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Phenomena & Noumena: A Contemporary Treatise
Phenomena & Noumena: A Contemporary Treatise
Phenomena & Noumena: A Contemporary Treatise
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Phenomena & Noumena: A Contemporary Treatise

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Immanuel Kant (17241804) was an enlightenment philosopher who defined what is enlightenment? For Kant, enlightenment became humans dare to become wise! Kant wrote many treatises based upon his minds ideas of humans ability to reason a moral society. Kant addressed social notion that human moral thought was a moral imperative toward acquiring a worthy society. Kant wrote a treatise on Noumena. This book becomes a contemporary treatise relating earthly realitys phenomena to the human minds innately known Noumena.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateApr 10, 2018
Phenomena & Noumena: A Contemporary Treatise

Pauline Schiappa

The author holds five degrees, two Bachelor of Arts, one in History, one in Philosophy, two Master of Arts, one in Educational Psychology, one in Educational Administration, and completed studies at Fordham University, in New York City, toward a doctorate in Cognitive Development. The author, once upon a time, began her professional careers as an educator. The author has owned her own Investment Company, and, has been the CEO of a fashion chain of stores selling Italian made fashion. The author has traveled to over 100 countries, all 50 United States, The Seven Wonders of the World, the North Pole, the South Pole, and, stood on the Equator in Ouito, Eucador. She has worked in child services, in bartered women facilities, as well as, serving on a hospital board, a mental health board, a university board, a high school board, a Chamber of Commerce board.

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    Phenomena & Noumena - Pauline Schiappa

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    In this detachment the spiritual soul

    finds its quiet and repose;

    for since it covets nothing,

    nothing wearies it when it is lifted up,

    and nothing oppresses it when it is cast down,

    for it is in the center of its humility;

    since, when it covets anything,

    at that very moment it becomes wearied.

    Jacques Maritain

    The Degrees of Knowledge.




    Chapter I:         Prolegomena

    Chapter II:        Toward The Necessity of Metaphysical Essential

    Chapter III:      Who Is Metaphysical Man

    Chapter IV:       Secularly Worldly

    Chapter V:        Degrees of Knowledge

    Chapter VI:      Esotericism

    Chapter VII:     A Treatise Upon The Understanding

    Chapter VIII:   Ontology and Teleology

    Chapter IX:      The Idea



    T HE CONTEMPORARY WORLD seems to have arrived itself at a crossroad at this point in the history of humankind. Because the Ideas of Empiricism have currently won the battle over the Ideas of Rationalism, the present contemporary world relies upon social earthly notions of science and the secularly worldly in social order to hopefully successfully materialistically survive itself. Such a social earthly worldly phenomena may have happened as the consequence of certain events in history.

    One event being the Industrial Revolution which began to occur in Great Britain around 1760 spreading mechanized textile production to the western world. Belgium and France also began mechanized textile production, as well as, developing both a coal and an iron ore industry. The United States would enhance the technological and economic progress of the Industrial Revolution, between 1840 and 1870, by introducing steam transport into trains, boats, and commercial shipping, as well as, steam powered machinery. The Industrial Revolution brought forth economic and material progress to the western world. During this time a man named Karl Marx, (1818-1883), was living. Marx perceived a negative view toward this economic and material progress. Marx expressed his worldview by Idea of Historical Materialism. Historical Materialism gives consideration toward a worldly notion of a theory that the history of humankind is nothing more than a materialistic development toward supporting the material survival of humankind. Man becomes the product of his historical materialism. Marx remarked that ancient societies survived based upon a royal class and a class of slaves; feudalism survived based upon landowners and their serfs; capitalism survives based upon entrepreneurship and the working class. According to Marx, throughout history, societies survived based upon the ownership of the means of production not fairly shared with the laborious workmanship that made that material production. In the end result the worker simply becomes another means of production no less, no more, comparable to the raw material needed to produce goods and services. And so the world goes…

    During this same time in history, there lived another man, Auguste Comte, (1798-1857), who proposed a solution to Marx historical materialistic dilemma. Auguste Comte was a French philosopher. Comte developed a theoretical positive philosophy hoping to overcome the social malaise caused by the French Revolution, (1789-1799). Comte’s social notions became a major influence in the 19th century, influencing Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill, George Elliot, Herbert Spencer, and Emile Durkheim. Comte remarked that Ancient and Medieval societies evolved themselves around a type of theological belief system seeking a supernatural being in hopeful order to explain the unexplainable of the existing earthly phenomena. Comte continued his social notions of human societal evolution by suggesting that during the Middle Ages into the Renaissance into the Enlightenment occurring in Western Civilization a philosophical stage developed within theoretical order to bring enhancement to the previous theological stage of Ancient and Medieval societies. There came to exist Ideas of an abstract entity possibly able to be reasoned as innately existing within human nature itself.

    Immanuel Kant, (1724-1804), was also existing at this time in history. The historical period of the Enlightenment occurred in the 17th and 18th centuries emphasizing reasoning. Immanuel Kant emphasized, also, a need for a moral imperative social common will viewpoint. During the historical period known as the Enlightenment, the Ideas of Rationalism were still attempting to fight against the Ideas of Empiricism. In present contemporary history, Empiricism has won___contemporary social earthly human has not come to know reason, nor, moral. The Enlightenment occurred as the result of the enlightened Ideas of men such as Descartes, Locke, Newton, Kant, Goethe, Voltaire, Rousseau, and Adam Smith. Kant wrote an essay, Answering the Question: What is Enlightenment? Kant’s answer was that enlightenment equivocates a Prolegomena as a metaphysical preface toward earthly human mental status of daring to become wise! Kant stated:

    Everything has either a price or a dignity.

    Whatever has a price can be replaced by something else as its equivalent.

    On the other hand, whatever is above all price,

    and therefore admits of no equivalent,

    has a dignity.

    The condition under which something alone can be an end in itself

    does not have mere relative worth.

    No price.

    Something that has intrinsic worth has a dignity.

    Auguste Comte remarked that abstract concepts merely gave a name word to the social facts observed of earthly phenomenal reality. Comte suggested that humankind needed to look at earthly phenomenal reality with an empirical positive outlook, human kind needed to enter a new stage___an earthly empirical positive stage toward establishing earthly human socially positive notions. Within this positive outlook humankind stops searching for the Demiurge of that which may be the cause of all earthly phenomena. Comte suggested that humankind needed to begin to simply observe that that which is is all there is in a socially earthly reality. Comte suggested that that which needed to be done was to establish a science of sociology whereby social positive standards would come to formulate a Religion of Humanity. The hierarchy of empirical sciences could come to measure and to describe positive social human behavior.

    Emile Durkheim, (1858-1917), would assume the social notions of Auguste Comte, and, along with Karl Marx and Max Weber, (1864-1920), these three men would become the fathers of modern academic science of Sociology. Sociology is an academic study of a society; academic study of Sociology, using empirical scientific methods and critical empirical analysis, within non metaphysical order, attempts to develop a body of social information, as a quality of social awareness, as well as, a litany of empirically social correct behaviors. Academic study of Sociology writes sociological paradigms in social attempt to control social disorder within social factual evidence of earthly social precarious disorder, hoping to control social, political, and economic disorder. Academic study of Sociology, as empirical observation of evident social facts, attempts to formulate social correctness toward the formulation of earthly social policy both on level of micro-management of individual social behavior, and, macro-management on level toward advising politicians, educators, social planners, business magnates, to even, non-profit organizations. Sociology makes the assumption that earthly human does not exist toward any intelligent human rational conscious awareness in cognitive order that earthly human could, at least, micro-manage himself. Throughout history men like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Averroes, Avicenna, Maimonides, Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Hegel, had fought as reasonably as their human Mind Lives could toward philosophic Ideas that there does exist human nature possibility that the nature of human could behave as a rational human. Earthly human held an intrinsic dignity. The Ideas of these philosophical thinking men, in history, came to be considered as Ideas of Rationalism. The modern academic science of Sociology does not hold any social notion that earthly human can think or behave rationally. Therefore, earthly human behaviors need to be regulated by the modern academic science of Sociology.

    Emile Durkheim stated:

    For if society lacks the unity that derives from the fact

    that the relationship between its parts are exactly regulated,

    that unity resulting from harmonious articulation

    of its various functions

    assured by discipline and if,

    in addition, society lacks the unity based upon the commitment

    of men’s wills to a common objective,

    then it is no more than a pile of sand

    that the least jolt or slightest puff will suffice to scatter.

    Present contemporary society does not even know what the common goals of their society are let alone unite toward these goals. Modern academic science of Sociology has produced social scientists as social engineers because modern academic science of Sociology has determined that earthly human does not have a soul, a mind, nor, any responsible free will___modern earthly human simply exists as a living, breathing organism within an inorganic society. The social scientist has assumed the role of contemporary earthly humans’ modern Demiurge. Durkheim stated that: Sociology is, then, not an auxiliary of any other science; it is itself a distinct and autonomous science.

    It seems that presently in the contemporary world, the contemporary earthly human must deal with a conscious awareness that there exists three Ideas toward establishing a worldview___(1) the Ideas of the natural empiriological sciences, medical science, commercial research science, astronomy, archaeology, physics, mathematics, and, quite numbly statistical polls, or, (2) the Ideas of classical Rationalists, or, (3) the Ideas of Secular Humanism. Amazingly, though, modern academic science of Sociology did not produce that socially aware earthly human that Sociology intended___as an earthly social human tolerantly coalescing within common earthly human goals. Rather, contemporary society produced an earthly human self-centered, toward self-gratification, using the tools that modern technology provide earthly social human toward a social one-upmanship.

    Accepting Ideas proposed by Secular Humanism places earthly human, once again, into Marx’s cog of Idea of Historical Materialism. Accepting Ideas of Secular Humanism places earthly human, not only as a dog winding the wheels of the earthly phenomenal reality, but, also at the mercy of society as society’s victim, because earthly society is an uncontrollable phenomena___a phenomena without purpose or goal. Ideas of Sociology have not contributed a socially positive influence upon a phenomenal society, rather, piling up more socially earthly phenomena.

    This book has been written as a contemporary treatise on Immanuel Kant’s Idea of Noumena. There exist knowns, only innately known by human Mind Life___human Mind Life innately known Noumena. Human does have a metaphysical Mind Life. Human Mind Life, because of a virtuous nature of reason of Intelligent Design, challenges earthly humans to live within a phenomenal earthly reality. Earthly humans live discontentedly, within absurd contradictions, within that phenomenal earthly reality, because earthly humans refuse to recognize, to realize, and to acknowledge human metaphysical human Mind Life. Human Nature does possess free will. That nature of human free will bestows upon earthly human burden and obligation to behave forethought, reasonable, moral behavior fighting against the absurd phenomenal earthly reality. Humans challenge exists as humans test to become metaphysically consciously aware that earthly human is worthy to be called a Human Sapient.

    There exists a fourth choice of Idea on how to successfully process the phenomenal earthly reality. The fourth choice becomes human free will choice to interact human Mind Life with phenomenal earthly reality. For sake of order, earthly human, not only behaves with arté armed with ecumenical intelligent evidence, toward virtuously processing phenomenal earthly reality, earthly human must acquire reasonable and moral thinking toward possibility of worthily processing earthly reality___not accepting what earthly reality phenomenally seems to be, rather, realizing and recognizing that which earthly reality should be. Present social notions of modern Sociology are not socially positively contributing toward making the earthly reality less phenomenal, or, toward making, earthly reality what it should be.


    A MYSTERIOUS TREMENDOUS COMES to reveal itself in the course of the lifetime of an earthly human. So mysteriously confronted by it, the earthly human becomes awed by this compelling human attribute. Earthly human becomes so enraptured by it, that earthly human begins to consider it, as a quality that defines and explains his Human Nature. Earthly human desires to know, earthly human desires to understand that which earthly human physical body sense experiences of earthly reality. Earthly human holds so much psychological and intellectual desire toward knowing it, that earthly human gives it a name_TRUTH.

    How does earthly human discover truth?

    Philosophy reasonably speculated upon that which may be truth, science empirically observed, experimented, formulated, and, calculated that which may be truth. In earthly society the discovery of truth became an unresolved dilemma for earthly human. Philosophy asked itself (1) an epistemological question_what is the nature of knowledge. Philosophy speculated that by use of cognitive abstract ideas innately existing in human Mind Life earthly human could discover truth. If human Mind Life can create ideas in human Mind Life, how can human Mind Life discern the integrity and the efficacy of truth of human Mind Life’s abstract ideas of the physical earthly reality? What is truth? Earthly human seeks truth because it is in truth that human discovers the counsels of reason. What is belief? Earthly human believes that human’s nature can discover truth, because human’s nature seeks the counsels of reason. How can truth and belief become justified by human Mind Life using mere observation of anything existing only precariously earthly real? What does it mean for earthly human to declare that earthly human can come to know___what? How does earthly human come to believe that earthly human does know that, does understand the why, and, the how anything really exists? Philosophy asked itself (2) an ontological question___just what is the nature of human, as a being existing, furthermore, as a being becoming sapient human intellectually developed while physically surviving in an earthly reality? Philosophy asked itself (3) a teleological question___what is the point of human, especially, earthly human? What is the purpose of earthly human, what is human’s nature?

    Philosophy, mindfully, contemplated and theorized perceptions of earthly notion of earthly reality realism as opposed to philosophic speculation of epistemological idealism. As earthly notion of epistemological realism, philosophy, mindfully, speculated that, that which an earthly human sense experiences of earthly reality may exist as earthly human real, but not, as earthly human truth. Because, although the earthly human experienced it, tasted it, touched it, smelled it, heard it, spoke it, saw it, earthly human only acquired an earthly perception of it as an phenomenal anything supposedly real. Real may be said to be real, but, actually what is it. Real may come to be known as real, but, each earthly human will come to know as a real unique to himself. Real may exist as earthly real, but, one earthly human perception of real comes to be known as real uniquely differently than any other earthly human perception of the supposed anything perceptually identified as real.

    Philosophy, mindfully, contemplated and theorized idea of epistemological speculation of epistemological idealism. Philosophy speculated that since each earthly human abstractly forms a perception of a sense experience with object-based real earthly reality, and, although, that earthly reality may be object-based physically real, human Mind Life conceives of real as Ideal Idea of real. Each earthly human does not sense experience real in earthly reality the same; however, within human Mind Life abstract concept conceives of actual universally, absolutely Ideal Idea.

    Discovery of truth in earthly reality became so obscure to earthly human that multitudes of human Mind Life theories surfaced into earthly reality___as epistemes of philosophy, reason, logic, critical analysis, skepticism, sacred revelation, scientific proof, and, political and secular ideologies.

    Earthly humans began to construct their owned systems of reality, systems of truth, and, systems of belief___else earthly human would go mentally operationally insane. Some earthly humans unmindfully adopted themselves as social practical and pragmatic earthly humans foregoing any validation by Mind Life acquired intellectual evidence. Earthly human simply accepted, void of contemplation of intellectual evidence, the dominant current, social fashion of earthly social fashion about what is social human, of what is social nature of earthly reality?

    Emile Durkheim, (1858-1917), is regarded by the academic study of the discipline of Sociology as one of the major minds who have contributed social constructs establishing Sociology episteme. Durkheim, in his book, The Rules of Sociological Method (1895), stated: (Sociology’s) main goal is to extend scientific rationalism to human conduct….

    Another father of the study of Sociology, Max Weber wrote, in his book, The Nature of Social Action (1922), that

    (Sociology is)…the science whose object is to interpret the meaning of social action and thereby give a causal explanation of the way in which the action proceeds the effect which produces. By ‘action’ in this definition is meant the human behavior when and to what extent that the agent or agents see it as subjectively meaningful. The meaning to which we refer may be either (a) the meaning actually intended either by an individual agent or a particular historical occasion or a number of agents on an average in a given set of cases, or (b) the meaning attributed to the agent or agents, as types, in a pure type constructed in the abstract. In either case is the ‘meaning’ to be thought of as somehow objectively ‘correct’ or ’true’ by some metaphysical criterion. This is the difference between the empirical sciences of action, such as sociology and history, and any kind of a priori discipline, such as jurisprudence, logic, ethics, or aesthetics whose aim is to extract from their subject matter ‘correct or valid meaning.’

    There exists hypocrisy within contemporary social tenets by denying the metaphysical realm, denying all metaphysical concepts, as well, denying metaphysical concepts of morality, integrity, and efficacy. Contemporary social tenets direct earthly human toward a path of a social perceptual awareness that seeks the academic of Sociology’s system of earthly reality, and, system of earthly reality truth. Void of the metaphysical realm, earthly social perception that the physical realm, alone, can direct earthly human toward worthy outcome only results in unintended consequences.

    "The deepest problems of modern life flow from the attempt of the individual to maintain the independence and individuality of his existence against the sovereign powers of (a) society, against the weight of the historical heritage and the external culture and technique of life. The antagonism represents the most modern form of the conflict which primitive man must carry on with nature for his own bodily existence. The eighteenth century may have called for liberation from all ties which grew up historically in politics, in religion, in morality and in economics in social order to permit the original natural virtue of man, which is equal in everyone, to develop without inhibition; the nineteenth century may have sought to promote, in addition to man’s freedom, his individuality…and his achievements which make him unique and indispensable but which at the same time make him so much the more dependent on the complementary activity of others; Nietzsche may have seen the relentless struggle of the individual as the prerequisite for his full development, while socialism found the same thing in the suppression of all competition___but in each case of these the same fundamental motive was at work, namely the resistance of the individual to being leveled, swallowed up in the social-technological mechanism." ___George Simmel, The Metropolis and Mental Life (1903).

    This book introduces social earthly human toward a recognition and a realization that physical earthly human must meet the metaphysical realm of Human Nature. Earthly reality exists as a phenomena___a phenomena because physical earthly human, while attempting to share a secular society, cannot share truth. Earthly humans cannot share truth with other earthly humans. Such exists as a social fact. Earthly humans share only personalized meaningfully-valued stories of earthly human’s attempt to discover truth by means of each human ego psyche personal and idiosyncratic perceptions, impressions, and opinions of earthly reality. There are 7,000,000,000 perceptions, impressions, opinions out there of what is earthly reality.

    Truth cannot be found within the physical realm. Truth can only be found within the metaphysical realm. Physical earthly human must meet human metaphysical Mind Life. Human cannot become human nature until human accepts the integrity, the completeness, the wholeness of human self. Human seeks truth because in truth human discovers counsels of reason.



    I F WE ACCEPT Machiavelli’s aphorism that half of our life is fate and the other half is what we do with that fate, it would become impossible to enter into a dialectical discussion about such a conceptual consideration without entering also into a metaphysical, analytical discussion about the nature of human, and, the nature of nature.

    Scientists think scientifically when investigating and researching the nature of nature, along with the nature of human existing within the nature of nature. Natural scientists, thinking scientifically cognizant, do function scientific method immensely collaborated with metaphysical thought____imagination, analysis, wonderment, and hope. One of the characteristics of the nature of human is that human chooses to believe that there does exist hope that earthly human can pursue happiness____thus Machiavelli’s wisdom. However, earthly human, scientist, or, Anyman, does not exist omni scientific. Investigating the nature of nature, and, the nature of human; earthly human has never been able to discover the nature of happiness. Happiness can exist as a state of mind; yet, most earthly social humans cannot seem to earthly experience an everlasting happiness. For earthly social human there is the Demiurge. For the earthly social scientist there are the not so advantageous socially aware behaviors of earthly human.

    A metaphysical discussion would necessarily afford consideration of the abstract concept of a Demiurge. Demiurge is an ancient Greek philosophical, metaphysical concept that something spiritual existing as an abstruse force, could physically, socially fashion and shape the human earthly world, whilst always seeming to remain humanly perceptually out of earthly human control. Therefore the question is, can earthly human determine, or, direct, that which nature does, or, that which earthly social human does, when fate, as mere happenstance, makes earthly humans victims of the earthly reality in which earthly human was born? The scientific method used by the natural scientist is laced with the natural scientist metaphysical hope that the natural scientist can discover that which the natural scientist pursues. And! The natural scientist never concerns himself with any goings on by a Demiurge.

    In many historical philosophies the Demiurge existed as an originator; as an artificer lacking knowledge and reason within the Demiurge existence. The Demiurge, for earthly human, always remains mindfully mysterious. Earthly human senses that the Demiurge is that center around which earthly human must build and must live earthly human life. And yet that Demiurge acts completely randomly as an enigmatic force with the capability to challenge earthly human perceptions of earthly reality, as well as, earthly human intelligence, while seeming to have no agenda. The Demiurge performs completely at random. Natural science does acknowledge mystery, and, choses to call mystery the uncertainty principle. Since the Demiurge continually remains present, acting upon earthly humans by sheer happenstance, always causing unintelligent absurdities in earthly human lives, can earthly human avoid the Demiurge, or, must earthly human always remain victim to the Demiurge? Can earthly human avoid constructing an absurd, phenomenal earthly reality by ignoring the Demiurge? If so, how? Can the metaphysical realm, give sustenance to the physical realm, without allowing the Demiurge to gain control?

    While the Demiurge may be conceived to originate something, the Demiurge is perceived by earthly human as an act of a randomness of earthly human fate. The Demiurge cannot be ignored because happenstance caused by the Demiurge is all pervasive within earthly reality. The Demiurge awaits earthly human to act upon the Demiurge either positively or negatively. However, the nature of earthly human does not exist omni scientific, or, omni intelligent! Nevertheless, the Demiurge does not allow earthly human to ignore it. The Demiurge is very much a part of human earthly reality, even though, earthly humans do not think that earthly humans had anything to do with the existence of the Demiurge. For the sake of earthly human order to be able to react positive, not, negative toward the Demiurge, the Demiurge must be outsmarted. In cognitive order to outsmart the Demiurge earthly human must become capable of metaphysically and intelligently acting upon the Demiurge, for the sake of earthly human order, in attempt that the Demiurge may have any positive real, physical effect upon earthly human life. Because the Demiurge acts upon earthly reality as a nonsensical happenstance___randomly and without point or purpose___can earthly human, as Machiavelli suggested, intelligently cause the Demiurge to work in earthly human favor, or, does earthly human simply remain victim to the Demiurge?

    Earthly notion of the Demiurge originated as a metaphysical concept, originating within Plato’s philosophy, as a possibility of a creator or mythical artificer who was the responsible one who artfully fashioned the real if only perceptible world. Plato believed that human Mind Life could conceive conceptions of absolute positive ideas of an earthly world without any affectations or effects due to the Demiurge. Ancient Greek mythology was always doing battle with the Demiurge. For Plato, the mysterium tremendum of the Demiurge did rest within real fact, that in earthly reality, earthly human did perceive a Demiurge. Because earthly human body was limited to only sense perceiving, or, sense intuiting, any earthly reality, earthly human needed to become intelligent when interacting with earthly reality Demiurge.

    Rarely does contemporary earthly human ever give any metaphysical thought, or, Mind Life contemplation, to that which earthly human might perceive about some mysterious Demiurge. Instead of giving metaphysical thought to a mysterious, mythical Demiurge, earthly human constructs as many perceptual, impressionable, opinionated social notions about some earthly physical Demiurge as there are earthly humans. And! Contemporary earthly human perceives that he is a victim of that earthly physical Demiurge. Earthly human gives no metaphysical thought or mindful contemplation to a metaphysical Demiurge. Earthly human only gives practical and pragmatic social thought to that which earthly human may perceive as a physical fateful Demiurge. As physical fateful Demiurge, the Demiurge ubiquitously made earthly human victim of the Demiurge.

    Earthly social human does give multitudes of perceptions, opinions, and impressions constructed as very idiosyncratic, phenomenal social notions of what is earthly reality. Rarely does contemporary earthly human give metaphysical consideration to the Demiurge earthly doings. Although, earthly human does realize that the final fate of earthly human is death! Secular social scientists blame every negative earthly circumstance that occurs, not on the mysterious Demiurge, rather upon the unfortunate social behaviors of earthly humans. Earthly humans do tend to think in perceptions, impressions, and opinions, and, not in intelligence, so, is it that which may be perceived by earthly human as not happy earthly fate, really caused by a Demiurge, or, really caused by ignorant earthy humans? Not every earthly social human recognizes and realizes that which he does not know. Metaphysical human contemplates an absolute concept of Ideal Idea of love; however, earthly human cannot find everlasting love here in earthly reality. Metaphysical human contemplates an absolute concept of Ideal Idea of peace; however, earthly human cannot find peace here in earthly reality.

    Human Mind

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