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Escape from Regales Two
Escape from Regales Two
Escape from Regales Two
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Escape from Regales Two

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Jared sat behind the table in the large conference room his arms in restraints. Five officers sat behind the large conference table before him. He sat there listening to the charges being read once again by the prosecutor as he finished his case against him. He slowly went over in his mind how he ended up there. How he had escaped from Regales Two only to return and find that he was being charged with murder of his crew he had tried to save. It was now his turn to speak and try to tell the court what had happened.
Release dateNov 17, 2012
Escape from Regales Two

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    Escape from Regales Two - Cecil Cory

    Escape from Regales Two

    Escape from Regales Two


    Cecil Ian Cory


    Version 1.3

    Copyright © 2012 Cecil I Cory / Lulu Press

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-300-41832-0

    This work is licensed under the Creative

    Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

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    I wish to thank several people for their help and understanding.

    First, to Eugene Fitzgerald for his help in proof reading this story for me. It has been a great help in completing it.

    Next to my Mom and Dad for their support and belief that I could do almost anything I wanted to do.

    Last, but not least to my wife Karen who has kept me going when I felt I could not go any longer.


    The Federation of planets had grown over the years since its conception in the Sol galaxy. It accepted diverse life forms and used their technology to expand even further into the reaches of the galaxy. The Federation not only grew in territory, but also grew in power. Until it was able to advance, though space virtually unopposed by any system. The systems that tried to stop its advancement were crushed in its path forcing them to ether join the Federation as members or be destroyed scattering their populations to other systems.

    Those inhabitants, who opposed the Federation, were forced to move off to the furthest reaches of the explored Galaxy. There they set up their own alliances with others that opposed the Federation and its expansionism into space. Small battles began as the Federation move to overtake these sectors of space. The outer system formed larger alliances and a war began, involving vast sections of space, forcing the Federation to slow its progress of expansion. The leaders who represented the known systems in the Federation decided that they could no longer afford to expand and the boundaries of space were established.

    Trade roots grew as more planets were colonized within the Federations boundaries and the Federation grew in wealth and power. Trade agreement formed between several of the boundary alliances and a delicate peace emerged between the interplanetary governments, except for one system, the Hallsworth Empire. Plagued by the restrictions place on them by the Federation, the Hallsworth Empire tried to expand their trading into it neighboring system. The Federation blocked them from crossing their territory as trade routes.

    The only other route had been through the Trayax system. The Hallswoth Empire sent spies into the Trayaxen system to ascertain what resources were available there. Shortly thereafter rumors that Trayaxen raiders had kidnapped one of the children of the Emperor of the Hallsworth Empire and was holding her for ransom. The Hallsworth Empire declared war on the Trayax system.

    The Trayax system denied the allegations and appealed to the Federation for aid. The Federation refused saying since they were not members of the Federation and that a nonaggression agreement was in existence between the Hallsworth Empire and the Federation, therefore there was nothing they could do. The war between the Hallsworth Empire and the Trayax system soon threatened the surrounding system causing the Federation to send its Space Fleet to protect its borders between the Hallsworth Empire and the Federation.

    The war dragged on for years. The only support the Trayaxen’s were able to recruit was from Herculose system and Ramadane system. With their support, they slowly forced the Hallsworth Empire from their space.

    The Hallsworth Empire now in need of more resources pushed its way further into the Federation territory. The Federation responded by attacking their forces that had taken over some colonized planets then attacking any planet along the border that gave refuge to the Hallsworth fleet. The war dragged on for six years and was now concluding.

    Chapter One

    Jared sat behind the table in the large conference room his arms in restraints. Five officers sat behind the large conference table before him. He sat there listening to the charges being read once again by the prosecutor as he finished his case against him.

    Sirs the prosecution has shown you the evidence gathered from the files of Lieutenant Commander Hutchinson. Along with the additional evidence brought by the prisoner himself and with the wittiness’s that have testified that there was great animosity between the defendant and Lieutenant Commander Hutchinson. The prosecution feels that the only conclusion that can be reached is he is guilty of the murdering Lieutenant Hutchinson then fleeing to the Hallsworth sector to avoid prosecution. In doing so, he deliberately caused the death of Lieutenant Carl Morock and Lieutenant J G Victor Sorrento.

    Corporal Jenkins, do you have anything to add? Your refusal to speak gives us very little choice. Admiral Neše Hkosé asked.

    Jared stood up behind the table and looked at the panel of officers before him. Sirs I did not say anything because I felt that I had done nothing wrong. I have not killed anyone who was not trying to kill me. I did not kill Lieutenant Commander Hutchinson.

    But you would have, wouldn’t you? You killed him, killed him just before you fled all of the evidence says you did. The prosecutor quickly said.

    I did not kill him before we jumped. However, if he had been alive when I returned yes sir I would have killed him. Jared said angrily.

    Lieutenant Jones my I remind you that Corporal Jenkins is not on the stand and does not have to answer your questions." The officer sitting next to Jared said standing up.

    I beg your pardon. Lieutenant Jones replied.

    Gentlemen. Admiral Neše Hkosé said. Corporal Jenkins, will you now tell us what happened?

    Jared looked at the lieutenant next to him.

    You don’t have to tell them anything. Their case doesn’t hold water. With the wittiness’s that have already testified it shows that he was trying to kill you.

    Jared looked at the officers sitting at the table.

    Yes, I will tell you everything that happened.

    Swear him in. Admiral Neše Hkosé said.

    Jared, I advise against this. His counsel said.

    Another officer walked over and stood in front of him. He rose up his right hand. Jared lifted up his hand and his counsel sat back in his seat and shook his head, and looked disgusted.

    Do you, state your full name, do solemnly swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing, but the truth, so help you.

    I Jared L Jenkins do solemnly swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing, but the truth, so help me Great Spirit.

    Sir that is not the oath. Lieutenant Jones belted out.

    Sit down and keep still. That oath is good enough for me. Admiral Neše Hkosé said. Go ahead Corporal Jenkins tell us in your own words what took place.

    "Yes, Sir if you don’t mind I will start from the first time I met my crew on this ship.

    Victor sat back in his chair and listened to the operations officer as he went over that day’s operation. He looked at Carl sitting next to him then leaned over and whispered into his ear.

    I am sure glad that we are not going on this one.

    Yeah with John getting his points and headed back home and only new replacements, we have got it made for the next three runs.

    Only six more for us and we are on our way home.

    I have eight more to go.


    Remember I was sick for a few days and missed those milk runs on Talos.

    Milk runs! Victor exclaimed.

    Do you two have something you want to share with us? The Squadron Leader asked from the front of the room.

    No sir. Victor replied.

    "Listen up people this mission is not a milk run. You need to pay attention out there. They know we are coming and will send everything they have to stop us. This will be a concerted effort by all of the ships in this sector. Keep your eyes open for friendlies. I do not want another incident like the last time. We have not lost a bomber yet and I do not intend to this time.

    I want all crews standing by their ships by 0430. That includes you Sorrento and you Morock. Your new pilot will meet you at your ship. That is all."

    The wing stood up as the Squadron Leader and her cadre walked out of the room. Then the room filled with the noise of men talking as they made their way out. Victor stood up and started down the aisle followed by Carl. 

    She is not going to send some snot nosed kids out on this mission, is she? Carl asked and nodded towards several new pilots.

    Of course not. You know the standing operating procedures for new personnel. Upon arrival they will fly cover for the fleet until such time as they are checked out by the wing commander or squadron leaders. Victor replied. We should be able to sit back for five or six missions and take it easy.

    Sounds all right to me.

    Hay Victor I hear your new driver is a retread. A man said as he walked behind them.

    What do you mean a retread?

    I hear that this is his third hitch out here and the old man has thrown you two in with him. The man replied as they moved out the door.

    Who in their right mind would do three hitches out here? Carl asked.

    Ah he is just pulling our chain. Sam hasn’t gotten the poop straight since he got here.

    That is for sure. Carl said as they continued down the corridor to their squadron rooms.

    The squadron was busily climbing into their flight gear as Victor and Carl walked into the room. They walked over to their lockers and stated to pull their equipment out to put it on. The room filled with the sound of gearing up and the squadron joking around as they tried to put the danger of the mission out of their minds. Carl laughed at one of the jokes that had been played on Victor as he finished fastening on his sidearm. He looked across the hallway towards the pilot’s area and saw that the locker that his old pilot had, was still not occupied. He could see that the name had already been painted over and the door repaired where the pilot had put a hole in it. He grabbed his helmet and closed the door to his locker then started for the entrance to the hangar deck. Victor grabbed his helmet and followed him.

    Milk runs here we come and the best thing is they count as real missions. Victor said as they walked out with the rest of the squadron.

    The first time I met Victor and Carl was after that first Squadron briefing. I had just reported onboard the Hornet a few days before with six new pilots. I guess I stood out from the others, me being almost thirty and them fresh out of flight school. All of us stood before the wing commander as he and the Exec looked over our files. I watched him as he looked at mine. He glanced at the name then up at me then he brought up the next pilot’s file. He looked at his name then at the pilot. He continued this until he had looked at all of the new pilots. He informed all of us that we would have to be checked out by the squadron leaders before we would be allowed to fly any missions. Then upon their approval, we would be assigned to a squadron. This is standard operating procedures and I had to go through it on my last two ships. The only twist here was that they counted towards your total missions flown.

    Once the briefing had finished I was told to remain behind. The Wing Commander waited until the others had left before continuing my interview. He looked down at the tablet with my file displayed. Then he set it down and looked at me standing in front of his desk. The Exec looked at my file then at me then he let me know that he would not tolerate some of the things I had done in the past and I assured him that I would follow all of the rules onboard the ship and that I had not gotten into trouble on the last ship.

    The first ship I had been on was the old Ame'háooestse Vo’e just before it was decommissioned. The next ship was the Resolute, one of the newest ships in the fleet. Now I was on the Hornet the last remaining ancient ship still in use by the Federation Space Fleet. It has been in continuous use for over two hundred years. Its history goes back to the beginning of Space Fleet and the Federation.

    The Wing commander waited quietly until the Exec finished. When he had finished he motioned for me to stand easy. He asked me if I had any experience as a group leader. I pointed out that I had been acting squadron leader on several occasions on the Resolute. He nodded his head and told me that they had just lost one of their squadron leaders to rotation and that he needed a man with experience to assume command of the replacement squadron leaders group. I inquired of him what squadron and he wanted to know if it mattered to me. I told him that it did not. He continued to ask me questions about my last assignments and I answered his questions with what I was allowed to say. When he had finished he assigned me as the second group leader to the Night Hawks.

    I had heard of them before. They had a reputation of being one of the most aggressive squadrons in this sector of space. They were known for their support of the bomber wings and that they had not lost one bomber to enemy interceptors. However, they had a high rate of loss to kill ratio when it came to ship-to-ship combat, using up more of their ships then necessary to protect the bombers they escorted.

    I was apprehensive at first about joining them this being my third hitch in this sector. I knew my luck had to run out eventually. However, I figured with the extra hazard duty pay, all I needed was one more tour and then I would have the money saved to buy my own ship and start the transport company I had dreamed about.

    I had located several ships that looked promising back in the outer galaxy. The only thing that stood between them and me was the credits to pay for one. Now with the Hallsworth Empire attempt to take over this sector of space, I felt that I soon would have what I needed.

    The hangar bay was filed with noise from the men preparing the ships for that day’s mission. Victor and Carl stepped through the hatch with the others and made their way towards their Intruders. They could see the ground crews installing armament into the ships as they walked through the hangar bay. Carl slapped Victor’s arm and pointed towards our ship. They could see a man walking around the ship looking into every thruster port. They watched as he reached inside of the ports and move his hand around the nozzle then move to another one.

    Victor and Carl walked up to the ship and over to the ground chief.

    Hay Chief, what is with the extra armament? We don’t need all of this for top cap. Carl said.

    What is with the inspection? Victor asked and nodded towards the man now looking at the drives.

    He is your new pilot. I suggest you start looking over your systems. He has already chewed my ass out for a bunch of things.

    Chief will you look at this. I yelled from the stern of the ship.

    Coming Sir. The chief replied and headed for the stern of the ship.

    Victor and Carl followed him towards the back of the ship.

    I suppose you two are my gunners. I said not looking at them.

    That is right. Victor replied.

    Let’s get one thing straight. I am in command of this ship. I expect my crew to be here when I am and that the ship is properly serviced. Chief, this induction filter is out of date I want it replace as soon as we return. You two make sure that your guns are checked out. I don’t plan on getting my ass shot off out there. Which one of you is the engineer?

    I am sir. Carl replied.

    It is your responsibility to make sure that this ship is ready to fly. I should not have to climb up here and do your job. I jumped down from the inspection platform. When we get back you will make sure that all of the faults that I have located are taken care of. Chief, how long before they will be finished loading?

    They are butting up the hatches now sir.

    Well, what are you standing around here for? We have a mission in thirty minutes. I walked past them and over to the side of the ship. I climbed up to the open cockpits and looked down at Victor and Carl as they climbed up and into their positions. Carl slid down into his seat and flipped the switch to activate the ships systems. He adjusted the eyepiece in his right eye and watched the ship as it ran through its diagnostics. He flipped another switch on the control panel bringing up the rest of the ships systems.

    Pilot the ship is operational. All systems are within parameters.

    Roger. Navigator.

    Mission files are being loaded forward guns are in alignment. Victor replied as he flipped the switches bringing up his guns.

    Roger. Engineer.

    Stern guns in alignment all systems are checked.

    Let’s button this thing up and get going.

    Ah there must be some mistake. These coordinates have us going with the rest of the squadron.

    There is no mistake. This is a maximum effort.

    But it is standing operating procedures for all new pilots to fly cover until they are checked out by the squadron or wing commander.

    That is right. Hornet ground control this is Night Hawk three.

    Night Hawk three you are cleared to maneuver to launch tube three Bravo.

    Roger ground control.

    I pushed the button on the controls and the canopy closed and secured over our heads sealing the ship off from the outside. The inside of the cockpit became dark. The only lights visible, was the faint glow from the control panel. The only other light I could see came from the flight controls in my right eyepiece. I could hear the hum of the circulating pumps as they moved the air through our suits and the cooling fans as they tried to keep us at an even temperature.

    I reached over and pushed the switch that activated the exterior cameras. The walls seemed to disappear and I could see the other ships as their crews began to close their canopies over their heads. I looked down the side of the ship and could see the ground crew as they finished pulling the red flags from the arming points. I looked around at the other ships as the last of them closed theirs sealing the crew inside. The ships now appeared as sleek weapons and ready to fight.

    The crew chief held up his arms then motion for the tie downs to be removed. The ground crew pulled the lines securing the ship to its landing pad. Then the crew chief held up one thumb so that I could see it. I flashed the ships lights in acknowledgement. He held up the other thumb and I reached over and applied power to the gravitrons. The Intruder rose up off the deck.

    The transport robot tug moved in front of the ship and attached itself to the front skid. It began to move the ship from its tie down pad and slowly made its way across the deck until it was in line with the rest of the ships waiting to enter the launch tubes. As soon as the ship was setting in the launch tube, it disengaged itself and darted out to move another ship into position.

    Hornet flight control Night Hawk three in launch tube three Bravo.

    Roger Night Hawk three you are cleared to launch. I heard in my ear.

    Roger control.

    I put my hands on the handles above my head and made sure that Carl and Victor were in their launch positions then I squeezed the trigger. The ship accelerated down the tube pressing us back into our seats then darted out of the tube into the darkness of space.

    As soon as the ship had cleared the tube, I grabbed the flight controls and applied power to the ship. I watched the images in my eyepiece showing me the flight controls as I brought the ship on course. I looked at one of the switches and the image changed showing me where the rest of the squadron was forming up. I adjusted the course and the ship moved towards the rest of the formation.

    As soon as the last ship formed up with the squadron, the wing jumped to their programmed coordinates. The stars shifted and the largest inhabitable planet of the Hecatoncheires appeared ahead of us. We could plainly see the large defense stations in orbit around the planet looking like small moons.

    Carl switched on his stern sensors and watched as the bomber groups began to drop out of their jumps. Victor looked at the front sensors for the image he knew was headed for us. They appeared to swarm out of the defense stations and head towards us.

    Here they come. Victor said.

    I see them. I replied.

    Night Hawks form up and proceed to your LP’s. Night Hawk one said.

    Roger Night Hawk one. I adjusted the angle of the ship so that it pulled up alongside of the lead ship.

    Shit the old man is giving him his checkout ride on this mission. Victor mumbled.

    As the enemy ships quickly approached, I veered the ship off from the lead ship. Carl watched his scanner as five other ships followed us up and away from the rest of the squadron. He looked over to his left and could see that another group of the squadron’s ships was moving down and away from the lead ship. Two more groups broke off then move away from the squadron leader. Carl turned his head and looked behind them. He could see the bombers as they moved in between the formation. He looked back towards the front and watched as the enemy ships continued to swarm towards us.

    Bombers are at LP. Carl said.

    All right here they come. Remember we are here to keep them off the bombers. Watch what you are shooting at. I reminded them.

    As soon as the attacking ships were within range, they opened fire. Victor locked on one of the lead ships and squeezed the trigger. The ship exploded as he found the next target. I kept the ship headed for the defense station that was our target for this mission. Victor and Carl both were now firing at the enemy fighters as they tried to attack the bombers. Several broke through our defenses and raced towards the bomber group. Carl brought his rear guns around and lined up on the moving targets. He fired hitting the back ship sending it tumbling off out of control.

    Scratch one.

    Well, scratch the other ones before they reach the bombers. I said.

    I don’t have a clear target. There is one of our ships chasing them in towards the bombers.

    Shit whose ship? I yelled and turned around to see. I could see my number five ship as it lined up on the enemy ship just as they came into range of the bomber groups guns. The bombers opened up on the two ships headed in their direction. Night Hawk two five, get back into formation. I said over the ship to ship. There was no reply. I looked back again and watched as the bombers opened fire on the two ships. The lead ship simply disappeared as the second ship broke off and tried to turn. Then it started to spin as the bomber concentrated their fire on it then it exploded.

    I quickly looked forward as more ships started firing at us. I maneuvered the ship to avoid colliding with one of the ships that Victor had hit. Victor had already picked out another ship and was firing at it as I lined up on the next one.

    The defense station loomed before us blocking most of the view of the planet below. I brought our ship around to our attack course just as the enemy ships broke off and moved away out of range of the defense stations guns. Then the defense station opened fire. I could see the large energy beams streaked out from the stations creating streaks as they passed us. The image lingered for a few microseconds as the cameras refreshed.


    We are on course. Just keep it steady. Victor replied calmly as he brought up our targeting system. He located one of the cannons that had fired on us and returned fire. The rocket darted out from our ship and raced in toward the gun emplacement. When it impacted with the guns turret, it exploded causing the turret to explode. Got it. Victor yelled.

    Well, get some of the others. Carl yelled as he fired at several of the enemy ships that were still attacking us from behind.

    I could hear the bombers as they started their runs on the planet’s surface below and our group that was attacking this defense station. Then there were massive explosions on the surface below us as the rest of our squadron made their run on the station.

    Weapons away. Victor said.

    The bombers are attacking. Carl said. Here come their fighters again.

    I tried to look back behind us to see what he was talking about. I could see the three other ships in my group and two other groups as they broke off from the station with the bomber close behind. I brought our ship around and started for the rendezvous point. Just as I brought the ship around their fighters opened up on us again. Carl brought up all of the stern weapons and began returning fire.

    They have hit number twenty-three ship and they are on number Twenty-four.

    Give them all of the support you can. I am going to spin us around. I pulled the throttles back on the starboard drives and applied power to the port drive while firing the port thrusters. The ship spun around and as it approached the oncoming ships. I applied starboard thrusters and pushed the throttles on both drives to the stops. The ship responded and darted back towards the attacking ships. I could see the twenty-two ships as it tried to turn and head back with me. I looked forward as six enemy ships started their runs on the twenty-four ships. Victor opened fire on the lead ship hitting it just behind the cockpit. The ship exploded sending parts into its wingman’s ship. The crippled second ship slowed as the other ships pressed their attack on us. My second ship move alongside of me and followed me back towards our other ships. We both opened fire and they broke off from the twenty-four ships. We streaked by the twenty-four ships and raced after the other ships. Six more of their ships appeared and we began to fire on them. By the time the twenty-four-ships joined us there was twenty ships darting around in space trying to attack our bombers.

    Here comes some more of them. I heard Carl say. The bombers are clear.

    Don’t you think it is time we bugged out of here? Victor asked as he fired on one of the ships I had lined up before us.

    Twenty-two and twenty-four break off and head for the rendezvous point. I found a hole that was clear and applied power. The ship darted away from the others. Are they behind us?

    Yes, I see them along with most of the other ships. They are not heading for the bomber they are still after us. Carl replied.

    We must have pissed them off or something. I replied as I brought the ship to the heading for the rendezvous point.

    The old man is not going to like us bring them along. Victor said. There is another group headed this way.

    I continued on course towards the rendezvous point as the enemy ships closed on us.

    Twenty-two and Twenty-four, jump to the primary point on my command. Now. I said. Our ship appeared at the point where we had jumped into the system. Do you see them? I asked.

    See who? Victor asked confused.

    I have two ships off our starboard side. Carl said as he brought his targeting system on them.

    Hold your fire. Night Hawk Twenty-two, Night Hawk Twenty-four do you hear me?

    Night Hawk Three yes I see you. That tick sure worked.

    I bet you they are still chasing each other back there. Night Hawk Twenty-four replied.

    Well, we need to get back to the others. I said and adjusted our course back towards the planet.

    We could see the defense station we had hit as the explosions continued to erupt from it along with two more of the stations that the other wings had attacked.

    Navigator what have you got on the long range?

    I see the squadron forming up at the rendezvous point. Here comes the bomber group back from the planet’s surface. We are going to be late. Victor said.

    I just kept the ship on course toward the bomber wing as our wing formed up with them again. I knew we could intercept them before we jumped back to the pickup point.

    We got company again. I count twenty; no thirty ships all headed this way. Victor said.

    I looked at my display and could see only one group behind us, but three groups headed towards us.

    What is behind us engineer?

    You know those ships we jumped away from. They are behind us again.

    Crap we are going to be between them real soon. Victor said.

    How are our stores?

    I am down to twenty percent. Victor said. I have five mark tens left and three scorpions.

    I am down to fifteen percent with ten rounds for the ion cannons.

    Night Hawk group this is Night Hawk group three. Slow down and let the bombers behind us catch up. Keep your eyes open for their fighters and do not let them pass.

    What bombers? Carl asked.

    Shut up. I replied over the ships comm. Night Hawk group leader Twenty-two break off to the starboard and form up with your group. Night Hawk group leader Twenty-four break off to the port and form up with your group.

    What the hell are you doing? Victor asked.

    I am trying to get us out of here in one piece and get the bombers and the rest of our squadron out of that trap they are headed for. Look out to the port side at that station. Do you see them?

    Where the hell did they come from?

    They could see the massive formation headed straight for the bombers and the rest of the wing as two more of the huge defense stations appeared.

    All right, you two switch to one of the bomber channel and sound like a bomber group. Maybe we can draw some of them off so the rest can jump away.

    Victor and Carl both switch to the bomber command and began talking as if they were bombers. Then I heard both of the other Night Hawks doing the same thing. We continued until the enemy ships behind us were just out of range.

    Here they come. Victor said. Some of the others are breaking off from the wing and headed this way.

    As soon as the wing jumps, I want you to open fire with everything we have left. Night Hawk group Twenty-two and Twenty-four, as soon as the other wing jumps attack with all stores then initiate jump instructions. I said.

    Roger, squadron leader. Night Hawk Twenty-two replied.

    Roger squadron leader. Night Hawk Twenty-four replied.

    There they go. Victor said as the bombers started jumping.

    I looked at my scanner and watched as the rest of our wing jumped.

    Fire. I said.

    All three ships launched the remaining stores they had onboard. The two groups of enemy ships began to returned fire. I quickly called up the jump coordinates then pushed the jump lever and the stars shifted. I looked all around for the other two ships and the rest of our wing.

    What have you got? I asked.

    Not a damn thing out to the limit of the scanner. Victor said.

    Twenty-two and Twenty-four just dropped out.

    The rest have to be here some place. Victor said.

    I have a large force behind us. Carl yelled.

    How many? I asked and tried to look behind the ship.

    Seventy-five to hundred ships.

    Whose? I asked.

    Night Hawks this is Night Hawk leader form up on me and let’s go home.

    Night Hawk leader this is Night Hawk Three.

    Night Hawk three it is good that you can join us. I heard the Wing Exec say.

    Night Hawk Leader we kind of over shot the jump area. We will be there in five minutes.

    Roger Night Hawk Three.

    I brought the ship around and headed for the formation. Night Hawks Twenty-two and Twenty-four joined up and followed us.

    We walked into the debriefing room and I followed Victor and Carl over to the debriefing table. They sat down on the edge of the table and looked at me. I looked down at the three men with their tablets before them. The middleman finished entering some data on the tablet then looked up at me.

    Are you the pilot?

    That is right. I replied.

    Name? The man sitting to his left asked.

    Jared Jenkins, pilot. I replied. He entered the information then asked Victor who he was.

    Victor Sorrento, navigator gunner Victor replied.

    And you? He asked Carl.

    Carl Morock engineer gunner.

    All right let’s start at the beginning. What did you see when you jumped? The middleman asked.

    Each of us went over what we had seen and what we had done up to the time we jumped back to the fleet. The three men kept adding notes to the tablets before them as we spoke. After we had gone over the mission for the third time, the middleman looked up at us.

    All right we will submit our report. I expect that your Squadron leader will want you to explain your actions further to him. You can leave.

    I watched as he put his thumb to the reader on the tablet then opened a new file. I followed Carl and Victor out of the doors and as soon as they started for their ready room, I stopped them.

    Where do you think you two are going? They stopped and looked at me. There are filters that need to be changed and I what those guns looked at. You missed more shots than you hit out there. I am not going to put my life on the line just because you two have short timer’s attitude. I know you both think you are short and all you have to do is kick back and wait until you ship out. Well, I have fifty-six more to do before I get out and I do not want to be killed because you two don’t want to do your jobs. As soon as you get into some working clothes, I expect to see you working on the ship. I walked past them and headed towards the pilot’s area.

    Who the hell does he think he is? One of the other ships crewmen asked.

    He is our pilot. Victor replied.

    Your guns could stand looking at too. I will not always be there to get them off your ass Gerildoph. Carl said.

    I walked into the noisy locker room and made my way over to the locker that I had been assigned. I could see that my name was not on the door yet as I opened it. I looked around at the others as they changed into their work uniforms. Then I started pulling off the panels that made up my vacuum suit and stored them in the locker. By the time I had finished, most of the others were on their way back to their quarters. I finished fastening on my boots then shut the door on my locker. As I started for the door, the Wing Exec stepped in front of me.

    What the hell was that you pulled out there? He asked.


    You knew your orders. You were to protect the bombers than attack station Delta not go running after strays.

    We did not run after stray’s sir. One of my ships was being attacked by a superior force all we did was to rescue one of our own from being destroyed.

    And losing two other ships in the process.

    No sir we did not. Ship Twenty-five went after some of their ships that had slipped between your group and us. They were fired upon and destroyed by the bombers as they tried to return. Ship Twenty-three was destroyed when we were jumped by another group after our run on the Delta. We were jumped by more ships as we tried to join up with the rest of the fleet. It was my decision to jump us away to our insertion point, and then try to join back up with the rest of the wing. When we jumped, they followed us out there. As we started to return to the rendezvous point, we ran into more of their ships waiting for the next wing. I could also see another group that was laying in ambush for our wing. The only thing I could think to do was to try to distract them long enough, so that you and the bombers could escape.

    That is all, Pilot. You will stand down until a full inquiry into your actions has been convened.

    Yes Sir. I replied through clinched teeth. I watched the Exec as he left the pilots area. Two other pilots who had flown with my group walked up.

    What did the prick want this time? Pilot Tacknike back face asked.

    I turned and looked at the front face of the Svetovit and I could see his left face sticking his tongue out at the Exec as he walked out through the hatch.

    He does not trust any of us ‘aliens’. I want to thank you for coming back for us. I looked over at the tall dog looking creature that had just walked over. I am Pilot Galdoph of ship twenty-four." Galdoph said. He extended his paw out to me. I grabbed it and shook.

    I am Pilot Tacknike ship twenty-two. Tacknike said.

    It is nice to meet all of you. I am Jared Jenkins ship three. I replied as I shook their extended hands.

    That was a neat tick spinning your ship like that. Tacknike left face said.

    My old squadron leader insisted that we learn how to do that. It has got me out of trouble several times.

    We had heard that a retread had been assigned to the group. Tacknike left face said.

    You have an accent I cannot place. Tacknike back face said.

    English is not my main language.

    Where are you from if you do not mind me asking? Tacknike back face asked.

    I do. If you will excuse me. I said and started for the hatch.

    I guess he doesn’t like alien’s either. Galdoph said. Let’s go.

    I stopped at the hatch and looked back at them.

    Who were on ships twenty-three and twenty-five? I asked.

    Ship twenty-three was pilot Babbote, he was a Felinae. Galdoph said. Ship twenty-five was a new man. He was just checked out a little while ago. I do not know his name.

    It was Pilot Tretin, he was an Nāga. The right side face of Tacknike said.

    To let you know, I do not have any problems with you being different. The planet I grew up on, I was classified as the alien. Tell your crews that they did really good out there no matter what the Exec says. We saved a lot of the bomber pilots lives and a lot of others. I turned and headed out the hatch. Outside in the corridor there were two more Svetovits and two more Fenrir standing there. I nodded to them and continued towards the hangar deck.

    I had almost made it through the hatch when my comlink sounded in my ear. The old man wanted to see me in his office. I replied that I was on my way and continued towards my ship. As I approached, I could see Carl up on the lift working on the port drive. I did not see Victor anywhere.

    Where is Victor? I asked.

    He has gone to get the alignment station for the guns. Carl yelled down to me.

    All right tell him that I have been called to the Wing Commander’s office. I’ll come back as soon as he has finished chewing me out.

    Yes Sir.

    I am not an office, so you do not have to sir me. I am just a pilot.

    I know. Carl replied and tossed the bad filter down to the deck. You were right it is almost a year out of date and so is the other drive. Toss me up the replacement before you run off.

    Here you go. I replied and tossed up the new induction filter to him.

    I made my way through the ship to the Wing Commanders office. I walked up to the Wing Commander’s hatch and banged on the door. The hatch moved back into the wall and I walked into the office then over to the desk and came to attention. The Wing Commander just kept reading the tablet in front of him. When he had finished he set it down and looked up at me.

    All right that finishes your checkout ride. Where did you learn to spin a ship like that?

    My last Squadron Leader taught me how. He felt we should know how to get back to where we started as fast as we could.

    Well, that fancy flying didn’t do you much good today. You lost two of your ships and six crew members. I heard behind me.

    I looked towards the voice and saw my Squadron Leader and the Exec standing there. The Exec’s face was red with rage.

    I lost one ship to enemy fighters when we were jumped as we pulled up from the stations surface. The other ship went after the three fighters that gotten by one of the other sections and were headed for the bombers. He got two before the bombers shot him. If you ask me I would say you need to talk to the bomber crews about ship identification.

    Nobody asked you. The Exec replied.

    That is enough. The Wing Commander said. Pilot Jenkins you will assume command of third group. Two new pilots and crews will be assigned as soon as they complete their checkout rides. Do you have any problems working with the aliens?

    No sir.

    Very good. You are dismissed.

    I saluted the Wing Commander and started out of his office. I could hear the Exec start to complain about me being assigned the group before I was out of the room. The hatch closed behind me blocking the Wing Commander’s reply.

    As I walked down the corridor, the two pilots that had flown with me that day stopped me.

    We hear that you are the new third group commander. Galdoph said.

    They are in there arguing about that right now. Why? I replied as I pointed over my shoulder.

    We were on our way to see the old man about a transfer from the group. Tacknike back face said.

    Shut up. The front face said.

    That is up to you. I replied. As far as I am concerned I don’t give a shit if I am the leader or not. If one of you wants it, go tell the Wing Commander and I will gladly step aside. I pushed past them and continued down the corridor.

    That is not what I wanted to talk to you about. Tacknike front face said.

    What do you want? I asked and turned back towards them.

    I want you to teach me how to do that turn you did today. You left me in your dust out there. If I am going to be your second I think I should be able to keep up with you. Galdoph said.

    It is easy I will show you as soon as we get over these milk runs.

    Milk runs he says. Tacknike left side face replied.

    Shut up. The front face said. The only thing I want to know is if you are going to stick up for us or are you going to be like our last leader and hang us out every mission?

    What do you mean?

    What he is trying not to say is do you like aliens or not? Galdoph asked.

    I have flown with all types and I have seen this on both of my other ships. Most of the time, it was brought on by the aliens not wanting to be with me. If you want to fly with me, fly with me. If not, the Commanders office is down the hallway. If you fly with me, you will fly how I tell you and do what I tell you when I tell you. I am not going to let anyone get me killed trying to do something they are not able to do. In return, I will scare the shit out of you every time we go out and stick up for you when we get back. You two caught on to what I was doing faster than I did when my commander pulled it on me the first time. No, I do not have any problems flying with aliens of any type and that includes human aliens. Anything else?

    Tacknike and Galdoph both shook their heads and continued down the corridor towards the Wing Commander’s office. I tuned and continued back towards the hangar deck. I stopped after a few feet and yelled back towards them.

    Who was your last group Leader?

    The Squadron Leader. They both replied.

    Chapter Two

    I pushed the button closing the canopy over our heads. Once again, the inside of the cockpit became dark. The only lights visible, was the faint glow from the control panel. The only other light I could see came from the flight controls in my right eyepiece. I listened to the circulating pumps as they moved the air through our suits and the cooling fans as they tried to keep us at an even temperature. Somehow, this time they sounded different. I reached over and pushed the switch that activated the exterior cameras then looked all around to make sure that they working.

    The walls had disappeared and I could see the other ships as their crews began to close their canopies over their heads. I looked down the side of the ship and could see the ground crew as they finished pulling the red flags from the arming points. Then I looked back towards Carl and could see him finishing his checks.

    It smells a little better in here this time. What did you do take a shower before suiting up? I asked.

    No, I changed all the scrubbing filters. Victor replied.

    No complaints about where we are headed this time. I asked.

    No. Victor replied.

    The crew chief held up his arms then motion for the tie downs to be removed. The ground crew pulled the lines securing the ship to its landing pad. Then the crew chief held up one thumb so that I could see it. I flashed the ships lights in acknowledgement. He held up the other thumb and I reached over and applied power to the gravitrons. The Intruder rose up off the deck and he moved away from the ship.

    The transport robot tug moved in front of the ship and attached itself to the front skid. Then it began to move the ship from its tie down pad. It slowly made its way across the deck until it was in line with the rest of the ships waiting to enter the tubes. As soon as the ship was setting in the tube, it disengaged itself and darted out of the launch tube.

    Hornet flight control Night Hawk three in launch tube four Delta.

    Roger Night Hawk three you are cleared to launch. I heard in my ear.

    Roger control.

    I put my hands on the handles above my head and made sure that Carl and Victor were in their launch positions then I squeezed the trigger. Once again,

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