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Nebula Six
Nebula Six
Nebula Six
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Nebula Six

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 27, 2010
Nebula Six

Dennis W. Funderburk

Originally I began writing this story over twenty years ago believe it not and running out of steam as my marriage began to sour and quit. Inspired and distilled in me by my new wife later to fight for life, to start new projects and to move forward and finish what I started, was something pure and it was enough for me just five years ago, to decide to began writing again. My decision was a simple one, my new project, would have to be that of an old project that I’d started many years ago. Thru the years of course, I’ve changed the story a lot for better ideas on how it should now be written, I finally decided on an ogre if you will, starting out as a human, from another planet and being bitten by an animal of something of which, was very rare and revealing it self once every 500 years to feed, or to recreate one of his own or both. In this particular instance, I’ve come up with a creature of which can think smartly for it self fought and aided by his alter ego Paul.

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    Nebula Six - Dennis W. Funderburk

    Copyright © 2010 by Dennis W. Funderburk.

    Library of Congress Control Number:                   2010902453

    ISBN:                            Hardcover                 978-1-4500-5019-7

                                          Softcover                    978-1-4500-5018-0

                                          E-book                        978-1-4500-5020-3

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


























    THE P.S.F.G.





































































    It was in the early morning hours, at around five am as my story began to unfold, when I saw something partially buried the sand near the Ocean Beach pier.

    I just stood staring in the beginning, while attempting to figure out what it was, I was seeing

    Although the oddity lay still at half mask being afraid at first, I kept my distance.

    Hours had went by of course, before I got the nerve enough to approach it, but once I was within breathing room of the anomaly, I took an immediate notice of its enormous size.

    Being at least 25 feet in height if he was a foot and built like, some super human muscle man, I knew it had to be from out there.

    Not knowing if it would even understand anything I had to say, I sat down next to our alien visitor anyway and ask the question where do you come from?

    Frighteningly placing my left hand under his neck from there, I gently lifted his head and continued with a whisper, what are you? What is your name and why are you here I ask again, where do you come from?

    After a full hour of him tossing, turning and talking in languages of which, I understood nothing, he Suddenly . . . . and surprise-ly, spurted out the words evil, in English.

    Continuing he said, that is what they call me evil. it was then, that I noticed his eyes were dark and had an eerie depth-ness about them.

    His stare was sharp and direct and it was almost as though, it was hypnotic; and could cut thru you with a single thought.

    However, that wasn’t all Walters added, there was something else about his eyes that caught the attention of mine. It was the redness surrounding his, with an indescribable color centering his left pupil giving him, the look of someone alone and abandoned.

    I also noticed that his stare gave off the impression of being a person unfulfilled with a void and emptiness if you will.

    As I stood still in my own thoughts of concentration, I failed to notice that his right forearm had begun to suddenly move towards me.

    When I saw it for myself, I knew in a glance that I had to move quickly and not to be sitting there, if he’d suddenly got a hunger for my flesh.

    He was still however, able to reach out and grab my hand unfortunately, before I could stand away. The creature still moved like lightening, even in his weakened state.

    When my knees began to knock together at that point and my eyes began to water with salted tears rolling down my face, I thought for sure, this was the day for me to die.

    I was however pleasantly surprised, when his hand clutched with mine dissipating my worries completely, because I lived thru it, but I was seeing it all.

    It was almost like looking thru a crystal ball, for at that precise moment, I began to learn how he became, the creature he became.

    Staring me straight into my face at that point and gently letting my hand go, he reached up with his claw like forefinger and felt away my teardrop.

    He then with a very light touch, rubbed his skinless bony figure under my eye lid and again, felt the beaded moisture extruding from my pupil, only to rear back with a jerk.

    It was at that point again, when I was surprised as I saw tiny droplets of water began to flow down the creature’s heavily armored face matching my own; and I wowed.

    I wouldn’t have believed it myself folks but yes, this creature had a sensitive side, along with his murdering instinct for survival.

    When he renewed his grip on my hand at that point, his flash backs hit me like a sonic boom. He must have wanted me to know the truth really bad, for when he clenched my forearm and retightened his grip, I knew I’d be there for a while.

    With my mind being once again linked to his, I had a much better view into the past noticing that his real name, was once Paul VanHousten.

    I could now read his every thought and I could feel; and see his whole life racing thru my head as my mind expanded.

    I began to wonder, if my humanoid brain could handle such transference so quickly, as my head began to ache.

    It felt as though, someone had hit my skull with a large hammer and for sure I thought this creature would have killed me.

    Reaching out with both his claws simultaneously, the creature then surprisingly, grasps my wrists while sinking his nails deep into my skin and injected, some kind of green secretion.

    Even though he relieved me of all pain and discomfort at that point, I still had to question the reasoning behind this meeting rather it be fate or destiny.

    As our minds continued to be linked as one, I began to think to myself why! Why me in deed I asked but then, in the middle of my next thought, he again amazed me, when he gave me a reply.

    His most unexpected comeback the creature had, was why not you! You were the luck of the draw, you now have a story to tell and I hope, you will tell my tale well he added.

    After his statement of course, we then had a very scary moment when he ogled me eye to eye, while tightening his grip even farther exposing his six inch blood stained teeth.

    Immediately at that point following the chopper revealing incident, he lit up his eyes as to frighten me and he did, while raising the large and curved fin on his back as to attack.

    This again, got my undivided attention terrifying me into the reality of thinking that I’d better, tell his tale, just as he intends it to be told.

    Still continuing his scare tactics, the creature then growled out a command of stop human! Stop! Your thinking is all wrong.

    "All I want you to do Walters he added, is to understand, that I can no longer harm you or anyone else at this point, for I am dying and will soon be gone from this world.

    Once he’d finished with his last decree, he then let out loudly a wailing cry and a grunt passing out grabbing his chest and curdling his final sound.

    With his grip still very tightly grasp and his thoughts still being my thoughts, the words of understanding now came more easily and speedily.

    The factual events continued racing thru my mind and I saw the truth unfold quickly leading me to this day in which, I found Fleshula here on our beach.

    It was then, that I really understood how tragedy had struck his world, how it had begun to fall apart and when.

    This of course, is the story of which I will tell you in its entirety.



    It all began just seven years ago today, when Paul’s nightmarish chain of events began to set in motion something of which, would change his life forever.

    This particular day started out like any other, it was very nice and clear when the atmosphere suddenly began to change readjusting the winds and darkening the sky and shaking their world causing it to rumble.

    Everything seems to change as the trio bros Don, Paul and Rio began planning their camping trip to the mountains.

    Everyone was concerned, surprised and bewildered, when they began to notice that something, had altered their heavenly weather conditions.

    For you see, they lived on a planet deep inside a galaxy that was approximately 200,000 light years east of our own native sun, with no atmospheric disarray.

    The creature’s region of space from which he came, was more calmly know as Nebula Six. It was called as such, because of the five celestial bodies surrounding nebula One.

    The formation of these six tiny planets were all controlled and kept in check, by the one in the center, known as the alimented global stabilizer.

    Being that his home world, helped to keep a perfectly balanced array of seasons regardless of weather stipulation, it was quite surprising, when it began to fail.

    Actually being eighteen thousand miles apart, the alien environment aided in the Nebula Six in creating a completed weathered circle of conditioning.

    The fact that their planet was going thru some unexpected changes at that point, made the scientists began to wonder about conditions on all the other worlds as well.

    Although no one had ever visited any of these other orbital spheres, they always knew that the possibility of sustaining life existed, for the clean air, vegetation and water flotation, that covered the grounds there, showed this to be true.

    Of the sixty million human-like residents that lived on this creature’s home world, not one, had ever doubted their scientists and their facts of other planets, until now.

    Scientifically speaking, their scalars have always, been on cue with their enlarged telescopes and comic star readers and counters.

    They had no idea that the blame, actually, should be going to the legendary creature of their own world, for she is the one casting the skyward shadows of evil and disarray, not their scientists.

    Within only days of these confusing times now, the citizens shall soon see and understand the truth, of why their skies have suddenly gone dark.

    They would also come to understand within hours, why their perfect environment, had so quickly been altered and distorted.

    The answers all lay on that one, single day in mid-season; it was July 15th 2029, when the trio bros became burnt and worn out slowing down production at the plant of which, they worked.

    Their unintentional lazy spell was considered lagging on the job and after being severely reprimanded, they were then ask, to stay late on that changing of their life night, to make up on, their lack of achievement.

    Unknowingly to them of course, when Paul and his brothers were forced to remain after hours at the plant of Socrates Goods, an alteration of events began to unfold.

    These events could not be changed, redirected nor escaped from and would eventually, become an endless orbital nightmare.

    The foretold measures of which, would affect the brothers directly at that point, began after they’d finally completed the assigned tasks at work.

    It began when Rio, Don and their older brother Paul left for their pre-arranged campsite, on the Blue Ridge Mountain Hailkus peak.

    Being unable to leave until seven the next morning, devastated their schedule causing them to leave on vacation way late getting them at the rental office five hours later then anticipated putting them at risk.

    Immediately upon their arrival there at the peak and the end of their 10 hour trip, they found that the site they’d originally chosen, had already been given to someone else, due to their lateness.

    There was however, an ulterior site offered at that point informing them unfortunately, of a long, two hour hike they would have to face, up the mountain.

    Although tired and in the argumentative mood, Paul and his brothers decided it was in their best interest to let it go and start up the hillside.

    The climb of course, to their surprise, turned out to be invigorating and filled with excitement as they drew closer to the crest of the snow covered pinnacle.

    Their immediate arrival at the site was met with a light breeze coming up from the north, creating a cross wind giving the air a crispy coolness and a cold chill.

    Nevertheless, after checking out the surrounding area, the trio decided to take it easy and relish the swift rift of the zephyr.

    As they at that point, began enjoying the night air tiring and leaned back in their own comfortable chairs, the darkness filled with eeriness about it of which of course, hit upon them very quickly and putting them to sleep.

    Finally getting the much needed and disserved slumber of twelve hours sleep, the three brothers snoozed deep into the night having neither knowledge nor thought, of the freak storm, heading in their direction.

    They of course, sleeping tightly thru the late hour, were caught completely off guard when it hit at sunrise or six am.

    The gusty winds were up to one hundred miles an hour at times resembling that of a hurricane, hitting hard and severe.

    When the storming winds began tearing down everyone’s night of refuge, the campers were suddenly in a rage of frightening moments of anxiety.

    The week-enders began to run franticly pushing and shoving one another down the mountain in groves and heading for their cars.

    Many were injured with numerous cuts and abrasions and bleeding and oozing with infectious openings.

    In less then twenty minutes of course, of the storms beginning the sites were all empty except for one, the one where the brothers were staying.

    Within only moments of the panicky, disastrous run, the rains came with their own galing attitude and it was even worst then the winds themselves, for its surge of power looked and felt, like large stone frenzy’s being thrown in every direction.

    The downpour lasted for hours and hours on end and it hit hard and fast like thundering boulders of which, actually inflicted bleeding wounds on top of their heads and shoulders.

    In addition to the storm itself, the rising waters and mud slides all around them, were forcing their hand in the finding of an immediate, alternate shelter.

    Wasting no time at that point in their affects, the brothers had decided to move studiedly southward, leaving their camp behind.

    After several hours of scampering around the mountain top and the countryside, the trio grew tired of the running thru sleet and rain and become worn out.

    Being short winded and beaten, lost, confused and disorinated on many levels, the three decided to stop and rest awhile.

    Inadvertently of course, by relaxing here in this section of the park, they were able to discover a large opening in the hillside of which they entered and again, lying on the cavern floor they slept.

    Due to their rough morning and darkened afternoon, Don and Rio couldn’t sleep more then a few hours that evening and decided to explore their surroundings, for the mystery of the grotto there be for them, could not be ignored.

    Although their intentions were admirable and sincere of being gone only a couple hours at that point, their level of excitement of glitter and discovery, took them well into the night and most of the next morning hours.

    They’d seen four other lighted rooms that caught their eye in a heart beat and intrigued them enough, to cross over the narrow ledge between them and their prize.

    Besides the ledge itself, they also had to figure away over the seventy foot almost bottomless fissure, which could easily keep them from their glistening treasure.

    Although the climb set before them would be rather dangerous and tricky to get around, Don and Rio of course, had already figured on no problems of getting thru any of the jagged rock and lime stone formations.

    They considered the large obstacles there to be challenging and the golden gems, to be their gift from god himself.

    Therefore, it was their professional opinion, that the treasure was meant for them and them alone and nothing, but nothing, was going to stop them from getting it.

    Refusing to believe anything else at that point, they presumed that protection was all around them, like an invisible shield, keeping them from any harm.

    Having no doubts in their minds that all of this was true, Don and Rio go deeper into the abyss like cavern only to become lost and disorinated.

    It took four long hours before the brothers could get themselves together again and find their way back to the entrance, but of course by then, the rains of evil entent had already done its deed in washing away, the rear wall where Paul slept.

    It was right about that time that the clocks struck the midnight hour causing the mud to loosen its grip upon the earth and the landslide, to begin clearing the way for a dimensional gateway to be opened.

    The stench of the fresh air quickly awakened and released the mystical creature, known as the Leviathan Rose.

    Once again, free to do her bidding, she entered thru a small aperture at the back of the room and slowly lowered herself down, to where she found Paul uncomfortably sleeping.

    Standing up straight and tall at that point, the creature stood mid-chested of the latent victim and placed her triple pronged and oblong snifter, from her mouth into his.

    Startled and surprisely awakened, Paul knew in an instant and realized, that he had come face to face with the most feared phenomenon known to man, the legendary Rose.

    In my description of this creature, I’d have to say that although it was of minimal size, she was in my opinion, very viable and as strong, as ten men or more.

    Though she was pretty as a picture when seeing it, the Leviathan Rose, was a thousand times as venomous as our own, common rattler and twice as mean.

    Paul himself of course, saw this beast, as being beautiful and up right when he saw it up close and personal.

    Now this creature had the coloring tones, of a nicely bloomed pink rose along with retractable teeth and a set of horns on either side of her head.

    Other then her hues, the Rose stood at around three feet in height and length and weighted in about, eighty pounds with a long slingy tail that gracefully swung out from her body.

    Her horns of course, along with the elegance of her enticing wag, had the feel and the look of an ivory tusk.

    Therefore her appearance, could be deceiving as Paul finds out when she finally attacked and smiled while extending her teeth and claws unmercifully, ripping into his flesh.

    Despite the fact, that the creature was very heavy sitting on him and spent several minutes ripping and tearing at his chest, head and neck area, Paul was still able to fight back.

    Although he was bleeding profusely and scared half to death, the victim still made every possible attempt, of pulling away swinging wildly.

    Hitting the creature along the face and shoulders of course, made her angrier at first, but then as suddenly as she came upon him, she stopped and looked stirringly into his eyes seeing his bravery.

    Paul assumingly at that point, was spared and allowed to live, out of respect for heroism and honor.

    Amazingly, what the creature did next was very much unexpected as she began sinking her left like claw, deep into her victim’s forearm injecting a reddish dye type secretion.

    After the secretion of course, she took it one step farther, when she used a fair amount of her own blood and saliva mixture, to treat and heal a small lesion along the right side of Paul’s neck while passing onto him simultaneously, her beastie trait.

    Immediately following of course, with his wounds gone and him being out of danger thinks to the Bleliva discharge, the Leviathan Rose lashed out one last blow to Paul’s face and disappeared back into the sludge of the mud from which, she came.



    Finally returning to the front entrance of the cavern at that point, they missed the act of terror by only moments.

    Don and Rio were shocked of course, arriving the next morning to see that their baby brother had, somehow met with foul play.

    The evidence was all around them as they could see the blood on the stones of the floor, on the walls, and on Paul.

    Noticing that he was completely covered in saliva and hemoglobin, both Don and Rio unfortunately, stated that he resembled, that of a raw piece of meat and they were worried.

    They searched of course, franticly they searched for any clues or confirmation, for answers to what may have happened.

    After several minutes of rummaging around and finding nothing, it sent Rio over the edge causing him to become uncomfortably out raged.

    Having enough at that point and spinning with hostility and maybe, that of pity, Don spoke out loudly and said, the hell with all of this, lets just help Paul and get out and never come back."

    Rio agreed whole heardedly of their brother’s importance of course; and they lifted him up and carried him outside putting him in a small puddle of water near the entrance of the cavern and cleaned him.

    After they’d finished grooming him and making him feel better, they then gathered several slabs of wood and vines and other materials from different trees and collectively, they made a bed for Paul to be carried in.

    The cot was prepared with pine needles and swamp grass creating a padded mat of sorts; and It served nicely for their little bro to rest on.

    Upon its completion of course, they laid Paul down unto his stuffed carriage and the three men started their dangerous decent of the mountain.

    The climb downward was filled with wet and slippery stones, all of which was faced with smooth surfaces along with their counter parts of sharp and jagged, edged rocks.

    Their decline was slow and time consuming, as they carefully stepped over and around the composition of the hillside, being very careful not to slip and fall.

    By the time they’d reached the half way mark of their drop in altitude, it was already mid afternoon and getting dark making their trip even more torturous for the trio.

    Although they were tired and worn out at that point and covered already with cuts and abrasions, Don and Rio were determined to reach the bottom of the mountain before midnight.

    So they pushed on down the hillside sustaining even more serious injuries from the razer sharp rocks of lime and corral stone resembling, that of cooled Lava.

    It was right about that time of course, that Paul was accidentally throw from his carriage while taking a tumble with the others and sustaining unfortunately, several broken bones along with a smaller amount of lesser injuries, but never the less painful.

    His grievance’s, like the rose at that point, caused him to quickly explode in an uncontrollable stormy like rage of which, started an argument between the once loving brotherhood, delaying their decent.

    The last part of the climb downward of course, because of the fight, took until daybreak. The disagreement itself, lasted until six am that morning, getting them thru the last of the trail, several minutes later.

    The down grade in their relationship at this point, was a warning of a new beginning, of a new era.

    What they didn’t already know, would be unknowingly learned the hard way, once the sun rose up over the western skies of the land, the real changes in Paul began to show.

    Their first clue of course, would be that of his bones being completely healed or in the process of, but these changes, would be overwhelmingly strong and confusing him and causing him to strike out violently and uncontrollably, to destroy and to mame.

    It was unfortunate at that point, that when all of this finally came out, Paul struck out at their only transportation and with his own bare hands and his new found strength, literally tore the car apart and began throwing the pieces, in several different directions.

    He then, showed an amazing amount of strength, when he ripped out the engine of their classic 2027 touring Zephyr and tossed it out like an old sag of potatoes landing it, over a hundred feet away.

    This of course, started a second argument ending in worse results then before, when they ganged up on their baby bro asking him, why Paul! Why did you do that! What’s wrong with you! Don added, how are we going to get home?

    After a brief intermission by Paul and his wailing sounds in the likes of a banshee, he gave his answer quick and painfully, when he without remorse and unfeeling cruelty, backhanded, Don and Rio both across the mouth.

    They unfortunately continued arguments resulting in a second attack with much more bloodshed, when he again, backhanded his brothers with a much more powerful blow.

    His increased belligerence toward his bros at this time, had become vindictive and merciless, as the hunger of the Rose, had begun to run its course.

    When the Leviathan’s bloodline began to more rapidly flow thru his veins, Paul’s hostility was suddenly out of control and becoming violently cruel and uncaring.

    Relentlessly though still human, he extended his enabled teeth and nails and proceeded to strike out savagely inflicting deep and dangerous gashes across Don’s chest plate, causing him to bleed profusely.

    Unfinished of course at that point, Paul continued with hard hits to his brother’s head and neck leaving him with numerous abrasions and bleeding thru out his body killing him instantly.

    Wasting no time and wildly setting his sights on Rio next, the changeling then hurriedly attacked again and again without mercy and began ripping, tearing and biting at whatever piece of him he could get his wilds on.

    After insanely striking a main artery in the left side of his brother’s neck at that point, the massive bleeding immediately began weakening him and causing him to stagger from left to right along the mountain road there under his feet.

    Rio of course at that point, fell to the ground shortly after the incident dying from the loss of blood.

    He then however, looked up at his baby bro with what little strength he had left with tears of sorrow and gloom rolling down his bloody cheeks and asks, why Paul? Why!

    Staring back at Rio at that point with a sadness of his own filtering his face like his brother’s, it caused a nova like explosion of a blubbering, whimpering and a howling instant, of confusion in Paul.

    The changeling’s uncontrolled mannerisms of course, sounded off with all the indications of an unearthly life form, but then, he had a momentary act of weakness and mercy.

    In his temporary state of compassion of sympathy, Paul just stared down at his brother with a mournful cry as though, he was praying for his soul.

    Although his hatred lingered over his head at that point, like that of a ghost in an attic of horror, he knew his empathy days were thru, when he severed Rio’s head.

    Killing the victim instantly at that time, the humanoid monster then gathered up his brother’s bodies and proceeded to devour them.

    When his task was complete of course, not only did Paul have to live with what he’d done, but he also, had deal with the haunting of their agony and their screams in his head for mercy for them to live.

    However at this point, there was no getting around it, he had to except the cards that was dealt him of which, was making him stronger and carrying him home again.

    Once he’d successfully gathered himself together and slept, the changeling wasted no time in looking to the eastern sun that would lead him back to town.

    So after he’d rested all that afternoon from his tribulation handed down to him earlier, he then, headed out towards the orbital ball of fire and deep into the arid desert.

    Before reaching the outskirts of his home of course still hours away, Paul had discovered, that he was feeling better than he had in years and developing, the strength of twenty men or more and was fast becoming invulnerable and being able, to lift boulders, as big as cars.

    As he continued thru the terrain at that point at twice the normal pace of walking, Paul had gotten to town sooner than expected within the hour and he romped, down Main street as to play and wearing an evil smile.

    When he entered the city square of course, he was met by several people who asks, what happened up there Paul and where is Don and Rio?

    Over and over again he heard the same questions repeatedly from all directions irritating him, forcing him to lose his temper.

    Finally hearing enough and unable take any more, he very angrily gave them an answer by saying, nothing! Nothing happen up there! now leave me alone! Leave me alone" he added and warningly, he then extended his nails as to attack and hung them to his side.

    Having made his stand and his statement at that point, Paul then disappeared into a nearby alleyway and headed for Cecil and Main where he lived.

    When he entered thru the side entrance of his house a few minutes later at seven pm that evening, he thought it was great being there but then again, he knew that soon the human part of him, would be gone.

    Five minutes after he went into his home of course, his search was done and he was lying on the floor tired, curled up and exhausted and in need of rest while impatiently waiting, the next cycle, of his metamorphosis to be completed.

    Once he awakens from his dormant sleep and in a constant state of flux and change, a horrifying holocaust would begin, for his hunger hours later, would be driving him mad from starvation and anticipation, of the hunt.

    Somehow realizing Paul’s shocking truth and having his own reservations for mayhem, Mayor Josh Randel picked up on the vibes of uneasiness and found it necessary at that point, to set up an emergency meeting, for eight am on the 22nd.

    The assemblage took place the next morning right on schedule as planned, but the subject of discussion, became heated and out control by eight fifteen as they decided on possible defenses against this, new challenging competitor of which, could very well become their predator.

    Their many arguments of course, included yesterday’s incident out at the city square, where Paul extended his claw like fingernails in that brief moment, of heated anguish.

    Deliberations were long and agonizing as hundreds of ideas and rejections were tossed around and bounced off the walls at the meeting until, they all agreed, that the final determination on Paul’s demise, would be to take him out.

    The risk was just too great putting it off any longer, for his horrendous future of destruction and mayhem, was a devidant possibility therefore, he had to be dealt with.

    Although things had already been agreed upon at that point and decided on, there was still one concerned citizen left in the hall by the name, Daniel Kane.

    Giving him the floor of course, they allowed him to speak out freely and he firmly asks the board, what is it, that you think we can accomplish here and what, do you think we are up against mayor?

    I’ll give you my own opinion added Kane, but everyone in this room and in town, thinks I’m a crackpot with a suspicious mind about me, but I’ll tell this, ladies and gentlemen, what I think we’ve got here Randel, is the product of the rose. the Legendary Leviathan to be more pacific."

    If we don’t stop him here and now longwindedly continued Kane while he sleeps, it’ll be impossible later and he’ll kill us all, for sure.

    Immediately after Daniel’s completed speech, an eerie silence filled the room along with the silence, of several hundred listening citizens outside of whom over heard and were worried about the results of something, that they shouldn’t have yet known.

    It was at that point, that an unexpected apprehension quickly filled the room almost taking out the oxygen from the air as the heavy breathers built on an inevitable explosion.

    The crowd was now panicked and becoming mean and uncontrollable as the situation worsened when they all began pushing and shoving one another.

    The yelling and screaming and fighting terror came shortly after without bursts of metaphorical phrases of language problems due to the mob like anxiety.

    It was at this point unfortunately, that the mayor began to notice the multitude was fast becoming a gang like assembly forcing him to officially, slam down his gavel.

    When he spoke out suddenly of course, Randel’s words were plain and uttered loudly when he said, stop! Stop people! Stop! People! People!, settle down in here.

    Quiet please! Quiet Josh continued, Take your seats! Take your seats now!, or I’ll clear this room he ordered."

    Once the Nebulae were all calm at that point and supportive, discussions were commenced favorable with some lead way in the direction of defense.

    There’s almost always of course, one disagreeable sole in a crown, but this assembly, had two.

    Yes there was another, a second voice in the room was unhappy with what was being said and spoke out in accordance asking, "what can we expect from you Randel that works?

    In addition to that he added, can you actually stop this up coming creature with your plans, or are you just blowing smoke, with your, if necessary guns?"

    Again there was an eerie silence filling the room and repeating, that of what happened earlier that morning until of course, a low sultry voice spoke out strongly and said, listen up Kane! Listen up! We must not think negatively here.

    Only positive thoughts and attitudes she added should be heard here today people! Paul must be stopped no matter what has to be done, no matter what."

    Still holding the floor at that point, Terri spoke out again, strongly saying, the longer we’re in here figuring things out she said, the harder it’ll be putting him down out there.

    He must be like you said Daniel, killed while we still have a chance and besides she added, there may not be another opportunity and if he should awaken, before the fact, he could kill us all and annilate our species and myself, I can’t live with that.

    After hearing all the testimony from Kane and Terri at that point and considering their proposals of everything they’d said and did, everyone was shown the door and ask to leave the Justice Hall immediately.

    Once the panel stood alone in the room of course, they then discussed the matter more in detail and ask for volunteers in agreement, to try and talk with him first.

    Well out of the twelve members on the board, only eight of them had the guts to go out and attempt to converse with him.

    Their mission was a simple one so after agreeing to be agreeable all day, they separated themselves from their fear and started in the direction of Paul’s home.

    The council of eight of course, arrived there at his house on Cecil and Main in only a few minutes by driving the Python 3000 of which, was the company’s pride and joy and being, that it was the ultimate thrill, in a flying machine, they were stepping onto the porch by ten o-clock that evening and rapping the door for answers.

    It was just about that time unfortunately, that an alarm went off in his head warning him of intruders and when he came thru the entrance way, he was a shocking sight to behold.

    Standing at ten and a half feet high now and as wide as a beefing steer, Paul’s size alone frightened three of the volunteers away so badly, that they wet their chinos.

    They could see at the doorway though it was shadowed, that his eyes were dark and mysterious with the look, of an evil hypnotic type stare and a failing structure, of distortion in his face.

    Lurking only from within the obscurity of his home at that point, Paul could see laughingly two of the other members as well were frightened and running up the street so he acted out quickly; and invited the council still outside, into his web.

    Of the original eight of course that had agreed to face this predator down, for the truth, only three now remained committed enough, to enter the room.

    Although their knees were knocking to the weakened drummers beat, Elsie, Melinda and Danny, all bravely went in.

    Following close behind of course as the last of them pass him by after stepping unto his carpet, Paul could aready smell the assence of their fear, as he has pre-determined the fate of each of these guests and decided, that they shall not see another sunrise, for these three, will seal his destiny.

    Immediately closing in on them, he wasted no time in the introduction to his soon to be victims to what they fear most, their own misalble death; and him.

    As the click of the lock on the door sounded, the visitors froze and he brutaly began, his attack with malice in his heart and savagery in his mind.

    It was at that point, that he made his first move slashing across his first guest’s chest and neck area causing severe bleeding while inflicting the fear of god deep in all their souls.

    After cornering them all in one place, Paul then continued his assault on Elsie and mercilessly, he gashed out a large crater like wound, along her breast plate.

    As she suffered profusely, he could taste and smell the ambiance around her when poor Elsie, began to feel afraid and terrified, of what might happen to her next.

    Her blood flow resembled, that of a swelled river after a

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