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Statistical Inference in Financial and Insurance Mathematics with R
Statistical Inference in Financial and Insurance Mathematics with R
Statistical Inference in Financial and Insurance Mathematics with R
Ebook292 pages1 hour

Statistical Inference in Financial and Insurance Mathematics with R

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Finance and insurance companies are facing a wide range of parametric statistical problems. Statistical experiments generated by a sample of independent and identically distributed random variables are frequent and well understood, especially those consisting of probability measures of an exponential type. However, the aforementioned applications also offer non-classical experiments implying observation samples of independent but not identically distributed random variables or even dependent random variables.

Three examples of such experiments are treated in this book. First, the Generalized Linear Models are studied. They extend the standard regression model to non-Gaussian distributions. Statistical experiments with Markov chains are considered next. Finally, various statistical experiments generated by fractional Gaussian noise are also described.

In this book, asymptotic properties of several sequences of estimators are detailed. The notion of asymptotical efficiency is discussed for the different statistical experiments considered in order to give the proper sense of estimation risk. Eighty examples and computations with R software are given throughout the text.

  • Examines a range of statistical inference methods in the context of finance and insurance applications
  • Presents the LAN (local asymptotic normality) property of likelihoods
  • Combines the proofs of LAN property for different statistical experiments that appears in financial and insurance mathematics
  • Provides the proper description of such statistical experiments and invites readers to seek optimal estimators (performed in R) for such statistical experiments
Release dateNov 22, 2017
Statistical Inference in Financial and Insurance Mathematics with R

Alexandre Brouste

Alexandre Brouste is a Professor in Statistics with the Institute of Risk and Insurance at Le Mans University, France

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    Book preview

    Statistical Inference in Financial and Insurance Mathematics with R - Alexandre Brouste

    Statistical Inference in Financial and Insurance Mathematics with R

    Alexandre Brouste

    Optimization in Insurance and Finance Set

    coordinated by

    Nikolaos Limnios and Yuliya Mishura

    Table of Contents


    Title page




    List of Notations


    Part 1: Inference in Parametric Statistical Experiments

    1: Statistical Experiments


    1.1 Dominated and homogeneous statistical experiments

    1.2 Experiments generated by a sample of independent and identically distributed random variables

    1.3 Probability measures of exponential type

    2: Statistical Inference


    2.1 Asymptotic properties of sequences of estimators

    2.2 Examples of sequences of estimators

    2.3 Asymptotic normality

    3: Asymptotic Efficiency


    3.1 Likelihood ratio, local asymptotic properties of the likelihoods and the van Trees inequality

    3.2 LAN property for different statistical experiments

    3.3 Asymptotic efficiency of some sequence of estimators

    Part 2: Statistical Inference for Insurance

    4: Statistical Experiments in Insurance


    4.1 Statistical inference in generalized linear models

    4.2 Score and Fisher information of GLM statistical experiments

    4.3 Asymptotic properties of the sequence of maximum likelihood estimators

    4.4 Numerical approximations of the sequence of maximum likelihood estimators

    Part 3: Statistical Inference for Finance

    5: Homogeneous Diffusion Processes


    5.1 Examples of pricing in finance

    5.2 Examples of closed-form transition probability density functions

    5.3 Simulation of diffusions

    5.4 General classes of diffusion processes

    6: Statistical Experiments in Finance


    6.1 Large-sample convergence scheme

    6.2 Mixed convergence scheme

    6.3 High-frequency convergence scheme

    Appendix 1: Cholesky Method

    Appendix 2: L²(ν)-Differentiable Family of Probability Measures

    A2.1 Differentiability in quadratic mean

    A2.2 More regular models

    A2.3 Classical examples

    Appendix 3: Stochastic Calculus

    Itô’s integral and Itô’s formula

    Itô’s formula for diffusion processes




    To Sophie, Aurèle and Lucie


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    British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

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    Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

    A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress

    ISBN 978-1-78548-083-6

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    Alexandre Brouste October 2017

    This book summarizes lectures which I have given for eight years in a Master course in Statistics for Finance and Insurance at Le Mans University and the Institute of Risk and Insurance. This book is thus dedicated to students, engineers and practitioners interested in mathematical statistics and parametric estimation in general.

    Our statistics team is historically focused on statistics for stochastic processes and their applications. Statistical inference for continuously observed stochastic processes has mainly been developed here by Yury Kutoyants for Markov processes and Marina Kleptsyna for long-memory processes. I hope this book can contribute to this local story.

    I would also like to thank Alison Bates, Christophe Dutang, Didier Loiseau, Mathieu Rosenbaum and Alexandre Popier for taking some of their precious time to carry out a careful revision. I am equally grateful to all the other people who support me in my everyday life.

    When I was young, my grandfather Charles Brouste offered me a book that I had chosen randomly on the little mathematical shelf of a small bookshop in Pau, France. This book was a lecture on mathematical statistics by Alain Monfort and it has never left me. A love of mathematics (more especially statistics) and fond memories of the pleasure felt when I managed to solve the problems given to me by my grandfather in summer times also never left me. If one person reading this book chooses to work harder in mathematical statistics, it will not have been written in vain.

    List of Notations

    is the indicator function of A, or 0 accordingly as x A or x A.

    – * is the transposition.

    is the σ.

    – ∘ is the composition of two applications.


    – δa .

    – ∇ is the gradient (nabla symbol).

    – h·ν: the probability measure h·ν is defined by

    – Ip is the p × p identity matrix.

    is the set of positive integers.

    is the set of strictly positive integers.

    is the distribution of a Gaussian random variable of mean μ and variance σ².

    is the real line.

    is the set of positive real numbers.

    is the set of strictly positive real numbers.

    is the (d-dimensional Euclidean space.

    – σ (Yu, 0 ≤ u s) is the σ-algebra generated by the process Yu.


    Finance and insurance companies are facing a wide range of mathematical problems. The former consider, for instance, the valuation of common derivative securities (call and put options, forward and future contracts, swaps) in complete or incomplete financial markets as well as the economic consumption and investment problem; the latter consider the tarification of insurance premia and claims reserving. The present volume is dedicated to the statistical estimation of the key parameters in some of the aforementioned considerations in finance and insurance.

    The notion of statistical experiment generated by an observation sample is introduced in the first part of this book with the notion of statistical inference of the unknown parameter (and the notion of sequence of estimators). In order to evaluate a sequence of estimators when the size of the observation sample increases and then to compare it with others, several asymptotic properties of sequences of estimators are defined, such as consistency, asymptotic normality and asymptotic efficiency. Different sequences of estimators of the unknown parameter (maximum likelihood estimators and Bayesian estimators) are also presented.

    Statistical experiments generated by a sample of independent and identically distributed random variables are relatively common in the aforementioned applications. Such classical experiments are well understood theoretically, especially those with probability measures of exponential type. They are fully described in this book, and we pay special attention to the so-called Gaussian shift statistical experiment. Indeed, in this setting, the sequence of maximum likelihood estimators is consistent, asymptotically normal and asymptotically efficient.

    However, finance and insurance applications also offer non-classical statistical experiments. Three examples of non-classical statistical experiments are treated in this book.

    First, the generalized linear models are studied. They extend the standard regression model to non-Gaussian distributions. In this case, the random variables of the observation sample are neither identically distributed nor Gaussian. These models are famous for the tarification of insurance premia and are described in the second part of this book. In these statistical experiments, the sequence of maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameter is shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal under proper assumptions. This sequence of estimators is generally not in

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