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A Sense of Duty
A Sense of Duty
A Sense of Duty
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A Sense of Duty

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Carefree and used to a nomadic lifestyle, Regan MacInnes returns to Braemar, Scotland to get to know his eighteen-year-old daughter...a daughter he didn’t know existed.

What he doesn't count on is being bewitched by Australian widow Hannah Lindsay. Hannah has no room for a man in her life. Her goal is to sell the bed and breakfast, her late husband's dream, and move back to Australia to be with her family. She is so focused on her plan that not even the likes of handsome and charismatic Regan MacInnes can stand in her way.

Release dateJul 1, 2021
A Sense of Duty

Joanie MacNeil

Australian romance author Joanie MacNeil writes short contemporary romance novels. All but two of her novels are set in Australia. Two are set in Scotland and her dream is to visit there again.She loves to travel with her own romantic hero, recently visiting Tunisia, Istanbul, Croatia, Venice, Mykonos, Spain, Portugal and Morocco, and also cruising the Mediterranean. The most recent adventure involved taking the Indian Pacific train from Sydney to Perth, then driving across Australia from west coast to east.When she’s not travelling, or involved in writing-related activities, Joanie enjoys going to the movies, having coffee with friends, participating in aqua aerobics, and spending time with her three lively little grandsons.To find out more about Joanie's books, click this link to go directly to her website:

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    A Sense of Duty - Joanie MacNeil

    A Sense of Duty

    Honorable Men – The Scots – Regan

    Joanie MacNeil

    Digital ISBNs

    EPUB 9780228618584

    Kindle 9780228618591

    PDF 9780228618607

    Print ISBNs

    Amazon Print 9780228618614

    LSI Print 9780228618621

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book


    To My Own Honorable Man

    Chapter One

    You are free to go, Mrs. Lindsay.

    Hannah froze. Dare she believe the coroner’s words?

    Beside her, Malcolm Jennings nudged her arm. Her solicitor’s infectious smile confirmed the decision. Free. Free to do whatever she wanted, to go wherever she pleased. To fulfill her dream to travel home to Australia.

    Hannah sighed, the relief momentary as the memories flooded back.

    Angus. Heaven knows she hadn’t meant to kill him. Though the coroner announced the cause of death was accidental, Angus’ image, and her guilt, would haunt her forever.

    Her eyes closed and relief swept through her. She reached over and clutched Malcolm’s coat sleeve to steady herself. During the months of the inquest, she hadn’t dared hope for a favorable result from her husband’s death. To contemplate the alternative proved unbearable.

    Her knees shook and her fingers stilled her trembling lips. She blinked back the heated tears that stung her eyes.

    Come on, Malcolm said in his gentle voice. Let’s get you out of here.

    Hannah nodded. Yes, she wanted to leave Scotland, go home to Australia and spend time with her family. But in the immediate future, obligation demanded she return to Braemar, to the house she’d shared with Angus.


    Hannah drove into the driveway of Lindsay House, the guesthouse Angus and she purchased with the last of their savings. With bay windows framing the front door and three dormer windows in the roof, the gray stone building appeared inviting. The lights at the entrance, and those within, provided a welcome glow through the dusk. The ‘For Sale’ sign leaning against the stone wall fence detracted from the overall cozy presentation.

    Angus yearned to buy the guesthouse. In her heart, Hannah lacked the same commitment to his dream. To patch their shaky marriage, she hid her reservations, and went along with his plan. Her decision to put the house on the market intensified her guilt over his death.

    After the slow, tense drive, her drawn-out sigh relieved the ache in her body. She envisaged crawling into bed with a drink, cheese toasties, and an excellent book. Escape was what she needed right now, even a temporary one.

    Stepping out of the Ford hatchback, Hannah gathered her overnight case and shoulder bag, locked the car and made her way toward the house.

    The air, still and calm, soothed her. Remnants of late falls of snow hugged the base of the house and lingered on the surrounding hills. Roads remained unpredictable the further she drove into Royal Deeside, and it took all her self-control to stay calm. Memories of that night, a year ago, on the winding slush-covered roads through the neighboring Cairnwell Pass and Glenshee would haunt her forever. Determination and the support of her closest friends in the village got her driving again. She shivered at the memories.

    An expensive unfamiliar car, along with the Vauxhall that belonged to her two elderly female guests, stood in line with her own car in the small carpark at the side of the house. With any luck, her visitors would have settled for the evening. The last thing she needed was to deal with guests, paying customers or not. Penny would have taken care of them and advised that the pub provided a decent dinner.

    Hannah’s heart lifted as she opened the solid front door. Fragrances of potpourri and cinnamon wafted to greet her. Penny had been busy.

    She breathed in the welcoming aromatic blends and, releasing her breath, visualized her tired, achy body sliding between perfumed sheets on her comfortable bed. Home at last.

    A sudden crash exploded from the other room. Angry muffled voices drifted through the patterned glass panels of the oak door. Hannah opened the door, took one glance at the scene before her, and almost closed it again.

    Bedlam besieged her.

    The two female guests, and a man, a stranger, stood amid the commotion.

    One of the elderly ladies spoke and tugged on a leash. Despite her efforts to restrain it, a pint-size, agitated dog barked violence at the cat. Tail fluffed like a feather duster, Tigress stood askew, her backbone arched. Her stripy marmalade fur bristled, while her needle-point teeth indicated her eagerness to tear the dog to shreds should he venture any closer.

    Distressed, the woman fought to restrain her obnoxious pet, which now gurgled and gagged as the collar tightened around its throat. This wasn’t the first time. The animal nipped Penny’s ankles at breakfast the previous morning.

    Caught in the midst of a battle of her own, Penny’s expression indicated she’d burst into tears at any moment.

    A well-dressed man towered over her. The rigid stance and set of his shoulders matched his impatient voice as it rose above the din.

    Miss, I thought I’d made it plain enough. I would like another room. Now! The one you’ve given me is most unsuitable. You must have something else available?

    Great, just what she needed. Another overbearing male around the house.

    He glanced about him. Hannah glimpsed his strong, determined profile, and a certain hardness to his features. Wavy dark hair feathered the collar of his stylish charcoal overcoat and added to his ominous demeanor.

    Penny shook her head. Her lower lip trembled. Sir, she said in a shaky voice. The other rooms aren’t ready yet. The owner isn’t here, and I need to check...

    Hannah sucked in a breath. A domestic was the last thing she needed. The opportunity to hide in bed with a soothing drink and enjoy the restful evening she’d promised herself slipped further away beneath silent protest.

    Penny. Hannah propped her bag against the wall. Her voice radiated more like a shout in the sudden silence as Tigress chose that moment to give up intimidating the dog. She prowled through the doorway, and further down the hall, out of sight.

    The gentleman spun around at the tone of her voice, and Hannah was aware of a flicker of interest in the unflappable assessing gaze. She did her best to ignore his scrutiny and turned to face the young woman.

    Penny’s gaze met hers, relief visible on her face.

    Oh, Mrs. Lindsay, the gentleman here wants another room. I’ve booked him into Room Two, but he insists...

    Yes, I heard. No wonder the man complained. The room had a sloping ceiling which spanned the fluffy pillows to where the covers fell to the floor.

    This man was used to giving orders, having his own way. He oozed authority.

    He had no right to yell at her staff. She wouldn’t stand for anyone speaking to her team in that way. It was unlike Penny to slip up.

    Unintimidated by his height or stance, or his overbearing manner, Hannah raised her chin.

    She matched his steely gaze as she assessed him. His open coat uncovered the kind of body she’d always admired—fit, trim, well-proportioned. And broad shoulders. With his firm jaw, wide forehead, and sturdy bone structure, he wasn’t unattractive. His features had an angularity about them and leaned toward a harsh, almost rugged countenance.

    Her guest seemed almost mesmerized by her scrutiny, though his angry demeanor returned soon enough.

    Are you the owner? His tone demanded an answer. He frowned at her in expectation.

    Weariness overcame rationality.

    In order to gain some time and get her thoughts in order, Hannah delayed her answer. Guest or not, this pompous ass was more than she could deal with. And in her present state, she was right in the mood to tell him so. The intensity in his gaze reminded her of the power of laser beams. She struggled to catch her breath.

    I asked if you’re the owner. His voice sliced like a blade searing through butter.

    He was the impatient type. Anger heated her and stole her common sense.

    I heard you. A hint of impatience laced her own voice as she moved to the hall table to check the reservations book. Refurbishment of two of the four rooms for rent remained unfinished. One room, though almost ready, awaited connection to the heating system.

    Don’t be so rude. He almost roared, and Hannah sensed he fought to keep most of his anger in check. You could at least answer my query.

    Rude? she said, outraged he made such a comment. "Who are you to call me rude? I’m not the one yelling, creating a scene and making an unnecessary fuss."

    Oh, honey, yes you are. His powerful voice and the potent Scottish timbre curled around her, and Hannah dreamed of its loving, intimate caress during a moment of wild passion. Alarmed at the sudden direction of her thoughts, she concentrated on the hard, cold and demanding eyes that bored into her.

    Penny, take Mr. MacInnes to Room Four, she snapped, mortified at her intrusive wicked thought, and ashamed of her brief outburst in front of her young helper. It was so uncharacteristic of her in front of guests. Though once he’s checked the room, he may prefer to stay where he is. Hannah handed her the key.

    Regan MacInnes. A strong solid name that suited the man himself. Not that it made any difference. She had no interest in him.

    You still haven’t answered my question. Are you the owner?

    Her irritation abated a notch. Yes.

    Then I want you to show me the room.

    At the end of her tether, his authoritative tone grated.

    If I have any complaints, you are the person I should direct them to.

    His voice warned her not to argue.

    Hannah scanned Penny’s distraught face, and though she cared nothing for the man’s tone, decided not to press the issue.

    Very well. Her evening ruined, Hannah sucked in a breath, exasperated that she’d given in to him without a fight. She broke her promise to herself that she’d never again be the subject of overbearing male tactics. Independent for the first time in her life, and absolved of any negligence over the accident, she remained free to enjoy her new status.

    Penny handed her the key. Hannah smiled. You can go, Penny. I’ll manage now.

    The young girl returned her smile. "Thank you, Mrs. Lindsay. I’m sorry if

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