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The Heart of Devin MacKade: The MacKade Brothers, Book Three
The Heart of Devin MacKade: The MacKade Brothers, Book Three
The Heart of Devin MacKade: The MacKade Brothers, Book Three
Ebook228 pages3 hours

The Heart of Devin MacKade: The MacKade Brothers, Book Three

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Devin MacKade knew it was his destiny to serve and protect the small town of Antietam, Maryland. And he always suspected his future should have little Cassie Connor in it. After Cassie married the wrong man, Devin tried to convince himself there would be other women, other loves. Now, after Cassie's divorce, Devin can finally follow his heart. But can Cassie follow hers?
Release dateJun 20, 2011
The Heart of Devin MacKade: The MacKade Brothers, Book Three

Nora Roberts

Die preisgekrönte Schriftstellerin sitzt jeden Tag acht Stunden am Schreibtisch. Inzwischen sind mehr als 242 Romane geschrieben, die weltweit regelmäßig auf den Bestsellerlisten landen. Vom New Yorker wurde sie zu »Amerikas Lieblingsautorin« ernannt. Auch in Deutschland erfreut sich Nora Roberts einer großen Fangemeinde. Sie lebt mit ihrem Ehemann in Maryland.

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Rating: 3.9836926086956526 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Enjoyable story that deals with a serious issue found all to often. Plot, action, pace all good and I particularly like when the male pursues the female. Sheriff Devin has been attracted to Cassie for years and finally follows his heart after her divorce.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I just loved this series and wish there were a 5th brother. I wrote my review of the series on book #4, The Fall of Shane MacKade.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Rarely do I find a book by Nora Roberts that does not make me laugh or cry. Her artistry is in drawing the reader into the mind of the characters, allowing us to feel what the characters feel. This book is no exception.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Devin MacKade has been in love with Cassie Dolin for most of his life. He was forced to stand by silently when she got married, was abused by, and finally divorced her husband. He's not standing by silently any longer.A heartbreaking story with a happily-ever-after ending.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Odd. I don't like victim heroines, and I don't like the way Nora does paranormals, and this story is very similar to Rising Tides (Ethan Quinn's story), yet I liked this one much better than the first two. Go figure. The fact that Cassie was a victim did make me feel a little distant from the story, and her reaction to her son's fear was way out of proportion.Still, I think Nora did an amazing job, particularly for a category romance, in portraying these characters. They were very believable. And Devin may have been slow to let Cassie know how he felt, but at least he wasn't the silent type.