forced to regularly attend Sunday school, Sunday Mass, Midnight Mass, Catechism classes, Baptisms, Confession and other miscellaneous church functions. When Grant turned eighteen, he refused to attend church or practice the beliefs of the Catholic Church. He was partially disowned by his parents and forced to move out of the family home. Grant packed up his belongs and moved across country from the east coast to the west coast, and has not looked back. Grant has traveled and backpacked through many parts of the country and dabbled in eastern religions and philosophies. He attended a few Scientology meetings in his early twenties, but, as he entered his thirties, he decided he wanted to learn more about the controversies, values, beliefs and myths of Scientology. Today Grant describes himself as spiritual rather than religious. Boyd encourages everyone to live in the moment and love with an open mind. In his free time, Grant enjoys surfing, hiking, science fiction and spending time with his fiancée Sue and their rescue dogs Muttley and Thor.

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    What is Scientology? - Boyd Grant

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    Digital Edition 2014


    How This Book Will Help You and Why

    It’s a safe bet that you have at least heard of Scientology. Nine times out of ten what you have heard is negative. This often leads to a greater misunderstanding of Scientology, Scientologists and what the mission of the Church of Scientology actually is.

    What Is Scientology: History, Beliefs, Rules, Secrets and Facts, objectively explains and discusses the following:

    The belief system of Scientology

    The controversy and myths

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