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Romancing The Guardian
Romancing The Guardian
Romancing The Guardian
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Romancing The Guardian

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Rick Cantrell is an up and coming actor, who’s been featured in the top ten of the sexiest men’s polls. He also has a stalker on his trail.

Jordan Riker is a lion shifter with a difficult past. He quit his pride due to his controlling father’s demands, and he was burned by his boyfriend shortly after. Now, he’s a newbie bodyguard, assigned to protect the seriously hot, Rick Cantrell. Though Jordan is immediately drawn to the charismatic actor and recognizes the connection between them, he resists Cantrell’s sexual advances to uphold his professional standards and guard his heart from further hurt.

Rick Cantrell is a never-take-no-for-an-answer kind of guy. Despite his bodyguard’s best efforts to push him away, Rick thinks he may have the man of his dreams in Jordan Riker.

Release dateOct 1, 2015
Romancing The Guardian

Ali Atwood

ALI ATWOOD is a transplanted Brit, living the outdoor life in Florida. Her previous careers could fill a catalogue—everything from flight attendant to ice cream parlor owner. Since Ali has traveled over much of the world, she draws from that knowledge to create unique characters and backdrops. Aside from writing, Ali enjoys horseback riding and golf. She has eclectic taste in music, a fondness for French champagne and a slight obsession with social media. Ali welcomes comments from readers. EMAIL:

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    Book preview

    Romancing The Guardian - Ali Atwood

    Who knew the mission would come with extra rewards.

    Rick Cantrell is an up and coming actor, who’s been featured in the top ten of the sexiest men’s polls. He also has a stalker on his trail.

    Jordan Riker is a lion shifter with a difficult past. He quit his pride due to his controlling father’s demands, and he was burned by his boyfriend shortly after. Now, he’s a newbie bodyguard, assigned to protect the seriously hot, Rick Cantrell. Though Jordan is immediately drawn to the charismatic actor and recognizes the connection between them, he resists Cantrell’s sexual advances to uphold his professional standards and guard his heart from further hurt.

    Rick Cantrell is a never-take-no-for-an-answer kind of guy. Despite his bodyguard’s best efforts to push him away, Rick thinks he may have the man of his dreams in Jordan Riker.

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Romancing The Guardian

    Copyright © 2015 Ali Atwood

    ISBN: 978-1-4874-0474-1

    Cover art by Latrisha Waters

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by eXtasy Books Inc or

    Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books Inc

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    Smashwords Edition

    Romancing the Guardian

    Shifters and Lovers 2


    Ali Atwood

    Chapter One

    Astra Film Studios, Southern California.

    Jordan Riker stood next to his rental car drumming his fingers against the hood while he watched vehicles coming through the studio gates.

    It wasn’t the two cups of coffee he’d downed that made him edgy, it was tension. Though he’d worked for Securecon Inc. for six months now, he’d always been part of a team. This was his first solo assignment as a bodyguard and he didn’t want to blow it. He was here to meet Rick Cantrell, an up and coming actor, who’d acquired a stalker—

    Jordan stilled when he spotted a sleek black sports car approaching the studio gates. Though he hadn’t seen the actor on screen, as yet, the dossier he’d been given included a small photo and Jordan’s keen vision confirmed the driver of the incoming vehicle was indeed Rick Cantrell. When the celeb pulled level with the gatehouse, he leaned out of the car window to say something to the guard, which made him laugh.

    Waiting for the actor to park his car, Jordan smoothed down the front of his gray suit and tucked a strand of fair into his ponytail. He noticed Cantrell was casually dressed, in a pair of worn jeans and a black t-shirt. Jordan was intrigued by the way Cantrell walked, with a fluidity one didn’t associate with tall men. Jordan was a muscular six foot-one. Cantrell was taller and broad with it.

    With a rush of anticipation, Jordan walked forward to greet his new client. Good morning, Mr. Cantrell, I’m Jordan Riker, the safety measures operative from Securecon.

    The actor halted and looked up from his phone. His dark brows slanted in a tight frown as he gave Jordan a quick once over. You’re four days early, Mr. Riker. I understood you were hired purely for the location shoot. His deep voice was tinged with a just-awakened huskiness, which probably drove his fans wild. And he certainly lived up to the advertising—ruggedly handsome with a dimple in his chin, dark tousled hair and large vivid blue eyes. To add to the image, his strong jaw was darkened by designer stubble.

    It took Jordan by surprise to realize he could be happy just looking at the other man for most of the day. Still, when a flash of reciprocal attraction passed between them, he glanced away. He never mixed business with pleasure. He couldn’t afford to split his concentration when it could mean life or death. Besides, he was slightly irked by the actor’s gruff manner, wondering if it had anything to do with his species. Cantrell would have been informed by Securecon that Jordan was a shapeshifter, and there was still a lot of bigotry aimed at his kind. Rolling his shoulders, he met the actor’s gaze. Whatever you were told, Mr. Cantrell, my contract specifies that I start my term of duty today and stay with you twenty-four-seven.

    Cantrell frowned as if he were debating whether to counter Jordan’s statement. Apparently he thought better of it and nodded. Okay, I guess you start today.

    Jordan inclined his head. In addition, your bosses would prefer that you not drive alone for the time being. They’ve provided a studio car and driver.

    The actor’s well-shaped mouth thinned at that, but he nodded. Fine, the suits hold sway—

    Yoo-hoo! a female voice called out.

    Both men turned to see a curvy blonde hurrying toward them, wearing spike heels, a short black skirt and crop top that looked as if it had been sprayed on.

    Swinging into professional mode, Jordan moved to shield Cantrell. Do you know her?

    The actor sighed. She’s my costar, Julie Shelton.

    By the time Shelton stopped in front of the men, she was breathing as if she’d run a mile, fanning herself with manicured hands. God, Rick, I’ve been trying to get in touch with you for hours. All I get is your answering service.

    I thought you knew my PA picks up my messages and updates me at regular intervals. Plus I switch off my cell while I’m driving.

    Well, it’s a lousy system, when someone’s trying to get hold of you in a hurry.

    Cantrell folded his arms across his chest. Okay, what did you want me for?

    To make sure you’re all right of course.

    Irritation flickered in Cantrell’s eyes. Why wouldn’t I be?

    Shelton widened her green eyes. Because you took off suddenly right after the big fight scene last night and I thought you might have been hurt.

    Watching the exchange with interest, Jordan recalled that Cantrell had started out as a stunt man and still performed a few moves on screen, the ones his insures approved.

    Well, as you can see, I’m fine, the actor said, turning away without waiting for a reply. As he strode toward the studio, Jordan fell into step beside him while Julia trotted behind on her killer heels.

    Once they entered the building and moved toward the security area, the

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