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The Laws of M.O.S.E.S (America's Financial Future): Volume One "A New Philosophy"
The Laws of M.O.S.E.S (America's Financial Future): Volume One "A New Philosophy"
The Laws of M.O.S.E.S (America's Financial Future): Volume One "A New Philosophy"
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The Laws of M.O.S.E.S (America's Financial Future): Volume One "A New Philosophy"

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Dare to take a journey in a discussion to change the face of our financial world. Discover a new way to run the United States economy with a simple approach that gives us all real freedom. This content will not use economic jargon and complicated graphs. It will analyze our system with simple models and theories. We will then see how a system of fairness and equality can come from the effort. This will be a true revolution in how we view money today and how we will handle it in the future. This proposal, questions and critiques our financial institutions. It says we can do better to achieve something that has never been done before. This unusual view of our financial system by spirituality and political morality will identify the hypocrisy of our times. It will show and legitimize our reasons for building a new and sustainable capitalism.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 11, 2012
The Laws of M.O.S.E.S (America's Financial Future): Volume One "A New Philosophy"

Claus M. Bohm

Claus M. Bohm is a self-employed contractor to the high-tech industry. He was born and raised in New York City by immigrant parents from post–World War II Germany. After graduating from the University of Houston in 1982 with a BS degree in design technology, he moved to Portland, Oregon, to work for a Fortune 500 company. In 1984, he changed his professional environment to work for a family-run service bureau in the Silicon Forest of Oregon. After acquiring the proper skills, he then decided to start his own contracting business in 1988. He has since worked across the United States, consulting for many prominent companies designing products both for industry and the military. He is currently devoting time to freelancing as a writer and living in Southeast Asia.

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    The Laws of M.O.S.E.S (America's Financial Future) - Claus M. Bohm

    The Laws of M.O.S.E.S (America’s Financial Future)

    Volume One

    A New Philosophy

    By Claus M. Bohm

    Copyright © 2012 by Claus M. Bohm.

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    Chapter One: Where It All Began

    Power of Money

    Bank’s Fault Line

    Twin Towers of Truth

    Triumvirate Returns

    Chapter Two: Adopting the Prodigy

    Trickle-up Economics

    Credit by Commitment

    Work on Demand

    Flow of Wealth

    Living Our Assets

    Chapter Three: Free My People

    Retiring the Markets

    Obligation by Choice

    Blankets for All

    Faces of Profit

    Chapter Four: Parting the River

    Work Is Gold

    GDP Rev. 2.0

    Gauge the Wage

    Economy’s Ladder

    Chapter Five: The Promise Land

    Following $Labor$

    Death of Savings

    Profits Revisited

    A Classless Society

    The New Capitalism

    Chapter Six: The Prophet Delivers

    From the Top

    Moses Unveiled

    Coding the Law

    A.I. Rules!

    A Fateful Warning

    Brave New Economy

    Notes: A Look Inside Volume II



    I would like to take this time to thank those that helped me reach this place in my life where everything I have done finally measures up to mean something.

    First, I want to thank my parents. Their balance in teaching me discipline, hard work, and responsibility for my freedom started the foundation for my life. Their library of books and thoughtful conversations allowed me to expand my mind even before I became a teenager.

    I want to thank all those I know, for the priceless time spent with my closest friends and those times spent with strangers in brief conversation. They helped me in one way or another with my ideas and life goals so I could reach this point. Without them, I could not have brought this idea to fruition.

    My companion and confidant has been there for me for the last twelve years. I couldn’t possibly miss the opportunity to thank not only her but also her country as well. Her compassion and support was a true lifesaver in these troubled times. Thailand was also pivotal in this project as their Buddhist culture showed me firsthand a different viewpoint through its wisdom and beautiful experience.

    Finally, I want to thank those people from all ages and occupations that have sacrificed their time and risked their lives to bring the issues of financial inequality to our attention. The effort of those that have demonstrated in our country and around the world will always be on my mind in these discussions.


    We are about to enter an intense journey to improve our economy that will stretch our imagination and test our beliefs. We all need to do that from time to time to realize where we are heading and ask ourselves why we are going there. This journey we are about to embark on, will be by the written word. This will not be a prose, a financial textbook or even a literary work of art. We will simply be traveling along a line of thought. The direction this line of thought will take will not hold back on the criticism or frankness of our current economic system. It will show itself to be a statement of protest. More important, it will attempt to solve the problems of the financial inequalities that currently plagues our times.

    Since this subject affects just about everyone, many will then read this rebellious document on our economic reality and feel quite offended. They will say, Who the hell does this guy think he is? They will say, How dare he say such things, is he nuts? For that reason, I would then like to apologize up front for any anger, negative feelings or misunderstandings this text will cause. If what is discussed here also seems like I am preaching to the choir then that is a risk I will have to take to drive the point home. It will be worth it if in fact the answers to our economic times are actually revealed in this text. For this reason I will not regret my approach or point of view.

    That is, I purposely took an emotional look and a strong negative viewpoint of our times. I commented on the financial issues exactly as I saw them. I took this body of work and made it a testament to the injustice I believe we are seeing today. If this ever finds its way into the archives of history, then I would like our future selves to see our system for what it really is. Many times it seems as if history finds itself being written with a slant by the victor. That slant will not exist here since I am the writer and a casualty of this War by Finance. This is a writing of one, like so many others, that finally lost this financial war. However, it wasn’t always so.

    Living by my core beliefs of fairness and truth, I saw my efforts in life pay off in a broad spectrum of higher education and enjoyably productive work. The steps I took in life allowed me to grow slowly but surely as I advanced forward. This led me to a better life than my parents could have ever thought possible as I eventually became a respected self-employed business owner. This brought with it a quality of life of high standards made by the world of high technology.

    Back in 1983, we barely knew this industry, what it meant or what it was going to become. Then in its upward climb, I found many rewards to be had in this rich soil of opportunity. There were many financial close calls along the way, but I managed to always win the day. This process had its share of risks and daring. I took the chances when they presented themselves at almost every turn. This was until that fateful year of 2008. Then the reality hit me that the world had changed. It changed while I was securely docile and asleep in my comfort zone of successful and lucrative contracts.

    When I woke up to the stark reality of unemployment in a very real and consistent way, the world was not the same. The system as I knew it to be in the nineties of easy sales by simple networking was gone. Open agreements and handshake contracts turned instead into the screening out of individuals that were not an affiliated corporation. The idea of entrepreneurship was replaced with a regulated labor force controlled by something that my best efforts could not prevail over.

    Even the Chamber of Commerce that had helped my growth in the beginning, changed its shape and scope. It became useless, as its mission seemed more to help those that needed it the least. All this brought me to the sad realization and painful conclusion that the high-tech world will never be the same ever again. The small businesses that ran it and gave me my living turned into the mighty corporation we see today that wants nothing to do with individual contracting and intimate relationships.

    What we have witnessed unfolding over those years was a two-step process of a new growth industry. First we saw what an industry could do if it was left alone to grow and shape itself. This was because people of power had no way of knowing how to best control it. Small businesses and entrepreneurships created a rich environment, delivering rewarding jobs and equally rewarding salaries. This all ended when the corporations took control and the bean counters started counting.

    Then as the world crashed around me, I began to understand what the people of the Great Depression must have felt like when they witnessed their own fateful event of 1929. My business saw no or little customers even with the hours, days, and month grueling on the phone doing endless sales calls. My resume went out to recruiters all over the country only to prove to be a total waste of time. My life savings were destroyed in the markets. The real estate I sold a few years earlier put me out of house and home as I chased the artificially created and ballistic shaped housing market to no avail. Then as the ensuing and inevitable correction unfolded, it became impossible to get ones land losses back for anyone. This all happened as the economy fell in a devilish and cruel combination of fates. I watched horrified and stunned as the stock market, jobs, and real estate all crash at the same time.

    For over two years, I tried to figure out what to do and where I went wrong. I begged everyone in my professional field for any work no mater the pay. I even chased contracts as far as India only to either be flatly ignored or told I could never make enough money to justify the expenses. Then in utter desperation I inquired on work at a local Walmart chain. I found out from the employees that I would be one of as many as eight hundred applicants for a single job. That was when I had finally had it. I then realized that after all these events were unfolded in front of me, three things stood out among all the rest. The system is broken. It is beyond redemption. It needs to be redesigned. That epiphany led me to make the writing of this book my single ambition.

    After many attempts in the past to meet the challenge and curiosity as a writer, I finally decided Enough is enough. I realized Now it is time to come out and say what has to be said no matter how it may sound to whoever will read it. My father used to say, you can always attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. That is so true as I used it successfully throughout the time in running my business, but the environment we are living in today makes this very wise saying useless. That is because all of the honey is gone and all we have left is vinegar. We are now in the end times of a system that is utterly lopsided. A very small group of people simply own everything while the rest of us wonder what we are going to do next. Those that can fix this system, won’t. No matter how much honey we use if we had any left, their hearts will not have ears to listen anyway.

    This discussion is just the beginning of that expression with a concerted and advanced solution to solve it. This started as an extended building up of ideas, that was to encompass three separate subject matters. They were to present a new viewpoint on finances, religion and education as one continuous concept. Well, as everyone says, the eyes are bigger than the stomach. It then became painfully clear in very little time that it would be too much for one book. To try to write out a comprehensive new system by a new philosophy for our entire society into one discussion was going to be virtually impossible even if as a summary.

    This will instead be realized as a project that may take the rest of my working years. It will encompass many volumes that will span many issues from all areas of our society and bring to fruition an entire vision. This vision will be of a New Age of Humanity. This will not be by some occult practice of some obscure religion. This vision will be by one of core fundamentals. They will be governed by our hearts and minds with universal morals and fair play. But it will be much more. This vision will have the insight to enlighten our souls and spirits. It will build on direct experience that proves that everything is not always measured by what we can see, touch, and hear. It will have us question all authorities and decide if what we have been taught in our schools, churches, by our parents and even society is in fact true.

    I believe that great changes are coming. These volumes starting with the introduction to a new philosophy of doing business, will try to capture that in one consistent theme of we the people. It will be shown in strong contrast to the political climate we see ourselves in today. I will also interject throughout this writing the experiential fact that we are all just spirits in a material world as the familiar old-rock song goes. Because of the current social and cold logic agenda in our country that seems to block this point of view at every turn, we will see that sometimes the focus of this discussion will deviate. It may appear that I am going off track as we address specific issues.

    This was done on purpose to assure that attention was paid to just how pervasive the lies and misdirection’s are as they are constantly pounded into us throughout our society. This body of work will call out these lies and lay straight the otherwise deceit and intended spin that seem so prevalent today. It will also question our traditional beliefs in a new light of logic, truth and fairness. The goal is to bring out a more accurate point of view, but that verdict will be left for the readers to decide. You will obviously not agree with everything in the following discussion unless you are my mental twin. I have great hope that you will at least understand why I arrived at these conclusions. If many of you do agree then maybe we can start a new religion or political party around this idea … no just kidding!

    Also we will see redundancy throughout this text. That is partially because we are approaching the same subject but from different angles that forces us to go over the same subject mater to some degree. Other times it is intentional to drive home the ideas so they can be clearly understood. Repetition is always a good way of learn something new and that will be exercised here. At the risk of repeating myself when it came to particulars I hope it won’t be too annoying. Finally, it may also just be overlooked errors in editing. Please understand the task that is going on here as I don’t have a team of researchers to help me in this process. It was just me, a five year old laptop and a very slow internet connection that made this book a reality. Its amazing though what some upbeat trance music from the island of Ibiza and endless cups of herbal diet coffee can do to inspire someone.

    So please read on, and I hope this will give you some useful information. It may even affect your lives in growth and enlightenment by reading it, as it did mine by writing it.

    Chapter One:

    Where It All Began

    Power of Money

    We have all been told that money is the root of all evil. This leads us to believe that maybe money itself is evil. Our moral and spiritual upbringing supports that notion as we are guided to truth and virtue that simply does not include money. In this very negative light, this view of money lacks one very practical point in reality. In our current physical world, money has become the source for everything we do. We cannot feed or cloth ourselves, live in our homes or do our travels without it. We cannot do anything for ourselves from basic tasks to running of our governments without money. The days of self-sufficiency are gone as we head for our favorite grocery stores, stroll through our favorite malls and call on the services of our favorite handypersons. It is simply impossible to envision our world without the access to money.

    In times of financial trouble, those of us with a more spiritual character will say, Just have faith and it will all work out. It will for a time, but then we are right back to the same problem again. If that is the only way to live and the only choice we have, then this conversation would end right here, but it is not! We can choose to do something else. We can choose to see how we can approach this exercise of faith from another angle and another viewpoint.

    Maybe the faith we need is not seek and ye shall find. Maybe the faith we need is to change the system that puts us into these financial dire straits in the first place. Then we can use our faith for something more meaningful. We can use our faith to pursue our dreams, learn our spiritual lessons about life and help us deal with relationships we have with each other.

    Instead now what we have with the lack of money is a forced preoccupation with a Darwinist survival mindset. We will do just about anything to obtain money when the only thing on our minds is how we are going to pay the mortgage. We even start contemplating shoplifting from grocery stores and convenient markets as a source of sustenance. When our basic survival instincts start kicking in, it will be hard to convince us to worry about our moral and spiritual upbringing. We can even feel it in a very emotional way by the transition.

    That transition is what happens the instant we realize that we are no longer in the dreaded mode of survival. Anyone that has had to pull themselves up from dire times knows exactly what this transition feels like. Maybe those people that would have us believe that money is evil, have no money worries or lives their lives as spiritual gurus. They never experienced the emotions of survival or were oblivious to it. For the rest of us, we know all too well how we depend on the flow of money and how we need it to work constantly and thoroughly throughout our lives. We are very aware that by this, money itself is power for life. When we have it we are free to live and when we don’t, we are nothing but slaves or worse.

    But in mankind’s past, power was not always measured by money and how much of it we had. We were dependent on a different source of power, the power by our force of arms. We found power to be the securing of our personal protection as most important. We depended on our military as the absolute show of that power and security for our societies. Even when national monetary treasuries were used to support them, it was really devoted people in uniform, not the money, which protected us. They protected our borders, claimed lands for resources, and when used skillfully, expanded our empires. Now this practice is becoming immaterial. We use it less and less as the world grows smaller and smaller.

    Our huge and growing populations are filling up the remaining remote lands as we become a world of closely knit nations, growing inwards instead of outwards. Now with the advent of nuclear technology and the expansion of global corporations, it is our financial businesses, not armies that hold the real power today. We can no longer wage war on a country as our weapons could destroy both them and ourselves. We can no longer wage war on a nation whose infrastructure we rely on for trade and commerce. We can’t make any money if everyone is dead and everything is destroyed. There is no money in it.

    Sadly though, we as a world society have lost all morality as we now take financial advantages of lesser regional conflicts by our industry’s arms sales. As arms agreements are made to limit their capability and distribution, we still find ways around it. When agreements are finally had, they quickly become corrupted. The licensing practices of arms manufactures are vague and liberal. Companies sell those licenses to other companies that are not in affiliated countries that participated in the arms agreements. Even our great nation America, supplies the money itself for those arms and does it directly to help those that should be the least of all to acquiring them. Here is one very sad example.

    During the time of Pol Pot’s regime, the United States contributed over $73M to his murderous army. We not only supplied funds but had an army of our own CIA agents training his forces as well in camps on the border nation of Thailand. This was during the 1980-1986 years under the Reagan administration. Our resentment for losing our war with Vietnam showed itself politically true to form. After their liberation from us, Vietnam then secured the legitimate government back to the Cambodians in 1978. We simply couldn’t stand for that, so we had to get even by supplying the enemy of the Cambodian people instead. This was portrayed and clarified in an incredibly emotional and visual documentary: Cambodia—The Betrayal by John Pilger.

    One of our own presidents, endeared and known for his mastery at administration, warned us of the mind set of a fulltime war industry that could work against us. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, with his famous speech on the military arm of the corporate world, made it clear with the following statement:

    "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes."

    In the movie Lord of War, we see the creative version on how the industry actually works. As the main actor, Nicholas Cage, shows us the mind-set of the markets and gross money that can be made. Fictitious as it was, the visualization and point made may not be far from the truth.

    However, we have done much better with the power of money and with a clearer conscience. This is when our corporations can convince a country’s population to buy our domestic products instead. This is not only moral but lucratively more practical as well. For this reason, money has become the dominant tool of power as we wield it around the world today, by our business transactions. Then money is necessary not only to survive by but also to move the standard of living upward as we grow our world’s economies.

    There will be a time far in the future when money will no longer be necessary; that is for sure. Our combined societies are barely in the adolescent stage of existence when viewed over the extent of all time and from a universal perspective. But until we gain status of a truly mature and advanced global society, we will need the use of money in some form or fashion. Whether in real or electronic format, currency by some kind of value system no matter how theoretically based or pragmatic in action, will be needed for the foreseeable future.

    That being said, we really don’t have to view money as an object onto itself because that may be where the problem lies. If instead we treat it simply as the exchange mechanism between labor and products, we would be better off. This was in fact the initial purpose of money far back in historical times. In those times, there was a clear and understandable value to the simple power of money. It was earned, and it was spent. Now we have created a world around money that detaches itself from what it was intended for in the first place. We reshaped money from the purpose of commerce instead to a weapon of gross influence and ultimate power. This new roll we gave to money may actually have done more to wreck societies than many armies have ever done.

    By this wrecking power of money, we have created complicated business systems and practices. We then use our sophistication in these businesses to manipulate other economies to our end. One example is by a series of steps that starts with securing a foothold, infiltrating the government, changing the rules to our favor, and then taking control of the country altogether. This was perfected to form by how America acquired the island nation of Hawaii. The completion of the fifty stars on our country’s flag was done by a well executed act of war by business. Let’s see how that was done.

    US businessmen settled in the islands of Hawaii and cultivated sugar plantations with advantages of cheap labor from Asia. They used the quickly generated wealth from those businesses to secure positions in government via the Missionary Party. They then changed the rules with their financial influences so only those with any appreciable wealth could vote. With the control by the vote, they put before the king of Hawaii the appropriately named Bayonet Constitution. This led to the final abdication of the throne. Eventually because of these steps, this island kingdom was handed over to America.

    When we create exotic financial vehicles to play our monetary war games on ourselves, then we see the effects firsthand. Our businesses then show in true form how they can use the power of money without any effort or consequence. That could not have been demonstrated any better than in the latest bank derivatives debacle. We made loans that had land mines built in, even before the paperwork was done.

    When those interest mines went off, those loans were long gone from their originators. They were packaged, repackaged, and mixed with each other. This had bad credit mixed with good credit between credit card loans, commercial paper, and home mortgages. They where all indistinguishable from each other. Then when the over-produced housing bubble burst, loans began to default. The ensuing crash revealed that these derivatives packages and their insurance inflated values where actually worthless. This gave us the new coinage, Toxic Assets.

    What makes this so shameful is the current perception by some that say this was all caused because our government gave the minority races a leg up with cheap loans. This is not only an erroneous assessment but totally undermines the efforts to increase the quality of living for the less fortunate. The fact is that the seven largest investment firms played risky and exotic financial games with all of our debt, and they were caught doing it. The governments Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac though the original sinners were dwarfed by these global giants in monetary comparison. The affects of the seven major contributors where documented and facts checked on one of MSNBC’s episodes of The Rachel Maddow Show.

    Now a school bond is in default, and a government is in fiscal trouble. Companies curb business ventures and credit is severely tightened. The debacle of the earlier junk bonds of savings and loans by the likes of Charles Keating and the Keating Five simply transformed and escalated into the new junk of subprime mortgages of corporations like Lehman Brothers. This time traveling financial circus had all the thrills that even included a few Enron’s along the way.

    Two other issues that round out this entertainment of deception are the unknown government’s huge invested wealth by their extensive pension plans and the Federal Reserve’s unpublished distributions of its money supply (M3). For this reason we will need to build a new system that focuses on money simply as a means to another end. It has to serve all of us. It has to serve a higher purpose other than just for its accumulation and manipulation for power and control. It does not have to be glorified as some profit percentage so we can say we won over someone else. It does not need to be a figure or target to reach so we can chase it in fanciful dreams of becoming stinking rich. It can have a more direct and noble purpose that it was meant for in the first place.

    It can be measured and used simply and purely to secure our needs and desires in life by our efforts at work. It could be used to do that on an individual-by-individual basis and on a personal and meaningful level. Then the fulfillment of our collective needs and desires will be the measure of our financial success and economic health under a new and visionary system. This is obviously different than what we do today as we currently measure economic forces by induces and measurements that do not relate directly to us and do not have our best interests at heart.

    This simple idea of fulfilling needs and desires would be quite effective if we truly understand what it means when we take it all the way through our entire domestic financial system. This is because what we are doing is advancing an idea that our wants and goals, viewed as an entire society and over time, will determine the value of money. That means it will be us, not the government, corporations or the banking institutions that should be in charge of the power of money. That authority should come from our needs, wants and desires. We should all be able to exercise the personal power that money can offer.

    Though to some, much of this idea rings of Keynesian Economics, it was not the source. In fact, no economist’s theories were used for the basis of this entire discussion. If any likeness occurs it is strictly coincidental. This then only lends to the idea that different viewpoints can reach the same conclusion. It also supports the idea that the conclusions expressed here and if supported by known theories may actually be the answer. These discussions instead are derived from practical layman experience in firsthand knowledge of business and awareness of unfolding current events. Other then terms and events defined, the source used here is an inner conscience of what is right and wrong without fixed economic ideologies, dogmas and prejudices.

    The idea of personal demand by itself running our entire economy will be underestimated by anyone that doesn’t see what that really means directly to how we do business today. They will not understand that this shift in thinking will change the way monetary institutions will operate in the future. They will not see that our financial belief systems will drastically change as well. They will not believe that by this new measurement we will no longer have the economic volatilities we can’t seem to ever escape from.

    By refocusing and reworking our economy specifically by what we all want as individuals, we will be securing the markets by the pure cycle our demands create. Our desires will secure the need for goods and services. The need to produce those products will secure jobs. The jobs will then need to be filled by us so we can justify our demands. If we take this demand-job-demand process out for the full length of our lives, we will be able to rebuild a thorough and sustainable economy. This will not only be driven exclusively by demand but also regulated by time instead of people. It will then do this over several decades of what will practically amount to a person’s entire lifetime. But there is more to this approach of securing our power of money.

    By using a careful design and skillful knowledge to handle the economy in this way, how will inflation find a foothold? Where will unemployment play a role? How can we fear these financial evils when we the people, not some made-up economic vehicle, become the driving force and focus of importance? What is being proposed here is that there is no need whatsoever for any inflation, depression, loss of jobs, or anything else that our economic environment has thrown at us in the past. What we are currently suffering under today can be completely replaced by a system that puts us, not some antiquated and biased economic model, first.

    God gave us free will to conduct our lives, but under our current system we cannot exercise that freedom. At whatever spiritual level we are on, the issues of economical inequality and lack of financial security is an injustice to us all. How many times have we lost the chance for the things we wanted after struggling for years to acquire them? How many times have we eagerly asked for work and there simply wasn’t any? How many times do our dreams of a bright future go up in smoke because of financial difficulty and uncertainty?

    This wears not only on our financial lives but on our souls and spirits as well. At times, it even breaks down our will to do anything at all. We then loose our natural and original desires of which we grow by spiritually. Our rightful motivations for what drives us in life are then destroyed in the hopelessness. This is not good for us. It is not good for our inner beings. It surely isn’t good for the economy of the country.

    We can be guaranteed the freedom to have all of the things we want by our responsibility to work for them. By securing this process we can then conduct our own spiritual path as we learn from our own personal desires. Then we will be free from the values and agendas that others impose on us. Only by this process can we really learn anything anyway. Our greed, excessive accumulation of wealth, and superficial focus on the material world will work itself out in the light of our efforts. As we sweat for the things we want, we will start to slowly learn from the spiritual lessons this sweat will create. The divine forces which brought us into our physical lives will not have us learn anything if we just continue to keep exploiting each other for what we have. That process will only make us egotistical and have us thinking we are something better then everyone else. It even has some of us thinking we are God itself.

    Then in this clear light of awareness, the solution will be basically very simple. We will create the money supply the economy runs on, around us, the individual. The power of money will then be distributed to all of us simply and personally as our own individual money supply (IMS)¹.

    It was decided not to use the words Personal Money Supply because the acronym simply wouldn’t do…!

    Currently the money supply is handled by the Federal Reserve through its regional reserve banks. They distribute the money supply through loans, credit leveraging, and other vehicles to the banking system. We then use those banks to do our business as a nation. Their control over our money supply determines for us our economy and by their effort, affects the economic environment from boom till bust. This is regulated by a mixture of government and private influences but unfortunately not by the American people themselves.

    Even as we discuss this issue now, the regulatory committees are trying to pass new laws to fix the mess we call the monetary flow of our currency. It is mired in rules and regulations that are enough to make anyone’s head spin as we see the efforts made. Those efforts range all the way from actions to avoid the stigma of using discount rates to the handling of open market operations, primary dealers, and term security lending. They protect themselves from each other as they argue over how best to distribute the credit. All of their actions are out of our control as they decide for us what our portion of the money supply will be.

    The new design for the monetary supply proposed here will be regulated by a more just and superior system of simplicity. It will be measured by our work desires, value of assets, and investment returns over our whole lives. All our work efforts will contribute back to this supply of money given to us that we will continuously borrow from. Our earnings and equities will then assure we are taking care of our share of the debts and responsibilities, the money supply’s free use will create.

    Our labor efforts will also accumulate to create profit returns from a unique embedded investment system for our retirement. This investment system will drive the economy over and above the work effort. By the method we will discuss in detail later, we will continue to build and secure the products of the GDP (gross domestic product). Then this new power of money will give us a chance at a future so fantastic, that it will be hard for us to currently envision. It will be a future that will have each of us shaping its course directly as the details will be unfolded over the length of this discussion (see figure 1).

    This will be quite different than the view we have of our future today. It will be realized in an environment that does not have us worrying about our survival. We will not worry about where the next meal will come from or how the mortgage will be paid. These needless worries will then pass away in the night like a very bad nightmare. When that happens we will start to be measured by our true worth as we see through our desires, what really matters in life. This is because finally there will no longer be any more excuses for holding us back from true actualization and final enlightenment. We will each approach that goal on our own level, by our own means and in our own way.

    But this freedom and awareness of our true path in life comes at a price. This price is by the effects we place on ourselves when we involuntarily or directly participate in the exploitation of others. The exploitation we participate in then removes us from our true path. This causes what the Hindus

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