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Sex, Snow & Mistletoe
Sex, Snow & Mistletoe
Sex, Snow & Mistletoe
Ebook50 pages44 minutes

Sex, Snow & Mistletoe

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About this ebook

Melinda is already having a crappy Christmas. Forced to attend some snotty bitch's wedding is not the way to start out the holidays. But when a car crash pushes her into the path of a handsome stranger she's glad to follow his snowy, sexy and seductive path. But is he too good to be true? And will she make it to the wedding before her best friend loses her mind with worry? 
Please note this is a short story of 10k words

PublisherLaura Barnard
Release dateMay 8, 2016
Sex, Snow & Mistletoe

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    Sex, Snow & Mistletoe - Laura Barnard

    Sex, Snow & Mistletoe

    Sex, Snow & Mistletoe

    Laura Barnard

    Published in 2015 Copyright © Laura Barnard.

    First Edition

    The author has asserted their moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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    Snow, bloody snow! The only idiots that like snow are kids and that’s because they get a day off school. It’s us adults that have to carry on like normal and suffer. Like I’m not late enough. Like I’m not already two hours late for the rehearsal dinner. Gabriella is going to kill me. She’s text me fifteen times already and left three furious voice mails. I’ve ignored them all, refusing to answer the phone while I’m driving. I’d no doubt crash the car and that would only make me later. It’s not my fault that my boss kept me late at work and then my Mum popped round and started blabbering on about how I should be going to my own wedding, not a friend of a friends.

    To be honest I’m quite embarrassed to have even been invited to this. I’ve only met her once. I mean, do people really invite people to their wedding that they met when urinating in the street? I don’t really think I was proving my wedding guest potential, more my inability to drink three bottles of wine and remain standing/coherent/able to hold my bladder.

    Lights suddenly flash in my rear mirror. I glance back and notice a black Audi behind me. I look out of the window past the blizzard of snow falling onto the already dark muddy country lane, big willow trees surrounding me. This is definitely the kind of place people get murdered. There is no way in hell I’m pulling over so this psychopath can pull a gun on me. No thank you. I watch Crime Watch. My mumma didn’t raise no fool. I check the lights on my dashboard, wondering if there’s something obvious I’m missing. I think I’m fine… Not that I’d have the slightest idea anyway. I hate being such a girl.

    My phone starts ringing again. I can just imagine Gabriella now, crouched over her phone in a corner, fuming at being there on her own. Maybe I should answer it, get the drama over and done with. I scramble in my bag and pick up the phone.

    Where the fuck are you? she screams before I’ve even had a chance to say hello. Never one to hold back is our Gabriella.

    Babe I’m just on my way, I promise.

    You promise? she shouts. You promised two fucking hours ago! Where the hell are you? Do you have any idea how embarrassing this is for me? Everyone keeps asking me why I’m here alone. I would have dragged along some dickhead man if I’d have known you were going to stand me up!

    Jesus, she’s really raging. She must be

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