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Know Your Identity—The Other Side of Reality
Know Your Identity—The Other Side of Reality
Know Your Identity—The Other Side of Reality
Ebook188 pages2 hours

Know Your Identity—The Other Side of Reality

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Know Your Identity--The Other Side of Reality explores the conscious and subconscious mind communications. Coherence gained between the two hemispheres allow the two mind modes to work together for innovative treasures to surface from the subconscious soul mind. Hemisphere balance gained by dream interpretation is used as a guiding force to:

Reveal the way to your future.
Help know your true identity.
Designate the negative aspects that need disciplined and eliminated.
Assist in problem solving.
Free the subconscious mind for breakthrough creative insights.

More in life is unknown than is known. Humanity should remain open to different ways of learning, such as, dream guidance to expand perceptions and perspectives which may involve risk and controversy, but, a balanced mind will cultivate sparks of curiosity for others thoughts to begin change. This inner guidance is FREE!

My interest in Marys 25 year journey has been largely from the psychological dynamics of the enfoldment of the astonishing discoveries.
Rosa Stone, Ed.D. (personal letter),
counselor, dream teacher and friend

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateDec 21, 2016
Know Your Identity—The Other Side of Reality

Mary Coffin Johnston

Mary Coffin Johnston’s dream guidance revealed her life’s purpose was to write her story, simple and direct, to show humanity the vital role perceptions and perspectives play in life. There are life experiences that words alone cannot express. The best way to understand them is to directly experience them and the next way is to read about other’s journeys in order to recognize specific aspects within one’s own sojourn. Each individual has his/her own path to finding their identity and life’s purpose. Mary Coffin Johnston, a widowed mother of six, resides in Ventura, California and completes her destiny, as well as, shares one way to Know Your Identity--The Other Side of Reality.

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    Know Your Identity—The Other Side of Reality - Mary Coffin Johnston


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    Mary Coffin Johnston


    Copyright © 2017 Mary Coffin Johnston

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016914014

    Balboa Press rev. date: 12/21/2016





    Foreword By Dr. Rosa Stone Ed.D.

    The Learning Style Of Dreams

    Chapter 1 Changing Habits

    Chapter 2 Am I Not Alone?

    Chapter 3 Commitment

    Chapter 4 Forging Links

    Chapter 5 The Source of Unlimited Ideas

    Chapter 6 Know Your Identity

    Chapter 7 A Teacher Appears

    Chapter 8 Balance And Harmony

    Chapter 9 Theoretical Holographic Visual Model

    Chapter 10 Destiny

    Additional Resource

    Appendix One



    Many people have contributed to the person I am today. A few who deserve special mention include:

    My late father, J. Lester Coffin, who taught me there is only right and wrong and the journey in between, to stand up for my ideas and principles even though his and my beliefs and opinions were mainly opposite, and stern love; my late mother, Edith Coffin, who taught me the opposite - emotional love; a sister Carolyn Rodstrom for being a good friend; my late husband, Allan George Meade, who taught me love’s fire then abruptly the horrors of death’s emotional pain; my children, Laura, Linda and her husband Lou and Laurinda Meade who showed me life’s joys, as well as one side to reality; my late husband, Ernie Johnston, who through the doubt always believed in me; my step-children, Ernie Jr and his wife Margaret, Mark and Jewell Johnston, who showed me the other side of reality; my grandchildren, Charlie, dream baby Shawna, Brittany, Jessica, Mandy, Mindy, Jade, and Sterling; and my great grandchildren Lane, Lily, Amber and Gunner.

    A very special thanks to Dr. Rosa Stone for listening, for her wisdom and guidance and her unconscious attunement to my needs whose teacher/student role helped make this book possible.

    Gratitude goes to all the scientists, researchers and mystics who built the stepping stones that led to my conclusions, otherwise, I would still be out there in the middle of the desert with nothing to guide me.

    Ultimately, the holographic nature of our minds, that walked before me making my crooked path straight, taught me to walk the earth and feel the flow and guided my reasoning, my will and my actions to that which I could do best to better serve all of mankind, i.e. my conscious mind dubbed Peter and my subconscious I named George, and my nonphysical soul teachers, I will be eternally grateful.

    A hearty thank you goes to all others who have been a source of inspiration in my life giving me many varied experiences from which to learn.

    Last, to you, my readers, I thank you. May this book help all who read it to spur you on your journey to learn and know there is no single valid physical reality—reality is multi-faceted.


    My awakening journey begin after the emotional upheaval of a depressed economy, forced business and home liquidations and my six children had left the nest. My conscious awareness relocated to an unfamiliar mind division as I searched the depths of my being for a new life goal beyond 48 years of age. This prelude of despair ushered in a decision to become a published writer. Awareness was the key that opened the door to higher consciousness and showed me the vital role our perceptions play in life.

    Many stages of development and gradual transformations took place as I committed myself to dream analysis, meditation, self discipline and introspection. Awakening was a long process of reconditioning, reshaping old attitudes, habits and behaviors which resisted change and to stop questioning and follow wherever the experience may lead. Gaining a higher vibration balance, heightened awareness, emotional stability, and applying disciplined effort to the developmental stages made it possible to achieve my destiny.

    Deeper levels of insightful visual experience presented a new perception of vision and a different direction in holography. The beginning journey was a struggle as awareness expanded, a flood of knowledge opened up, sorting out the knowledge and experiences and coming to terms with the findings and the inner reality. Then came enlightenment and the battle of questioning reality as the pieces to the puzzle begin to link together. Suddenly, came a choice of what to do with the knowledge learned and a dedication to my life’s purpose to become a published writer.

    Meditative and dream techniques that work for one individual may not work for everyone at all times. No two brains have identical neural circuits! The brain’s electrical activity never reacts twice in the same way or the same with different people due to the variables of age, state of alertness, individual chemical and physiological change, each person’s perception of environmental influences and, no doubt each individual’s evolutionary soul growth . The guru who believes his sacred ritual meditative and dream techniques will work for everyone is forgetting that each technique will be suitable for some people only part of the time. The way to go is by trial and error; then pick and choose the techniques that feel right.



    ROSA STONE, Ed. D.

    Come, feast on these book pages and view one person’s adventuresome and unusual personal odyssey. Do not be fooled by these variegated threads with the juxtaposed hard scientific factual data highlighting the inductive method with the Psychic Readings forming a diametrically opposed Metaphysical reality. Both of these are furthered by the middle ground of dream interpretation as a guiding force!

    Healthy skepticism of both polarity ends were envisioned when, upon beginning the reading of the manuscript and just before reaching Chapter One, a young Granddaddy Longlegs ran across the page, bottom to top, where I was reading. I was riveted by the fact that several pages later Chapter One begins with the web and the spider! It was reminiscent of Jung’s famous Scarab Beetle incident! Never before has a spider in any form brought a scampering aliveness to any printed page I was proceeding to read.

    From the Rule of Six used in the treatise, we can formulate six left-brain reasons for exposing oneself to this recorded winding path. Or are they right-brained? No matter.

    Right brain teasers are thrown in at various and unexpected times to keep the reader in a whole brain state within this frequently left brain thrust.

    The descriptions of what we are basically made of and how we function physiologically are a refreshing reminder of our humanity’s nature. And they are done in layman’s language.

    But our physical nature is like the garden earth that colors beets red, carrots yellow, and parsnips white, all held within the same soil bed. So how are we individually seeded and shaped? How am I alike and different from my colleagues and associates? How do I find my identity?

    Although you may find the scenery of this trip truly diverse and many colored, the thread of purpose remains unscathed.

    Without a doubt, this project shaped the writer. Hopefully it will shape the reader. Last but not least, the intent is to gift the field of scientific optics with relevant information.

    Where, when, and how are you and I living out the purposeful and life-enhancing threads in our lives?

    Rosa Stone

    White Pigeon, Michigan


    Indiana University Lecture

    –Mary Johnston

    Did you know that Robert Louis Stevenson asked his dream to give him a marketable story to write? The plot of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde came from a dream, as did many of his stories. Elias Howe went to sleep with a difficult problem. He was trying to create a needle to catch the thread on a sewing machine. Howe’s problem was solved in a dream when he was attacked by African natives with spears that had a hole in the end of it. Thomas Edison felt that ideas came from space. He had a cot in his workplace and whenever he faced a problem, needed an idea, or a better design, he would lay down, concentrate on the problem or the solution and doze off. He knew that by relaxing his mind and body, he would received new ideas. Much of our great music came from our dream levels. In the late 19 Century a teen age Jewish physics student in Zurich dreamed himself to be riding along a light beam looking back at himself in a mirror. The resulting train of thought led to the formula E =MC2 - the theoretical basis of the nuclear bomb. The benzene ring is the model for the structural arrangement of atoms which came from a dream showing a snake biting its tail. There are many more examples showing the guiding light of dreams.

    Most people think dreams are mere nonsensical meanderings of the mind. The past 200 years great advances have been made in understanding the purpose of dreams. Today, there are many books out that state the symbolic meaning of dream images. The two books I chose are Wilda B. Tanner’s The Mystical Magical Marvelous World of Dreams and Betty Bethards The Dream Book Symbols for Self-Understanding.

    Dreams help you find meaning in your life, help fulfill your destiny, and help liberate the intuitive levels of mind. They broaden your mind and awareness and summon up long-term memory and information that you never knew you possessed.

    Once you have programmed the subconscious mind to awaken you after a dream, then you get out of bed and write it down before the dream is lost forever. You will find that all you have to do to solve a problem is meditate on a question before going to sleep. Ask and you will receive. The questions will not always be answered in a dream but perhaps through a book read, TV, conversation, or many other ways. You will become programmed that when you hear the answer, it will be an AHH HA moment. You will know that is the answer you were looking for.

    Straining for memory retrieval, answers, as well as distractions from the other senses block the creative flow from getting new ideas. Once the floodgates have been opened to universal mind by relaxation and dreams, extraordinary experiences surface which make history and change the world. Dream insights so far reaching and profound have revolutionized science, the arts, and society itself.

    You must guide the direction your mind is going to take. Dream interpretation and mastering the art of meditation allows us to consciously dig into the deeper levels of our minds. Only then will you use more than a mere 10% of your mind.

    Only you the dreamer can truly interpret your dream. The mind uses your own thoughts in the message to you. Your viewpoint of a bear might be fear. I might view a bear as a cuddly lovable cub. Symbolic meanings will differ from one person to another depending on your own thoughts.

    Dreams are holographic and give you messages on three different levels: spiritual, symbolic, and physical. The physical level deals with what is going on in your life and aspects of yourself that you need to change showing you the way to do. The symbolic level uses symbols to represent something with the main purpose of problem solving. Symbolic images are the language of the subconscious mind.

    On the symbolic level of dreams, each dream person is an aspect of the dreamer. It has nothing to do with that dream person. The way you view that person is an aspect of you that the dream is trying to show you.

    Overall, dream interpretation will:

    show you the way to your future.

    help you know your true identity.

    reveal the negative aspects of yourself that need to be eliminated for balance.

    help you problem solve real life situations.

    open the door to higher creativity and liberate the subconscious mind for breakthrough insights beyond your wildest dream.

    More in life is unknown than is known. We should remain open to other ways of learning. It is my opinion that it is our

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