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The Vinctalin Legacy: 0.0015%, Book 11 Integration
The Vinctalin Legacy: 0.0015%, Book 11 Integration
The Vinctalin Legacy: 0.0015%, Book 11 Integration
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The Vinctalin Legacy: 0.0015%, Book 11 Integration

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There are two new and mysterious races of Vinctalin on Earth.

While Pakow Lam Fellen launches a spectacular retaliatory attack on one group, the other covertly observes the scene of awesome vengeance.

When those conflicts finally are resolved, the United Citizens of Earth re-establish the scheme for integrating Vinctalites and Veekenites in one harmonious society.

Fate conspires against them in many forms ranging from a very real and horrific reason for that old Vinctalite taboo, through outrageous theories of treason, to an abominable, unthinkable religion.
Release dateNov 22, 2015
The Vinctalin Legacy: 0.0015%, Book 11 Integration

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    The Vinctalin Legacy - Vanda Denton

    The Vinctalin Legacy: 0.0015%, Book 11 Integration

    The Vinctalin Legacy: 0.0015%, Book 11 Integration

    Vanda M Denton

    The Vinctalin Legacy 0.0015%: Book 11 Integration

    © 2013 Vanda M Denton

    All rights reserved by the author. No part of this publication can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers and/or authors.

    This book is published by and available from:


    ISBN Paperback: 978-1-326-43297-3

    ISBN eBook: 978-1-326-48508-5

    The Vinctalin Legacy

    A series of novels by Vanda M Denton

    The Vinctalin Legacy: Survival

    Book 1: Harvest

    Book 2: Sacrifice

    Book 3: Spawning

    The Vinctalin Legacy: Retaliation

    Book 4: Infiltration

    Book 5: Alliances

    Book 6: The Veekeren Element

    The Vinctalin Legacy: The Ovinka

    Book 7: Zondex

    Book 8: The Message

    Book 9: Veekeren

    The Vinctalin Legacy: 0.0015%

    Book 10: Alien

    Book 11: Integration

    Book 12: 0.00075%

    The Vinctalin Legacy: Awakening

    Book 13: Covert Operations

    Book 14: Miss Kitty

    Book 15: Humanity

    The Vinctalin Legacy

    The story so far:


    The Vinctalin arrived in the night, gassing the entire planet and put the survivors to work. When they realised they were to be killed off at the end of the harvest the Earth Humans, led by Jonathan, Stanzi and Alex, rebelled, capturing the human-looking, golden-skinned Emperor, Pakow Lam Fellen and slaughtering his Vinctalin masters. Eventually the heroes of Earth were forced into a battle with the beasts that they could not win. There was a miraculous eleventh-hour rescue by another alien with a human appearance, Mettle (Military Martyr to the Advanced Human Society) but the rebels found themselves working almost as slavishly for their rescuers as they had under Vinctalin rule. The Emperor discovered a spawning left by Halbolival (the clan chief of the true alien invaders, the Vinctalin). Jonathan Trad-Williams realised they were to be the bait in a trap that would bring the Vinctalin hatchlings to the haven in which they now lived, the town they had named Foundation. Working together with the Emperor they turned the tables on Mettle, making his Disciples the bait that enabled them to kill two hundred new Vinctalin.


    Mettle’s Home World was attacked by the Vinctalin and some of the refugees came to Earth. They tried to drug and recruit Earth Humans to fight the Vinctalin. Stanzi (SAS veteran Benjamin Stanzini) and Alex (psychiatrist Dr. Alexander Byefield) were away camping. Pitlon Gowry (Pakow’s sister) went in search of them. They released their leaders from a state of suspended animation and imprisoned the Leaders of the Advanced Human Society, eventually negotiating an alliance on their terms. Alex remained on Earth with a number of expectant mothers while the majority of the Earth Humans joined the Advanced Humans for specialised operations. A small rogue clan attacked Earth. Alex was tortured. Pakow made a virus with which he intended to kill all Vinctalin. On hearing this Alex claimed that the Vinctalin fundamentally were bio-engineered humans and such a virus would eventually wipe out all of humanity. Unable now to attack the Vinctalin with this method but knowing the location of their Home World, Jonathan came up with a new plan of attack. He persuaded the two Emperors left on a world they’d recently liberated from the Vinctalin, Tosa, to fight with them. Their success in these battles was down to the unique science of a secret faction controlling the AHS: the Veekerens. They found that the large area of solar systems occupied by the Vinctalin was not the only zone in the galaxy populated by them. Pakow rounded up and recruited surviving Guards to serve him, after he assassinated their Emperors.

    The Ovinka

    Two of Pakow’s long lost brothers, Rosek Isolla and Quivep Mivon, were found, along with their battalions of Guards. Unrelated to this, Stanzi’s brother was brought to Foundation. Following the war, Zondex and Laxshoo (the two Emperors from Tosa) came to Earth with the allies. Zondex tried to engineer himself into a Vinctalin, with a view to trading with the beasts. He committed horrific atrocities in this endeavour. Laxshoo showed signs of becoming a possible ally. The allies of Earth were appalled to witness how the Advanced Humans under the direction of a secret elite amongst the Advanced Humans, the Veekerens, treated their own people. Zondex’s hideously transformed Guards attacked Foundation but Stanzi contacted Pakow’s newfound brothers who helped fight them off. After Foundation was liberated they realised Pakow was missing.

    The Clan of Fonchesinon went to the Sendran planet, Pressin Vol in search of the ancient data storage device Stanzi took from there to Earth: the Ovinka. All Sendrans were killed by the time its location was revealed. Pakow had been taken prisoner by Zondex. He escaped and killed his captor but not before a message was sent to the Vinctalin inviting them to Earth for purposes of trade. Some of Zondex’s over-engineered Guards had developed into cruel super-beings who were eventually hunted down and killed by Stanzi. Realising how the Vinctalin would react to an upstart trying to emulate them, Pakow organised a defence of the planet from orbit using the Guards he brought back from the war in the Vinctalin Home Systems. Far more Vinctalin ships arrived at Earth than could be explained by that one message from Zondex. Again it was Mettle’s Disciples who launched a last-minute rescue, but not until vast numbers of Guards had been killed. Foundation was evacuated. Fonchesinon bombed the town from orbit, in search of the Ovinka. Alex discovered that the Veekerens came from the same roots as the Vinctalin. Their ancestors had taken a different route with their bio-engineering from that of the grey beasts they were at war with.

    With Foundation in ruins the allies of Earth moved to an old Tudor market town, calling it New Foundation. Jonathan hatched a plan to investigate the AHS Home World; specifically the Veekeren method of ruling it, initially by spying. The full and damning truth of the manipulation by the Veekerens of the humans they rescued was discovered by Alex. He also found that the ancestors of both the Vinctalin and the Veekerens called themselves Vinctaleeren. It was the Veekerens who had seeded worlds and engineered chosen traits into the ‘humans’ they called Veekenite. They believed they had to protect their creation from the Vinctalin who were harvesting because their bio-engineering of themselves had caused degeneration beyond even cloning replacement organs as they aged. The bio-engineering used by the Veekerens on themselves had not left them untouched either. Nearly all were mentally ill: lacking a normal conscience or empathy and they were obsessive. Physically they had ruined the normal Vinctaleeren breeding process and had to live by strict social rules to avoid disasters. Jonathan devised his most ambitious plot to date. The allies of Earth took over the AHS Home World and released the non-Veekeren Advanced Humans from the compliancy drugs subversively administered through food and water by the Veekerens.

    0.0015%/Book 10 Alien

    It was discovered that the Vinctalites (the slaves travelling with and serving the Vinctalin) were a relatively recent creation of theirs. Their ancestors had been assembled in test tubes with the purpose of providing a self-perpetuating race of slaves to serve them. Some humans of Earth became suspicious of what they now saw as non-humans, living alongside them. Pakow provided an interim government for the AHS Home World which reverted to the original name given it by the first Veekenites to live there: Irax. Some Veekerens slipped away to an uncharted planet: Olivan Goma. A new set of Vinctalin with a human appearance arrived secretly on Earth in order to conduct tests on the people living there. A group of young adults who had been fighting the Vinctalin, only so far seen in the form of the grey beasts since the initial invasion, were taken. Experience and training served them well. After one of their number was tortured to death the others escaped their captors and killed them. Meanwhile on a mission across the galaxy Alex and Stanzi came across yet another variation of the Vinctalin engineering in a group led by Landresiman. Their appearance could be described as halfway between Vinctalin and human, thus the human concept of Vinctalin was building into something more than the grey beasts they first encountered in the invasion of Earth. Alex tried to negotiate with these beings while Stanzi, on realising it would be their next port of call, rushed his ship back to Earth to warn the allies of, as he saw it, a new enemy.


    For four years they stood up to an impossibly powerful enemy, fighting alongside primitive people previously known to them as Tajat: unworthy, insignificant, sub-human.

    They are only now beginning to understand their own nature. They know very little of their origins. Can they integrate with Earth Humans, many of whom fear them, and some of whom hate them?

    Knowing as they do now, they are not fully human, what are the real consequences of Integration, and what are merely imagined fears?

    The saga of The Vinctalin Legacy continues with 0.0015% Book 11: Integration, where that seemingly small quantity of non-human DNA could prove significant indeed.


    Kogvismalong rounded furiously on Vromoolerig.

    They cannot have vanished! she screamed.

    Even in the face of that fire the Second remained cool. They are entirely organic at their age Chief…

    Never! she snarled, address me as a fool!

    Semdevigon and Bestatyon exchanged an understanding. Kogvismalong seemed close to panic while Vromoolerig remained serene. There could be a take-over bid at any time.

    I merely point out Chief Kogvismalong, that they do not possess our engineering, and Halbolival constantly experiments. It is possible something in this world has posed a greater danger to them, than we estimated.

    Kogvismalong’s voice turned icy cold. You are suggesting I am incompetent.

    Vromoolerig paused just long enough to communicate the possibility of a challenge in the near future. She ratcheted up the threat level, Even if they were dead we would detect their vessel, veiled or not. Is it not obvious then that the ship is no longer on this planet?

    Kogvismalong snarled dangerously. If this Second thought she could launch a successful challenge, she would discover some hidden talents in her Clan Chief. Meanwhile orders to continue the search were calmly obeyed whilst speculation excited the minds of the remaining four Seconds.

    Klenigwoden Adra finally relaxed at his console. Standing behind him his mother nodded with relief.

    Their sensors can now detect all ships but for that one belonging to the young ones, she informed her husband with confidence. They will never discover the fate of that pod.

    We can’t cover the backs of these renegades indefinitely, Klenigwoden Matil, as always, worried about the long-term, while her brother fixed the short-term.

    Adra sighed deeply, How many more disasters can this little bunch of the descendants of rebels and outcasts possibly cause?

    Matil turned that serious eye-contact on Conra. It seems to be deeply embedded in their genetic nature.

    Their father and mother withdrew to the reports and communications area of the bridge. Jon smiled encouragement into the eyes of the wife he had loved all his adult years. Jonna smiled back her solidarity.

    Father addressed their worrying children. Adra, please punch up the data on the Sector 11 activity here, and our successful tactics in containing it. Matil and Conra, find out exactly who these new arrivals are. They look like Sector 9 to me, yet I cannot conceive of any purpose for them here. Be careful, he cautioned, with one sudden possibility springing to mind. Their technology, as you well know, is far in advance of any other. They could detect us if you give off a signature. Most of all take note: we do not know the nature of their latest incarnation. It is possible they expect to improve themselves with the use of Vinctaleeren.

    Jonna shook her head to that. At least here was one aspect of their complex task she could know with confidence. Even Sector 9 know nothing of the Vinctaleeren.

    Klenigwoden Matil made herself comfortable at her work station, And I suppose we’ll continue with our investigations and mission for Earth.

    Jon sighed, "I am beginning to fear we will never make a rift in that alliance. We must redouble our efforts to segregate the humans from the Vinctalites, or we will lose them."

    Chapter 1

    Now that her torment and guilt for failing Georgie were fading, other realisations began crystallising for Caroline, but she was simply too bone weary to give them much attention.

    He’ll be down in a minute, she sighed, watching Stanzi’s growing fury, fretting over how big the fight had been. Alex didn’t look bruised, yet he had obviously aggravated the soldier to breaking point. She piled the guilt of this trouble she had caused, on top of all her overwhelming emotions.

    Pakow nodded politely, but even his irritation was showing. She had tried explaining to Alex that there was potentially the gravest of dangers here on Earth, which they must discuss immediately, but the doctor would not be hurried in his time with Georgie.

    Caroline glanced across Alex’s spacious, elegant lounge that she personally had kept polished and perfect.

    Wanting to avoid the most pressing topic until the doctor arrived, Jonathan asked, How did he take the news about Zan being here?

    I didn’t even get the chance to tell him. I tried, but he told me to leave. Clearly he’d been unkind about that too. She willed her eyes to stay dry as she added meekly, He’s very upset about Georgie.

    Pakow cleared his throat. We may have to continue without him Jonathan. I really can’t afford to take this much time away from my examination of that technology, and I am very concerned about allowing Zan to work on that ship without my supervision.

    By the time the doctor finally made an appearance Jonathan had given in to allowing Pitlon to begin their report. Alex hardly looked at anyone as he took up his favourite seat to the right of the man-height inglenook fireplace, waving at Pitlon to continue.

    The bottom line is we can only detect them when they allow it. They have read all the data on ours and the AHS computers that were running at the time, and they could well be on Earth right now.

    Describe them.

    Pitlon nodded respect to her Emperor. They have more colour in their hide than the Vinctalin we have so far…

    Skin, Alex butted in.

    Pitlon sighed. Stanzi growled.

    Alex met the would-be murderer’s eyes evenly. You cut it yourself Superman. You know it’s skin; not an engineered hide.

    Pitlon nodded a serious affirmation to her brother. It seems as though they don’t even have as much engineering in their skin as you Pakow.

    Alex put in quietly, They have no engineering in their skin, and they’re warm to the touch; just like us.

    Stanzi’s sneer and angry shifting of his weight caught everyone’s attention, until Pitlon patiently continued with her report.

    They do not have the crest, and they have blue eyes with round pupils.

    To fill in where the shallow thinkers left off, Alex added, Their emotions are like ours. You can see happiness, amusement, compassion…

    Stanzi snorted.

    …and anger in their faces, as well as in their body language.

    Pitlon pressed on, They claim to have gender.

    "Claim, Stanzi repeated with emphasis. Not one of them had…"

    Visible genitalia, Alex leapt in, before Stanzi could try to diminish those beings with his gutter mouth. However, they have a personal concept of male and female, and their aim is to engineer themselves back to human.

    So they told you! Stanzi glared at the gullible patsy who would believe it just because they hadn’t tortured or dissected him, and could act paternal.

    Jonathan noted, The Veekerens have been trying to regain their full humanity for generations. Their success has been very limited to say the least.

    Earnestly the doctor endeavoured to convince the one person who might be willing to listen. Landresiman doesn’t have those personality flaws, Jonathan. I am convinced they have never altered their brain chemistry.

    Stanzi squared up in his place on one of Alex’s most valuable antique carver chairs, causing it to creak worryingly. With hands on his knees, leaning towards the psychiatrist he challenged, My knowledge of biology might be more limited than yours…

    Alex snorted.

    …but even I know you can’t tinker with one bloody system and not affect the others. Those buggers are engineered on the genetic level. No bloody way are they normal.

    Alex was about to retaliate, so Jonathan requested the end of Pitlon’s account.

    She clearly described the implants of each of the ones who had shown themselves, and explained the effects of their technology.

    They’re far more advanced than anything Pitlon, Faith or Stealth could imagine, Alex finished. Trying to fight them is stupid.

    As calmly as he could muster, Stanzi said, We tried to lead them away from Earth and from Irax, until our local neighbourhood idiot admitted all he’d learned from them. Then we realised the best we could do is get back here to warn you.

    A noble sentiment, Pakow kept his voice clear of condescension. However, they will have that method of space travel we encountered when Domay sent messages inviting all-comers to attack Earth.

    He exchanged the knowing look with Pitlon, and Stanzi’s jaw dropped. Pitlon must have realised when they set off for home five days ago, but said nothing. What might they have done here in all that time? He had been too busy wondering why Jonathan and the others were not as amazed by all this as they should have been to give too much thought to that right now. After all, when Pakow was confronted with that mode of space travel Stanzi had been on the other side of the world dying.

    It was not entirely without an element of criticism that Pitlon brushed her eyes across Alex’s brooding grey. They can listen into cytrel communications, including our implanted devices, and tap into the sapphire translators, as well as any computer programmes running. So long as we keep face to face conversation in a single language, therefore not activating our sapphires, we’re fine in this meeting.

    Pakow explained that already he had Vesen and Romon providing misinformation on the more powerful computers that would attract Landresiman’s attention. They will assume this is simply another of Halbolival’s many test sights. Besides, there are other Vinctalin on this planet and they will be of far greater interest to this Landresiman than a few Tajats and an experimental group of Halbolival’s Vinctalites.

    All nodded understanding and agreement for the cover story. This was one of Halbolival’s claims, with a Vinctalin Planetary Defence System. It wouldn’t even matter if they listened into almost anyone’s chatter because Halbolival constantly worked on its creation: the Vinctalites. This world would more likely have been left to its own devices by its master, thus reaching exactly the stage they were at, than having experienced a successful Tajat rebellion. Only one or two facts needed to be kept from these newcomers: in particular their destruction of Linkage 3. As for this other lot who had kidnapped Rachel and her crew, they could at the very least draw some flak.

    While Pakow explained the troubles they had encountered here on Earth, Alex and Stanzi dropped their vendetta in favour of analysing a new and very real danger. One certainty overshadowed all other considerations: the jury might be out on Landresiman and co, but this lot that had been here through all that time were most definitely malevolent.

    Daniel described the major difference between what was being named as ‘Landresiman’s lot’, and the Vinctalin he had dealt with.

    Our lot looked exactly like humans. They all seemed to be in their early twenties, no stronger than us, and they acted like students. They talked about us as specimens, and argued about their hierarchy position as though that had more to do with passing grades than the official Vinctalin Hierarchy. But when we killed them they dissolved just like the grey beasts do.

    Rachel added, Except, without the reinforced hide there wasn’t even a shell left; just a sort of goo.

    Alex had taken on a slightly more alert pose now, in his high-backed easy chair, but even so he spoke from a bowed head, What exactly did they do to Georgie?

    Rachel took a deep, steadying breath before describing the physical examinations some of her fighters had endured, and which she supposed had been inflicted on the boy.

    He was asleep throughout though, she tried to play it down, whilst watching his anger grow. Dr. Singh found no physical damage at all.

    Alex was staring at Caroline, still without fully raising his face, while she willed herself to not look to Stanzi for support. Last time she did that he began boiling, and she was afraid he might physically attack Alex over this new hostility. So she kept her eyes on her hands not knowing that Stanzi already was seething over the way the doctor silently accused his partner.

    How did they get hold of him?

    Alex could tell, everyone could, that Rachel was inexpertly trying to protect Caroline, when she answered his question in a flurry. We don’t know how exactly, but it seems he wandered out of the town because we don’t think they’ve been here. They got us when we were over at Haden’s Brook searching for him.

    All eyes were on Alex whose face grew darker while his posture stiffened. No one dared speak for fear of the threatening explosion. It was way out of character to see the doctor sitting forward like this now, with elbows on knees, clasped hands and condemnation in the normally mild grey eyes turning from Rachel to Caroline.

    Stanzi growled.

    Caroline whispered, I think he was trying to find you.

    It was a spot-on, calculated blow that defused his fury with them, and to her shame, turned his anger in on himself. Through this guilt the psychiatrist was brought instantly to his duty. He could not leave the little lad afraid and without him any longer, so he must somehow dispel this shame and fury in order to provide the intensive therapy his young patient so urgently required.

    Alex rose sharply to his feet. Well, if there’s nothing else I’ll get back to Georgie.

    Stanzi kept his voice low and even. We’ve been bloody invaded Alex. I would think there’s a hell of a lot yet to talk about.

    The doctor barely hesitated in his path to the door. Stay as long as you like. Help yourselves to anything. Goodnight.


    Goodnight Jonathan!

    Alex. Zan is here.

    He stopped in the doorway.

    She arrived two days ago, specifically to consult you. Pakow persuaded her to do some research on the Vinctalin ship whilst waiting.

    She would require little persuasion, the doctor responded softly. He turned far enough to catch Stanzi’s eye. Like a selfish child with a tasty sweet, she would be unable to resist.

    Stanzi maintained a steady gaze while Caroline tried hard to interpret this new method of antagonism.

    I’ll speak to her tomorrow, his hushed voice carried through the stony silence.

    All watched the doctor departing at a leisurely pace, as though he had been told only that an old business acquaintance was passing through.

    Stanzi however, was suspiciously alerted. What the hell does she want?

    Pakow had spoken to her most. In essence she requires his expertise in psychology. She claims to be unable to explain clearly because of the Veekeren shortcomings, and also maintains that because it is for aid in that very field of Veekeren difficulties that it is not a matter that concerns allied politics.

    Are you bloody kidding?

    A favour from a friend, Jonathan elaborated.

    Like hell! Stanzi spat. They’re up to no good. They always bloody are. And talk about arse about face reasoning…

    No doubt, Pakow cut him off, so we should talk to her and find out exactly what it is they’re up to.

    Bloody shites.

    Caroline winced. Alex must have produced one of his best performances yet, on that trip, to get the cold-blooded soldier this tense.

    The Emperor stood more heavily than usual. These relentless Vinctalin attacks were finally sapping his strength. And to find there were two entirely new races of Vinctalin was currently depressing rather than angering him. He turned to his sister.

    Come Pitlon. Though Zan is certain to be here with a view to taking rather than giving, she could be the impetus we need right now.

    All Earth Humans watched the two enhanced humans striding from the room, before turning their eyes to the two men who normally found a way of protecting them.

    All those messages Domay sent, Stanzi snarled. They must have made us fascinating to every bastard in the Galaxy.

    Jonathan pressed his lips, unwilling as always, to lay blame without analysing his own responsibility. He chose his words carefully, concerning their ruining of the Sector 3 Linkage. When we embarked on the Great Campaign we believed that was the only target. We have suffered less retaliation for that than I expected. And now we know there could be as many as ten more we are going to have to re-think a lot of our strategies. We know exactly how vengeful they are, so I can only think that word has not yet spread either of that attack, or our part in it. And I hate to say it, but Mettle’s ploy to bring so many of them here for destruction could be viewed as admirable, had he not been willing to sacrifice the Guards. Unforgivable though that is, I think we left them reeling.

    Could that be why this new lot are here?

    Jonathan met the tired cornflower eyes with a sharp analysis. I don’t think so Caroline. It simply isn’t their style. We would have suffered an all out, very violent, retaliatory attack not subtle investigation, if the Vinctalin were aware it was we who had been the cause of such mammoth losses. This is almost as though neither of these new groups wants to upset the grey beasts we know as Vinctalin. There’s no point in evacuating this time, because there’s some empirical evidence to suggest these ones only want to tackle small groups at a time. We can be optimistic that that means there aren’t that many of them. We’re safer sticking together in the town. I suggest we continue our normal daily routines but exclude flights to the southern factories and keep everyone calm, controlled and occupied. As is often the case, we are in the hands of our friends. And I fully agree with Pakow. I don’t care what brought Zan here, the timing of her arrival could not have been more fortuitous.

    Stanzi looked across to Caroline, drooping into the big cushions of Alex’s fantastically expensive, huge tapestry sofa. He moved compassionately to her side.

    Come on babe. You might just as well get to bed for a couple of hours. I reckon we all need to recharge.

    Jonathan watched as all gradually departed, resigned to the waiting game they must now play. He took one of Alex’s books and the other fireside chair on this side of the lounge that Caroline had made welcoming with her artistic use of candles, despite these new traumas. He sat for more than an hour, reading little and thinking a lot, until Alex reappeared, with fresh coffee. The doctor sank, exhausted, into his favourite seat, looked at his coffee, and discarded it to the shelf in the inglenook. The deepest melancholy threatened to engulf him as he finally allowed Caroline’s beautiful candle arrangement to be appreciated at a conscious level.

    Sadly, he confided in his friend, Despite all that has happened, she managed to create something beautiful.

    Shocked by a wash of bitter sympathy for his younger friend’s sorrow, Jonathan could say only, She has more courage than we sometimes credit her with.

    Tears prickled at the doctor’s eyes, and unwilling to allow emotion a free rein right now, he moved the conversation on. You should get back to Irena.

    I’m in no hurry.

    That caused Alex to look across with interest.

    Jonathan explained, Fortunately Irena is a strong and independent woman. She enjoys my company, but she doesn’t need me. Tell me about Landresiman, Alex.

    Damn them to hell, the doctor finally fell back in his chair, giving way to his expressive body language which until now had been coiled up in worry and fury. They tried to murder them Jonathan. They all ganged up, sent Velunsina to keep me distracted, and set out to blow up Landresiman’s ship with all hands aboard.

    Jonathan sipped his coffee.

    Alex looked to the candles. It was a test. They failed. They turned a probable ally into a possible enemy.

    Jonathan sipped more coffee. Tomorrow he would get Stanzi’s version.

    Is that all of it?

    Alex released a sharp huff of air, still noting the delicate beauty of Caroline’s art.

    Stanzi’s trying to get Gabrielle back, but on the side.

    Jonathan calmly drained his cup, placed it in the saucer, and stretched over to set them on his shelf in the inglenook. Now that he knew that the soldier’s past fidelity to Caroline had been the part that was out of character, he was by no means surprised. Neither would he disapprove if the ‘added spice’ were anyone but Markos’ sister.

    He said only, You can’t get involved, Alex. They’ll sort it out.

    Jonathan watched his friend unhappily agree with a whispered ‘no’, before moving on to something he knew would take the doctor’s mind off that.

    How is Georgie?

    Very seriously relapsed, Alex breathed. What really happened?

    Jonathan pressed his lips, but told the truth, as Alex expected.

    Caroline couldn’t cope. She used sleeping pills. When he couldn’t wake her he went looking for you, so far as we can tell.

    The therapist’s eyes closed painfully as he accepted this guilt. I should never have left him. What ever possessed me Jonathan? We don’t even know that Shelmar and Velunsina reached Irax safely. I haven’t made such a mess of anything for a very long time.

    Oh come on Alex. I’m not going to let you start taking the blame for any of this. We persuaded you to go, and these new Vinctalin could have been hanging around for ages for all we know. And with a little lad like Georgie, any calamity could befall him. The only thing we can do is move on from here. What do you think Zan really wants?

    Alex gave that only a few seconds thought. Something to do with their personality problems I would imagine. I’ll get Pitlon to relay my meeting with her, for you to analyse. There are bound to be all manner of implications.

    Jonathan nodded his agreement, and followed that with a quiet, fatherly order, You need to rest now Alex. Nothing we can do or say for the next several hours at least, will make an iota of difference. Get yourself to bed, my friend.

    Glad to be given instruction, Alex hoisted himself to his feet and headed for the door. There he turned, Aren’t you going home?

    Jonathan picked up the book. Soon. I just want to read a bit more of this.

    Take it with you.

    I want to read it here for a while Alex. Just a little time on my own.

    The psychiatrist put next to no effort into analysing that as he set off for his room. He also had noticed that Irena was not good at giving people space and Jonathan would find her more claustrophobic than most.

    By the time he came down in the morning, considerably more refreshed than he had even hoped for, Chang had arrived to care for Georgie, Jonathan had breakfast prepared, and Pitlon had finished wiring up the kitchen for his meeting with Zan. Jonathan got straight to the briefing while Alex fiddled with his breakfast.

    We’ve told her nothing about the Vinctalin you’ve encountered, though we have shared the failings in our planetary defences for the group that took Rachel and the others. Now, what do we need to know about the talents of your lot?

    Like I said last night Jonathan, they’re light years ahead of us all, including the Veekerens. They can listen into our communications, and tap into any computers that are running. They won’t care about finding the Veekerens because with all that screwed-up biochemistry, they’re of no use whatsoever to that clan. And I doubt they’ll waste time trying to figure out what Halbolival is doing with this already harvested claim.

    Jonathan observed the young doctor keenly, noting that he remained frustrated and irate over the lost opportunity.

    The doctor continued coldly, I believe Landresiman could help us, but I’m not sure that he will.

    Having spoken to Stanzi this morning, Jonathan remained sceptical on that point, and gave a non-committal raising of the eyebrows. We can hope. In the mean time let’s find out what Zan’s problem is. Maybe we can help her, but more importantly, we might find out what Mettle is up to now.

    As always, the Veekeren arrived exactly on time, made polite greetings and got straight to work. While she set up the one lightweight computer she had brought with her, Jonathan took his leave. She would talk more freely alone with Alex, and he was satisfied she did not suspect their surveillance.

    She sat primly at the large kitchen table, tapping at the intricately jewelled keyboard, while the doctor studied her.

    ‘I’d almost forgotten how beautiful she is,’ Alex mused, recalling some of the most intimate of their times together. ‘Oh how I loved her! And she sits here as though we never did more than chat over cucumber sandwiches.’

    Quietly he enquired, Are you keeping well Zan?

    She seemed to be concentrating on her screen whilst replying absently, My health is good, thank you Alex.

    Have you seen Irena since you came here?

    That stopped her work. It was out of character for her to keep her face averted, as though she had something about this pregnancy to hide.

    ‘Probably can’t get over doing it with Dignity,’ he thought coldly.

    She answered his question with a denial of requiring the aid of a Veekenite medical doctor on the matter of her health, but would be grateful for his specialist abilities with the data she now brought up on the screen. He had to concentrate intently as she talked him through it all. And Zan frowned over his unusual need to analyse so much of it aloud. Finally he relaxed back in his chair, with a full and comprehensive picture of the past and present state of another world the Veekerens had interfered with. He had to admit though, on this occasion the interference was only for the good, so far.

    Now she met his eyes, nodding as he said, There is no Father Bowlem.

    He died thirty years ago.

    They have intensively used a whole raft of  behavioural modification methods including classical and operant conditioning and aversion therapy; except it would be a kindness to call that a therapy.

    She was gratified with the accuracy of her own judgement. I knew you would understand.

    A new report fired up.

    Domay, Alex whispered.

    Domayaxon, Zan corrected, by way of expressing her promise of openness and truth. I think Mettle might have expected too much of him.

    You think? Alex sighed crossly, still reading and watching images. He has suffered a cataclysmic, total, mental breakdown Zan!

    But, knowing she could not appreciate the misery of that, he let go of his anger.

    Can you help them?

    Zan, it would take a whole army of psychiatrists to sort out this world. I can’t even suggest putting it back the way it was, because that was barbaric. I could just about find a place for behaviourism as a legitimate therapy when it’s well done in conjunction with proper psychotherapy, but this is appalling. What was Domay trying to do anyway?

    He doesn’t have the problems most Veekerens have Alex. He wanted to live with normal humans.

    Alex ignored the lie. She would have brought only the data she wanted him to see, would tell only the truths that would not affect their secret plans, and would be entirely unable to feel any guilt or remorse. What he could do was agree to go there and help, because he might find out what Mettle was up to. And besides, she hadn’t brought a thorough history. He was dying to know what catastrophe had caused Father Bowlem to set up this terrible system.

    Zanrayamel openly studied the handsome features she knew so well, set into a decision there was no point in her arguing with.

    I can’t go anywhere for two weeks, and when we go I’ll have to take Georgie with me. Also, we’ll have to collect the Irax ambassadors on the way.



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