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About this ebook

In search of a brother who mysteriously disappeared, left with questions unanswered, Sebastian has never stopped believing that somewhere out there, passed all hope and fear, within the strange occurring anomaly known as, 'The Devil's Triangle,' is where he'll find his answers.
For it is, Sebastian Origan, a young aspiring scientist, assigned to a government organisation to investigate this phenomenon, Sebastian and a group of highly skilled individuals must dare to explore beyond the boundaries of their expectations and journey forth to a place that remains shielded against the sight of all mankind.
There, boldly daring to find the answers he seeks, Sebastian must test his courage and confront an ancient evil that threatens the light of all existence, in a place mystically known to him as, Aquarttus...
Release dateJul 25, 2013

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    Aquarttus - Costakis Evangelou




    In the beginning…

    Long before the earth was born, the empty darkness of space ruled all…

    Lifeless was the galaxy, unreachable and cold.

    All that we know and all that there is began surrounded by the forlorn, unfulfilled emptiness, the infinite bareness that devoured the lonely stars.

    The fragments of time stood still here.

    Life ceased to exist in these uncharted regions of the unknown, until a devotional spiritual force came to light, a unique power that combined the galaxy and forged all life within its space as one.

    It was then, in that one all inspiring moment, that the blessed vastness of space gathered and gave birth to a mystical place consumed by everlasting life. A sacred place empowered to uphold the existence of all life held within its sight, in this heavenly kingdom chartered as the heart and soul of the great celestial universe.

    The realm of galaxies was then formed; it was a divine kingdom ruled by an enormous force of power, a power so strong and worthy that it was generated entirely around one supreme being.

    A being that is considered neither he nor she. The brightest light that ever conquered the stars, an influential entity of great wisdom that stands indisputably as the creator and ruler to all, with the infinite ability and sole purpose to create life throughout the blackness of space.

    It is with this great essence of power that to all this superior presence is looked upon as the all-powerful Noor…

    Seen as a vision filled with overwhelming light, Noor’s prevailing presence will father us all. A superior existence that is highly recognised and respected by all those who were purposely born to serve the almighty one’s wishful desires. And with the guidance of a virtuous creator, the almighty one’s commands and requests were then called upon and served by the mystical servants of the realm.

    For it is here, held within the flowing distance of light, in this sanctified place surrounded with good intentions that there lies a dominion. A kingdom held high above the purest of clouds in spiritual white mist dwarfed by huge pillar monuments. A forever place suited for the mystical angels to perform their duties to the almighty Noor.

    Those fortunate enough to serve their master who were intentionally created and renowned as ‘the six supreme-lords of the realm.’

    Contained within their long white hooded robes to conceal their obscure appearance, it is only the sparkling eyes of a true guardian that guides them.

    Time has no meaning in this holy domain.

    The balance of good flows strong here.

    For, throughout the realm, each supreme-lord may look the same, but they exist with a chosen responsibility to fulfil at the request of their master.

    The realm is a resting place filled with nothing but peace brought on by their supreme master; a place of good where evil does not exist.

    Through time and space, Noor’s six hooded faithful followers, the loyalist of servants went on to serve their master well. Guardians that were vital to Noor’s inspiring visions, bringing forth the beginning of countless civilisations scattered throughout the flowing unending stars.

    But it was in the realm of peace that an unfortunate occurrence grew, for it was a fellow supreme-lord, Ortavious, who became engrossed by these strange curious thoughts that mysteriously found their way to one who faithfully served the heavens.

    Thoughts of hatred and betrayal, a disturbing nature unwanted and forbidden to all those who were created to serve in a perfect setting of peace.

    Ortavious had served at the discretion of his master’s hand from the dawn of time, proving to be a worthy asset to the kingdom and a true loyal servant.

    For it was Ortavious who grew these new feelings that had suddenly bound close to him, feelings of supremacy and domination which in time stained the pureness of his soul, as well as the ever questioning thought of why one controlled all dwelled persistently upon this troubled mind.

    Ortavious wanted more; his lust for power soon corrupted his manner, forcing this supreme-lord on a traitorous pathway whilst growing secretly stronger with the presence of something disastrously spreading throughout this deceitful form.

    For the eyes of this fellow guardian were changing, extinguishing the light that once reflected the emphasis of his soul, gradually transforming his inner vision into a presence of betrayal, forming the start of pure evil.

    An evil infection which the other supreme-lords remained oblivious to as they had been specifically created never to experience such sinister thoughts. And with the understanding that the presence of evil would never be allowed to exist within the kingdom of good, as such a deceptive act had been unspoken by all, Ortavious knew he would need to contain the identity of these secret new thoughts, hiding his dark obsession away from the other supreme-lords who were closely watched at all time.

    And so as time eventually passed, Ortavious’s evil secret had surpassingly grown, stronger and ever more powerful with the turning of a new era to gaze upon. His kindness was soon overrun by a deep hatred, a form of deceit that should the all-powerful Noor learn of Ortavious’s dark deception, then he would surely face annihilation which would in turn bring forth an end to his craving corruption.

    But it was while watching his master take on the role to create a new planet called Earth, thus spawning a new race of life that the time of darkness forced Ortavious to finally act out his sinister thoughts.

    These dark, desirable thoughts could no longer be secreted away from the prying eyes of the other supreme-lords, as the desire to pursue these beliefs had grown to such an extent.

    It was there, inside the realm, that gave birth to something unholy.

    The birth of something sinister and dark.

    Something born disturbingly with a sinful nature…

    To simply give life to these desirable thoughts which had embraced his soul for so long was what Ortavious yearned to achieve. It was an obsession of his wildest beliefs to attain and that is what he wishfully set out to accomplish.

    The time to go forth had at last arrived.

    His plan was simple: he would need to forward a fraction of his deception into one life form which Ortavious would then create and place away from Noor’s watchful eye on this newly formed planet, Earth.

    It would be Ortavious’s creation that would exist only to rule the planet of his chaotic dark desires. In time this life form alone would grow to have unstoppable powers, bringing forth the dawn of depravity to rain upon all.

    Henceforth, a time of darkness would truly be born.

    And so he set out to begin his quest for power, travelling forth to a secret place beyond the boundaries of the realm, away from the attentive eyes of the other supreme-lords.

    It was there Ortavious brought forth his darkest desires by summoning all his powers he created a creature worthy of his doing.

    A sinister being he then named, Lyth.

    It would be Lyth who would bring forth the shadows of damnation, vanquishing the light and unleashing a new breed of terror that would rob the world of its purity whilst serving his master’s treacherous needs.

    But, unfortunately for Ortavious, his desirable plans for conquest were soon uncovered by the fellow keepers of the realm, as the summoned powers he had called upon to create Lyth had left an unfamiliar mark which allowed all throughout the realm to witness this evil event.

    Enlightened by this, Ortavious grew wary that time was seriously against him. So with what time he had left Ortavious had only one thing in mind to achieve: to pass on his inner twisted thoughts into a being whom the other supreme-lords would dare not suspect.

    If he could somehow pass on the power which he had suppressed, his darkest desires would forever live on.

    He needed to act fast; he needed a carrier, a specie to contain the source of his evil that burned fiercely from within, but what?

    Setting forth, Ortavious deviously travelled to a site within the realm close to where a noble supreme-lord had been seen, creating life forms to exist solely for earth. He needed to be quick and interrupt the ritual which was being conducted, hoping to underhandedly pass on his thoughts within a single life form.

    Only this time he was determined to succeed.

    Ortavious would bypass his essence of evil into one creation which would surely go unnoticed by the vigilant eyes of the supreme-lords. It would be the first ever living creature to be created and placed on the planet known as a ‘Chromma.’

    In time these micro living organisms would roam the earth, existing beneath the crumbling cracks and driest dirt as creatures that would evolve over the centuries, reaching right through to the age of apes and eventually transcend to a time when the world would be laid open upon mankind’s historical arrival.

    In time Ortavious’s seducing essence would be passed on from ancestor to offspring, and for centuries to come this descendent would harness a conquering power of unlimited darkness.

    Here within this chromma would be the start of a threatening treachery that would eventually taint the world. But with such an almighty power, Noor soon uncovered Ortavious’s plans of betrayal, learning of the one called Lyth and forcing the capture of the fallen servant.

    Noor learnt of the corruption that Ortavious had kept firmly to one’s self, causing the great lord to order that a punishable sentence be carried out for his deception.

    Ortavious had betrayed Noor and the other keepers of the realm, meaning that the trust with his master had now truly been broken.

    And so Ortavious was exiled on the planet he tried so cunningly to infect. But this would be no easy escape for the dark servant as he would lose his crown as a serving supreme-lord, depriving him from his powers and transforming his existence into that of a monstrous form, one trapped forever within the menacing walls of a barricading prison; a dark moon that shall be buried deep at the centre of the earth.

    A surreptitious place unreachable to all, leaving Ortavious alone for all eternity.

    The verdict was now in.

    Captured in disgrace, Ortavious bowed his hooded head in despair for forgiveness, while the other five supreme-lords formed a watchful circle around the evil traitor.

    It was then that the hand of Noor was formed from within the surrounding mist that laid down upon Ortavious and transformed his guardian appearance into a being of utmost evil.

    A noise of fear soon erupted, followed by a roar of pain unleashed within the realm’s atmosphere for all to hear: a sign passed on to the remaining supreme-lords that evil shall never exist within these holy parts.

    It was in that time that Ortavious was no more, left soullessly condemned to an unbearable fate which he had foolishly chosen. Indeed this fallen supreme-lord would from this time forth be renowned to all throughout the galaxy as, Darktavious…

    As for the chromma into which Ortavious managed to successfully pour his essence of dark thoughts, that creature went on to evolve since the other supreme-lords remained unaware of its hidden secret which unnoticeably managed to escape the kingdom of good and begin the rise of evil.

    And what came of the one named Lyth?

    For it was that creature who mysteriously disappeared from the realm, at the helm of a secret guide, a helper it had seemed to Ortavious.

    But what form of wickedness would carry out this treachery?

    Who amongst them would dare to betray the invincible Noor?

    With all the powers of the universe the almighty one scoured the kingdom, in search of the one who escaped.

    Lyth had somehow mysteriously vanished from the realm without a single trace, disappearing from under the watchful eyes of even the supreme-lords, but to where remained the burning question.

    A traitor, it had seemed, lingered within the kingdom.

    But who among them would help inflict more pain?

    Who in the midst of the realm was responsible for Lyth’s disappearance?

    With the feeling of deception flowing firmly throughout the realm’s dominion, a growing force of darkness hid, silently waiting for its time to be revealed.

    For in the kingdom of purity a time of evil had at last truly begun…

    Secrets Revealed


    Centuries had passed, until time itself lay proudly upon us.

    A new era had begun.

    The earth remained restless at an age when we humans were now the dominant species, shaping and shifting the many things that had led to our grand arrival.

    The world had grown and evolved into a very opinionated place at a time when mankind’s destiny was carelessly entrusted to domineering hands of world leaders to whom we sought for their guidance.

    Things were somewhat different now.

    Order had been brought forth across many continents, but with most of the world discovered and conquered, a lingering place still dwells in no man’s land, buried secretly away from the eyes of our existence.

    A place concealed and crammed with the scent of nothing more than hatred and evil, for that is where Darktavious still lies, incarcerated away from humanity within the barriers of his loathsome dark moon…

    For centuries now mankind had often queried about an unsolvable puzzle that had mysteriously plagued our kind through the course of our natural lives. An enigma that lies untold within the deepest darkest waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

    For it is there that a baffling truth haunts us all, a secret that somehow stretches out far beyond our reach to a setting that still remains undetected. It is a time continuum space within our world where many unexplained events have occurred over the years, left without a mere explanation. An unsolved riddle that has resulted in the disappearance of countless planes and vessels whilst crossing the vastness of these cryptic waters and presumed forever lost.

    All of these unexplainable incidents were listed under ‘probable lost at sea,’ disappearing off the face of the earth without a single trace on a trail that led to nowhere.

    And so the time had finally come when humankind would at last uncover the tragic truth which had haunted our existence from the beginning of time.

    The day of days drew near.

    For now was the time to at last unravel such secrets from the beyond…

    In a world that seemed ordinary to some, for one his mind remained optimistic that Mother Earth still retained the greatest secret deprived away from her children.

    Sebastian Origan was somebody who frequently dwelled upon such thoughts and he had devoted his life to exploring the mysteries that surrounded the puzzling, Bermuda Triangle.

    With a desire in life to exceed, Sebastian would stop at nothing until he uncovered the tragic truth which had altered the course of his life. A tragedy which befell him some years back that had emotionally scarred him.

    Many years ago, as an infant, Sebastian had endured the horrific loss of his parents, who had tragically been killed in a car crash, leaving his older brother, Aaron Origan to care for him.

    Aaron was a lot older than Sebastian, at an age when he could come to terms with such a horrific loss. But learning to accept this unfortunate act of fate had proven way too much for a young Sebastian and he was left with feelings of insecurity which haunted him during this dark chaotic chapter. But with the affectionate care of a watchful brother, Aaron soon wiped away his heartache and provided Sebastian with such overwhelming love that in time they overcame their loss together.

    Sebastian soon found his way, privileged to have a caring brother who had cured his pain and filled his childhood with nothing more than fond memories. Someone to look up to that had guided him to safety and away from the darkness.

    Years then eventually passed, years that inspired this troublesome child to mature into a well respected young man and eventually establish himself as an up and coming member of today’s society. He had wisely chosen to walk down that path which had led him to one of the country’s finest universities. There, as a young aspiring adult, Sebastian learnt the values of life, opting to study away from home. This presented Aaron with the chance to return to his chosen career as a cargo pilot which he had been forced to abandon all those years ago for the sake of his brother. But some years on an unthinkable event struck the Origan family again, that same event which would alter Sebastian’s life forever.

    It was on one wet stormy night when Aaron took to the skies, flying aboard the Trifox, a dependable cargo plane used on many occasions with the aid of his trusty co-pilot, Joseph Reeves.

    Flying towards the Bahamas, the course of their journey had guided them through disastrous weather conditions that had altered the course of their trajectory and led them further then expected across unknown territory.

    Tragically the Trifox was later recorded lost at sea, with both Aaron and Joseph presumed missing, meaning that this had become somewhat of an unsolved case. But with an increasing sense of remorse, Sebastian never learnt to accept this catastrophic event.

    After the loss of his parents, Sebastian couldn’t bear to lose his one and only brother, the one person who had guided him through his time of need.

    He simply refused to believe that Aaron had died and vowed to discover the truth by unravelling this mystery once and for all. And so, by refusing to abandon his brother in his time of need, Sebastian devotedly pledged to solve this great enigma that had been troubling our existence for so very long.

    He would never rest until he’d solve the mother of all mysteries.

    That secret which surrounds the Bermuda Triangle…

    Day by day Sebastian had worked his way to the top as one of the most distinguished archaeologists known throughout the country. With his influential skills that stretched far beyond the understanding of most, those around him were soon captivated by his thirst for knowledge regarding the unexplained, a driving force that had firmly positioned him as the lead member of a special investigation unit.

    It was his continual determination that had taken him as far as one of the world’s most covert top facility bases known to man, working closely for a secret intelligence organisation based at the Pentagon, codenamed only as ‘Section 13.’ A secretly founded department that was formed in alliance to specialise and investigate the unexplained phenomenon’s that had occurred around the globe and topping Sebastian’s wish list had always been the baffling, Bermuda Triangle.

    Since this matter could no longer be overlooked, it took the dedication of Sebastian’s ongoing struggle and hard work to open an enquiry in an attempt to solve its secrets.

    And so the day he craved for finally emerged, when at last the duty to carry out an investigation on the Bermuda Triangle had been handed to, Section 13.

    As the team leader chosen to oversee this assignment, Sebastian and a small working party of scientists had to carry out an in-depth investigation.

    This had been the case Sebastian had been looking forward to for so long, unwearyingly counting down the days. Having previously been assigned to other cases, their secrets held little importance towards his search for his brother. But now he had been given the go-ahead to dig deep and discover the source of the phenomenon which remained crucially close to heart.

    Years went by and in that time the team’s research had uncovered useful proof, studying up on relevant facts that would be presented as potential evidence; such as map readings that pinpointed the exact circumference of the puzzling phenomenon and useful listings detailing all the vessels that had been recorded lost at sea.

    With the evidence gathered, each and every last bit was then thoroughly examined. It had taken three long years of constant studying for Sebastian and his fellow colleagues to collect enough substantial evidence regarding the phenomenon’s exact location.

    Sebastian now felt ready to present these facts to the board of authorities, regarded as the hardest to please, at a hearing which was scheduled to start later this month.

    Full of hope, Sebastian strongly believed that the time to go forth would soon be upon him, hoping to put an end to this lingering chapter in his life. A decision which relied solely on the main board of the authorities to conclude, a board made up of five highly recognised and respected members of society who served their country for a greater cause. They were carefully chosen to act on behalf of this great nation, the real brains behind closed doors. The panel was made up by: the vice-president, an admiral, two state chancellors and the sectary of defence, a senior superior officer acting as the chairman of the Pentagon, one General Kenneth J. Johnston.

    It would be these superior minds that would combine their expertise and deliver a final verdict. These handpicked geniuses were those Sebastian would have to convince for such an exploration mission to commence.

    Sebastian’s team consisted of two other valuable members, those who had provided their team leader with crucial evidence. They were Lori Duval, a bright gifted young woman who was brought onboard solely for her highly rated skills as a chemical research specialist, and Wang Lee, a Chinese-American in his mid-30s who had graduated top of the class and was cleverly selected for his excellence in map coordinating, frequency readings as well as structural engineering. These were a few of the many topics mastered by this genius and held proudly under one belt.

    Together as one, the team combined all the necessary ingredients and requirements of a true working unit. For the past three years they had pretty much spent their time in each other’s company, working hard through long hours, studying extensively and hoping that the day would soon arrive when they would be given the approval to begin their investigation.

    They were granted permission to use the facilities at the Pentagon, since a project such as this could only be conducted with the use of high-tech state-of-the-art machinery.

    They now had obtained all which they required.

    Sebastian had eagerly waited and hoped for this day to finally arrive, the day when he and his team felt they had collected enough constructive evidence, ready and equipped to face the likes of the board.

    He knew their time would soon be upon them and this filled them with hope that soon their journey into the wilderness would at last begin.

    On the night before the board meeting was scheduled to start, everything had to be perfectly presented, as this would be their one and only chance to convince the board that they were now ready to undertake such a case.

    Tomorrow would determine the outcome of their investigation, and it was up to Sebastian alone to present these facts as the voice of the team.

    That night he did not have to state the true importance of tomorrow’s meeting. The presentation was going to include all their research needed to backup their theories and with the persistence of a hard working Lori and Wang staying behind late, they had covered all the necessary documents and reports, ensuring that nothing would spoil their big day.

    Midnight was soon upon them. The night had been long and tiring, with everything double-checked; ready for tomorrow’s early meeting.

    Throughout a sleepless night, Sebastian had thought of nothing more than how close they were to solving the mystery that had haunted humanity for so long. It was also a restless night as he knew full well that this could indeed be his only chance to shed some light on his brother’s disappearance, the one chance he longed for, dreaming of this coming day, determined that tomorrow he would not fail.

    But after an anxious night, the day of waiting had finally arrived.

    Greeted by a blissful sun that shone brightly that morning, the light crammed Sebastian’s bedroom with the welcoming warmth of a new day. Wide-awake, he sprung out of bed with a sense of enthusiasm, hoping that today he would achieve all his desires.

    Placing his feet firmly on the wooden floorboards always sent an unpleasant shiver up his spine as the flooring in his apartment always felt cold, even on a warm day such as this.

    Tiptoeing his way hurriedly over towards the bathroom, Sebastian soon felt a chill and he regretted not putting something on earlier, since he was now forced to wait there for the hot water to gradually warm-up.

    Seconds were impatiently counted, but living in a swanky apartment, situated within a high-class area had its advantages and very soon steam began to cloud his view.

    Sebastian stared at his reflection, open-minded with the possibility that today all his dreams may finally come true.

    After a refreshing shower, dried and half-dressed, Sebastian softly treaded over to the bedside table where a small silver-framed picture stood proudly on display, captured as a child embraced within the loving arms of his brother.

    Sebastian dearly craved to see that face again one day.

    He swiftly reminded himself that should the board meeting go well, this could be the turning point.

    He felt unexpectedly relaxed for such a day and pondered as he walked over towards an imposing wardrobe.

    Sebastian now had to prepare himself for today’s meeting and look the part.

    When opening these fine oak cupboard doors, Sebastian knew exactly where he needed to look. He peeked inside and pulled out his smartest, most expensive suit, the one with a black lining which was still covered in its protective nylon, only to be worn for such a memorable event.

    Smartly dressed for the occasion, shoes spotlessly polished, hair neatly brushed aside from a clean shaven face, Sebastian now looked good enough to greet the board.

    As he prepared himself to leave, he felt ready. But just as he came closer to the front door, Sebastian suddenly stopped, an impulse to have one last look around his apartment, wishing to feel this happy on his return.

    Driving through the peaceful streets of Arlington in the early hours had become a real breeze, with hardly any cars during a stress-free ride.

    Arriving at the Pentagon within the hour, with his car assigned to its regular parking bay, Sebastian then proceeded up the steps that led directly to the main entrance. Once at the top, as a formal routine check, Sebastian displayed his identification card to the same security guards which by now recognised his face upon arrival.

    With the security checkpoint behind him, Sebastian then freely proceeded through the same old corridors which he had used frequently in all his time working here. But on a special occasion such as this, today his meeting was to be held in a part of the building which Sebastian had never been to before. It was an early meeting that was scheduled to start on the fourth floor in room 421, meaning that he would now need to use the east-side elevator.

    The security around the building was so hi-tech and always on full alert, with safety cameras placed everywhere throughout this enormous construction, acting as a protective eye, watching over everyone’s move.

    With security guards stationed everywhere in sight, it was always important that he’d remember to wear his identification card at all time, hoping to avoid any unnecessary hassle.

    By calmly walking towards the elevator, Sebastian saw two security guards stationed at each side. By displaying his identification card, he then proceeded inside and triggered the elevator to move upwards.

    Alone in this soundless space, Sebastian pondered what may soon be, until the sound of the mechanical doors opening jolted him out of his reverie and he stepped outside, straight into what appeared to be a deserted corridor.

    The place felt somewhat strange. The air contained a damp smell that deeply lingered on, probably due to the plastering work that appeared incomplete.

    The walls were dull and colourless, with only the reflective black marble flooring seemingly completed. Most of the construction and inner partition walls hadn’t even been properly installed yet which made Sebastian wonder whether he had actually arrived at the right floor. But as this was the east-side level four, Sebastian decided to wander on over towards his left, until he noticed a turning point just up ahead.

    By peering around the corner to see where this could possibly lead, Sebastian then noticed another corridor that ran straight towards a set of white painted doors placed at the far end where two security guards were stationed at each side.

    With no one else in sight, Sebastian figured that the set of doors must lead to the meeting.

    Sebastian then calmly approached the security guards with only the echoing sound of his tapping footsteps on the shiny marble slabs. His mind began to wonder about the board members who were presumably waiting for him on the other side, a thought that slightly worried him as he came closer towards the doors.

    Alone he continued in this calm atmosphere, and then, just as he came within talking distance, one of the guards briefly mentioned in a well-mannered tone that the board had been expecting him.

    The two guards then therefore held open each door, granting Sebastian permission to enter freely.

    Sebastian cautiously proceeded inside and felt overwhelmed by the sheer size of the room. A room surely built to fit at least one-hundred people inside.

    As he entered his eyes immediately began to inconspicuously look around. The room itself appeared incomplete as the walls had a rough surface coating, as though they were in need of an urgent wipe to cover up the unfinished plasterwork.

    Dark shadows hid parts of the room, with most of the sunlight purposely blocked out. Only the finished marble flooring reflected what light could be seen through the drawn window blinds, creating somewhat of an intoxicating atmosphere; a form of light that certainly matched the reserved settings of a secret meeting.

    In front of him sat the influential members of the board, waiting patiently and in silence for Sebastian to arrive.

    Seated in the middle was the chairman of the Pentagon, General Kenneth J. Johnston, who respectfully rose from his chair at the sight of Sebastian’s arrival. He appeared to be the man in charge of the meeting.

    With the board members seated comfortably behind a long glass table, opposite them sat a lonely spaced chair, where Sebastian would presumably take his place.

    Sheer silence now suffocated the room.

    By pacing himself closer towards them Sebastian began to feel reluctantly tense, his heart pounding progressively faster with each coming step. He could feel the sharpness of their eyes pursuing his trail, focussing purely on his movement.

    With the meeting scheduled to start at seven o’clock sharp, Sebastian had luckily arrived some ten minutes early, hoping to impress the board as much as he could with his punctuality. This was it, he eagerly reminded himself as he heard the sound of the entrance doors being shut from behind. Silence soon followed and all that remained now was for Sebastian to take his place and begin.

    He reached the centre of the room, when the general politely laid out his hand and invited Sebastian to sit in the chair. Having heard of the general’s reputation from the other cadets stationed on these premises, Sebastian knew that Kenneth J. Johnston was renowned for his old-fashioned leadership skills. He was a reserved sixty-six year old war veteran who apparently had very little tolerance and was also known for being direct whatever the situation.

    Sebastian felt slightly nervous, but not to the extent that he would spoil his team’s one and only chance. By his side he carried a crammed brown leather briefcase which contained all the team’s relevant document files researched and recorded. Crucial findings he would refer to as part of his presentation.

    This was it, he told himself as he reached the chair.

    ‘Welcome Dr. Origan, we have been expecting you,’ amiably greeted the general. ‘Please be seated.’

    Sebastian then placed his briefcase down while feeling reluctantly at ease. But as calm as his actions seemed, the nerves were still there, still kicking away at him. He could feel a constant twitch buried beneath his skin, but he managed to retain his composure and stood up straight as he respectfully eyed those who sat in silence in front of him.

    ‘If the members of the board wouldn’t mind, I ask at this time that I may be able to stand throughout this meeting, please,’ Sebastian politely asked, hoping that his request be granted.

    The general shortly glanced over at the other seated members, with each of them nodding at one another for conformation, thus allowing Sebastian the right to stand.

    The general then comfortably lowered himself in his chair and faced Sebastian with a glint of expectation that twinkled intensely within his eyes.

    ‘Dr. Origan, it is by our acknowledgement that you have come before us here today for one sole reason: to prove to us that you have found relevant information concerning the whereabouts of the phenomenon regarded as the Bermuda Triangle. Are you now ready to present these facts?’

    ‘Yes sir, I am ready to proceed,’ he swiftly replied.

    This was it, his one chance to shine, a chance he was determined to seize.

    Sebastian began by dipping into his briefcase and handing out copies of a well constructed report which Lori and Wang had neatly finalised. A report that contained relevant map coordinates and the missing case files that displayed all those named and presumed lost at sea.

    Standing there, he took one last deep breath and prepared to begin his opening speech.

    ‘Good morning to you all members of the board. Just under three years ago a case involving the whereabouts of the Bermuda Triangle had been assigned to me. With the exceptional support from my team, extensive research was carried out in that time and we now strongly believe that we have uncovered vital information which will lead us one step closer to unravelling one of, if not the greatest mystery ever known to man.’

    The board members listened with great interest.

    ‘Inside these reports you will find relevant facts. Known as The Devil’s Triangle, this phenomenon has plagued our existence since the early eighteenth century.

    Well, now we possess the technology and so the time to solve this great mystery is at hand. For the past three years my team has conducted intensive research based on eyewitness reports and hard solid facts indicating the exact coordinate position of the phenomenon. A pinpointed location in which many unexplained events have occurred, where people have vanished without a trace, forever lost in the enormous shape of a triangle that stretches far from, Bermuda to San Juan, Puerto Rico, and finally to Miami, Florida. The triangle’s size is huge, nearing half a million square miles. This is what we have come to believe is the precise location of the Bermuda Triangle.’

    Sebastian then proceeded by carefully unfolding a large map showing the exact position of the Bermuda Triangle and laid it down across the large glass table.

    ‘As you can see from these case files marked clearly on the map, those lost entering these waters here are high by anyone’s standards. NASA has been very cooperative by issuing us with satellite images recorded in that region. Readings taken over the years clearly indicates that the energy levels in these parts are extensively higher than anywhere else in the world, with a sign of some sort of strange paranormal activity.

    For the answers we seek, it is only within these parts here where we will finally uncover the mystery, and so I now employ you all to allow me and my team the chance to conduct an exploration mission. On behalf of mankind we are ready and waiting.’ Sebastian boldly believed which in turn made him feel more so eager to undertake this great opportunity.

    He had done and said all he could.

    A sense of relief engulfed him in the silence that soon followed.

    The general then energetically rose up, with an expression that appeared keen. ‘Dr. Origan, if you don’t mind, we ask that you remain seated for a moment to allow us the chance to reach a verdict.’

    Sebastian agreeably nodded and willingly walked away from the table, happily lowering himself comfortably on the chair.

    Whispering chatter could then be heard as if a debate was taking place on the other side of the table.

    Sebastian could only remain silently seated.

    Waiting there through those crucial seconds, Sebastian tried to imagine what the five board members were discussing, as he was unable to make anything out with their hands held discreetly up against their mouths to disguise their words. But still he hoped that the evidence he had presented was more than enough to convince the board that it was time to allow a further investigation to begin.

    He was made to wait there for what seemed like an eternity, the longest minutes Sebastian had ever had to endure. But just as he felt he couldn’t tolerate the wait any longer, the chattering calmly settled and all eyes shortly turned towards him.

    With facial expressions appearing composed and collected, Sebastian didn’t quite know what to expect. He awkwardly sat there on the edge of a stiff, uncomfortable chair, full of anticipation, waiting for someone, anyone, to say something that would put him out of his misery.

    Moments were spent with thoughts of what may soon be.

    This was it, the moment Sebastian had waited for.

    Then through the utmost silence, raised from his chair while the other board members remained seated, General Johnston’s eyes locked on with Sebastian’s as it seemed the board’s verdict was now unanimous.

    The general could clearly see the expectation in Sebastian’s face and by simply staring at him, the general’s stare alone tormented Sebastian.

    Sebastian could barely contain himself and wait another second. He could almost picture the general’s mouth moving, but knew he had to be prepared for even the worst. He started to doubt himself, wondering whether the evidence he had just presented was up to their standards, and if so, why wouldn’t the general just come out with it and let him be on his way?

    ‘Dr. Origan,’ the general said after taking a short break, finally putting Sebastian out of his misery. ‘We, the members of the board, have thoroughly studied every last bit of the facts you have presented to us here today and have now reached a final decision.’

    The general then stood in silence, before continuing.

    ‘We, the board feel that the evidence you have supplied to us… is sufficient enough to grant you and your team permission to explore this mystery,’ announced the general. Immediately Sebastian jumped off his chair with a face that was overcome by joy.

    ‘The evidence you have presented clearly suggests that you and your team are more than equipped to pursue your research.’

    Finally, the moment Sebastian had craved for was upon him. He had achieved his goal.

    Sebastian had been given the opportunity he so wanted, able to now freely explore the full depth of this great enigma.

    The board could clearly see Sebastian’s ecstatic response as he stood tall with a huge grin stretched wide from cheek to cheek, grateful that his day had finally arrived.

    ‘Dr. Origan,’ the general then continued, bringing Sebastian back down to his chair. ‘You have been chosen in addition with two other highly motivated members of your team to investigate a very obscure mystery indeed: To uncover for us the true origins and secrets that lie beyond the Bermuda Triangle.’

    A sudden change then unexpectedly dampened the mood as the general’s tone shifted, becoming more serious and certain.

    ‘For years now we have been a growing society that has constantly turned a blind eye on such phenomenon’s that have since occurred among us. Today though we believe that with your team’s aspiring ability, your chance to investigate this case has rightly so come. But be warned, your mission could place you on a dangerous pathway. Know these consequences and prepare yourself for the unexpected,’ gravely warned the general, leaving Sebastian to wonder whether the general knew more then he was letting on.

    Could it be that General Kenneth J. Johnston was keeping something vital from him, but for what purpose?

    ‘Dr. Origan, what I have to tell you now is on a strictly need-to-know basis,’ strongly cautioned the general. ‘This is classed as top-secret, a hush-hush project that only we in this room know the identity of. Even those working here at the Pentagon remain oblivious to this information. Its identity is of the highest secrecy.’

    The general’s explanation made Sebastian seriously question just what exactly he was getting himself into. Up until now Sebastian had always assumed that he held the lead role for supernatural events, but obviously it appeared he wasn’t the only one pulling the strings.

    The general then rested his palms gently upon the see-through glass table and prepared himself for what he had yet to reveal.

    ‘At zero six-hundred hours tomorrow, you and your team will assemble and remain stationed in your office, as I will be sending a few of my most trusted men to accompany you all to a nearby helicopter. From there you will be flown to an undisclosed location based on the south-western region of Bermuda. There you will arrive at a secret destination to await for further instructions.’

    Sebastian sat there bewildered and slightly unsure by what he had just heard.

    To now be told that he would be leaving tomorrow for a secret location based in Bermuda, with his studies showing nothing that even remotely pointed to a secret government base located on that island, this alone left Sebastian feeling bemused.

    Could it be that maybe some sort of secret is close within that region, concealed even from those who swore an oath to serve the Pentagon?

    Seated there one thing become clear: his superiors had indeed retained crucial information from his investigation. But why?

    ‘You and your team will be assigned to investigate the phenomenon’s origin for 72 hours. For the safety of your team, my men will continuously be monitoring your exact position, using our satellite tracking system to pinpoint your ongoing progress. Such an exploration mission shouldn’t take more than that time to come to a final conclusion, but in that time if we do not receive confirmation of your safety, then an immediate rescue mission will be deployed,’ he gravely warned.

    ‘Upon arriving in Bermuda you will be taken to a secluded docking bay where you will board an awaiting sub vessel which will take you directly to a top-secret facility base known secretly as, The Deep. This is a covert vessel that is securely kept off radar, buried beneath the deepest waters, where our greatest scientists conduct ongoing investigations concerning the world’s best kept secrets. The Deep is a classified base known only to a few based here at the Pentagon. Its location remains oblivious to the human eye. It is only there that you will receive in-depth information concerning the Bermuda Triangle.’

    The general’s revealing speech certainly took Sebastian by surprise.

    He could barely believe the general’s words as he remained frozen in his chair, coming to terms with everything that was said. But, faced with the steely gazes of the members of the board, Sebastian knew he had to display a calm and relaxed attitude, showing those who depended upon him that he was the right man to lead this investigation.

    But still Sebastian felt slightly betrayed, as if he had been abandoned by those whom he swore to serve.

    Sebastian felt so alone.

    Till now, it seemed, he had been kept on a tight leash.

    How could he regain the respect he once had for such a powerful corporation that was supposed to be built on trust? It seemed a strong sense of deceit was placed everywhere within these patchy walls.

    However, he put aside his disappointment as he realised that the knowledge of this top-secret underwater base stationed somewhere out there, coupled with the government’s resources supplied to assist him in his search, would surely grant him his one and only chance to finally shed some light on his brother’s disappearance.

    Sebastian positively relished the prospect of soon reaching this hidden facility, knowing full well that his time had at last come.

    ‘My men who will be accompanying you will know the relevant coordinates to guide you to your secret destination. Now remember, this is on a strictly need-to-know basis, so inform only those who form your team. It is imperative that no one else should ever learn what has been discussed here today. The identity of The Deep must remain classified,’ demanded the general with a note of urgency evident in his tone.

    Sebastian knew exactly what was expected of him.

    At last he had been rewarded for his years of service. And as he stared solidly into the general’s eyes, Sebastian could see the risk in which General Johnston had taken on this day, the knowledge that had now been entrusted for one so greatly to uphold.

    ‘You have my deepest pledge that I will respect everything that has been said. I will uphold this secrecy,’ Sebastian firmly promised.

    ‘Good, then all of tomorrow’s procedures will be dealt with, so just be prepared to leave on time,’ replied the general. ‘For years now we have very much been aware of the desire you crave to work on this case. Well, now you have that chance son, so don’t let it go to waste. Take it and use it.’

    Received loud and clear, Sebastian knew exactly what had to be said.

    ‘Yes, sir, I fully understand and I thank you all for this great opportunity you have granted us. Whatever we will uncover out there, we’ll bring back.’

    ‘Dr. Origan, though many years have since passed, we are very much aware of the unfortunate incident that concerns your brother, a burden that has been cruelly passed upon you to endure.

    We have for many years now wanted an exploration team to investigate, but we had to be certain on those who we would eventually select. Those entrusted with so much hope.

    With the disastrous events which have occurred in your life, finding the answers you seek has become your driving force to succeed. We now see that you are the right man for the job and I wish you and your team a safe journey and the best of luck out there.’

    Sebastian acceptingly looked on, slightly overwhelmed and encouraged by the general’s words.

    ‘Dr. Origan, I would just like to say that I honestly do hope you find what you’re looking for out there, son. I sincerely do. This now adjourns the meeting.’

    The general’s words seemed sincere and, with the meeting adjourned, Sebastian then took one last look around, thanking everyone

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