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Into Dreams
Into Dreams
Into Dreams
Ebook92 pages1 hour

Into Dreams

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About this ebook

Mistie has found herself in a successful position at a prestigious marketing firm, Euphoria Advertising, where she thrives in the chaos of the firm's high energy demands. She has just launched a high profile campaign when her childhood terrors come back to haunt her.
Mistie is now sucked back into dreams that haunted her for years as her path crosses with the mysterious Lucien and she can't shake the feeling that she's met him before. Lucien paired with a friend named Serene, open doors to possibilities Mistie has only dreamed about. It is in her hands how to move forward to prevent a great evil rising.
… The question Mistie has to find out is if everything that she's experiencing is real or if she's lost in dreams.
Release dateJun 9, 2019
Into Dreams

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    Book preview

    Into Dreams - Brittani Collins

    Into Dreams

    Into Dreams

    Written By:

    Brittani Collins

    © 2019 Brittani Collins.  All rights reserved.

    ISBN 978-0-359-71780-4

    Into Dreams

    © 2019 Brittani Collins.  All rights reserved.

    ISBN 978-0-359-71780-4

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter One

    February 3, 2012

    Frank!  Frank!  I need that creative design like yesterday.  We have fifteen minutes until deadline or Marion’s going to have my ass.  The office was in complete chaos.  The ads for Untouchable, the biggest cosmetic manufacturer in the world were going out next week.  Radio, television, magazines, billboards, direct mailers, and websites were handled by different departments within Euphoria Advertising, Inc.  Her team handled the creative design and as Account Executive for Untouchable, she personally oversaw every aspect that went into making the layout for each piece.  She thrived in the chaos.  Her team of six was busy in their cubicles making final edits.  Two were on the phone yelling at whoever was on the other end of line, three were typing away at their computers in a frenzy, and one was taking time to meticulously piece the ads together.  As she hustled into her luxurious corner office, she paused at her assistant’s desk. 

    You know what Beth Anne? As she spoke, she surveyed the other employees in the office, gave a quick laugh at the hurried movements, the papers floating to the floor, the curses, the beads of sweat on foreheads, all trying to make their deadline.  She appeared to be enjoying the hustle.

    Yes, Miss DePorter?  Beth Anne smiled brilliantly at her boss.

    One would think that with how we have to meet deadlines all the time, people would actually stop waiting until the last minute for the final cut.  She shook her head, gave a quiet laugh.  Beth Anne, you’ve been great today.  Go ahead and go home, we’re about to wrap it up.

    Are you sure?  The office doesn’t close for another hour.  Beth Anne looked hopeful for the early Friday release.

    Yes, I’m sure.  Go ahead and head home.  Surprise your husband with dinner – or something else – when he gets home from his day.  Have a great weekend, see you Monday.  Beth Anne gave another brilliant smile and shut down her computer with rushed movements and was gone in less than a minute with a breathless See you Monday! on her way out.

    Mistie DePorter, Account Executive.  She smiled at her door tag as she walked into her office.  It was quite an accomplishment to be in her position.  At twenty-six, Mistie was the youngest – and best - Account Executive in the firm.  A year ago, she never thought she’d ever get here, but she deserved it, she thought as she glanced around her office.  She personally handled the interior decorating when she moved in.  Everything in the office complemented the other.  The gleaming cherry oak L-shaped desk, with two matching guest chairs, the oriental area rug with bold circles the colors of amber, emerald, ruby, sapphire, and amethyst.  A Tuscany brown and sponged gold colored the walls with ivory trim.  Two standing bronze pillar lamps stood on opposite ends of the front wall with two matching desk lamps positioned on her desk.  She’d hung six wrought iron swirled wall sconces to hold flameless candles, and two large wrought iron swirl designs, placed at various matching wall points, and her mirrored back walls were glass windows.  They offered a glorious view of the city, considering the firm was on the eighty-first floor of the building.  Yes, she thought again, she definitely deserved this.  For the past five years, Mistie had worked within the firm.  She was smart as a whip and graduated a year early, at the top of her class.  She felt lucky to have found a job at such a prestige firm so quickly after graduating.  But, she thought, they were lucky to have hired her.  She’d been brought on as an assistant, like Beth Anne, which put her foot in the door.  After a year of gaining experience her boss Riley Lardin started handing off his small accounts for Mistie to handle.  She never missed a beat, made all her deadlines, her clients were overjoyed at the success of their ads and her handling of them.  In the years that followed, Riley continued to give her accounts ranging from small to large, but the deterring part of the position was that she was never given credit for her work.  Riley took in all the glory, when he never so much as lifted a finger on any sort of creative decision for the accounts.  She understood that assisting was a part of her job for him, but she felt he could have given her some credit.  Her turning point came last year when Ed Jones, the overseeing director, was replaced with Marion Fontanne.  Marion was a bit of a hard ass, but like Mistie, nothing escaped him.  At fifty-three, he’d been in the business for over twenty years and had a knack for seeing potential not only in clients but also in his employees.  During one of his Wednesday staff meetings with all of the Account Executives, Marion asked each of them about the status of their accounts.  When it came time for Riley to give his overview, he froze.  He had no idea what was going on with creative for a few of his accounts. Marion was furious and gave Riley a good chewing out.  Of course, it came down on Mistie’s head that Riley was unprepared, which was his own fault she thought, but his mistake was that in his rage he absentmindedly left his door open just enough for Marion to get an ear full when he was walking by.  What he heard, was Riley ripping into Mistie because he forgot to print off her notes on the status of the accounts and he couldn’t report properly without her notes.  When Marion walked in, Riley looked like a doe caught in headlights.  Riley turned in his resignation that afternoon and Mistie was given a probationary period as Account Executive.  She exceeded Marion’s expectations when at the end of her probationary period she’d announced she landed the account for Untouchable cosmetics, pending the end of their contract with another firm at the time.  Now here she was, counting down to the deadline for their first ad run for Untouchable.

    There was a slight knock at the door and Frank popped his head into her office.  3 minutes to deadline Frank, you’re cutting it close - have a seat.  Frank nervously sat opposite her, pushed his glasses up on his nose.  Frank was in his mid-thirties, balding, and was constantly sweating.  He was a sweet and thoughtful man, a hard worker, and never cracked under pressure.  He was reliable, and her favorite team member.

    She took the portfolio he extended to her which held the final designs for all the ads.  She knew they would be as perfect in print as they had been in her mind when she pitched to Sadey Brant, Chief Marketing Executive for Untouchable.  They were perfect and represented the flawless beauty each woman

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