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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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The moment she arrives at her rented vacation cottage in Scotland, Zoe Daniels feels itan arousal so powerful she's compelled to surrender to the unusually forceful carnal desireswith nearly anyone who crosses her path. Crawford Logan, the boat builder with the wayward grin. The devilish restaurateur Cain Davot, who seems to know more about Zoe than he lets on. Even her sexy neighbor Grayson Murdoch, whose eyes delve into her soul as he explores every inch of her body.

Yet there's something unsettling about the way the locals watch her, something eerie about these overwhelming encounters. Zoe knows she's not quite in control and wonders if there's any truth to the legend of Annabel McGraw, a powerful, promiscuous eighteenth-century witch who once owned the cottage, and whose spirit is rumored to affect anyone who stays there. Zoe doesn't believe in anything occult, but now strange visions are turning frightening and only one man's touch can bring her back to earth.

Release dateMay 15, 2012

Saskia Walker

Award-winning British author Saskia Walker first dreamed of writing her own stories when she discovered a handful of romance novels stashed away in her school library. An avid reader, she lapped up the adventures and the life-affirming emotion she found there. As well as fantasy and romance, Saskia writes paranormal, historical and contemporary fiction, with a special interest in witchcraft. Saskia's short stories have now been published in over one hundred international anthologies and magazines. Her novels have been published by two New York publishing houses as well as several smaller publishing houses. To her absolute delight two of her novels won Passionate Plume awards, and her work has twice been nominated for a Romantic Times Magazine Reviewers' Choice Award. Her Witches of Scotland series was widely translated and became a Scandinavian bestseller. In 2015 she became a USA TODAY bestselling author. It's been an amazing journey. Saskia is now a full time author and she has many more stories to tell. Saskia is happily settled in Yorkshire in the north of England, with her real-life hero, Mark, and a houseful of felines. 

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Rampant is a hot and steamy erotica/mystery/paranormal delight. A tight-laced personal assistant finds herself drawn into a battle of white vs. black magic while on vacation. A modern coven led by a Warlock practicing black magic seeks to use Zoe as a vessel for bringing back the ghost of the most famous Witch of the village. However, all is not as it seems, as the ghost actively engages Zoe on her own in a final act of revenge against the Warlock responsible for her death. Trusting the scholar/white witch Grayson seems Zoe's best chance to survive the plans of the coven while still helping the ghost to seek justice. This very sexy mystery is fun, engaging read with enough plot depth and story continuity that the depictions of "sex magic" are a treat. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 [...] : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising." 
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In order to review this book appropriately I have to share a bit about myself. I am a Pagan, I believe in love, light, nature, and balance above all things. Anyway, I shared that with you because reading this book I felt believe I connected with the characters (the decent ones at least) on an entirely different level than if I were not of the Pagan religious persuasion. There are a few scenes, mainly ones featuring Anabel that I just felt at peace, there is a quote, I don't have access to the book anymore but the quote basically states my beliefs more eloquently that I could ever get them to come out. I wish I had the book to share it with you.

    The characters are complex, rich, and wonderfully developed. The villain is truly a villain, you can just tell, he is just a bad guy. On the other side, the protagonists are everything that is supposed to be a romantic protagonist couple, and a super hot one, like sizzling hot, at that. I'll take a leather wearing, ripped, book reading, motorcycle riding, all around delicious author to save my butt any day of the week.

    I again, L-O-V-E this book and I will read it over and over, it is now snug on my favorites shelf
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    "The unmistakable sound of a woman being pleasured echoed through the woods above the village of Carbrey. The sound was deeply sensual, and powerful - as if she dared anyone to defy her needs." So begins Rampant, Saskia Walker's sensual and haunting tale of witchcraft and ghostly possession in an enchanted Scottish village. Zoe Daniels is a practical personal assistant from London on holiday in Carbrey. She rents a seaside cottage called Her Haven, which unbeknownst to Zoe is haunted by the restless spirit of the former owner, an 18th-century witch named Annabel McGraw.

    Upon arrival at Her Haven, Zoe finds that the entire town of Carbrey has an eerie, powerful hold on her. She senses her control slipping as she is taken over by her sexual desires. Her encounters with certain locals add to her unease. She meets Elspeth McGraw the cottage caretaker and postmistress, Crawford Logan the local boat builder, and a mysterious restaurateur named Cain Davot. But the one she is most captivated by is her sexy neighbor Grayson Murdoch who seems just as intrigued with her. She soon discovers that a coven of local witches lead by Cain Davot who practice the dark arts and thrive on sexual energy want to use her as a vessel to reincarnate Annabel. White witch Grayson is determined to keep that from happening. And Annabel's spirit seems to have an agenda all her own as she desperately tries to communicate with Zoe through visions.

    I loved this story. It was beautifully written. The descriptions of the characters, town and surrounding landscape were amazing; I could easily picture myself there, sharing the experiences with the characters. The coast of Scotland sounds like such a beautiful, magical place! The book flows nicely, and the erotic scenes blend smoothly into the story and never overshadow the plot. I really enjoyed the paranormal aspects of the story. I couldn't wait to find out Zoe's fate and the real story behind Annabel's death centuries earlier. I highly recommend Rampant to fans of erotica and paranormal romance.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Rampant is everything I want in a great book that happens also to be very erotic. Zoe, a reserved hard-working girl from London, is on “holiday” (vacation) and on her way to Scotland. Once she arrives in the small village in Scotland (beautifully described in lush detail by the author), she immediately knows that this will not be an ordinary holiday for her. After reading the prologue and after reading about Zoe's first "run-in" once she arrives in town, the ordinary reader might think that this is the start of your basic smut book. Nevertheless, this book is so much more than its sex scenes.The book is about magic and witches, about desire and betrayal, about revenge and about love lost, and the hope for new love. The story between Zoe and Gray made me smile. As Zoe gains confidence in her self (both sexually and with dealing with her own insecurities), you really are hoping that Gray is what he seems and that Zoe finds someone she can trust and confide in with Gray.I found Rampant's storyline very entertaining, and well written. As mentioned before, there are some very graphic sex scenes, especially in the beginning. People might be put off by the "unconventional" sex scenes (I refuse to say this book is not for the "faint of heart" because there is nothing wrong with the sex, it is just not mainstream or conventional sex). Readers might not finish the book because of the scenes. It would be sad if that is the case because they would be missing a great story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was initially drawn to Rampant because of the paranormal aspects. Erotica isn’t something I usually read but I found the synopsis for Rampant interesting so I decided to check it out. I’m glad that I did. Yes, this book was naughty but it also had a great plot. The author has a very beautiful and descriptive style of writing. You couldn’t help but to hate the bad guys and love the good ones. The setting was a beautiful coastal town in Scotland which just happens to be one of my favorite places to visit when opening a book. The descriptions of the terrain were so vivid it made me feel as if I was there seeing it all through the character’s eyes. As if that wasn’t enough the romantic interest was a gorgeous man with a Scottish brogue. Men with accents always win my heart. There was no exception when it came to Grayson Murdoch the blonde witch and love interest of Rampant’s protagonist Zoe.Rampant is a beautifully written work of erotic romance. It contains fascinating characters and steamy love scenes all set in the gorgeous country of Scotland. All in all I found this a very entertaining read. I’d recommend it to those that enjoy paranormal romance and whose senses aren’t offended by more risqué sex scenes.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If you are one of my GoodReads friend you probably saw my reaction on the prologue of this book. Although I know that this is on the Erotica side of our bookshelf, I was not really expecting the first sex scene in there. It was not really shocking, I was just surprised. haha. I don't read much Erotica, my reaction was probably sounded virginal. Anyway, let's get back to the book shall we?The moment Zoe reached the small town of Carbrey in Scotland, she immediately felt horny. Horny like she have never experience before. In fact she has to pull over to get some fresh air, and what a coincidence, a biker dude pulled over and ask her if she was lost. She wanted him do all sorts of sinful stuff to her at that very spot, it was like an invisible force was turning her on. Nothing transpired, she had it under control but when she finally got to her rental cottage - Her Haven, weird things and uncontrollable and intense "need" happened. A crazy coven member and apparently a brilliant Chef named Cain Davot is out t get her. He plans to do a little necromancy and re-embodiment for his beloved Nymphomaniac She-Witch Annabel McGraw, also the previous resident of Her Haven. It was said that her spirit haunts the place and influence the occupants staying in it. Well that explains why Zoe's libido is on a haywire. But like all other erotica/paranormal/love story. Zoe have a savior and his name is Professor Grayson Murdoch. Also known as the biker prof. Described as tall, with blond hair (chin length), to die for bod and well endowed. In short it reminded me of my beloved Eric Northman, only this Grayson guy sounds bookish and is obviously a witch. Like what the blurb said, Zoe is a skeptic and I am going to add stubborn and sometimes totally irritating. Doesn't she find it weirder than usual when she saw Grayson taking a shower and pleasuring himself through her bathroom mirror? Sure it was a wonderful sight but I would totally freak out and ditch that town. And how about the insane and wild sex orgies, mild, BDSM, threesome, etc... that she keep dreaming / seeing? It must be a pain being turned on 24/7 and not being able to think about anything but sex.As far as the story goes, I am actually pretty impressed. It's not everyday that a book takes me to a European country with a spectacular view of the sea and coven of Witches living such debaucherous way. I was also fascinated with the history of Annabel. Her wild ways, the intrigue on who she was, the path to her demise and exactly how powerful was, I think that is the main reason why I kept reading. At first I thought she was evil, that she asked Cain to bring her back after 3 centuries and then she seems to be friendly towards Zoe, then I realized that there is only one evil in this book. Murdoch's lack of history intrigues me too. What is he hiding? What's his dirty little secret? And what exactly is his purpose in purchasing the house beside Her Haven?Rampant is definitely recommended for the lovers of erotica with paranormal elements in their character. A hot book Smut at its finest.