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Cybersecurity as a Fishing Game: Developing Cybersecurity in the Form of Fishing Game and What Top Management Should Understand
Cybersecurity as a Fishing Game: Developing Cybersecurity in the Form of Fishing Game and What Top Management Should Understand
Cybersecurity as a Fishing Game: Developing Cybersecurity in the Form of Fishing Game and What Top Management Should Understand
Ebook90 pages1 hour

Cybersecurity as a Fishing Game: Developing Cybersecurity in the Form of Fishing Game and What Top Management Should Understand

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Cybersecurity, despite the fact that information has always been a core value in achieving competitive advantages and value in developing communication technologies has become an ever evolving phenomenon in the cyber world. Often, cybersecurity has emerged as a whole panacea to the struggle for benefits in international affairs which led states to create a network of intelligence and resolve conflicts within interstate agreements. At the same time, the rapid development of information and communication technologies has led to a break in established international rules and boundaries for the dissemination of information giving birth to the dire need of Cybersecurity. Massive access to professional data and public information has transformed from regulatory to commercial, hence, cybersecurity. Reflecting the evolution of information and communication tools and technologies via synergizing theoretical and practical skills in our book 'Cybersecurity As a Fishing Game,' we aimed to convey, in a concise manner, the importance of cybersafety in due regards to cybersecurity and the value of correct use. We hope and are confident to attract a wide range of users of the collected knowledge and experience on the relevance of cybersecurity. Moreover, the audiobook version of this Cybersecurity edition expands the possibilities of professionals, whose eyes are constantly busy working with the monitor. We honestly guess that the destiny of this audiobook version on cybersecurity will be inspiring on further research and finding answers, not only for professionals, but to motivate hackers for a positive change! 

Release dateJun 21, 2021
Cybersecurity as a Fishing Game: Developing Cybersecurity in the Form of Fishing Game and What Top Management Should Understand

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    Book preview

    Cybersecurity as a Fishing Game - Dr. Tan Kian Hua

    Copyright © 2021 by Dr. Tan Kian Hua, Dr. Vladimir Biruk.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.





    Chapter 1   Information Security and the CIA Triad

    Chapter 2   Cyberattack and the Fishing Rod

    Chapter 3   The Hackers’ Game and Strategies for Hacking

    Chapter 4   Powering Up the Game: Upgrading to the Fishing Net

    Chapter 5   The Current Game: Fishing Boat


    Final Thoughts


    About the Authors


    The idea to write a joint book arose in dissertation research on the Internet of Things and cybersecurity in cooperation with a young scientist, a graduate of American LIGS University, Dr. Tan Kian Hua, and professor of LIGS University, Dr. Vladimir Biruk.

    Enthusiasm and modern knowledge of Tan Kian Hua, working at the peak of the information technology industry’s development, were aimed at the Internet of Things (IoT) safe adaptation to facilitate people’s lives and business operations. Partner and coauthor of the book, scientific adviser Dr. Vladimir Biruk went through a half-century evolutionary path developing and implementing information and communication technologies (ICT).

    Professor Biruk began using the first electronic computers for production processes and work research in FORTRAN, Pascal, and others, having mastered the most modern approaches, both in software and transaction security. That was the basis of programming and machine data processing in the late sixties and within the seventies of the twentieth century.

    Furthermore, with the emergence and development of the personal computer and the internet, computing technology was used for complex mathematical calculations and programming for scientific research in many industries. The range of business and life areas is summarized in the authors’ biographies, demonstrating the breadth of their knowledge and skills.

    There is a synergy of a modern specialist in a significantly developing industry and a professional who has passed the evolutionary path of information technology implementation. They provide an excellent basis for the discourse of both the historical stages in the development of ICT and the future digital world’s principles within the postindustrial economy and human life in the future.

    Despite the differences in experience and approaches, a modern scientist with a sense of risk appetite for cooperation and an expert who understands risk assessment rules, which allow to optimize approaches’ adaptability, create a productive research team.

    Moreover, the convergence of models for calculating risk and uncertainty with the level of modern science creativity makes it possible to arrive at an optimal understanding of the information and communication system’s tendency and workers’ safety within this system. The combination of two opposites led to high-quality preparation of the thesis and an excellent result. It allows us to convincingly offer to the professional community an integrated view of a scientific and practical product and its safe adaptation to changing systems.

    Besides, extensive practice in communication with leading worldwide professional companies—such as IBM, Oracle, Sybase, AT&T, and many others—allows us to offer trusted models of ICT security and its prospective areas.

    We hope that our perspective will help security professionals and ordinary users of information and communication systems. The reader will find available recipes to ensure their safety, maintain operational continuity, and restore business processes.


    Dr. Tan Kian Hua

    No word can express my extreme gratitude to my parents for their love, prayers, care, sacrifices for educating and preparing me for my future, and for always being the people I could turn to during those dark and desperate years. Also, I express my gratitude to both my elder and younger sisters for their love, understanding, prayers, and continuing support to complete this book. You stood by me during every struggle and all my successes; it was a great comfort and relief. Your encouragement when the times got rough is much appreciated and duly noted. My heartfelt thanks.

    I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to Professor Vladimir Biruk for providing invaluable guidance throughout this book. His dynamism, vision, sincerity, and motivation have deeply inspired me. It was a great privilege and honor to work under his guidance. I am extremely grateful for what he has offered me. I would also like to thank him for his friendship, empathy, and great sense of humor. I am extending my heartfelt thanks to his wife and family for their acceptance and patience during the time I had with him.

    I want to thank everyone who ever said anything positive to me or taught me something. I heard it all, and it meant something.

    Finally, my thanks go to all the people who have supported me to complete the research work directly or indirectly. Thanks to everyone on my publishing team.

    Dr. Professor Vladimir Biruk

    Like most authors who have reached the final stage of their intellectual work, we are aware of the weight of everyone who contributed to this result and possible success after the publication of the book. Of course, each of us has made a significant contribution to the scientific research preceding the description in the book. Our colleagues and industry professionals have contributed to the discourses about the appropriateness and practicality of the publication.

    I want to express our special gratitude to our families, who endured all the distractions of us from family affairs for many months and years. I also would like to express our deep appreciation for our teachers—professors Luksha L. K., Ailamazyan A. K., Nikolaev V. B.—colleagues, and students who contributed to forming our

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