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English Grammar & Composition: Preparing Christian Workers To Carry The Gospel Message Successfully and Effectively
English Grammar & Composition: Preparing Christian Workers To Carry The Gospel Message Successfully and Effectively
English Grammar & Composition: Preparing Christian Workers To Carry The Gospel Message Successfully and Effectively
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English Grammar & Composition: Preparing Christian Workers To Carry The Gospel Message Successfully and Effectively

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It is of utmost importance that believers carry the most important message, the gospel, into the world. To do that, a proper use of language is necessary. God gave the Scriptures through words, and to communicate His Word, the Christian must use words. Therefore, a proper use of language, both spoken and written, must be of concern especially for the person training for Christian service. Secondarily, the examples used in this text provide a Christ-centered basis for interacting with the material. Major grammar areas that relate to good writing are the focus of the opening chapters with each chapter having exercises for the student to complete. The second section of the text focuses on sound principles of composition, giving students practice in various essay styles as well as research papers and form.
Release dateMay 4, 2011
English Grammar & Composition: Preparing Christian Workers To Carry The Gospel Message Successfully and Effectively

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    English Grammar & Composition - Bruce D. Barnes




    Unintentional fragments in formal writing are serious violations of English grammar. Although they begin with a capital letter and end with a period, they are not complete thoughts. In fact, fragments often catch the reader off-guard and may even impede clear communication. It is true, however, that there are instances where fragments may be acceptable and that professional writers may occasionally use fragments. Nonetheless, professional writers recognize that the routine use of fragments minimizes their effectiveness and that fragments are never acceptable if they ruin clarity.

    The kind of formal writing that college courses require and the work-place expects should be free of fragments. Since students who submit writing assignments containing fragments often mentally insert omitted words and punctuation, proofreading aloud can usually help students identify fragments they have overlooked. Students can normally correct fragments by connecting them to an independent clause.

    A sentence fragment is a group of words posing as a sentence, but lacking the essential elements of a true subject and a verb.

    Fragment: College professors teaching the principles of English grammar. Revision: College professors instruct the principles of English grammar.

    A sentence fragment presents an incomplete thought—in effect, leaves the reader hanging or suspended.

    Students will occasionally overlook a lengthy subordinate clause (introduced by a subordinate conjunction) and will mark it as a sentence.

    FRAGMENT EXERCISE 1: Check each of the following examples for fragments. On the lines provided, either mark F for fragments or C for correct. Rewrite all fragments into complete sentences.

    ___Students going to college often face many difficulties. Making financial arrangements, scheduling work and study, adjusting socially and many other challenges.

    ___ Karen deciding to spend her spring break more productively by helping her church visit all the homes in three new subdivisions of her hometown.

    ___ The invitation was given, and James answered God’s call to be a missionary, his parents weeping for joy.

    ___ Although Luther prayed diligently regarding his response to the papal bull.

    ___ The senate decided to adopt the bill submitted by the subcommittee. Even though there were parts of it that the majority did not like.

    ___ The students returned to college, receiving their dorm room assignments and reminiscing with last year’s friends.

    ___ When Daniel opened his window toward Jerusalem, praying three times a day as he always had before.

    ___ Daniel, having disobeyed the king’s decree concerning prayer, remained faithful in prayer to the King of kings.

    ___ The enticing aroma of the Columbian coffee filling the ocean-side café.

    ___ U nco ntro llab ly consumed with anger, the young teenage boy striking out with the nearest object he could find.

    FRAGMENT EXERCISE 2: Revise the following paragraph eliminating fragments.

    Chapter eleven of Genesis illustrates two very important lessons for Bible students. The story of the Tower of Babel. First of all, the omniscience of God. Verses five and six let the reader know that God was aware of what the people were doing and that He understood what the results of their actions would be. In conjunction with this thought, twentieth century Christians must realize that God continues to be aware of our thoughts, words, and deeds. Secondly, the folly of planning without consulting God. God prevented the citizenry of Babel from completing the tower by confounding their language. Making financial decisions, prioritizing life goals, and developing social relationships without considering God’s will in the matter. A man need not seek God’s plan for his life, unless he takes care to include God in his plans.



    Agreement in grammar indicates unity and harmony between the various components of a sentence. Although the principle of subject-verb agreement is a simple one, it is one of the most common grammatical problems in writing. Subject-verb agreement means that a singular subject requires a singular verb, and a plural subject requires a plural verb. In other words, the verb must agree with its subject in number. Errors in subject-verb agreement are serious, and students who violate this grammar rule usually do so because they fail to identify the subject. This weakness is frequently apparent in sentences that begin with "There" and sentences that contain intervening phrases between the subject and the verb.

    Parenthetically, the best way to identify the subject is first to identify the verb (usually indicating action) and then to determine who or what is performing that action—the subject.

    A singular subject requires a singular verb, and a plural subject requires a plural verb. There and here are not subjects. Rewording the sentence eliminating there or here will make the subject of the sentence obvious.

    Either, neither, each, every, everybody, anybody, everyone, and anyone use a singular verb.

    Either of the translators is competent to work with the Sudanese churches. Neither of the Middle Eastern leaders acknowledges the input from the Western diplomats.

    Each of the lecturers possesses ample credentials for his or her topics. Almost everybody realizes the significance of English grammar.

    The coordinator said that anybody is welcome to attend the seminar on the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    Everyone here looks forward to receiving a degree from college and beginning his work in the ministry.

    Foolish is anyone who gives away that which he cannot lose in order to gain that which he cannot keep.

    Compound subjects (two or more subjects using the same verb) connected by and require a plural verb.

    When compound subjects are connected by or, either . . . or, neither . . . nor, the subject closer to the verb determines whether the verb is singular or plural

    Either the captain or the deck hands were responsible for saving the ship.

    Neither the deck hands nor the captain was responsible for saving the ship.

    Neither the captain nor the deck hands were responsible for saving the ship.

    Intervening phrases—especially those prepositions such as these: as well as, accompanied by, along with, in addition to, including, like, together with, and with—have absolutely no significance in determining the number of the verb.

    The sheriff along with his deputies knows where the bank robbers are hiding.

    Subjects dealing with addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division usually take a singular verb.

    Two and three is five.

    Six divided by three is two.

    Three times three is nine.

    Nouns singular in meaning (such as news, economics, ethics, and mathematics) use a singular verb. Nouns such as athletics, tidings, and tactics are usually plural. Look them up!

    The news is broadcast locally at 6:00 and 11:00 p.m .

    One of my most difficult classes in school is mathematics.

    The C.E.O.’s business tactics are questionable at best.

    Athletics usually appeal to the young at heart.

    When the subject is some, all, none, or percentage, the number of the verb agrees with the object of the preposition that follows the subject.

    Some of the pie has been eaten already.

    Some of the pies have been eaten already.

    When who, which, or that is the subject of a clause, the antecedent of the subject of that clause (who, which, or that) determines the number of the verb.

    This is a person who is not to be trusted.

    These are the persons who are not to be trusted.

    Although the humanistic philosopher is quite impressive with his knowledge and reasoning, he is one of those persons who are not to be trusted in areas of theology.

    Dr. Jenkins is one of the modern theologians who subscribe to the JEDP theory.

    He is the only one of the authors published by Barker House who relates well to the younger readers.

    When a collective noun (such as team, crew, committee, etc.) serves as the subject, the function of that collective noun determines the number of the verb.

    If the subject (collective noun) functions as a singular group in the sentence, the verb is singular.

    The jury is in the courtroom, preparing for the case to begin.

    If the subject (collective noun) functions as individuals in the sentence, the verb is plural.

    The jury are giving their opinions on the case to the media gathered outside the courtroom.

    The number takes a singular verb. A number takes a plural verb.

    The number of college students enrolled this year was significantly large.

    A significantly large number of college students were enrolled in college this year.

    Book titles take a singular verb.

    Pilgrim’s Progressis an excellent reminder concerning the struggles and victories associated with Christian living.

    SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT EXERCISE 1: Check each sentence for subject-verb agreement. Mark C on the line provided if correct. If incorrect, mark through the improper verb, and write the corrected verb on the line.

    ______________________ In the case of Judge Roffeau, the judiciary committee decides whether she will be censured or exonerated.

    ______________________ Her courtroom propriety and her interpretation of domestic law is the issue she must face with the committee.

    ______________________ Every ruling, public statement, and piece of judicial correspondence are to be scrutinized on the basis of conformity with accepted public policy.

    ______________________ Each of the lawyers who have presented cases in her courtroom are to appear before the judiciary committee to testify.

    ______________________ Unfortunately, lost in the fiasco that surrounds this case is her sterling reputation and her legal credentials.

    ______________________ Frankly, the liberal media has been merciless and biased in reporting the difficulties that Judge Roffeau has encountered.

    ______________________ Apparently, their tactics are to discredit her by innuendo and half-truths.

    ______________________ Judge Roffeau along with her loyal staff members is on trial for questionable tactics.

    ______________________ Neither her reputation nor her supporters have been able to dissuade the committee from continuing the investigation.

    ______________________ Neither her supporters nor her colleagues has been able to dissuade the committee from continuing the investigation.

    ______________________ She was one of those candidates who was able to carry out her campaign pledges.

    ______________________ She was the only one of those candidates who was able to carry out her campaign pledges.

    ______________________ Her ethics are in question.

    ______________________ Her income from outside speaking engagements and from her regular salary is also under attack by her enemies.

    ______________________ Knowing how to reconcile several opposing factions are crucial to her continuance.

    ______________________ Two approaches to the problem have been tried, but neither are producing the desired results.

    ______________________ According to Oliver Wendell Holmes, every one of us are able to build more stately mansions with our lives.

    SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT EXERCISE 2: Revise the following paragraph eliminating subject-verb disagreement.

    Good solid evidence that will impugn Van Huesen’s propositions on scriptural inspiration may exist, but Berkhof’s booklet does not demonstrate the caliber of documentation that is necessary to accomplish this task. The number of problems that are in his review are incredible. First of all, he conveniently selects and omits data in his discussion. For example, he fails to mention Van Huesen’s statement refuting mechanical dictation found on page 114 of Van Huesen’s Inspiration. Secondly, Berkhof uses demagoguery rather than documentation. His appeal in this volatile issue is solely based upon emotions. He uses very little factual evidence to support his claims. Finally, Berkhof disregards the universally accepted principle of context. He isolates phrases from Van Huesen’s book and presents them in such a way that misrepresents Van Huesen’s position. This repeated practice by Berkhof is both unethical and lamentable. Apparently he is one of those individuals who is not bound by the code of honesty when reviewing differing opinions. Everyone of the committee members understand his motivation. Therefore, the review committee do not recommend this book.



    In composition, frequent repetition of the same noun in close proximity is awkward and annoying. To alleviate this problem, writers use pronouns to take the place of nouns (pro means for). It is imperative, however, that there is a clear and unmistakable connection between the pronoun and the noun (antecedent) to which it refers. One very important aspect of a clear connection is the agreement rule. Simply stated, a pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number, person, and gender.

    A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number, person, and gender.

    The interviewer was very surprised, and his mouth gaped open for several seconds.

    * The pronoun is his.

    * The antecedent, the word that the pronoun stands in place of, is interviewer.

    * The pronoun agrees

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