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Shattered, Shattered People, and Shattered Future: The Congolese Situation
Shattered, Shattered People, and Shattered Future: The Congolese Situation
Shattered, Shattered People, and Shattered Future: The Congolese Situation
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Shattered, Shattered People, and Shattered Future: The Congolese Situation

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No doctor can heal effectively any patient, when he or neglects to acknowledge the pertinence of the mind in the healing process.

This book is about reminding Congolese politicians of the need to heal the mind of the nation and in informing our people that, in general, Leucoderm people are the root of all our problems.

The national leadership and most of our intellectuals have failed strategically to direct their fingers towards White people of the Western world and their capitalism, while they have excelled in proposing Westernized solutions to the Congolese disease and in ignoring squarely the negative incidence of the colonization of our people and the post-colonial strategies to keep the nation subliminally weak.

The solution to the Congolese situation is a collective catharsis and the building of a platform where Black people will have to create the wealth for their people, and service it among themselves in a Black people globalized world.

Release dateDec 22, 2016
Shattered, Shattered People, and Shattered Future: The Congolese Situation

Basona Bankoy-Bongo Lokondo

Basona Lokondo was born out of an illegitimate relationship and raised in a very challenging environment where he has not always been welcome. Although dysfunctionalities has been part of his growing space, they have not corroded very much his soul; instead, they have helped him a lot to build his character and his rebellious vision to erect a society where equality, fairness, protection of the weakest, and inner betterment are going to be the foundation.

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    Shattered, Shattered People, and Shattered Future - Basona Bankoy-Bongo Lokondo


    The present document has been written in order to provide the Democratic Republic of Congo’s political and economic deciders and actors, with a leadership and managerial guideline for the development of our nation.

    When used in concert with other tomes, all the ideas put in, are intended to stimulate best inspirations and intuitions, while repetitively insisting, on the need to be fully aware of our perennial enemies’ psychological make-up and modus operandi.

    As it can be understood, the present work is a continuation of the presentation of our vision and supportive ideas in order to shake at its core, the political establishment and settings in Congo, in a way, never done before.

    This work is the personal vision of one individual who cares deeply about the lethargy of Black people, in general, and that of Congolese citizens in particular.

    As you can see, all the dominated races and/or cultures, have started to wake up, as it is noticeable on international stages. But, unfortunately, Melanoderm people of Africa and their diasporas, and those of the rest of the world, i.e., India, Oceania and Asia seem to fully enjoy their profound sleep.

    We have found essential that we provide our contribution in that, what we call, shock therapeutics, to try to break up with this pattern of somnolence, because, no one who sleeps, can stand a chance, when the premises are invaded by predators.

    The law of predators is to kill, and it is essential that we arm our people with strategic guidelines for personal leadership and management; the present work aims at preparing the ground for that.

    As a vision, it might not fit all the situations and be embraced by all people. But, it is not, because, it does not fit all situations and fail to meet unanimity, that, the vision has not to be discussed or embraced.

    We urge all Congolese intellectuals and politicians with moral decency to go through political literature and vision presented by all national politicians of our beloved country and compared ideas.

    We beg all Congolese intellectuals and politicians with a minimum standard of honesty to say aloud whether or not we, as a community of people, have failed to describe the cause root of our problems.

    We did not want to be diplomatic or hypocritical, when all our people have conclusively understood that our misery stems from the disruptive encounter that we had with White people, the colonization and the post-colonial domination.

    We have argued in tome 1 that White people are a biological software designed to harm and create serious havoc, and evidence is everywhere.

    We have stated that, the capitalism is not in our nature, and we should not expect it to relieve us.

    Who else in the Democratic Republic of Congo had already had this courage to direct the finger where it has to be directed.

    We maintain the judgment made against White people, and continue at the present time to argue that the understanding of the past subliminal interference of White colonial power and post-colonial modus operandi of Westerners are essential, if we want to access to world respectability.

    We are of opinion that people’s catharsis, spiritual knowledge and anchorage, and the knowledge of the mind are paramount to catch up with the Western world and the waking up of Asia.

    We have the advantage of being fully melanated people;

    The Congo has the advantage of having the personality of Simon Kimbangu hovering over our nation; and

    We, as Negro-Africans, have the advantage of having rich traditions and cultures, it is essential that we record them in a database and mold our political actions consequently.

    Real development is a collective endeavor;

    Salvation only comes, when we choose the path of knowledge and self-affirmation, through authentic cultures; and

    Redemption comes only when people have learnt to be themselves.

    Our vision is just about that. But, it can’t only be our individual endeavor. We, as an individual contributor, are just setting landmarks or points of reference to help with the journey.

    O Dears!

    We are not imposing a vision, but, proposing a set of ideas and reference to encourage collective participation in the debate or market of thoughts for further feeding the loop of the thinking process.

    In Tome 1, we have requested that anyone with particular ideas or knowledge of any kind that can create constructive and beneficial differences to the livelihood and independence of our people and nations uses this frame of reference and expand what has been laid down here in preserving its original spirit.

    We will be very disappointed, if our work becomes a Gospel for extremists.

    We have not come to build a religion, but, to illuminate minds and remind what people have lost sight of, because of the pressure of life that often pushes most people to change their priorities in order to survive.

    We insist that we have to wake up and take in our hand our own destiny;

    Relying on others who are our enemies is a dangerous reliance, because, the black race is the most hated race that other races tend to avoid proactively.

    We confirm what we have said in Tome 1 that Black people need to wake up and cease being delusional about material salvation to be derived from interacting with very fair-skinned people.

    We want our people to be all the times aware that very light skinned people don’t share the wealth and its related opportunities. But, they do keep them strategically for themselves.

    Only when we are able to understand that we have no friends to rely on, we can envisage to care for one another.

    It is essential that we care about fellow Black people;

    It is vital that we learn to defend our people against our collective enemies;

    It is important that we create space for mutual material enrichment;

    It is more relevant that we learn to live in fraternity and in communities;

    It is essential that we value and invest in education and strategic knowledge;

    It is paramount that we keep intact a zone of protection as a buffer to shield ourselves against the ferociousness of others; and

    It is of utmost importance that we embrace back our traditions and cultures for a better protection against cultural eradication of Christianity and Islam.

    How many intellectuals and politicians in our Country, had ever had this moral character to raise these issues and to propose such a vision?

    The seriousness of our audacity makes our vision a singular work, and we hope that our people will be a bit honest to acknowledge this fact.

    How to build a new Congo is the second tome of a series of three.

    It is designed to be the next step of cognitive bridges to allow all of us to participate in the regeneration of Congo. These bridges have also to be understood as a frame from which we articulate our ideas to take ourselves out of the pit of misery. They should equally mean, database of ideas supported by a well-structure referential point to make the debate of ideas more methodical, for a clear visibility in the tunnel of our despair in view of safe journey towards the envisioned development.

    When all these issues are understood as we are asserting, it is imperative that readers make an effort to link all the dots.

    We don’t recommend isolated reading of subjects raised or developed in the three tomes, if we want to fully understand the Author.

    Our duty of gratitude

    We owe a lot to:

    Emmanuel Lokondo-Djolombi, our father, who had seemingly failed to provide us with the basic necessities, i.e., good and safe accommodation, regular meals, good education and follow-up, good interaction and peaceful social environment, that a child needs to build his or her humanity and intelligence.

    Some days, we failed to eat;

    Some days, we failed to go to school;

    We have been abandoned in a hotel in Belgium and rescued by the Belgian social assistance;

    We struggled to finish primary schools;

    We struggled even more to complete the secondary schools;

    We struggled further more do study at the University and complete the academic program;

    We have been forced—few days—to travel on foot very and very long distance to go to the University of Kinshasa to study the Law Program;

    We had twenty dollars per month to do everything with that amount;

    Coming back from the University, after a daily very and very long walk, we had to learn that there was no food available for adult children;

    The accumulated life difficulties, and the lack of steady intellectual follow-up that any child needs to build his or her intellectual structures had made harder the completion of Graduate Diploma in Management with Charles Sturt University.

    But, thanks to that father, as he used to say that; We have been training in hardest way, and that not everyone will make it safely, we have learnt to avoid cursing situations and people, and that each difficulty of life is an opportunity to do better in creating some needed adjustment and to move ahead with an ever-growing confidence towards the destiny.

    With a poor education environment, we learn to be aware of our intellectual deficit, and worked hard to fill the gap of knowledge in going holistic;

    We learnt to sharpen our minds, in long hours of personal study;

    We learnt to fill the gap of knowledge in reviewing primary and secondary programs when other people were in need of extra-help.

    We learnt to be intellectually intuitive; and

    We learnt to link the dots on issues.

    With irregular meals, we learnt to be independent, combative, reclusive, defensive, compassionate and altruistic.

    With a very poor family environment, we learnt to control our desires, needs and wants.

    We also learnt to be emotionally resilient and shield ourselves against external manipulators and psychic predators.

    With that Father, we had the opportunity to read about Communism, Occultism and Freemasonry;

    With that Father, we learnt to avoid being his genetic and social negative photocopy or replica;

    With that Father, we learnt to develop some of his best qualities which are: simplicity, openness, resilience, humanity, sense of social service, self-learning ability and a sense of occult audacity;

    All these traits helped us a lot in our spiritual quest and our passion for personal development and self-mastery.

    We dearly respect this man for all these opportunities provided to us, without which all our political vision would be a dead letter.

    O Dears!

    We also owe a lot to our uncle Henry-Thomas Lokondo who had put us in difficult condition which had facilitated our determination to be totally different from him.

    With him, we learnt to avoid the arrogance of his nature and respect everyone irrespective of their social rank;

    With him, we learnt to be different from him, in avoiding using psychic violence against people with little means;

    With him, we learnt to be different from him, in avoiding using others as stairs to reach personal goals at the end of which process, rubbish becomes the only one final destination for those who have been used for his success;

    With him, we learnt that the same stairs used to go upwards are by the same token, the same stairs to be used to go down where one first started;

    With him, we learnt to be different from him in always being aware that, if one fails to respect those we have used… the only one way down is by jumping from the height; and

    With him, we learnt to be different from him, in always being aware that, money, power and physical assets are not the safest ways to shield oneself against the uncertainty of the future.

    Although Mr Henry-Thomas Lokondo was a Vice-Minister during the final days of Mobutu Sese Seko, he totally failed to invest in the Family’s Human Resources, mainly those who can illuminate and build Our Village Nseke.

    He terrorizes and divides the Family;

    He abused, offended, vilified and hurt individual members of the Family;

    No one has subliminally harmed the Family as he did;

    Because, we have been spiritually elevated with strong anchorage to the divine, and forced to rely solely on spiritual strengths and laws, we successfully shielded our soul against his web of destruction and we were able to find a way out of the whirl of mental oppression and physical domination.

    Dear Uncle, let us seize this opportunity to tell you that we don’t hold any grudge against you and that we have the duty to tell you thanks a lot, because you have strengthened our determination, inspired us to be different, and helped us to grow in levels that you can’t imagine. You have contributed by your behavior that most people judge reprehensible to this salvation framework in the form of the vision we have been building.

    You have been very useful to us, please find here our deepest and sincerest gratitude.

    We greatly renew our thanks to Doctor France Cress Welsing, one of the greatest African warriors (the greatest peace of God is with her in the land of our ancestors), because of the Isis Paper, that we have found the final determination to go on to write our vision and use her philosophical underpinnings as a foundation of our intellectual undertaking.

    We also owe a lot to Mrs Ama Mazama, Mr Jean-Philippe Omotunde, Mr Doumbi Fakoli and Mr Mbombog Mbog Bassong for their videos and their undoubted erudition, they have helped us a lot to understand the need of adhesion to traditions and cultures and the greatness of our past.

    We have somewhere to acknowledge that Marechal Mobutu Sese Seko was right about the need of being ourselves, because, no nation can find a way out of the development when it fails to retrieve somewhat its Traditional and Cultural Authenticity, let us thank him here, once again, and that he finds eternal peace, because, God is clement and all forgiving.

    To our past lovers, let us mention here, Therese Etima Adamelema, Virginie Ilunga Mambo, and Arlette Ngensi Abwala, who have found very difficult to understand our personality, our philosophical underpinnings, and our vision and dream, because, you left us to go to the encounter of your own individual destiny, that we have been able to continue in an unabated and stubborn way, with our spiritual quest and intellectual maturity, please find here our deepest thanks.

    Our thoughts of peace and profound reverence, go to Simon Kimbangu, the true light of Congo, and the intercessor of our peoples with whom the spiritual victory over psychic domination of the West is ensured.

    Kimbangu is the only one symbol to regenerate our people, because, all other symbols have miserable failed our peoples.


    All continents and races are moving faster towards their set goals, despite, some accidents in the journey, their trains are running quicker.

    Only, Black people and nations, don’t seem, in principle, to move ahead. What is shocking is that they are getting more and more impoverished and dependent on the kindness of others.

    When dignity ceases to be, because of forced prostitution, respect can’t surface.

    We are so psychologically affected that most of our children have become subliminally subdued.

    When intellectuals fail to be independently informative and warriors, who are going to enlighten and defend the nation?

    Our people have started to be convinced—it is in the process—that we are inherently less intelligent than the rest of the word and its racial makeup.

    We don’t blame them for this half-literacy, but, only their mis-educators and strategic institutions.

    Intellectuals are about critical analysis, which means, the ability of counteracting manipulation and brainwashing doctrinaires, but, unfortunately, most of our intellectuals are religious with no independent reason.

    For those who can read and refuse to be defeated, they understand that our under development has been strategically schemed by White Supremacists Strategists during the colonization and vitalized by post-colonial strategies of poverty creation and service.

    Tactics used have been of institutional domination, exploitation, oppression, manipulation, division, and control of the world in general, in particular of Black nations.

    As we have alleged in Tome 1 that dark-skinned countries are strictly being used to provide cheaper resources and growth for Western countries, and are not allowed—subject to meta-legal sanctions—to build strategic assets for their economic and political independence.

    This has been the heritage of the colonial era; an era characterized by extraversion of the economy, the avoidance of building educational infrastructures, strategic assets and effective leadership attitudes and behaviors to ensure total independence, after the independence has been granted and sovereignty transferred.

    Colonial mis-education, violence and deficit aimed at destroying the mind of Black people.

    In that period of subjugation, Western dominant powers had succeeded to destroy the confidence and esteem of individual Black people and the appreciation of their cultures.

    Although independence was granted to allow Black countries to transact in the international domain, the political and economic independence had not been given.

    The destiny of Black nations is still being decided in Washington, London, Paris and in many western centers of decision and power, as our dealing with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank can evidence our line of reasoning.

    Our leaders are being removed from power by well-engineered coup d’états;

    Wars, terror and artificial pandemic are used as a way to control the growth in a restrictive way, and destruction of infrastructure is used to create more opportunities for Western countries who designed wars, and often with the direct or indirect backing of the United Nations;

    New countries have been politically created and lands balkanized for the profit of industries of resources;

    Western co-opted leaders are being parachuted to take control of strategic countries;

    The economic and political Mafiosi structures are put in place to further institutional control;

    O People of Congo!

    Without awareness of the past and the understanding of White people inner meddling and way of operating;

    Without understanding that White people have a lethal mindset;

    Without understanding that White folks are hypocrites and non-compassionate;

    Without education and investment in strategic knowledge;

    Without individual and collective catharsis;

    Without embracing back our authenticity;

    Without spirituality and divine anchorage;

    Without self and collective discipline;

    Without cultural revolution and the ability to strike White people’s economic interests;

    Without an adapted vision and devote leadership, no one should expect to get rid of the web of Western domination, exploitation, oppression, manipulation, division and control over the Black people and nations.


    This book is about, first, informing our people about what has been done to them and which is affecting them without them knowing, then, about telling them how their institutional life has been controlled in a way that they can’t move easily, finally, levelling ground for the true healing in Book two in a way to facilitate the reorganization of their mental energies, building capabilities and the independent controlling of their destiny.

    What we want outsiders to understand is that, this book is a vision for a nation with a spilling-over effect upon other Black people and Black nations, and the articulation of its content is intended for that only purpose.

    It is a preparation on how to open one’s mind to the reality of the world in the process of leading, governing and developing a nation in the Congolese context and history.

    It is neither about leadership or governance and development in other non-Black countries or business organizations that have nothing to see with Black people’s interests, but, anyone with a flexible mind can make its content fit its chosen situation.

    Because, we are not a doctrinaire, an intellectual or someone with a great deal of experience in the running of nations, it was more essential than that, we got better ideas in many areas, including in history of Black people all over the world, international strategic issues, and business life dynamic to support our advocacy for both book 1 and book 2 of the present tome.

    The reason is simple.

    First, Black people’s situations and history have always been interconnected, since the colonization where all the colonial powers had been exchanging intelligence on how to domesticate or subdue the Black race, considered at that time, not very much different from cows and horses.

    Second, in anticipation of the Book 2 and to respond to the issue of business life dynamic where we are not also doing well because of the colonial psychological damage, we are of opinion that, there is not a great deal of difference of nature between, leading or managing a private institution, or a governmental ministry or running a nation. The difference is of degree. Although this is true, it is paramount to remind that some businesses have a revenue far superior than some nations, and that many business leaders have the potential to be good political leaders, and vice versa.

    Those who are good at managing businesses could equally manage well political institutions, including ministries and other highest offices.

    If you lack self-restraint and self-awareness in managing private institutions, you can be sure to show the same patterns of behavior when running political institutions and nations.

    This is made possible by the same nature of the leadership and management, and also of the competency needed, which means the application of the same principles to lead and produce results on a periodic basis in a relation to corporate vision or mission statement.

    This tome 1 Volume 1; Book 1 is more about levelling the ground for leadership, because, it is something that is lacking in Congo. We need people to understand their own past, change the nature of their emotions that makes them unable to devise and manage a new vision, new goals and new objectives.

    Our country has a deficit of devoted leaders, and we are making allusion to positive leadership that produces results beyond expectations.

    Good leaders help with the journey towards the needed change and tomorrow;

    Good leaders govern well with the support of good structures and effective followers

    Good leaders motivate, develop and mass fabricates people, who have the potentials to develop the nation.

    Without sound leadership anchored in the highest realm of existence, God can’t save our people.

    This book is, first, about spiritual leadership, and governance and development are essential accessories to it.

    Aware of the critical situation of our country, we urge all our readers to get familiar with all our vision and philosophical audacity to be presented in three tomes.

    As said in Tome 1, it is not advised to read all the headings of the present document in isolation, but, take time to go and find similar or interlinked items in other parts of the present work, and even in other tomes1. They all form a continuum of interwoven information and ideas.

    It is the personal duty to join all the dots.

    All our books are about public order and collective interest; they are not financially interest-based.

    We need your encouragements to stay so and the best for you of paying us back, is to continue with the journey together.

    Being very limited in means to grammatically proofreading and editing the tomes with the help of a specialist, and even not having the means to punctually publishing all the tomes when they ready; anyway, when all the tomes are going to be published, we urge readers to take time again to read all of them, for a better and definitive insight of what we are proposing to our people, in the market of ideas.

    Our travel is about, qualitative change.

    Our work is about individual revolution.

    We will appreciate your patience and willingness to go beyond some imperfections to be encountered while reading; we urge you to understand our vision and case, because, it is urgent to save our people from the destructive jaws of our perennial enemies.

    We have avoided on purpose and for personal reasons to putting all the strategic truths together. We urge the reader to find time to link dots.


    The method used in the writing of the present document has been the gleaning one.

    We had to go and find as much as allowed doctrinal information to support our advocacy

    When we had the chance to find what was needed, we used them with all the needed honesty.

    But, as said in Lokondo (2015), it happened that, ideas found had generated more other ideas, far beyond the scope of what was initially alleged by Authors, these have become of personal views, but, we took time to acknowledge the views that have strongly inspired us, or we just juxtaposed such views and acknowledge them.

    Being of a very intuitive nature, we could not work without moving away from doctrinal methodology. We consider ourself not an intellectual, but, an intelligent person who knows that the intellect is just one in which the great intelligence scrutinizes its creation.

    We have learned to go beyond intellect, and use other means to access knowledge.

    We had to seriously listen to our inner voices, follow our best inspirations, read the signs of nature, pay attention to passing by people, who happened to deal with issues that matter to us, and record all these provided information aside, and try at a later time to insert them in the body of our writing.

    This work is about personal vision or monologue; we did not feel obliged to follow the normal logic of making paragraphs.

    We split paragraphs to either create visual ease and comfort in the reading or allow the flowing intuitions to have room in. We expect this approach also to generate many ideas to our readers.

    Emotions have their own language and aesthetic, when they flow in vertical, it is imperative to put as such without the need of compliance to strict academic writing rules.

    This can pose somewhat a problem to those habituated to high standards of academia.

    Too often, we had also to make a choice between the coherence of the content of the work and structures, and the proportion of parts of the structures. We had to go with the former to the detriment of the latter.

    This vision is a personal story and challenge, for someone who failed to be a brilliant pupil and student, because, not well looked after.

    We struggled to complete our primary school;

    We struggled to finish our secondary school;

    We struggled to graduate at the University;

    In the same way, we struggled to write this book.

    The pain that we felt for the situation of our country has outweighed the pain of the struggle of our infancy and that to write this book. It was essential that our story be told in whatever cost to pay.

    For the very great length of time, the emotional or intuitive approach has determined our way of writing.

    When we feel the need or feel a line of ideas travelling on our mind, the nature has always managed to provide us with a great deal of doctrinal reference to build up our case, and we had to go to their encounter and find space for them in the body of the writing.

    Such approach is meta-doctrinal, making our work, a very political and subjective one.

    It could not be otherwise, because, we had already some preconceptions over the issues at hand.

    As said above, we have not found very much the need to apply academic rigor with the fear to restrict the dynamic of ideas profusion.

    We are a story teller and a moral narrator or reminder.

    Another issue that we deem of utmost importance is, first, all our work is about spiritual development and political awareness.

    We advise our readers to be very agile in finding ways to use spiritual advices referred to in the process of leading a nation to build their personal life. When advises are being given to build ontological dimension, it is essential that readers who are also political or economic deciders find ways to transfer these advices on to the field of political and economic leadership, because, individual success of citizens are the best way to help a nation to stand up against the odds.

    Second, as said, all the tomes just form a continuum of our dynamic vision. When in subsequent Tome or volume, we feel the need—because of the importance—to continue or develop further views that we had superficially referred to before, we will have just to reload them. This repetition is just an emphasis that we put on certain aspects of the work.

    Structural change in the thematic presentation

    It was contemplated that:

    That the tome 2: How to build a new Congo should have three parts:

    Part 1: What kind of leadership we want for the DR of Congo;

    Part 2: Ministerial governance; and

    Part 3: Economy and education as single vector for wealth.

    But, the communication, pedagogical and therapeutic constraints have coerced us to alter or re-arrange the theming, the structures and the presentation.

    You can’t propose a healing therapy, when psychological side, which is the root of the ailment, is ignored. This is what most Congolese leaders who have attempted to propose the solutions to the problematic of the Congolese developmental equation have made.

    Most of them have avoided dealing with the negative incidence of the colonization upon the mind and material capacity of our people.

    We have not been fortunate enough to meet a single Congolese politician who has dared to talk about White people’s predatory mindset when it is time to build, control and transfer wealth.

    We have not been lucky enough to encounter one single Congolese politician who has attempted to deal overtly with the White Supremacism and post-colonial control to deny Black people and Black nations their entitlement to an independent development and right to build wealth for themselves and their people.

    We have found more compelling, to reorganize the tome 2: How to build a new Congo, in three books in this way:

    Volume 1: Essential conditions for the regeneration of Congo

    Book 1: Shattered mind, shattered people and shattered future: The Congolese situation;

    Book 2: What kind of leadership do we want in order to save the Democratic Republic of Congo from the gravity of the poverty; and

    Volume 2: Black people’s exclusive wealth creation and control, and strategic education as means of racial competitiveness in the war against our enemies.

    Better understanding of our personality

    Who do you think we are?

    We are that little boy born out of wedlock that anyone did not want to have anything to do with;

    We are that little boy who spent his whole life seeking for spiritual wisdom, self-mastery and transformative knowledge, and was ridiculed by his family for such a proclivity;

    We are that little man who has invited God to possess his soul and mind and drive his life in a way to create space for a lasting inner happiness and needed material satisfaction;

    We are this crazy little boy that the family expected to become mad, because at a younger age, he was reading about occultism books.

    We think to have discovered to be the shadow of something great that does not want to say its name;

    We think to have come to understand that we are the shadow of something very boundless that prefers the anonymity of the silence:

    It is that intelligence which is controlling our life;

    It is that intelligence which is driving us behind the scene;

    When we start to get fragile, it appears, talks and reminds us authoritatively, but with compassion, about what it has done in the past to keep us alive.

    And when we look back at our life, we notice that it has always been punctually there, protecting us and providing us with the basics of life.

    We have, then, decide, to silence our conscience, to create room for its providential hand to act in our lives.

    It is the best of drivers, and with it, we have learned to trust our destiny, because, although, the sun is taking longer to rise in the horizon of one’s life, but, the cockcrow is already making it very audible to mean that, whatever the length of the night is, the sun will always end up by rising.

    Who we really are

    We are that person who strives to better himself and others, on a daily basis, in using means naturally endowed to us by the Mother Nature.

    If we are asked about the greatest strength we have above all, we will respond with any hesitation that it is our ability to feel and read in the shadow of the invisible forces of the nature; another strength is our inner resilience and ability to rely on one’s inner strength and guidance to cope with the pressure of difficulty and failures.

    Our greatest assets are the intuition and the compassion.

    Our intuition is, the ability that we have to feel externalities, and which is helped by the determination to get rid of the personal state of ignorance.

    The compassion we have for the humanity is stronger, and with it, people’s welfare takes always primacy over our need of personal enlightenment.

    Our main focus is to transform materially, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually our people for the better;

    We insist that, we are unable to heal or resurrect physical body, because, we are not an agent of God. But, we have all the needed means and attitude to heal or resurrect those who have been either harmed or killed by the hopelessness, generated by fear or ignorance.

    Our main goal has become to educate our people to understand that capitalism is the root of all evils that they can imagine. It has killed in a genocidal way Native Peoples all over the world to get their land and their wealth. It has enslaved and colonized Africans, and continue to dominate them in many ways. In removing the capitalism from its pedestal, our people can walk freely and in a safe way on the right path.

    We dream about the collective salvation of many of our people, and we are ready die another death for this commitment.

    1. Intuitiveness and other strengths

    One of our greatest qualities is our feeling and knowing ability. We

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