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Destiny: The First and Only American Epic Poem
Destiny: The First and Only American Epic Poem
Destiny: The First and Only American Epic Poem
Ebook2,205 pages3 hours

Destiny: The First and Only American Epic Poem

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In order to fully appreciate the authors ideas for creating this work, an understanding of an epic poem is necessary.

An epic poem consists of a lengthy narrative. It is about a segment of time and place in which someone (a hero or such) conveys his thoughts, feelings and experiences into verse.

The verse is not a simple one. It is based on dactylic hexameter as in Homers Iliad and Odyssey from ancient times, or Dantes Divine Comedy. Dante and Virgil, the Roman poet, traveled through hell, purgatory and paradise in order to reach God. Another example is Virgils Aeneid.

In this work, Mr. Bucci describes the thoughts and feelings as he experienced them in his coming to America. He included the people he met in his journey through life.

Mr. Bucci greatly admired the land that he had become a part of. He struggled through the hardships and trials of life, including the great depression of 1929.

The hopes and dreams of everyone, he felt were dependent on each individuals freedom to reach out to the opportunities that America could offer them.

His work offers hope and encouragement to all who would listen to his words of wisdom. This poem was how he saw the current times in America, the land that he valued and loved so much.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 22, 2014
Destiny: The First and Only American Epic Poem

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    Destiny - Xlibris US

    Copyright © 2014 by Rames J. Bucci.

    Library of Congress Control Number:          2014911807

    ISBN:                  Hardcover                        978-1-4990-4387-7

                    Softcover                  978-1-4990-4388-4

                    eBook                  978-1-4990-4389-1

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    Rev. date: 08/19/2014

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    In the beginning, I was born between

    The Apennines and Adriatic sea,

    Atop a rolling hill, unknown to fame,

    To greed, to tourists and to industry.


    A cherub to a humble family,

    Which barely thrived with scanty patch of Sod,

    And which relied more on the faith and hope

    And providence and mercy of their God.


    A human being, fortunate to start,

    Along, a right and blessed course,

    According to the precepts of the Lord,

    Without complaints but always with remorse.


    In childhood I led by my willing mind,

    Was guided Sundays to visit the Lord

    Within His Temple and to listen to

    The Hymns and to the meaning of the Word.


    How beautiful it was to find myself

    Along a virtuous and peaceful road

    Which brought me happiness and love

    Within my, mind, though in a bare abode.


    While still a child, a period of wars

    And famine festered the locality,

    So, that my dad was forced to emigrate

    And leave, a broken - hearted family.


    Sire landed as a stranger in a strange

    Locality denoted, Little Italy;

    No better than if he had been shipwrecked

    Within a jungle of ferocity.


    He worked, not at his art, but, as a slave,

    From factory to factory, where he

    Could find unskilled employment at a wage

    To save few pennies for his family.


    It took two long and horrifying years

    In order to accumulate the cost

    Of bringing all his stranded family,

    Which felt abandoned and forever lost.


    The parting of the friends and relatives

    Caused floods of tender tears with each embrace,

    Sensing that they would never meet again,

    Once being separated from the place,


    The crowded stagecoach rumbled down the road

    Along the winding Adriatic Coast.

    Both youngsters tied and bouncing on the trunks,

    Began to feel their seats begin to roast.


    But onward rolled the shaking vehicle

    To terminate the promised chartered trip,

    In spite of thunder, rain and screaming voices

    Until it halted near the harbored ship.


    They waved good-bye to Naples and were led

    To steerage-quarters where they crawled in stench

    And vomit, fed with hardtacks, sleep on decks

    And rest around on binded cork or bench.


    At midnight, in the middle of the deep

    A coffee-pot ignited prow afire.

    A terse alarm for help to closest ship

    Was coded in Marconi’s latest wire.


    They had survived the earthquakes in the ground

    And Haley’s Comet, circling in the sky

    Now, surely, ship and all would disappear.

    But, soon, they watched the flames begin to die.


    Their prayers were answered but not totally

    Because they ended in a tenement

    Where walls were glued with paper and floors nailed

    With boards and not with marble and cement,


    Said Little Italy was like a bed

    Of rambling roses and of hidden thorns,

    Of saintly aliens swallowing pain and pride,

    And of satanic minds with evil horns.


    New customs, languages and idealism

    Created an antagonistic wall

    Of fears, distrust and friendlessness among

    The neighbors frothing in detesting gall.


    But, there was consolation since the clans

    Extended helpful hands within their bounds,

    So, that they managed to survive the trials

    And tribulations of the early rounds.


    I was most fortunate to have been born

    Of saintly parentage who guided me

    To mission schools where I was taught the way

    Of Christian laws and of divinity.


    At first I was unable to adjust

    Myself residing in the alien neighborhoods

    And being educated. disciplined

    And ordered by nuns in outlandish hoods.


    Then, gradually, I started to have doubts

    Whether I really cared for Italy

    And leave behind the movie serials

    And many the desired delicacies.


    I had no problems to absorb insults

    From fellowmen because I felt the mind

    Was far superior than prejudices

    And the jealousies of humankind


    I studied harder so that I could March

    Along with all the others on the way

    To manhood as an honorable and

    Acceptable American some later day.


    The most emotional grace that I felt

    Was when l gulped my first Communion;

    A time when. I promised not ever to

    Abandon—the Almighty union.


    Then came depressing years for vigil lights

    And battle cries along the flaming fronts

    Which ceased with jubilations and release

    Of thankfulness from bursting pented fonts.


    But not for long. Victorious Vets brought

    Back devastating flus throughout the land

    Unmercifully. The stinking stench of death

    Spread wildly uncontrolled and out of hand.


    To make the matters worse, an unwise law

    Was passed depriving ailing populace

    Alky as cure to deal a lethal blow

    To husky bugs in every latent place.


    The roaring twenties proved a fanciful

    Decade of speculation, lawlessness

    And hopeful efforts for securities

    which caused the people unrewarding stress.


    The ancient epics gloriously described

    Heroic bloody deeds in Chanticleers,

    While these are localized within the home:

    The trials, the doubts, the hopes, the sweat and tears.


    This epic, more or less, depicts all sects,

    Regardless whether tainted ebony,

    Orange, sunset or alabaster, still,

    They act with basic similarity.


    From childhood to manhood I faithfully

    Devoted all my inert energy

    To study wisely, to obey my God,

    And to assist needs of the family.


    During my teens, my parents carefully

    Decided to move to another site,

    Away from lawless influential mobs

    Which terrorized the homesteads, day and night.


    This does not mean that wicked thoughts did not

    Tempt me for demon’s curiosity:

    A sniff of dope, a rowdy drinking spree,

    An urging for lust of virginity.


    I dreaded products of debauchery.

    The glitter offered only temporary trends,

    Exchanging for God’s precious gifts and choice

    To earn a place into celestial" lands.


    This was a gory time for scandals in

    The Government and false economy,

    Synthetic alcohol and racketeering’s,

    Investors watering stocks greedily.


    Then, unpredictable, like a clap of thunder

    And cyclonic blast, the ugly sign

    Of the depression sparked throughout the land

    In unforgettable late twenty-nine.


    The world’s economy was paralyzed,

    And, so were all the leading Moguls stunned

    And forced to serve in jails or suicide

    Whi1e workers were idled and jettisoned.


    In thirty, I became a Graduate

    Without a funding trust and place to go,

    Unwanted by a cruel community,

    Though filled with knowledge and a youthful glow.



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