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Eludoran: The Legend of Lorelei in a Geste of Grave Misconceptions
Eludoran: The Legend of Lorelei in a Geste of Grave Misconceptions
Eludoran: The Legend of Lorelei in a Geste of Grave Misconceptions
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Eludoran: The Legend of Lorelei in a Geste of Grave Misconceptions

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In time one shall be hailed a king,
another as Betrayer.
Their third shall do an evil thing
when freedom is denied her.
Now Four and Five shall not survive;
misfortune Six to gain
by Seven’s will at least until
reunion on the Plain.
Though seven heroes journey forth;
prepare their final stand,
not all; I fear, shall chance to peer
upon their journey’s end.

Three children will seal the fate of nations: Lorelei the rebel vixen princess of Eludoran; measured against the yardstick of her heroic brother. Malachi her sidekick and cousin; resigned to mull over a love he can never have. And exotic Pendarynn; son of a jealous sorceress driven mad by revenge.
Their paths cross in Eludoran, where they find solace with each other. Little do their feuding parents suspect what’s been going under their noses; a friendship the like of which has never been heard of before: One which might shatter old grudges and usher in a new age of tolerance and reason...
--or bring everything crashing down around them.
Release dateFeb 18, 2015
Eludoran: The Legend of Lorelei in a Geste of Grave Misconceptions

Jonathan Goh

Jonathan Goh started writing at an early age and has never stopped. The author enjoys gazing at the moon, long naps, and sharing conversation—as well as the odd chew bone—with his friend and illustrator. Jonathan would like to reassure readers that he is human; fully human and nothing-but-human.

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    Eludoran - Jonathan Goh

    Copyright © 2015 by Jonathan Goh.

    Cover art by Anya Rose Ewing:


    ISBN:      Hardcover                      978-1-4828-2965-5

                    Softcover                        978-1-4828-2964-8

                    eBook                             978-1-4828-2966-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblances to actual persons living or dead, organizations, events or locales are entirely coincidental.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    Act 1 Cub

    1st Cant

    2nd Cant

    3rd Cant

    4th Cant

    5th Cant

    6th Cant

    7th Cant

    8th Cant

    9th Cant

    10th Cant

    11th Cant

    12th Cant

    13th Cant

    14th Cant

    15th Cant

    16th Cant

    Act 2 Cur

    1st Cant

    2nd Cant

    3rd Cant

    4th Cant

    5th Cant

    6th Cant

    7th Cant

    8th Cant

    9th Cant

    10th Cant

    11th Cant

    12th Cant

    13th Cant

    14th Cant

    15th Cant

    16th Cant

    Act 3 C.O.R

    1st Cant

    2nd Cant

    3rd Cant

    4th Cant

    5th Cant

    6th Cant

    7th Cant

    8th Cant

    9th Cant

    10th Cant

    11th Cant

    12th Cant

    Glossary of Names (Pronunciation)

    Did You Know…

    For my grandfather

    Tay Kok Tow

    In memory of

    John Ronald Reuel Tolkien


    Act 1


    Again she fled, but swift he came.

    Tinúviel! Tinúviel!

    He called her by her elvish name

    And there she halted listening.

    —J. R. R. Tolkien


    1st Cant

    Once long ago there was a maid

    completely reckless; unafraid

    to mock the Thousand and the creed

    that every yearling has to heed,

    forsaking dens to wander hence


    beyond unspoken common sense.

    Her people cast from homeland heath,

    who roam the tundra; set adrift

    by unforgiving brutal war…

    Although in histories before


    all recollection of the packs,

    truesilver baubles grace their necks

    and even vagabonds were clad

    in cultivated silken thread

    when old Shar’Ridan ruled as King:


    such glorious days before the reign

    of interloping Urskâldí!

    Entire principality

    evacuates when towers fall,

    departing Elu-Vandor’s hall


    without solution; looking back,

    clothes worn to tatters from the tracks

    within precarious mountainside.

    Locating avenues to hide,

    shall they pursue deserted land


    away from overseer’s command.

    Their ears grew sharper; pelts replaced

    exquisite garments worn in grace

    as each abandons courtly trade

    for one requiring a blade;


    concealed upon Eludoran—

    The place you call the Singing Land.

    Perhaps it has another name

    to superstitious folk who claim

    bewitching secret sorcery


    surround its glade from tree to tree

    and conjure an enchantment slow

    around explorers who may go

    unwanted to mysterious wood

    pursuing gain misunderstood.


    Those who indeed survive are changed;

    relating situation strange

    apparently encountered there—

    Herbaceous trees in winterbare,

    mysterious haunting music heard


    escorting breezes; though no bird

    is seen to wing across the sky.

    Resulting choruses deny

    tenacious purpose; scrambles mind.

    Trespassers cast abroad shall find


    compelling cause to fear the fey

    immortal occupants to play

    assorted tricks on those alone

    for reasons which remain their own.

    Their tales portray the hidden court


    began by Karos; he who fought

    opponents by commander’s side

    against emerging ursine tide

    until his uncle bid him bear

    important warnings to the lair.


    Hence one departing child was spared

    horrendous massacre compared

    with other followers at bay

    his mission sending him away

    from undiscerning killing floor…


    Some he rescued; though little more

    shall look upon accursed sight

    on one such consequential night

    where their appointed leader spoke:

    "Our enemies do well to gloat;


    commemorate their win today.

    Recall the lesson; Lanorei!

    Participants in war are slain—

    Such matters cannot pass again.

    The Red Usurper and his thanes


    may choke upon their stolen gains!

    Let all Creation see us dead.

    We shall know better." Karos said,

    pronouncing then in cadence low

    enchanted incantation slow,


    addressing here arboreal blades

    upon their elemental glades

    enshrouding all Eludoran—

    what mortals name the Singing Land.

    So Karos sang a spell profound


    upon their newly chosen ground,

    erecting barriers to protect—

    Hallucinations which affect

    imprudent wanderers instead,

    ensuring none may see their glade.


    Amalgamated shall they flow

    as mesmerizing musics grow;

    obtaining structure to remain

    one unconditional refrain:

    Myriad tones resounding deep—


    expounding an eternal sleep,

    Mortal doom; awaiting hour,

    hope extinguished ever after…

    Jackals; canines all composing

    phrases from their own devising,


    utilising mighty power

    older; stronger than the fire

    encompassing Creation bleak—

    directed through the Words they speak

    to shape a new reality


    through concentrated harmony.

    Enormous unabated sound

    is interwoven; all around

    throughout the very air they breathe.

    More rapid now – enthral, reprieve,


    Strength eternal as a tower—

    Demonstrates musician’s power;

    concurrences made living flesh

    while integrated forces clash;

    disintegrate – shall disappear,


    resulting in distortion here:

    Sensation tenuously felt;

    a lurking trace on every pelt.

    Created through their shared intent

    was this authority which bent


    resistance in the strongest mind—

    exploring beast or humankind

    who comes across Eludoran;

    where superstition once began.


    They consummate their spell begun.

    Through harmonies combined as one,

    a canine chorus now restores

    domain upon unsheltered shores—

    Intents demanding Elder-Speech;

    united as companions reach


    for mastery beyond their ken.

    When conjuration comes to end,

    Lord Karos saw their work was good

    and so declared the spot he stood

    commensurate domain to dwell—


    enshrouded by surrounding dell

    to colonize the way they chose

    below their great oppressor’s nose!

    Although for years usurper reigned

    in Northern waste; he never gained


    the road to one deserted trail

    enclosing a mysterious dale

    concealed away where none – alas!

    except its dwelling folk may pass.

    Though many rumours reached his ear


    attracting interest; open fear

    consumes the ones upon its track,

    assorted pilgrims turning back;

    away from places horror-clad

    where even bears decline to tread.


    Those who proceed may not appear

    unaltered by surroundings here,

    so few explorers dare to try

    awaking danger. Mountains lie

    encompassing the valley side


    together. Neither scout nor guide

    has come across an easy route

    emerging through. The point is moot.

    Moreover, no rewards await

    within its hollow; none to sate


    usurper Kings or mighty lords

    intending to increase their hoards,

    producing neither gems nor ore

    from unassuming cavern floor:

    Inadequate returns to risk


    an expedition; so in peace

    commander and his people stayed

    long generations in the glade

    some legends call Eludoran—

    translated as the Singing Land.


    Like morning dew’s departing shade,

    reports collected slowly fade

    to legends, spoken tales, or myth—

    By humble inns upon the heath

    uncounted minstrels mention kings


    who ruled upon immortal beings;

    recalling Eludoran’s lord:

    Forever lurking by his board;

    uncoupled from ancestral dens—

    creating stubborn battle plans


    enshrouded by surrounding gloom.

    Secluded as a burial tomb

    remain their chambers – council hall

    supporting wooden pillars tall

    where idle words were hardly said;


    or any insurrection made

    since he was knighted as a Shar,

    intending to regain the star

    lost Elu-Vandor used to be!

    Below the weeping willow tree


    does Lord Sharrikar brood alone

    as Keeper for the Fallen Throne.

    No argent silver, gleaming bright

    enveloping surrounding light,

    nor holding precious stone or brass—


    It doesn’t gleam! Amidst the grass

    is placed a single oaken chair

    undecorated. Seated there

    once pondered Shar’Rikar in thought.

    An ornamented crown does not


    accompany their leader here—

    whose isolated thoughts severe

    are clearly read upon his brow…

    Devoted Karos; he has no

    desire to impose the right


    commanding Eludoran’s might.

    Instead, he carries out his role:

    Appointed Steward growing old

    upon his duty; sworn to wait

    here unassuming by the gate


    while cherishing a hope in vain

    that errant Kings come home again…

    And here his heirs their stewardship

    in old Anarien’s name still keep

    until the day his children spurned—


    True son and daughter are returned

    again to claim Eludoran;

    restoring all the Singing Land.

    However, he has not forbade

    spontaneous joy within his glade


    where canine children roam unchecked,

    undaunted; hidden from attack.

    Pure harmonies arising clear

    would fall upon another ear;

    facilitate their owner’s gaze—


    Spectators listening amazed

    until they rise upon the breeze;

    now generating some unease.

    Far brighter tones than mortals heard;

    embellished by the mockingbird


    who shall return their clear refrain,

    creating an unbroken chain

    in Lanorei melodic spell

    surrounding Eludoran’s dell—

    A place where days were shining bright


    as learned scholars come to write,

    employing tail-script; open scrawl

    their spoken tongue, as piping call

    emerging chorus on the trees,

    while northern wheat in golden sheaves


    or berries laid upon the vine

    all ripen sooner than their time

    when planted on Eludoran’s

    arboreal prairie meadowland.

    2nd Cant


    A distance hence, another pack

    we may discover – every back

    displaying ugly saddle-sores

    alongside bruises. Countless scores

    betray familiar scratches deep,

    imparted by descending whip


    delighting in another’s pain.

    Vermillion spatters fall as rain

    upon accursed frozen mud,

    embellishing the ground in blood.

    No laughter peals, no spoken note


    there overheard from wasted throat—

    distinguished by its collar tight;

    restraining circumstance for flight:

    This unrelenting chain severe

    enforced upon their children here


    as law and circumstance permit

    the moment one shall learn to speak.

    So small a thing, this leather band’s

    accustomed weight… although a hand

    is needed to undo its link!


    What men manoeuvre in a blink

    impossible for Lanorei—

    Thus many learn who come to try.

    Their fangs are useless. Canine claws

    found insufficient: Clumsy paws


    completely halted by a catch.

    Another shame for those unmatched

    by Urskâldarrí victory;

    although a small indignity

    when held alongside other cares


    consigned upon them by the bears

    obeying their appointed King

    who rules upon the northern realm

    which borders wide Eludoran—

    where many stories come to end.


    Highlord within almighty horde

    was he saluted; like a god

    revered by ursine warriors tall

    as patriarch among them all!

    Subsequently, an Age of Might


    appears to pass – where lawful right;

    compassion, loyalty to friends

    become unknown. For selfish ends

    unscrutable by most; does each

    degenerate Urskâldí reach.


    So hence it was for Bloodfang’s law.

    Compunction rarely stayed his paw;

    forever coated bloody red.

    Encaged in slavery he bred

    assorted warriors to fight—


    competing for their lord’s delight.

    It was to he whom Lady Fate

    bestowed her blessing. He whose gate

    stands all adorned by cruel spikes.

    On bloody ramparts, rusty pikes


    display their monuments to air.

    Here empty eyes and sockets stare

    awaiting evermore in place;

    defiant growls on every face—

    Proud warriors who made a stand

    against usurper’s iron hand;


    crusaders who shall never see

    the rolling plains, the willow tree

    that grows within Eludoran;

    a place beyond existing ken.


    The northern region his to hold

    from Kyne to Icecap; where untold

    Lanorei helots fashion stone,

    reducing fangs and claws to bone

    without the luxury of picks


    while others sweat producing bricks—

    Resulting mire trodden flat

    by broken spirits to erect

    those gloomy monuments they made

    for ruling overlords instead;


    accepting cruel fate, although

    it has deserted people so!

    Less hostile is Eludoran.

    Protected from opposing hand;

    Shar’Ridan’s legacy remains:


    Proud history from early thanes

    who in united spirit swore

    to yet uphold ancestral lore.

    There reigned in lost Anarien’s name

    Sharrikar’s grandson; Arulaine—


    An outlawed exile to the bears

    whose line descended from the heirs

    of Elu-Vandor’s proper King;

    he rules in part. His chosen queen

    was wild Anvira; called the Fair:


    A magus born from song and air

    familiar in the mystic art,

    she won their leader’s wary heart;

    remaining at Eludoran

    as alpha female for his band.


    The Queen possessed a beauty rare

    that few among them could compare

    or challenge. Irrevocably

    from noble blood! Her family

    they say has ties to Ailinel.


    Since then no fairer maidens dwell

    upon Eludoran again—

    their line extinguished here in vain.

    As pure a pelt will never be

    observed among their hierarchy:


    A russet hue from head to tail

    alongside silver. Colours pale

    portray her torso underside,

    illustrious tail a vixen’s pride;

    recalling newly fallen sleet.


    Though brown as berries were her feet;

    alluring paws that in the glade

    were seen to dance. Her eyes are jade

    in quality as well as tint—

    Arresting gaze like razor flint


    and like the hunting hawk in flight;

    few things were hidden from her sight.

    High Oaken Throne; warm summer’s breeze,

    his kingdom, power – more than these

    did one among them love his mate.


    Together vow to share their fate

    forevermore till journeys end;

    conclude upon Eludoran.

    O magical Eludoran:

    our Paradise; our holy Land


    which once presented sanctuary!

    Come understand her history—

    A healing temple; to engage

    in meditation for the sage

    or dwell on ancient stories past:


    Nostalgic days we thought may last,

    so keenly overcome by pride!

    That silly fantasy has died

    forevermore without a trace;

    the once pristine Lanorei race


    eradicated from their land

    into the depths; away from men.

    We ran, we fled, we hid away

    and swore to strike another day.

    On such a day would howls resound


    as we reclaim our sacred ground!

    Then bears may learn to be afraid…

    Until such day, we guard the glade

    against all wanderers who seek

    forbidden trails. The mountain peak


    denies intrusion from the West.

    Some distance north wide oceans rest;

    resurging unabated spray

    awash on Icecap’s hidden bay,

    erasing paw-prints from the sand.


    Towards the South the meadow land

    called Aventine: nomadic herds,

    exotic people; solemn birds:

    Impassioned scholars of the past

    whose work ensures our stories last


    though we who chance on these may go;

    protecting secrets none shall know.

    To utter East are realms untrod;

    myriad places unexplored,

    uncivilised; encounter fraught.


    Resultingly, we travel not;

    content within a certain glade

    awaiting pilgrims unafraid,

    where many claim; in stories sung,

    was old when Shar’Ridan was young:


    Ancestral home – Eludoran

    entrusted once, though not again.

    Here ruled custodian and his Queen—

    Anvira who beheld unseen

    dimensions; who uncovers thought


    synonymous to mortal plot.

    A mighty personality

    comparable to surging Sea,

    the great concerns to plague the wise

    denominating gloomy eyes


    regretting sights they swore to see:

    What is, what was, or what may be…

    They say their queen foresaw the doom

    awaiting her; the lonely tomb—

    Sepulchre’s welcoming embrace


    which every mortal soul shall face.

    Yet of unborn predictions bleak

    she held her peace; nor would she speak,

    anticipating lurking fate

    we all encounter soon or late.


    But while she ruled their woods were gay,

    untroubled by approaching day.

    Then songs were sung and stories told

    recalling mighty heroes bold.

    There many wondrous things were made


    by able woodsmen from the glade:

    Creations using spider thread

    transporting soul through cadence glad,

    exquisite pieces made from pine

    disseminating smells divine


    from open meadowland, or hill

    where shy nepenthe lingers still

    in perilous Eludoran—

    Inviolate another span.

    For what are we but mortal clay?


    However, nothing gold may stay!

    Not sumptuous nepenthe sweet;

    emerging sunrise here to meet

    unseemly twilight’s parting sigh

    where colours blaze below the sky.


    What innocence; or childhood trust

    or spoken oath may ever last

    forevermore to always be

    unaltered for eternity?

    Another understood her fate


    when she pursued a mortal mate,

    deciding strongly then and there

    their roads to intertwine; to share.

    To concentrate on family

    she gave up immortality


    in favour of beloved heir.

    The Gods endow them with a pair:

    descendants born twelve years apart—

    A son who shall possess a heart

    more courteous than Arulaine;


    whose gallantry shall be his bane.

    They dwelt eleven golden years

    without enduring darker fears.

    Mortality awaits them there!

    Repeated coupling doesn’t fare


    as well as it has gone before.

    Participant cannot ignore

    existing age; resultant pain

    appears to be a dire strain

    too terrible to comprehend.


    Nor can despairing surgeon lend

    assistance other than release—

    Intense contractions come to seize

    control upon resisting frame,

    though every effort is in vain.


    Contemporary potions fail.

    Her breathing ebbs, her colours pale

    like doom itself; omniscient eye

    becoming dim. A piercing cry

    recovers husband from his court.


    He hastens hither… All for naught!

    Late is the hour! Ravens tease,

    announcing hither to the trees.

    You come too late, commander bold!

    Now destiny has taken hold!


    Your daughter’s born – though at a price!

    Subsequently, his heart was ice.

    Hence day surrenders to the night,

    already seeming not as bright

    nor as enchanting in their glen


    as when his dear companion sang

    amongst encroaching moonlit eve.

    The land itself appears to grieve;

    all birdsong silenced and the flow

    of rivers muted. No winds blow


    across the meadowland to tease

    nepenthe nodding in the breeze.

    No songs are sung, no hikers pass;

    disturb the smallest meadow grass

    while Eludoran stayed its course


    in mourning for the Queen-Who-Was.

    Departed from those regions there,

    her passing drew a sombre air

    which unabated slyly crawls

    throughout custodian’s mighty halls


    to bring contaminating rot

    upon relation’s idle thought.

    Lord Arulaine shall slowly find

    a heavy presence on his mind

    approaches lingering to stay,


    becoming darker day by day.

    For others would he cease to care;

    emerging seldom from the lair

    where lay a certain barrow mound

    amidst their old ancestral ground


    hidden by nepenthe flowers.

    There a Steward spent his hours,

    unwilling to experience den

    deserted by Eludoran.

    Salvation shall demand a cost—


    His lovely mate forever lost!

    Yet though the Seer shall cease to be,

    she propagates her legacy

    to heal a brooding husband’s grief;

    perpetuate some small relief:


    Her only son from mother torn;

    a lawful canine Prince was born,

    who shared his royal sire’s name—

    Their unrelenting kindred: Llane.

    Conceived upon a stormy night;


    the russet blaze in morning’s light

    describes his fur from chin to tail.

    With eyes the shade of amber pale

    originating from the seers,

    he felt far older than his years.


    Precocious cub; his manner fey,

    Llane rarely ventured out to play

    alongside token friends he had,

    subsequently shall choose instead

    archaic lessons from the past.


    Assorted histories; alas,

    which claim our legends as a part

    were soon committed to the heart.

    Accomplished as he came to be

    at complicated strategy;


    still greater was collected lore.

    No weapon master has before

    enacted strike or parried blow

    so near-exquisite; undergo

    as overwhelming such a dance


    where few encounters go by chance.

    Now seasons pass; he slowly grew—

    obtaining consequence anew:

    Custodian leader’s acting hand;

    protector of Eludoran.


    Now drawn by circumstances here,

    calamity shall soon appear

    within a constituency:

    Though recollected Llane shall be;

    still greater tales are sung today


    concerning kindred Lorelei:

    So like the Queen in looks and frame,

    tis’ said Anvira lived again

    behind her daughter’s piercing eyes—

    untainted blue as summer skies;


    whose hidden properties enfold.

    Her fur recalling silver cold,

    emerging radiant lustre fair

    distinct on every lucent hair

    against her coat; a comely sight


    to see the shades approaching white

    upon her belly, chest, and throat.

    Far darker is the colour-coat

    characterising slender back;

    Lorelei’s tail-tip raven black.


    Nor could another reason why…

    Unlucky sign; our sages sigh,

    it sets apart the people Fate

    appoints towards encroaching date:

    impossible for one to know—


    or so they say in voices low,

    unheard as gossip through the glade

    where Lorelei became a maid.

    Away immortal kindred fared,

    here dancing as her mother had


    below the shining moonlight pale

    which comes to rest upon the vale.

    Thus ages pass Eludoran;

    proceeding slowly to its end.

    3rd Cant

    There long ago in history


    was held a battle needlessly

    between opposing armies grey,

    one yielding to the stronger fey.

    Great heroes answered such a call,

    pursuing glory till they fall,


    obliterated by a blade.

    No winners here; so many dead

    on either side as armies clash

    in idle struggle, leaving ash

    upon the breeze: unbroken lake


    of utter ruin in their wake.

    Nor would opponents ever flee.

    Some quaint, misguided bravery

    commands them all to stay and fight;

    attempting to regain the night.


    Although they soon shall hallowed ground

    obtain; intruding soldiers found

    compelling cause to understand

    how we became the Scourge of Men.

    We made them suffer; made them pay


    for everything they took away:

    Our homes, our fathers, fellow mates

    escorted to the gloomy Gates

    protecting Dame Astarte’s realm;

    the shadow sea to overwhelm.


    Small enterprise usurpers claim

    unsullied from Aurellis Plain—

    uncharted regions; barren land;

    unworthy bastion to defend.

    Still, land it was: the northern fjord


    surmounted by superior sword.

    A worthy action; nor shall he

    surrender this territory

    —His legacy; his precious prize—

    till doom descend upon his eyes.


    Tales name him as a pirate king

    of whom the bards decline to sing.

    Too savage for their cruel land

    where other monsters own their dens;

    they exile him to stormy sea


    considering their foe to be

    exterminated by the tide

    without supplies or trusted guide

    who might expose the way to shore…

    Concurrently, he came no more


    to plague the country of his birth,

    remaining on the ocean surf.

    Lone vagabond; his scurvy band

    which numbers merely five times ten,

    accommodation from their god


    protects their ship; steers them toward

    salvation! Far across the sea

    by chance; coincidentally

    do bears behold a foreign land

    unbroken by another hand.


    Hopes now restored, they alter course

    intending to obtain by force

    ambition greater than before:

    A pirate haven free from law.

    He came ashore; acquired friends.


    We realize how encounter ends.

    Our skirmish fought; he won the day,

    his crew subsequently shall stay,

    usurping ancient hallways deep

    until gods waken from their sleep.


    Thus usurper shall acquire

    every single heart’s desire.

    However, he was not appeased,

    some quality obstructing ease…

    A lord may thus acquire slave


    or concubines to warm his cave,

    employ protectors; place them near

    around his person. Hallways here

    retain a legendary guard;

    fel mercenary soldiers hard


    who hail from nearby Mycenae

    where souls are taken night or day.

    Associates alongside kings;

    exalted rulers, mighty beings,

    addressing such companions here.


    Yet even noble lords may fear

    awaking doom; encroaching fate

    opponents bring towards their gate.

    Assassins, poison, dark designs

    consume his thoughts. He rarely dines


    without implicit certainty;

    suspecting poison. Warily

    prepares precautions; true to mind,

    mistrusting some unseen design.

    To lead a hunt no longer bore


    one compensation; shall ignore

    excursions over barren field.

    Deliberating there until

    inspired by a worthy plan—

    What mighty foe, what weapon can


    prevail upon Mycenean skill;

    the many talents they can wield?

    Raw iron, sulphur, furnace flame…

    Throughout the years they learn to tame

    such instruments towards their will,


    conjoining miracles to steel.

    Their mail alone denies all threat

    upon the wearer; failing that,

    no mortal effort can undo

    those mystic barriers which imbue


    an armour fashioned of their hands

    employing skill from other lands.

    Such armour would usurper buy

    in aspiration to defy

    implacable demise; the doom


    characterising lonely tomb.

    These requisitions will be heard.

    Ambitious engineers appeared,

    each eager to acquire prize

    awaiting them. Their beady eyes


    exposing predatory greed,

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