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Toonies and Toques
Toonies and Toques
Toonies and Toques
Ebook142 pages1 hour

Toonies and Toques

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About this ebook

This is a collection of short stories inspired by people I have known, people I have imagined, and people I hope to know in my future.

"I am a part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
Gleams that untravelled world, whose margin fades
For ever and for ever when I move." ― Alfred Tennyson

Release dateMay 22, 2021
Toonies and Toques

glenda higgins

Cafe's are great places to get a start as a poet. Vancouver, B.C. Canada has some wonderful ones.I remember sitting in the audience in La Quena, listening to the poets. Poetry read on-stage takes on a dimension of human communication unseen since the early storytellers. Looking at the poet's body language struck a chord in me. Quite often I would take out a pen and paper and write furiously.One day I was at the Glass Slipper in Vancouver and Gerry Gilbert, a well-known poet, was doing his "Radio Free Rainforest" radio show live. At intermission, he came down from the stage and asked me if I'm a poet. I said, "yes" and was put on the radio a couple of weeks later. We became good friends and he would show up on his bicycle and call up to me in poems. We'd go for long walks around the seawall, talking poetry.I ended up accompanying him on my flute at poetry readings. One day he did a set of poetry about fireworks. He blended my flute playing with a soundscape of the fireworks celebration on Sunset Beach and used it as a backdrop to his poems at the Glass Slipper. Someone in the crowd must have been inspired a bit too much. Next morning we learnt that the Glass Slipper had been burned down, unfortunately, in the night after the poets left. They say words are more powerful than swords.....maybe they start fires too.Here's to starting the fires of the mind and heart . . .

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    Book preview

    Toonies and Toques - glenda higgins


    To Mother Nature and her wonderful

    understanding trees, sunlight and creatures

    flying, walking and looking in our windows



    THIS BOOK CONTAINS adult material that isn’t suitable for

    young readers.

    Please be advised.

    Butterflies Have Bad Breath

    Chapter 1.

    An old woman dressed in a ratty-looking

    long brown coat and knitted green toque walked

    into the lobby of the Drake Hotel.  She surveyed

    the plush chairs and elaborate table lamps.  After

    quickly glancing at the desk clerk who was busy

    talking on the telephone, she sat down beside a

    young woman of about twenty something, who

    was anxiously glancing at her watch. The girl's

    perfectly manicured fingertips were drumming the

    arm of her chair.

    The old woman spoke up, "Did you know

    that butterflies have bad breath?"

    Looking up perplexed and annoyed, the

    young girl managed a What?

    "Yes, they do, especially the monarchs. They

    come from Mexico, you know. They fly up here

    for the summer and go back down south again for

    the winter. It gets pretty cold here in the winter,

    you know. I should go down south too. I would if

    I could fly like a monarch butterfly."

    The young woman shifted in her chair,

    glancing nervously at the door and back at the old



    I suppose you want a handout, the young

    woman finally said. She reached into the pocket

    of her black winter coat and pulled out a small

    change purse. Taking out a toonie, she handed it

    to the old lady.

    Without a moment's hesitation, the woman

    brushed it aside with a flick of her hand and

    looked apologetically at the young woman. "I'm

    sorry I scared you. I didn't mean to. Sit down.

    You don't have to run away. I'm just here for a

    minute to warm my feet. They get kind of cold on

    rainy days - my arthritis, you know."

    The young woman hesitated and shrugged

    her shoulders. She sat down again and looked at

    the bags by the woman's legs. "What do you carry

    in those? They look very heavy."

    "Oh everything. They are my earthly

    possessions. Everything you can imagine and ever

    want is in here." The old woman patted one of her

    bags proudly.

    You don't have a home? The young

    woman ventured.

    "No, not anymore. I used to you know. A

    cozy one with a nice soft rug to warm the old feet


    on. But that's the past. I live for the present now -

    like a butterfly. If I could only grow wings like I

    can bags. I'd fly to Mexico and hang in one of

    those trees along with all the other monarchs.

    There are billions of them down there you

    know. They just cover the trees. People come

    from miles away to see them and the village folks

    have butterfly parades. You'd never think such a

    small bug could cause such a fuss. I'd really like

    to see something like that.

    It would be so much fun, don't you think?"

    The young woman looked away to hide the

    small sad smile on her face.

    Yes, it sure would. She finally added.

    "Some people call me a Bug Lady - I like

    that better than Bag Lady. It has more class and

    distinction, don't you think?"

    The young woman giggled softly.

    Yes. She managed to say.

    "They really don't have bad breath you

    know - the monarchs, I mean. I just said that to

    get your attention. You seemed so lost in thought.

    Are you waiting for someone?"

    My boyfriend. The young woman looked



    She glanced at her watch again.

    "I had a husband once...but that belongs to

    the past. Who cares about water under the bridge,


    Memories can be painful. The young

    woman looked away again.

    "That's why I like to watch butterflies every

    chance I get. I can't wait till spring. Maybe this

    year I'll see a monarch or two in the park." The

    old woman stood up, rubbing her thigh. "Well it's

    been a pleasure talking to you. I have to be

    running along now."

    She picked up her bags and looked at the

    young woman for a second. "Life is good. Just

    think of butterflies with bad breath, ok?"

    The young woman laughed. "Ok and I hope

    you make it to Mexico someday, it sounds great!"

    Thanks. The old woman smiled. "Bye


    Bye, the girl replied.

    The bug lady walked away with the bags

    held out at her sides like wings. She struggled

    with the heavy doors for a minute and before

    anyone could help her, disappeared into the rain-

    swept streets.


    Kayla took the newspaper article out of her

    purse and read, 'drug crime and gangs...' She ran

    her fingertips along the frayed edges and read on,

    'He was found almost dead in the back alley of the

    neighbourhood his gang was known to

    inhabit...detectives are looking into his drug

    dealing activities...' 

    She looked up sharply and saw Josh, her

    boyfriend standing in front of her with a big smirk

    on his face.

    Oh, I didn't see you come in, she gasped.

    Josh stopped smiling when he saw the look on her


    What's up? He asked.

    Kayla looked at him silently for a few

    minutes. She then sputtered, "I have to get the


    Josh narrowed his eyes. "You couldn't meet

    me at your place? You know we were to be

    married...almost." He jammed his hands into his

    coat pockets.

    "The Drake was on my way to work and I

    had to talk to you in person. I had to get the truth."

    With that comment she held out the

    newspaper, accusingly.


    What are you holding? Josh shot back.

    "An article about that gang you said you said

    you grew up with. You remember how you told

    me you left and got a good job to help take care of

    your mom?"

    She stabbed a finger at the article. "This guy

    who was found almost beaten to death, yesterday.

    I remember you mentioned him one time to me

    and how he wanted you to sell drugs for him

    again, even though you’d left all that behind. 

    Did you almost kill him?" It all came

    gushing out. Kayla was almost hysterical.

    What! Josh looked amused. "Oh, Kayla,

    Kayla. Who do you think I am?"

    "A guy who likes to break rules. A guy who's

    a postman by day and who knows what, by night.

    A guy who used to belong to a gang and maybe

    still does. A guy who..." Kayla stood up on shaky

    legs and pushed past Josh who grabbed her arm. 

    "You know I told you not to ask me about

    my old gang and now you are jumping to stupid

    conclusions! Josh was getting really angry. You

    are such a goody-goody. You'd never understand."

    His fingers were hurting her. She swung her

    purse with her other arm and hit him across the

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