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The Chosen: The Chronicles of Vespia Book 1
The Chosen: The Chronicles of Vespia Book 1
The Chosen: The Chronicles of Vespia Book 1
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The Chosen: The Chronicles of Vespia Book 1

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Her eyes went to the newspaper. In bold headlines, it read: TWO MIDVALE TEENS FOUND SLAIN NEAR CARNIVAL GROUNDS.

Bekka paced nervously in her room while she waited for Patricia Morgan to pick up her cell. “Come on!” she groaned impatiently. She was certain that Maragh’s dogs had ki

Release dateAug 15, 2019
The Chosen: The Chronicles of Vespia Book 1

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    The Chosen - Tom Horn



    Terrified, the woman ran through the forest with reckless abandon as she clutched the small bundle tightly against her bosom. The thundering hooves of her pursuers’ mounts tore up the ground behind her in huge, mudding clumps. Her throat burned as she gulped the crisp cold air of the early morning in frantic gasps. Her lungs seemed filled with fire. Her sides ached with her efforts, but she dared not stop. She could not allow them to catch her, for if they did, all hope would be lost. Maragh would kill her baby and the Prophecy would be unfulfilled.

    Her eyes wide with fear, she risked a glance over her shoulder. Her stalkers were relentless. Twisting her ankle, she lost her footing upon the dew-slickened pine needles and tumbled down a small slope. Losing her grip upon the bundle, she careened through tangled vines of vehlwood that grew wild about the forest floor. She cried out in agony as the thorns tore at the fabric of her clothes and ripped her flesh savagely. Renewed panic surged within her; fearing that the heavy warhorses might trample her and her baby.

    She struck her hip on a sturdy ponderosa pine with a jarring thud, causing her momentum to slow. Wincing at the pain, she was able to dig heels and fingers into the ground bringing her to a stop. Pine needles and grass clung to her wet, matted hair and flecks of mud stuck to her cheeks.

    Her baby wailed in terror, knowing only that she had been torn from her mother’s protective embrace. Her small chubby arms flailed the air wildly, breaking the confined warmth of the woolen blanket.

    The woman ignored the pain that wracked her tortured body and hobbled to the crying infant. She gasped sharply at the sight of a small bloodstain on the edge of the gray covering.

    Tears stung at her eyes as she frantically pulled back the soft fabric. Choking on her sobs she was relieved to find that a vehlwood thorn caused the baby’s only wound. The thorn still pierced the infant’s tender skin just above her left breast near the shoulder bone. With trembling fingers, she gently grasped the barb as carefully as she could. The baby wailed. Removing the thorn, she kissed the baby’s head and held her close. Ssh, Adara. Eet ees all right now. Mommy von’t let anyting else harm you ever again.

    You should not make promises that you cannot keep. The gruff voice sounded amused; full of contempt.

    The woman’s body stiffened as her eyes grew wide with fear. Her breath caught in her throat. A strangled sob escaped her lips as she bit on her fist in utter despair. Maragh was behind her. From the sound of his voice, she knew that he couldn’t be more than twenty paces away.

    Distraught over her failure she searched the forest for an escape. Nothing. Only the distant sound of a babbling stream from somewhere below gave her any hope at all. She managed to swallow the lump in her throat. Please. Dis ees not de child dat you seek. She ees just a baby. She can do you no harm.

    Maragh chuckled. It matters not, Gypsy. The child is of the right age. I simply cannot take the chance that you are lying. He motioned for his minions to take possession of the baby.

    As they stepped forward the Gypsy woman darted to the left at the last second, running blindly through the forest. The tears that filled her eyes blurred her vision. She ignored the pain in her swollen ankle, desperation speeding her onward. She could hear Maragh’s curses and his charging horse in renewed pursuit. The clank of the warrior’s armor kept time with the thundering hooves. Maragh’s minions were crashing wildly through the brush, seemingly oblivious to the thick vehlwood brambles that grabbed at their skin.

    She stopped suddenly upon a rocky outcropping. Balancing precariously upon a jagged cliff, she managed to regain her footing and step back from the edge just in time. She could see the stream below; a thick mist seemed to rise from the flowing water. She turned, her eyes growing wide with undeniable terror. She was trapped. Maragh and his minions blocked her escape.

    Before she could plead for her daughter’s life, Maragh raised his crossbow and fired. The arrow penetrated the base of her throat. It severed the dainty gold chain she wore around her neck, causing the charm to come off in the baby’s hand. She could feel herself falling backwards and knew that she would strike the rocks below. Her daughter had but one chance to survive. With all the strength left to her, she heaved the bundle through the air toward the river and the strangely swirling mist that seemed to sparkle with hope…

    Maragh stood on the rocky precipice staring at the broken and twisted body that lay upon the rocks ten feet below. There was little doubt that the fall had killed the Gypsy woman. Her eyes held the vacant stare that only the dead possess.

    Find the infant, he ordered. He couldn’t pull his eyes from the woman’s face. Something about it didn’t seem quite right. He grunted feeling oddly disturbed. The Gypsy seemed to be smiling; laughing at him with her fixed eyes.



    Rebekka Kensington stepped off the school bus and waited on the sidewalk for her friends to join her. She shifted the book bag on her shoulder for better balance. Patricia Morgan was shamelessly flirting with Cleve Montgomery in the aisle of the bus, holding the others up.

    Bekka tapped her foot impatiently, squinting in the sunlight. She wished she could be more like Trish when it came to boys. But the fact of the matter was, she just wasn’t any good at it. At fifteen she just felt incredibly shy, and awkward. She didn’t have the confidence that the other girls seemed to have.

    Suzy Parker opened a window near the back of the bus and in a playful tone called out, Hey Bekka! Trevor wants to know if you’re going to the carnival this weekend?

    She could feel her face flush at the mention of Trevor’s name. Did he really want to know? Or was Suzy just saying that ‘cuz she knew that Bekka had like a major crush on him? Sometimes she could just kill Suzy Parker!

    Carnival? she said lamely.

    Suzy giggled as her head disappeared back inside the bus briefly before reemerging, her dimples clearly showing. Yeah, one just opened up out on Miller’s farm. It starts tonight.

    I… I don’t know if I can. I have to study for my math test on Monday.

    Come on, Bekka! admonished Suzy. It’s Friday for Pete’s sake! You have all weekend to study!

    She bit her lip and sighed heavily. She felt like a complete nerd. How could she be such an idiot? This might be her one chance to spend some time with Trevor other than sixth period English. I’ll have to check with my parents.

    Candi Anderson had joined her side and they both smiled as Trish finally stepped off the bus. Candi leaned in close as she whispered, Can you believe how big a flirt Trisha is? She shook her head as the redhead approached. She’s so darned confident in herself, I could almost scream! She gave Bekka’s arm a nervous squeeze. So, Candi asked Trish with a grin, What did Cleve say? Is he gonna talk to Jacob for me?

    Trish had a huge smile on her face. He’s gonna try and get his cousin to come with us. I’m pretty sure that Jake will come along. She smiled, He’s really into you.

    Candi jumped up and down excitedly. I haven’t seen Jacob in like months!

    Candi’s older brother stepped off the bus and looked at his friend Pete. He rolled his eyes, I haven’t seen Jacob in like months! he mimicked.

    Candi slapped his arm, Bradley! You’re such an asshole!

    Pete snickered, Yeah, Bradley! You’re such an asshole!

    Trish shook her head with a disdainful glare. You’re such a jerk, Pete McCormick. Real mature!

    Pete blushed sheepishly. I was only teasing. He liked Trish, that much was obvious.

    She rolled her eyes as she stepped around him with one hand raised in the air, fingers spread wide. Whatever. As she walked off, she added, Coming girls?

    Candi and Bekka exchanged glances. They were used to Trish’s demanding personality. They shared a knowing smile before they rejoined their friend.

    The three girls started walking and then stopped suddenly. Trish rolled her eyes again in exasperation. Turning, she said, You are so not invited Pete!

    He stopped abruptly. Sighing dejectedly. Come on Bradley. Let’s go to my house.

    Sure Pete. Whatever you say. Bradley stuck a stick of gum into his mouth and then threw the wadded wrapper at the girls, striking Trish just above the left brow. Bull’s eye! he said with a smirk.

    Trish shook her head as she looked at Candi. Your brother can be so annoying!

    Candi shrugged. Don’t blame me. I didn’t pick him. She glanced quickly at Bekka, No offense.

    Trish stomped her foot in disbelief as her eyes grew wide. Jeez Candi!

    Bekka tried to laugh the whole thing off. Come on guys, I was adopted. I’m okay with it, really.

    Trish pouted. Aw. Sure you are hon. She wrapped a consoling arm around the dark-haired girl’s shoulder. She ran her free hand through her own auburn curls. We’re here for you anytime you need us. She glanced at the blonde beside them, Aren’t we, Candi?

    You bet! She mouthed, ‘Sorry! I didn’t mean to!’

    Trish only glared at her.

    Bekka had only learned that she was adopted a little more than a week ago. She had always suspected that she might be; both parents were fairer skinned, and their hair wasn’t as dark as her own. Initially, it hadn’t bothered her to learn that she was adopted but her friends seemed to think that it should and that bothered her!

    They walked quietly for about ten steps. Candi broke the silence. You really ought to come to the carnival with us tonight, Bekka. It’ll get your mind off the whole adopted thing.

    Candace Marie! Trish scolded. She couldn’t believe that someone who scored straight ‘A’s could be so stupid sometimes.

    What? Candi said with her arms outstretched. I didn’t say anything wrong! she insisted with wide-eyed innocence.

    Bekka stopped walking, causing Trish’s arm to slide off her shoulder. I’m not dwelling on the whole adopted thing, really I’m not. I have a very loving family. They’re the only family I’ve ever known. They will always be my mom and dad, and I have never doubted their love for me. I’m lucky to have them.

    Trish glared at the blonde. When she looked at Bekka, her eyes softened considerably. I know. Your parents are great. But you really ought to come with us tonight. She put a hand on Bekka’s arm, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Trevor really does want you there.

    A glimmer of hope flashed in Bekka’s eyes. She so wanted to make a connection with Trevor. She smiled sheepishly. I’ll have to ask my folks.

    Great! Trish said as she began to walk along the sidewalk with Candi in tow. We’re meeting at seven.


    Candi giggled. At the carnival, silly.

    Trish rolled her eyes and shook her head. They’ll have a ticket booth up front like last time. She pointed a finger at Bekka. Be there, she said in a scathing tone.

    At seven, Bekka said

    I mean it Rebekka Kensington, or you’ll be in like so much trouble!

    Bekka snapped to attention, as much as the weight of the backpack would allow and gave a sharp salute with two fingers touching her brow. Yes Ma’am!

    Trish gave her a wink. See ya there, I hope. She added with crossed fingers. Then she grabbed the blonde by the elbow, almost pulling her off balance. C’mon Candi!

    Candi waved awkwardly over her shoulder very nearly dropping her books in the process.

    As Bekka entered her home, she tossed her keys onto the rustic table that sat along the wall in the foyer. She plopped her book bag onto the floor. I’m home! she announced, closing the door behind her. She turned the deadbolt.

    Julia Kensington, her mother, called from the kitchen, In here sweetie! How was your day?

    Bekka made a beeline for the ceramic cow on the kitchen counter and withdrew a chocolate chip cookie. Before she could take a bite, her mother playfully slapped her wrist and handed her an apple. It was a Golden Delicious, her favorite.

    Bekka smiled, never really tiring of the routine. She took a bite of the apple. It was good. Got an ‘A’ on my history test.

    Her mother frowned. That’s nice honey, but please don’t talk with your mouth full.

    Sorry, Bekka said after taking another bite.

    Her mother arched a scolding brow, and Bekka smiled guiltily.

    Dinner will be ready in a few minutes, her mother said. Chili and biscuits.

    Bekka glanced at the clock on the wall above the stove, it was another cow, and the time-piece was so not in a good location (poor cow); it was only four forty-five; she still had a little over two hours. She had often teased her mother about her obsession with cows, telling her it was udderly ridiculous.

    A carnival just opened out on Miller’s farm. I was thinking of going tonight, Bekka said almost forgetting to breathe.

    Her mother’s eyes grew wide. She shook her head. I don’t know what to say. She touched Bekka’s arm, and then put a hand to Bekka’s forehead. Do you feel okay? You’re not coming down with the flu, are you?

    Bekka laughed it off. Mom, you’re absolutely terrible! Trish wants to go to the carnival really bad, but her mom won’t let her unless Candi and I both go. I’m only doing it as sort of a favor. She was surprised at how easily the lie came. But what shocked her even more was the fact that she lied in the first place. She knew her mother would never object to her going to the carnival. She was always after her to spend more time with friends; to get a life. So why lie?

    Before her mom could see the look in her eyes, she’d know immediately that there was something she wasn’t telling her, Bekka quickly gave her mother a hug. I’m actually looking forward to it. It wasn’t a total lie. She was looking forward to spending time with Trevor.

    Julia Kensington kissed the top of her daughter’s head as she rubbed her back. Could you set the table? Dad will be home in just a few minutes.

    Bekka gave her mother another hug. Sure, Mom.

    The clock on the dash said six fifty-four. Bekka leaned forward from the back seat of the Pontiac Grand Am, pointing as the car rolled to a stop. There they are Dad! She couldn’t keep the excitement out of her voice.

    Robert Kensington smiled as he exchanged glances with his wife. It was good to see that Rebekka was actually opting to go out with friends rather than hitting the books. Her grades were excellent, straight ‘A’s, and he couldn’t be prouder. But he’d long wished that she would lighten up and enjoy herself more. Life was just too short.

    Her mother frowned as she studied the group of teens standing around the carnival ticket booth. She arched an unsettled brow as she turned her head slightly so that she could see Bekka. I don’t recognize all of those boys.

    Mom! They’re just my friends!

    Her dad chuckled as he reached over and gave his wife’s hand a gentle squeeze. I’m sure they’re all very nice. He glanced into the rear-view mirror, looking for confirmation.

    They are. Honest, Bekka moaned with an exaggerated roll of her eyes and a shake of her head. God, guys, don’t you even trust me?

    Don’t take that tone with us, young lady, her mother warned as she glanced at her husband who seemed to be enjoying himself a little too much. She wanted to thump him on the arm.

    Hiding a smile, he reached into his wallet and pulled out a twenty. Are you sure you don’t need us to pick you up?

    I’ll get a ride home with Trish. She grabbed the bill as she climbed from the silver car. Thanks.

    Julia placed a hand on her husband’s arm. Give her another twenty, just in case.

    He stuck another bill out the window. Here you go, kiddo. Have fun.

    Taking the money, she leaned forward and kissed her father on the forehead. Love you, Dad. She smiled at her mother. Love you.

    Julia blew her daughter a kiss. Have fun, Punkin.

    Bekka! Are you coming? Trish called from the ticket booth, her voice full of impatience.

    Bekka rolled her eyes for her parents’ benefit. Gotta go! she said squeezing her dad’s arm.

    As Bekka joined her friends at the ticket booth, Trish and Candi gave her a hug. She noticed Trevor standing with the other boys off to one side. When he saw her, his face brightened with a smile. He gave her a friendly nod. She could feel a rush of excitement as she waved shyly, practically melting at the sight of his dimples.

    Trevor stepped toward her. Heya Bekka.


    He offered her some cotton candy. I’m really glad to see that you made it. Suzy Parker said you wouldn’t show.

    She smiled as she took a pinch of the billowy candy, feeling a warm flush wash over her. He was actually glad she was here! I can’t get enough of this stuff! She popped it into her mouth and licked the residue off her fingertips. She loved the way it melted away almost instantly leaving behind a sweet taste of sugar on her tongue. His comment about Suzy had angered her, but she promised herself that she wasn’t going to let her ruin this night. She made a mental note to have a word with Suzy Parker on Monday morning.

    "You gonna buy tickets Bekka? Or are the two of you just gonna stand there flirting? Cleve asked sarcastically.

    We weren’t flirting! Trevor insisted. Don’t be a jerk. I just offered her some candy.

    Bekka could feel the heat in her cheeks. She hadn’t realized that she was next in line. She turned to the ticket booth and passed the attendant a twenty. He handed her ten tickets. As she folded her string of tickets and put them in a pocket, she noticed that Trevor had tossed the cotton candy into a nearby wastebasket. He gave her a quick glance before turning away.

    Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea after all. She found herself wishing she had stayed home. She glanced at the ticket booth wondering if she could get her money back. Obviously, things were not going to go well with her and Trevor as long as Cleve was around to make his childish comments. She resisted the urge to just run away and cry her eyes out.

    So, what do we do first? Trish asked with an excited gleam.

    Bumper cars! Cleve said.

    Trish frowned. I hate those things! In truth, she hated the way they left her feeling disheveled.

    He took her hand and started off. It’ll be fun.

    Okay. She said. But I get my own car!

    Candi had a wide-eyed look on her face. I always get stuck in the worst car!

    Jacob Williams put an arm around her shoulder. That’s okay. You can ride with me.

    Candi melted into his embrace. You’ll protect me?

    He grinned. Sure thing.

    They kissed and then Candi giggled. My knight in shining armor!

    Bekka rolled her eyes truly wishing she could find a way to go home. She felt so out of place and awkward. It didn’t seem like she was going to get anywhere with Trevor, and he was the only reason she had come in the first place. She found herself wishing for the comfort of her algebra book and the rest of her homework.

    Come on Bekka! Trish called out over her shoulder. If I have to do this, everyone does.

    She shoved her hands into her jeans pockets and frowned. Coming.

    Bekka silently brooded as she shuffled along after the others. Her bottom lip set firmly in a pout, resigned to the fact that she was going to be absolutely miserable. She shook her head slightly. Things had started out so great! But after Cleve’s comment Trevor’s mood had drastically changed. She had seen the color rush to Trevor’s cheeks, but she hadn’t been really certain whether it was anger or embarrassment. It didn’t matter. The teasing comment made by Cleve had done its damage. It had driven them apart.

    She glanced up and caught Trevor’s eye. He had been watching her as they walked along. He scowled darkly and sprinted ahead plopping into the red bumper car. She could feel her jaw tighten as she growled under her breath. She rolled her eyes in anger. She would never understand boys! She gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes in a vain attempt to hold back the tears that were threatening to burst from within. She felt miserable. She didn’t know how she was going to get through this night. Worst night ever! She whispered to herself.

    After everyone else climbed into a bumper car, Bekka settled into a rusty-yellow car that was sitting off to the side of a jumbled pack. She gave the attendant a single ticket, almost afraid to place it into his grimy hand. She turned the wheel to the left and pressed her foot to the pedal. The car sluggishly pulled away from the platform.

    Almost immediately she was slammed in the side by a blue car driven by Trish. Despite the jolt the redhead delivered, Trish mouthed ‘sorry!’ to her friend. As Bekka was about to respond she was T-boned by Cleve who laughed boisterously. Gotcha Bekka! he yelled. Jacob and Candi struck her from behind just as Trevor was moving in for a head-on collision.

    Bekka clutched the steering wheel tightly and gasped sharply, closing her eyes as she braced for the inevitable impact. She knew it was going to be bad, but there was nothing that she could do. She couldn’t even brace for it.

    Trevor hadn’t seen that Jacob and Candi were behind Bekka. After seeing their car collide into Bekka’s he wanted to swerve to miss her but the hit from the rear actually propelled her forward. His eyes grew wide as he fought with the steering wheel but the car would not respond.

    The crash with Trevor was more forceful than it would have been had she not received the push from behind. Bekka could actually feel the back of her bumper car lift slightly and her entire body came off the seat. Only the safety restraint kept her in the car. She tightened her grip on the steering wheel, her knuckles turning white, fearing for her life. She felt the sharp twang in her neck as her entire body was jarred with the force of the collision.

    As the bumper car came to a stop Bekka opened her eyes slowly. She was face to face with Trevor. He had a look of anguish on his face. It looked as if all color had drained from his tanned complexion. Are you all right? he asked.

    She thought about making a wisecrack by asking him what he cared but thought better of it. She really liked Trevor despite the fact that he had been such a pain earlier. She put a hand to her neck and squeezed the spot that still had a twinge that ran through her shoulder. I think so.

    I’m sorry! he said earnestly. He jerked violently to the left as Trish slammed into his bumper car. She raised a fist in the air as she gave a victorious shout. Girl power!

    She winked at Bekka. "That’ll teach him!’

    Bekka could see that Cleve was zeroing in on her friend. Her eyes grew wide as she bounced up and down in her seat, pointing frantically at the oncoming car. Look out!

    Just as Cleve was about to make contact with Trish’s car, Candi and Jacob sideswiped him. Not today Cleveland! Candi yelled with a giggle.

    Cleve frowned at Jacob. You’re supposed to be on my side, cuz!

    Jacob shrugged. I’m just a passenger. He indicated that Candi had control of the bumper car.

    Cleve scowled darkly. You need to grow a set!

    Screw you, buddy! Jacob said with a laugh.

    Let’s go again! Cleve said as all the cars powered down. He would never be satisfied if he didn’t deliver the final blow.

    Bekka quickly hopped out of her car. Count me out. I’ve had enough!

    Jacob and Candi climbed out of their car still clinging to one another. Jake promised we’d go to the Fun House, Candi said.

    Trish stuck out her bottom lip in an exaggerated pout. Poor Clevie. No one wants to play with him anymore.

    Cleve shook the steering wheel with both hands. His face turning red, he growled like a wild animal. Come on! What are you all so afraid of? he shouted.

    Trish stomped her foot placing one hand on her waist. Grow up, Cleveland Montgomery! Don’t be such a toddler!

    Bekka stared at the image in the wavy Fun House mirror. She had an elongated neck and a short, pudgy body. Her head was squished in on the sides and slightly flattened on the top. She pursed her lips as she turned her body sideways and then back. Very flattering.

    Trevor stood to her right. The mirror made him look like he had a balloon head stuck on a toothpick body with extremely large feet. I think we look like a perfect pair. We balance one another out.

    Bekka shook her head as she crinkled her nose. A playful smile curved her lips. Nah, I like my guys with a little more muscle.

    He slipped his hand in hers, giving it a little squeeze. Let’s ditch this place. We can get some cotton candy and take a ride on the Ferris wheel.

    She couldn’t help but notice how perfectly their fingers intertwined. Mmm. Snowcones, she said. She’d had enough cotton candy for one night.

    He chuckled. Alright, snowcones it is. Still holding her hand, he guided her back the way they had come.

    Bekka bumped into a tall solitary figure that didn’t budge. It was almost as if he had stepped into her path on purpose. Excuse me. I’m sorry, she said politely as she blushed. Coming through.

    Weirdo, Trevor said. What was his problem?

    Let it go, Trev. It was probably my fault. I wasn’t watching where I was going, really.

    Trevor shook his head. No. He deliberately stepped into you. I saw the whole thing.

    She slapped his arm playfully. He’s like twice your size! I was only kidding about the muscle thing. She didn’t want him getting into an altercation on account of her.

    He had been watching the dark figure that had bumped into Bekka. The man appeared to be watching them intently, with a hood pulled up over his head. His eyes were concealed in the shadows that the hood created. What are you looking at? Trevor said, puffing out his chest. The figure stiffened slightly. He seemed to turn towards them.

    Bekka felt a tingle run up her spine. She squeezed Trevor’s arm. Trevor…

    Come on, Trevor said. Let’s get out of here.

    What about the others? Bekka asked.

    We’ll catch up to them afterwards. They probably won’t even realize that we’re gone. They can get so wrapped up in themselves sometimes.

    She pulled on his arm. Hey. Those are my friends.

    He chuckled, his dimples seeming to smooth things over. Mine too. But you have to admit, it is true.

    Bekka couldn’t believe the turn of events. She was actually getting to spend time alone with Trevor. And he had initiated the holding of hands! She knew she was beaming but she couldn’t help it. At the moment she felt like she was on top of the world!

    The solitary giant pulled back his hood and seemed to sniff the air twice. The second inhalation was longer than the first. It was almost as if he were trying to hold onto a scent. His dark eyes sparkled as a thin smile curved his lips. He was the predator that had found his prey.

    Bekka shivered as she glanced over her shoulder one last time. She didn’t like the strange man. He unnerved her somehow. Trevor felt a chill run through him. He gave Bekka’s hand a squeeze. Let’s go!

    There was a short line at the shaved ice vendor and it moved very fast. What flavor? Trevor asked as he eyed the poster board behind the salesperson.

    Surprise me.

    Two rainbows, please.

    After paying he handed one of the multi-flavored iced cones to Bekka. This okay? he asked.

    She took a bite of the crushed ice and smiled in delight. Perfect.

    He motioned with his snow cone. The Ferris wheel is over this way. He slipped his free hand back into hers. I’m sorry about earlier, he said softly.

    Hey, you shouldn’t ride those things unless you’re willing to get hit, she said.

    Trevor smiled. I was talking about with the cotton candy. I shouldn’t have let Cleve get me so defensive. I’m sorry that I acted like such a complete ass.

    He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. And then when you were getting all banged up on the bumper cars, I realized that all I wanted to do was protect you.

    Protect me? she teased. You almost broke my neck!

    I know, he said blushing as he dropped his chin to his chest. Sorry.

    She squeezed his hand. You’re forgiven.

    I’ll make it up to you. Promise. He released her hand and pulled out the tickets for the ride, handing them over to the attendant.

    As they settled onto the bench seat, he placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close against him. She could feel her heart race with excitement and pleasure. Despite the chill in the air, she felt warm and cozy in his embrace.

    The ride started with a jerking motion and soon they were rising above the carnival grounds. Trevor gave her shoulder a squeeze. I’m really glad you came tonight. I wasn’t sure that you would. Suzy didn’t think you’d show.

    She sighed. Suzy Parker doesn’t know everything. She shook her head deciding to let her anger go. She smiled at him. I’m glad I came too.

    The bench would rock back and forth every time the ride stopped to allow another exchange of passengers. Before long they were at the Ferris wheel’s highest point. Bekka, Trevor whispered in her ear.

    She turned to face him. Yes?

    He kissed her softly. She jumped, slightly startled as his tongue searched for her own. Wow. It was all that she could manage. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest.

    He looked at her and chuckled, his dimples melting her gaze. What? he asked.

    In her mind she was screaming ‘What a great kisser!’ but those words were never spoken. I dropped my snowcone, she said as she peered over the safety bar. I hope that I didn’t hit anybody.

    Trevor laughed. You did. He pointed below. And she looks pissed!

    Bekka waved in apology. Sorry Ginger! she didn’t speak loud enough for the girl to hear. Bekka covered her face with her hand, I can’t believe I did that! She’s gonna kill me for sure!

    Nah, Trevor said. It was an accident.

    Ginger Whitney and Scott Thompson confronted Bekka and Trevor as the ride ended. The front of Ginger’s white blouse was soaked in multi-colors from the icy treat. You’ve ruined my shirt you clumsy oaf!

    Bekka placed a hand on her sleeve. I’m so sorry, Ginger! It was an accident.

    Ginger waved her hands in the air. I don’t want to hear about it! I knew I shouldn’t have worn a white blouse tonight. She glanced at Scott. I should’ve brought a damned jacket. It’s starting to get cold.

    Bekka began peeling off her leather jacket. You can take mine.

    Ginger gave her a shocked look. Are you serious, Bekka?

    Bekka nodded. Totally! It’s the least I can do. I feel so bad.

    Ginger’s angry expression was replaced by a friendly smile. Aaw, that’s like so sweet! Can I give it back to you on Monday?

    That’ll be great. Give me your blouse then too, I’ll have it cleaned.

    As Ginger shoved her arm through the sleeve of the leather jacket, she made a face. This old thing? Don’t bother! It’s been through way worse! Besides, my mom’s been after me to get rid of it for months. She pulled her hair out of the jacket and winked. Now I’ve got a reason to go shopping!

    Bekka chuckled. Glad I could help.

    Ginger waved as she took hold of Scott’s arm. See ya.

    Trevor placed his jacket over Bekka’s shoulders. You’re gonna need this. The temperature is starting to drop.

    What about you? she asked looking into his eyes. They were such a beautiful shade of blue. And those dimples of his… Wow!

    If I get cold I’ll just snuggle up to you, he said with a grin.

    You look cold to me, Bekka said with a sly smile.

    He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. I guess we should catch up with the others. They’re probably wondering where we are.

    Bekka sighed as she rested her head against him. She slipped her arm around his waist sticking her thumb in his belt loop. I guess. She had forgotten about everyone else. She was enjoying being with just him. It was nice having Trevor all to herself. She found herself hoping that this night would never end. It wouldn’t hurt her feelings in the least if they never hooked back up with their friends. Trevor was amazing!

    The others were waiting outside the Fun House when Trevor and Bekka walked up. Cleve’s face brightened mischievously when he saw the returning pair. Aaw! Look at the two little lovebirds!

    Trish gave him a solid punch on the chest. Where have the two of you been? We’ve been waiting like forever!

    Bekka smiled shyly. I got kinda freaked in the Fun House…all those mirrors.

    Trish gave her a strange look, biting her bottom lip. She shook her head. Whatever. The guys are gonna go to the shooting gallery. I told them they had to win us stuffed animals. While they are doing that, us girls can go get our fortunes read.

    I… I don’t know, Bekka said hesitantly. I’m not really into that kinda thing. All she really wanted was to spend more time alone with Trevor.

    Somehow Trish managed to slip in between Trevor and Bekka, prying them apart. Oh, come on! It’ll be a riot! She gave Trevor a gentle shove. Go play with the rest of the boys. Win us some stuffed animals!

    Trevor gave Bekka a helpless shrug. Guess I’ll see ya later.

    Want your jacket back?

    Keep it. I’m fine.

    Bekka nodded as she looked him over from head to toe. Yeah. Yeah, you most certainly are!

    Come on, Trevor! Cleve said. I’ll teach you losers how to shoot!

    Jacob and Candi separated with a lingering kiss. See you soon, Candi said.

    So, Trish said, tell us what the two of you have been up to! Every sordid detail.

    Candi giggled.

    Bekka tried to act all innocent. I told you, I got freaked because of how the mirrors made me look. Trevor took me for snowcones to calm me down.

    I don’t believe that for a second, Trish said.

    It’s the truth! Bekka said. We went for some shaved ice.

    Can you believe it, Candi? She is lying to her two best friends.

    That’s so sad, Candi said with a slow shake of her head. She made a little tisking noise.

    Look Bekka, Trish eyed her with a raised brow. Do you really think we are that gullible? I mean, honestly?

    Bekka looked from one girl to the other. What do you mean?

    Trish played with her auburn curls. We don’t believe for one tiny second that you got freaked out by some stupid mirrors.

    Bekka nodded. We had rainbow snowcones, she said weakly. And… and…

    Candi’s eyes gleamed. What’s the matter? You ran out of a way to pay for the cones so you had to give them your leather jacket? Must’ve been one helluva snow cone!

    Yeah, Bekka, where’s your jacket? Trish’s voice was suddenly very accusatory as she crossed her arms over her chest.

    Bekka suddenly knew what a deer caught in the headlights felt like. She blushed. We took our snowcones on the Ferris wheel. I dropped mine all over Ginger Whitney when he kissed me. I had to loan her my coat, I felt so bad.

    Trish smiled, her eyes lighting up. Trevor kissed you? I knew it! I knew the two of you were going to hook up! Didn’t I say they would, Candi?

    The blonde nodded. Yep. You sure did. This very afternoon. She glanced over at the Ferris wheel. Most of it was visible above the other attractions. I bet it was cool making out up there!

    Bekka broke out into a huge smile. It was amazing! He is amazing!

    The old Gypsy woman watched with a critical eye as the girls approached. She looked from one girl to the next, her gaze seeming to linger on Bekka the longest. She nodded, speaking with a thickly accented voice. I knew you vould come dis night.

    The girls stopped walking and exchanged uneasy glances. She probably says that to everyone, Trish whispered.

    The Gypsy woman snapped her eyes upon the girl with the auburn curls. Sometimes eet does not pay to be so smart. You miss de tings dat are right under your very nose! she pointed a finger accusingly. She shook her finger at Bekka. Remember dat!

    The Gypsy climbed the stairs with difficulty and opened the door to the small box wagon. Come. Eet ees time dat ve started.

    As the girls entered the wagon, the Gypsy woman motioned them to a small round table where three chairs sat across from a high-backed chair with a dark wood grain. Candles lit the room with a soft, fiery glow. Another chair was positioned in the corner. Bekka couldn’t help but think that somehow the old woman had known that she was only going to have three visitors and had prepared for their arrival by removing the fourth chair. But that was just silly! How could she possibly have known?

    Bekka noticed that the old woman seemed to scan the darkness outside the wagon before pulling the door closed. It appeared that she was searching for someone. Bekka had the feeling that the woman seemed relieved when their eyes met.

    As the Gypsy woman wandered to the table, she struck a match, lighting a stick of incense. She crossed to the other side of the small room and lit another. She sighed heavily as she sat in the high-backed chair.

    Is that cinnamon? Candi asked.

    The old woman shrugged, placing her hands upon the arms of the chair. Perhaps.

    It smells like cinnamon. The blonde had a habit of talking when she was nervous. "I have an

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