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The Children of Colminon
The Children of Colminon
The Children of Colminon
Ebook205 pages

The Children of Colminon

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"I love you so much," he pulls her into a hug, "Do as they tell you, and I promise they won't hurt you. Don't fight them." He kisses her forehead, his tears dripping onto her face.

She looks up at him.

"I'm so sorry." He steps back from her, then slowly disappears as if fading out of existence.<

Release dateJul 31, 2021
The Children of Colminon

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    The Children of Colminon - Cassandra Ida Marie Jensen


    Long ago, Colminon, once called Colmion, was a land rich in magic under eight Gods’ protection and watchful eyes.

    Ambros, the God of Creation.

    Noone, the Goddess of Elements.

    The twin Gods of body and mind, Inair and Iaos.

    Ula, the Goddess of Emotion.

    Ika, the God of Trickery and Manipulation.

    Reena, the Goddess of Destruction.

    And Lilla, the Goddess of Nature.

    One winter, Lilla became jealous of Ambros for falling in love with Noone. Because of her jealousy, Lilla decided to destroy humans, Ambros’s most beloved creation. She conjured up a brutal winter storm, one stronger than humans had ever seen. Noone pitied the humans as if they were her own children, and for four days, she watched as the humans died under the wind’s bitterness.  A single huntress braved Lilla’s wrath, sharing what little meat she hunted with her tribe. Noone, no longer able to watch their suffering, gifted her with the power to create fire from her hands. Once winter was finished, she could keep the power so long as she used the fire to benefit others, Noone told her. Soon the other Gods followed suit, sharing their powers with other humans.

    Human powers mutated for centuries. For some, their abilities became more potent, while others became defenseless. The Gods never could have imagined how sharing their powers would change the way humans lived. Eventually, as time progressed, the people forgot about the eight Gods. The Gods, who once gained their power from human worship, were all but forgotten. The division between the powerful and the powerless continued to grow. 

    Two brothers, Alpha and Omega, were no exception to this divide. Alpha, the younger brother, was gifted powers by the gods while his older brother, Omega, was powerless. The two brothers’ clans began fighting, killing each other. Ambros, no longer able to watch his creation destroy each other, separated the clans from each other. Omega’s clan continued living as usual, while Alpha’s clan built their own civilization called Colminon. Alpha and seven of his closest companions created a set of rules to protect each other in the hopes of preventing another war.

    One fundamental rule stated that no one would enter Omega’s clan’s territory. The consequence for breaking this law was exile or death. Gatherers were the only exception to this law. Their task was to watch over Omega’s clan to make sure they never became a threat to Colminon again. One day, however, a Gatherer met a beautiful woman on one of his many sojourns. Even though he knew his love for her was forbidden, he decided not to return and married his love instead. The Gatherer knew he would never be allowed to return home to his family, but he loved his wife too much to give her up. After they married, they decided to start their own family.

    Razilee believes she is too old to enjoy leaning against her father’s leg as the bedtime story he’s told her for years comes to an end. Every night since she could remember, her father had recounted the creation of the world to her. His tale was about the eight Gods, those only she and her father knew the names of. Razilee had been devastated when she learned that Noone and Ambros’s love story was nothing more than a fairytale.

    But, like every night since her mother’s death three years ago, she swallows the feeling down. The feeling that she’s growing up… no matter how much she tries to deny it. Razilee was afraid to hurt her father’s feelings, though, especially now. She was one of the few things keeping him from completely falling apart.

    The teasing began in kindergarten. Her classmates teased her as children often do when one of them is different. Razilee had come home crying into her father’s knee. Zilly, he told her with surprising tenderness, The children teasing you are wrong about you. It is not their opinions that matter. What matters is what you believe. She supposes that’s why he started telling the same stories over and over again. To keep what her father calls as ‘belief’ alive, even though part of it had died from her peers’ cruelty. That’s why she swallows her feelings of being too old for her father’s silly made-up stories. The tender moments she has shared with him will remain longer than memories of her mother for the sake of believing.

    One of the few memories Razilee has of her mother was her mother’s appearance compared to her father’s. Her mother was pale, skinny, and had chestnut-colored eyes, while her father was an olive-skinned, stocky man with heterochromatic gray and blue eyes.

    Are you excited to start high school? her father asks, sitting next to her on her bed and brushing the hair out of her face.

    He pauses, captivated by his daughter. She’s almost a carbon copy of her mother with red curly hair, freckles, and a smile that could light up any room. Razilee’s brown and grey heterochromatic eyes seemed to be the only trait she shared with her father.  I guess… she says with a sigh, I hate school. I don’t know why you won’t let me homeschool.

    If I didn’t need to pick up that second shift, he replies, I would let you. He picks up the picture of their trip to Disney World from where it sits on Razilee’s dresser. If your Mom were here, he begins, tracing her mother’s face in the photograph, she’d lecture me for making you go to public school. He laughs, his beard failing to hide the smile underneath.

    She would have screamed at the principal, Razilee tells him, beaming. That’s what she was like. Dad… is that why you began telling the creation story? Was it after I was born that you started?

    He puts the photo down. His smile broadens, his bushy over-curled beard no longer containing his grin. No. He laughs again, that’s how I convinced your mom to fall in love with me. She loved that story as much as you do. Now, you have a busy day tomorrow, so it’s best if you get to sleep.

    Chapter One: Colminon

    Agh-i contemplates slamming the door, but instead, he stands with his fists clenched at his sides, trying to keep his rage in check. He stands silently in his doorway, facing two men he recognizes from years before.

    His brothers.

    Torren looks at his youngest brother for the first time in over a decade, Agh-i. They recognize Agh-i’s Outs healer’s uniform—an EMT’s uniform. Torren and Alec both stare at Agh-i. In childhood, the only feature that set Agh-i apart from Alec was the scar that ran across Alec’s right eye. He hadn’t changed much other than his thick beard and the fact that he now stood taller than Alec. Torren stood the tallest of the three. He an Aldor, a person, gifted by the Gods to blend in with the night, an adaptive ability only noticeable by his smaller pupils.  He adjusts his trench coat, and the bone toggles click together—his embroidered phoenix patch sits on his left breast pocket, hidden under his scarf. The Lunkick is unreadable to anyone from the Outs, yet the population of Colminon knows this particular patch reads Deferrer. He keeps his hands inside his jacket pockets, trying to protect them from the bitter wind. He looks to his youngest brother, and the faint smile on his lips disappears into a frown.

    Torren glances at his brother. You’re going on trial for breaking the sacred laws of the council. He steps closer into the doorway.

    Agh-i steps backward into the entryway of his home, bumping into one of the many bookshelves inside. Even after leaving his childhood home, he never left his love for reading. The small two-bedroom home had bookshelves in every room. Agh-i, please don’t make this difficult, Alec says, stepping inside as well.

    Alec, Agh-i replies, I have a life here, and we both know I’ll face exile after the trial, or worse, be put to death.

    Alec locks eyes with his brother, Agh-i, he glances away, please, for our mother.  Alec looks at the walls beyond his brother and sees rows of photo frames lining the walls, holding images of him and a woman, and some with the two of them holding a small child.

    Agh-i glances between Torren and Alec, Alec…, Agh-i sighs, uncurling his fist and fighting tears that now threaten to run down his cheeks as he regains control, I’m sorry, is all he manages to mumble out before a burst of courage hits him, But no. I have a life here. Not there. I have a job, obligations. Agh-i moves to step back further inside, only to bump into his daughter behind him.


    She had heard him arguing with the two men from the kitchen and came out to investigate. She stands dressed in her mother’s old plum sweater that’s too large for her and a pair of gray leggings. Her long curly crimson hair pulled back in thick braids, her bangs resting over her eyes. Dad… who’s that?

    He turns, looking down at her. His worst fears about his family getting caught up in his decision from fourteen years ago were coming true. He steps in front of her. Go back in the kitchen, sweetie. Finish your breakfast. I’ll join you soon.

    Razilee peeks around from behind her father, her braids falling forward.

    The man in the blue winter cap frowns, looking to her father. You have a child. His voice was full of obvious disgust.

    Agh-i looks at his daughter, now only worried about defusing the situation. Why don’t you  sit down, he looks over his shoulder again, and Razilee, go and get some water. He instructs, distancing her from his brothers as soon as possible.

    Razilee nods. The glare her father gave her was enough to silence her. She strains her ears to hear her father and the two men as she enters the kitchen, but all she can hear is their low murmurs until one angrily yells, Agh-i, you broke the law.

    Razilee turns the tap off.

    Her dad’s name isn’t Agh-i… it’s Darnell. Then, her father’s voice followed, low and just as hot, I fell in love, Alec. She shuts the kitchen cabinet as the man in front of her dad snaps.

    You broke the law. Alec’s lips part in a snarl, teeth showing as he speaks, You speak of love, but… He takes a breath, You broke our mother’s heart. She has been grieving for a son she thought was dead for the last fourteen years.

    Dad, Razilee questions, holding the three glasses of water in her hands; she looks to him for answers. Dad had never lied to her, ever.

    Had he?

    Agh-i’s face fills with heartbreak as he looks to his daughter, now understanding what his brother is speaking of now more than ever.

    You created a Not-Right, Torren remarks, pointing at Razilee as she puts the glasses on the table. That in itself is the greatest sin.

    Dad, Razilee asks again a little more urgently, feeling uncomfortable as they called her a Not-Right. She leans closer to him. Who are these people? Agh-i looks at his daughter. Why are they calling you Agh-i?

    Alec looks between the two of them, Because your father’s name is Agh-i. Does she know anything? Does your wife?

    Razilee steps even closer to her dad’s side. He slid his arm around her as if to protect her and gently pulled her braids behind her shoulders. Eyeing Alec, he says, Razilee doesn’t, but Elli was perfectly aware.

    She looks up at her father when he mentions her mother’s name. She knew the risk I took by staying, but I wasn’t going to leave her alone with the best thing that ever happened to us.

    Daddy? Razilee asks, using the term to express her nervousness. What’s going on?

    Agh-i drops to his knees to look his daughter in the eye, gently cupping her face. Remember the story. He keeps his voice steady as he fights back the tears and anger threatening to boil over. This is what happens next. He leans in close, whispering into her ear. Close your eyes and keep them shut until I tell you can open them.


    I want you to close your eyes. He says more urgently than before.

    Her dad’s tone is earnest, and, unsure about the strangers’ integrity, she shuts her eyes. Even with her eyes closed,  a bright light is visible, as if a flashbang has gone off. Then she feels her father gripping her hand, pulling her towards the kitchen.

    You can open your eyes now.

    The two men cover their eyes, yelling at each other in a language she doesn’t understand.  Adrenaline pounds in her ears as her father pulls her faster, running to the back door and throwing it open. He flings the back gate open and pulls her to the side of the house, then pulls her along as they run.

    Agh-i isn’t entirely sure why he ran with her. The only thing that he knew for sure was that he needed more time.

    Razilee knows that her slight limp with every step is slowing them down. Her dad stops a few blocks away, both of them desperate for air. Their lungs burn as they breathe deeply.

    Listen to me closely. You are going to go with those two men; don’t fight them. It will only make matters worse. You do what they ask of you. I will come to get you when I can.

    What’s going on?!

    I love you so much, he pulls her into a hug, Do as they tell you, and I promise they won’t hurt you. Don’t fight them. He kisses her forehead, his tears dripping onto her face.

    She looks up at him.

    I’m so sorry. He steps back from her, then slowly disappears as if fading out of existence.

    Dad…. Dad?! Daddy?! Razilee calls.

    Her father is still watching, only feet away. Agh-i frowns, wishing that he would never have had to use his light manipulation ability. It was a skill that he had mastered long ago to turn himself invisible. With one last look at his daughter, he whispers, I love you, under his breath.

    Dad! Razilee yells, turning on her heels, looking for him, Dad!

    Fighting the urge to stop and hug her, he turns the corner, hoping his world’s existing laws will protect her.

    When Torren and Alec approach, they do so with caution as they feel the girl’s wave of emotion.

    The kid’s an Empath, Torren says, wiping tears from his eyes.

    Shut up, Torren, Alec tells him. Torren nods while giving him a sideways glance he had learned from their mother.

    Alec grips Razilee’s arm tightly. Let me go, she screams, Let me go!

    He cups a hand over her mouth. Alec is thankful it is still early and that they are in a back alley. The small rocks around them start to lift.

    And looks like she’s a Telekinetic too.

    Quick on the uptake, are we? Alec replies sarcastically. Be glad she’s not trained.

    Razilee’s head snaps up hard into the man’s chest, and she releases her hands on the man’s arm, covering her mouth.

    Remembering her father’s words, she fights the urge to use it at full force.

    Her Telekinesis falters at her will, despite her knowing that she could have made these men fly for yards, if not miles. Her father had always told her she could use her abilities when she was in danger and only in danger. Torren places his hand on Alec’s shoulder. And with a snap, she finds herself standing in a building with high ceilings.

    It looked

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