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Backstory to T-H-B: Luke, Jeremy, & Natalia: The Coded Message Trilogy
Backstory to T-H-B: Luke, Jeremy, & Natalia: The Coded Message Trilogy
Backstory to T-H-B: Luke, Jeremy, & Natalia: The Coded Message Trilogy
Ebook59 pages44 minutes

Backstory to T-H-B: Luke, Jeremy, & Natalia: The Coded Message Trilogy

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Read how Luke, Jeremy, and Natalia became friends well before T-H-B, book one of The Coded Message Trilogy, started in this speculative fiction ebook novella. Despite how two friends vie to romance the same girl, they still wind up remaining friends, but difficult decisions must be made. This novella has the same science fiction feel and the humorous banter between Luke and Jeremy as the original trilogy. If you enjoy clean romance and stories that put a smile on your face, you'll love this one. Plus, it will help you appreciate the original trilogy even more.

Release dateOct 20, 2018
Backstory to T-H-B: Luke, Jeremy, & Natalia: The Coded Message Trilogy

Randy C Dockens

I grew up in the South, but have lived north of the Mason-Dixon line for many years now. It seems funny now, but growing up I was told I talked like a Yankee, but after moving north, I am told I talk like a Southerner. Go figure! Science has always been an interest of mine, as well as the Bible, and both have shaped my perspective on just about everything. Yet, I think I have always had a creative side, too. It's just taken longer for it to surface through all the science, I guess. I have a doctorate in both pharmacokinetics (mathematical description of drug concentrations in the body) and in Biblical prophecy. I want people to understand that both science and faith can exist together, and, in fact, go hand in hand. I believe our future will be a positive one and be scientifically advanced where technology itself will become a way one can offer up worship. I like for my books to be both fun to read and have a strong scientific bent to them. I, with my wife and kids, live outside Philadelphia in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. You can visit my website at Visit me on Facebook:

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    Book preview

    Backstory to T-H-B - Randy C Dockens


    Luke, Jeremy, and Natalia

    One:    Astronomy Caddy

    Two:    Jeremy Meets Natalia

    Three:  Luke Has Feelings for Natalia

    Four:    Jealous

    Five:    Rivalry

    Six:    Feeling Distanced

    Seven: Friendship on the Line


    Astronomy Caddy

    Luke closed the tubular cases containing the telescopes and locked them. He threw one over his right shoulder and attempted to do the same with the other over his left. The cases collided as they jutted behind him, however, causing one to fall from his shoulder. He heard snickering from the other bed in his dorm room.

    Luke turned and gave Jeremy, his roommate since they took chemistry together their first semester, an incredulous stare. Jeremy was a great friend, but at times he could be a royal pain. No snickers appreciated from the peanut gallery, Luke snarled.

    Jeremy chuckled again. Sorry. You just look like a spider with a couple of broken legs.

    Luke rolled his eyes. Yeah, today he was a royal pain. You could help, you know.

    Oh, I’m happy to just be a peanut here in the gallery. Luke just rolled his eyes again.

    Jeremy suddenly looked serious and pointed to an unopened book on his bed. I have to study for a chem exam.

    Luke plopped onto his bed, causing the cases to fall to the floor around his feet. Jeremy, you need to study chemistry as much as I need to think about how to drink water.

    Jeremy gave him a blank stare. Come again?

    Luke sighed. I just mean, it comes naturally to you. Remember when you were . . . Luke did air quotes. . . . helping me . . . learn how to balance chemical reaction equations?

    Jeremy furrowed his brow.

    When I asked you how you knew they were right, you said, ‘It just looks right.’

    Jeremy shrugged. "Well, they were right."

    "Yeah. That’s my point. Chemistry to you is like drinking water for other people. You don’t have to think about it. So, you don’t have to study. He pointed at the cases at his feet. You need to help me."

    Jeremy laughed. That’s the lamest guilt trip I’ve ever heard. He shook his head. You’re pathetic.

    Luke knew Jeremy was just trying to goad him, but he wasn’t going to fall into his trap. He needed to get these telescopes to class soon or he would be late. He didn’t want to be late for the meteor shower happening tonight. Plus, being there would be 25 percent of his grade. This was part of his major, and he couldn’t afford to do poorly.

    Jeremy stood and held out his hands. OK, I’ll be your telescope caddy. Give me one.

    Luke smiled and handed a case to Jeremy. He picked up the other, threw the strap over his shoulder, and picked up the case of lenses, his astronomy star chart, and his electronic notebook. Thanks, Jeremy.

    Jeremy shrugged. I can’t stand to see a helpless lightweight in over his head.

    Luke shot him an evil eye, albeit a quick one. He was determined not to fall into a verbal bashing trap. Both of them exercised regularly, and Luke knew he could bench press as much as Jeremy. Yet, he couldn’t help making at least one retort. They’re just bulky, Jeremy.

    Jeremy perked up. Oh, thanks for recognizing my physique.

    Luke held the dorm building door open as Jeremy walked through. Luke rolled his eyes again. Yeah, that’s exactly what I was doing.

    Jeremy laughed. So, why two telescopes anyway? Trying to impress the prof?

    Luke opened the trunk of one of the school’s self-driving taxis. "One of my classmates needs a telescope,

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