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The Delivery Girl
The Delivery Girl
The Delivery Girl
Ebook37 pages40 minutes

The Delivery Girl

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About this ebook

May is a broke college student working for a food delivery app. After a long day, she assumes that her delivery to a pair of beautiful older women will be like any other. It turns out to be anything but when the women offer her a chance to earn some extra money just for undressing and taking a spanking. May is conflicted but agrees, because she needs the cash. Things don't stop there, though, and what started as just a gig ends up paying off for May in more ways than one.

8,657 words. Featuring: spanking, vibrators, multiple orgasms, and two older lesbians double-teaming a college girl.

PublisherMaeve Ray
Release dateJul 5, 2020
The Delivery Girl

Maeve Ray

Maeve Ray is a writer and student living with her family in California. She is a shameless dweeb, cat lover, homebody, and proud purveyor of reprehensible smut, who couldn't settle on one kink to save her life. To request a custom story, contact

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    Book preview

    The Delivery Girl - Maeve Ray

    The Delivery Girl

    By Maeve Ray

    Copyright Maeve Ray 2020

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The food delivery job wasn’t great, but May couldn’t afford to turn her nose up at the chance to make some extra scratch. It was the only job that she could fit around classes and work study (AKA: slowly dying in a dismal office that hadn’t been redecorated since 1977). She had a car and a phone and didn’t mind spending hours driving around talking to people as little as possible.

    Creepy guys were probably the worst part of the job. She’d learned to stand as far as she could from the door and act dumb at every stupid pass from some dude who had a pizza girl fantasy. She carried some pepper spray in her pocket and sometimes when she delivered at night she was very grateful she had it.

    There were fun moments though; like the time she’d delivered several bags of Mexican food to a frat house, and the dudebro-looking guys who answered the door had spent five minutes gushing about her Pokémon tattoo; or when a seven-year-old girl answered the door and calmly accepted and paid for the pizzas, then tipped her with ten cents in pennies because, You have blue hair. Blue is the best color.

    She’d just gotten out of class an hour and a half ago and was on her second delivery, some pastries and sandwiches from some fancy bakery. She’d probably make two, maybe three, more then go home to her stack of homework. If past experience held true, she’d probably also come home to a sink full of dishes and her teary-eyed roommate ready to vent about her boyfriend.

    May turned into a cul-de-sac of upscale townhouses. After parking, she gave herself a moment to stretch and ready herself for what would hopefully be a brief, simple social interaction .

    She double-checked the address on her phone, then stepped out of the car with the food in hand. The outside of number twelve was immaculate, the lawn obnoxiously well-maintained. She rocked impatiently back and

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