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Beyond the Veil; Tales of Folk & Fairies
Beyond the Veil; Tales of Folk & Fairies
Beyond the Veil; Tales of Folk & Fairies
Ebook24 pages18 minutes

Beyond the Veil; Tales of Folk & Fairies

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A haunting tale about a man who once had been a man of the cloth, a believer in the Holy Spirit, but with age and life, he turned against his beliefs. He mocked those who held onto the superstition of the Banshee, an ethereal entity that some see or hear, and some; not. Would his skepticism be his saving grace, or will the Banshee condemn him to

LanguageMiddle english
Release dateMay 18, 2020
Beyond the Veil; Tales of Folk & Fairies

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    Book preview

    Beyond the Veil; Tales of Folk & Fairies - Jason Diamond-Roth

    Harold of Death

    The tale of a Banshee

                                      By Jacqueline Diamond

    Copyright 2020 © Writ End Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the author.

    ISBN: 978-1-78520-124-0


    Chapter 1

    Of all the superstitions prevalent amongst the natives of Ireland at any period, past or present, there is none so grand or fanciful, any which have been so universally assented to or so cordially cherished, as the belief in the existence of the banshee. There are very few, however remotely acquainted with Irish life or Irish history, but must have heard or read of the Irish banshee; still, as there are different stories and different opinions afloat respecting this strange being, I think a little explanation concerning her appearance, functions, and habits will not be unacceptable to my readers.

    The banshee is said to be an immaterial and immortal being, attached, time out of mind, to various respectable and ancient families in Ireland, and is said always to appear or announce, by cries and lamentations, the death of any member of that family to which she belongs. She

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