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The Good, the Bad and the Universe
The Good, the Bad and the Universe
The Good, the Bad and the Universe
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The Good, the Bad and the Universe

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A philosophical science fiction novel. Dynamic tension exists across the galaxy when elite Aristarchs seek to enslave free human society and expand absolute despotism over the Multiverse. A galaxy with aristocrats, genomic exploitation, faster than light technology and  information encoded in the quantum Universe are existential c

Release dateFeb 16, 2019
The Good, the Bad and the Universe

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    The Good, the Bad and the Universe - Garrison Gibson

    The Good, the Bad and the Universe


    ©2020 Garrison Clifford Gibson



    Nothingness, Capital and Spiral Arms

    Edges of Dimensional Nothingness to Everything

    If a marketplace of ideas is rigged to eliminate potential competition to established wealth, democracy is a casualty too, as the black hole elect concentrates wealth and power to a corrupting minority.

    At some point John Dwight was sleeping soundly though he might have spent his time better on watch for those predators actively hunting him. He drifted in and out of perspectives of himself in some of the dreams remming their way into his dogmatic slumber. John Dwight actually was one of the few characters in the story that, from his point of view, could write poetry objectively while sleeping. Here is one poem that he wrote about…

    Inducting the Logic of Universes

    Somewhere amidst a multitude of incipient Universes

    in an infinite Multiverse

    a live oak provided rest for Isaac Newton

    forgotten roads led to deserted petrol stations

    a supreme being evolved

    though a few thousand Universes fizzled

    some Universes had smart people and A.I.

    before thinking they ate their resources

    to die with a stink

    That substance of everything composite

    Energy of those quarks and gluons holding

    everything together through all weathers

    witter patters of little cat feet

    found times’ rain cakes of creation

    consumed in thermodynamic hunger

    entropy driving life

    Evolved a supreme being aside all universes fail to inspire

    transcendent ideas

    each single universe tryming to be

    different with recurrent similarities

    dimensions varying in small print

    with a better supreme being patching together

    several universes and retrocausality before all Universes

    modge panc of His mind plans

    where everything always was too

    Sides orders of decohered wave function causality

    fatty fast foods forkin

    reasons for being and timing

    release of exformation and structures

    with one God before that supreme being

    entering nothingness before nothingness

    existed with time

    imponderable for-others

    Natural selection evolves the near god being

    conditioned response in evolved structures

    concentrating power to restructure evolved things-

    concerns and evolved ideas

    restructuring Derrida and Hegel’s irony

    deconstructing evolution with synthetics

    placed relativistically for-others

    without things-for-themselves troubling any

    God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit

    manage many structures and purposes

    instead of the original sinners without hope

    in-themselves surfing evolving waves

    clouds of unknowing

    fine-tuned with anthropic principle

    realize they day and the night

    quanta super-position creation

    between the dark and the light.

    Minutes ago I had a thought before awaking that disappeared when I awoke. I am sure it was something concerning Hilbert Space and four dimensional holographic computer modeling of theoretical quantum structures, spacetime, quantum gravity and universal fields. Mathematical structures like cubes had x number of surfaces when they were fractalized into x number of smaller and larger cubes within. The surfaces were one dimensional though not points, so I must have made a guess that as two-dimensional surfaces they were planes, and then examined the way myriad surface structures related topologically to known physical structures of the macro and micro-cosmos in the more pure, reductionist form of energy. If I forgot more than I knew it was simple enough to return to a state of morning contemplation. I watched an inner video of the Universe.

    Omniscience might be requisite for flawless design of species evolution. If one configures an evolutionary system to generate a targeted product in a very complex ecosystem with innumerable variables, the likelihood of system errors deforming the system to bring system failure to evolve a desired product are great. Omniscience usefully designs an evolving system such that it’s pre-determined to create the proper product at the right moment.

    Top-down modular approaches to flowcharting from T=0 to T=Omega aren't the only way to format structure. One can have natural and rational numbers with different dimensional variables (joking) for vectors and tensor-sets. Contingent dream sections may be modularized in chapter-units them placed on some sort of a tree-chart, harvested and set like bricks into a mosaic that is the preferred narrative. If one thinks like Jorge Luis Borges the mosaic may be a multi-level circular pyramid with a time axis in several directions.

    One might regard the evolution of human life through heterosexual events as an archetype of creation through omniscient configuration of evolution. I suppose when mankind was created and God rested, the designed evolution era ceased and human intelligence became capable of deforming the functioning patterns through genetic redesign and sundry forms of sin for-itself and for-others. Through seven or eight Universes they might find an emergent composite sectional single-verse.

    Consider the point that of all the proto-human species that existed, the challenges of designing the ecosphere such that just one species would emerge to dominate is incalculable except for omniscience. Some in error believe evolution has no design, or had none in the era in which God created the Universe from emergence in His will to the solar system and let it become peopled before bringing the era of Adamas and Edith to fruition, hence its o.k. to sin and miss the mark of evolving human function and conditional health (everyone is spiritual dead unless reborn with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ).

    Looking for a dream at the edge of a desert where night reluctantly yields to day and the beginning of the eons of time and history set memories alive and roiling. Bittersweet in that they occur at all before destiny wrests them away, before seasons die and thoughts dissipate to be less than dust; before faces of tomorrow disappear into yesterdays. When living, being is given to surpass nothingness from the will of God one might believe. God is eternal; all temporal fields issue from his energy. When Everettian fragments like illusions stir sands of time worn from mountains like Ordovician echoes on planets, orbiting some star, landscapes given to exist, destinies are given, missions set.

    Mathematical topologies of infinite dimensions allow infinite shortcuts between them. Flat two dimensional plains with steep slopes at the center emerging from a singularity are empty A-frames with a third dimension pushing outward as the cosmos slows below light speed with a fourth dimension penetrating like an arrow through the empty space

    Energy is the fact of what mass is made of. It is an appearance for others to regard in its solid forms or in shapes of virtual particles and quantum fields. Potentially infinite varieties of configurations of mass could be brought into existence from the eternal One whose thoughts are the inner sense of all that would be or become anything existing. Limitless quantities of Universe could exist within the omnipotent energy and mind of God, yet we were given to speculate about particular ones.

    A ball shaped dimension received a zero dimension singularity- mass-energy went through ball for split second (hyperinflation). One field-mass-energy stretched across ball implicate. Surface-tension is a topological force-tensor for 4-dimensional space-time. Thus shape attached glue-on surface. Ball dimension surges through mass-energy surface tension- dark energy. Voila- A pre-universe ball-shaped dimension with fragments grows up.

    Goals that ask for investments of time and effort in-a-world arise. Yet one may never achieve the summit and world picture with endless stories and objects. An empirical world does not forever glisten like a shining city on a lake calling those inducted to the halls of consumerism. A transcending, surprising destiny overcoming the world emerges in the fog of time...something never foreknown waits for being and time to expire.

    In the beginning of each Universe first light shown into the darkness. First light on a pre-determined holographic membrane given a particular course and destiny moving through a zero-energy vacuum without friction or exogenous relativistic effects as if it were in free fall not subject to extra-Universal forces. I would never know if God could experience an eternal recurrence of omniscience. Probably He is without a temporal yardstick for-himself. That yardstick for the passage of time is time-for-others.

    Mass is a secondary quality of energy. In the basic Universe there are two-dimensions for energy (perhaps) and there is the Higgs Field. The Higgs Field slows down massless energy from two dimensional light-speed to three-dimensional sub-light speed –particles acquiring a third dimension in the direction of travel. That phenomenon allows a three-dimensional Universe to exist with mass. It brings a host of questions too. One question concerns the two dimensional field that allows virtual particles to appear in three dimensions briefly before disappearing. What is that general field from two dimensions letting virtual particles appear in the vacuum of a three dimensional Universe? Is it one-in-the-same as the Higgs Field?

    People are familiar with the effects of Einstein’s relativity paradigm upon three-dimensional mass. What about general relativistic effects upon quantum particles that have slowed down to sub-light speed. Perhaps there is a phenomenon of variegated virtual relativity acting proportionately on particles that helps form energy to particle orbits and fields 3-d plus motion (time) of the quantum world.

    Virtual particles are fluctuations of a field. General relativistic effects may act upon particles with sub-light speed in relation to an otherwise two-dimensional Universe for energy. It is easy to speculate that gravity could be an effect of concatenated relativity acting on sub-light three-dimensional particles existing within or upon a two-dimensional Universe.

    Each braniverse required a certain surface tension analogue to stay together with orderly coherence. The primordial vacuum state remained so at the pleasure of God whom one infers was the author of any temporal disequilibrium in regard to an orderly neutral mind-field.

    I had so many unanswered questions about mass in regard to relativity where it seemed capable of surpassing itself and its own existence. Observations of super-massive black holes have discovered rotational velocity as high as 84% of the speed of light. Can they spin at light speed?

    As an object approaches the speed of light its mass scales up toward infinite; so how does that pertain to already super-massive black holes? Does the special relativistic effect of mass increasing and speed dilating nearing light speed multiply the mass of black holes more than what they are in-themselves? How much of the mass of a black hole can accelerate in proportion to the total mass?

    Is the 84% of speed of light just at the event horizon and less so toward the center? How would the numerous differential rotational speeds and relativistic effects on mass affect the composition and structure of black holes such that it would be non-uniform in space and time? Are there trans-finite infinities of mass in black holes subject to tensor quantification along the lines of Cantor sets?

    If I thought about seven theoretical Universes as the foundation of one Universe today, what mass and volume need it be? No matter. Certainty of the number of fragment Universes was improbable. Each of seven or eight Universes that were to serve as recycled mass for the new Universe had contact with the Spirit of God during eons of their life cycles. Each knew the sight of a sun and of stars across the Universal depths reaching through their own particular settings of Universal laws to the planets sustaining their existence.

    All of the prime eight Universes were hosts to sentient beings programmed from the beginning to be and become; to live and to wonder about the nature of creation; to ask questions concerning the nature of existence and why it exists at all- if it might have meaning. The people of each Universe had the opportunity through the spirit to know God. Some were successful at that even as so many others failed. Many of the latter were content to study mechanics of matter and energy and postulate the existence of all possible Universes from self-generating principles. Natural virtual fields would emanate charge particles that were charged simply by virtue of being the anti-particle of one oppositely charged or appositely spinning with vector motion defined in eigenvalue states, some super-positioned and others not.

    Particles were parts of a whole. A wave might be made of a multitude of particles. Waves were concatenated groups behaviors of particles. Charges were directions of motion that while theoretically reversible could not do so without 2X opposite energy added; hence not really very reversible.

    Virtual particles arose from a field of absolute nothingness without charge to exit nothingness and become actual rather than virtual particles without leaving a negative field charge. Subtracting something from nothingness created an unreal negative state in the vacuum. No matter, evolutionary theorists were content with the place of their particular positions within the fields of their particular Universes they regarded as having arisen just through statistical laws of chance. Observations they had made concerning the tendency of disorganized particles to organize within any given volume with a stable state indicated to those without God that their own existence was inevitable and actually necessary considering the nature of mass and energy, particles, waves, strings, branes and singularities.

    Even so when the time of the age of the Universes was fulfilled, after each people had the opportunity to contemplate being and to actualize their particular works, after they had received and accepted or rejected the word of God and been delivered to the spirit or to the experience of eternity without the presence of God, when they had been transliterated back from whatever quantum evolution state they had designed for their social and personal being and delivered to await judgment, the Universes were concluded and rolled up, coincidentally, at a grand conjunction of forms.

    At the intersection of the seven or eight Universes corner edges subducted together under gravity to form a white hole through a singularity. The white hole was zero-dimensional from the start, though it had information kept safe with Shannon stop-loss of data entropy; the newly emergent Universe appeared to have no data in it except for its implicit and minimal yet necessary and deterministic physical structure. The structure was a field with bits of data appearing as zero than one dimension points, lines and membranes swiftly growing into quarks with a propensity toward fusion. Wouldn't every perfect zero-dimensional singularity generate the same Universe without special design modification?

    The vast data of seven or eight Universe disappeared with the physical content faster than light or the speed of gravity for an instant before exploding into the new Universe closing the singularity behind with a final soundless nothingness. Though matter and energy from the lost eight Universes was conserved with transference and inflation into the singular new Universe, the data was gone; hidden safely away from future residents of Universe1 in a dark information field that was in yet not of the Universe. The information content of the eight Universes could be infused however, at the discretion of God regarding right time

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