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Ebook378 pages5 hours


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It is April 2065. The White House is now a mere memento from an age long gone, the Pentagon is now a daunting tower that watches over all, and the people have embraced the security with open arms. Enforcing this new world order is William Marconi, just one of an elite super soldier army of 144, 000. Part man and part machine, it is his sworn duty to annihilate any suspected threat to the new utopia. In a single heartbeat, however, William is faced with an opponent he has never known the likes of. Civilian and soldier alike become victims in a bloodbath that threatens to consume all he knows. In order to win, he’ll have to question his allies, his enemies, and himself.

Release dateJun 9, 2017

Joshua Landeros

Greetings, everyone Welcome to my humble little page where I am building my self-publishing business. Ever since I was in grade school I loved the art of writing. As a compulsive TV/movie/book addict, I always wanted to tell my own stories. So I started working on my first novel way back in high school, several really, but none that pleased me. Finally, I picked a story I believed would connect with people and also test my limits as a writer. Thus, my first book "Reverence" was born. Ever since I discovered the wonders of self-publishing, I realized we live in an age where authors do not have to beg at the feet of big publishers to see the light of day. Though it takes A LOT of hard work and dedication (and unmentionable amounts of coffee), I find writing my stories probably the most fulfilling experience in my life. This page will detail my works as they are published, starting with "Reverence Volume 1" which was published early 2016 but was re-released in December. My books touch on a lot of topics that I find relevant in our world today, among them war, poverty, political apathy, family, all wrapped in engrossing sci-fi epics with plenty of action and touches of humor. That being said, let the books speak for themselves and check them out. Please like, share, and thank you for all the support guys!

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