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Whisper (Book 1 of "The Whispers Of Rings")
Whisper (Book 1 of "The Whispers Of Rings")
Whisper (Book 1 of "The Whispers Of Rings")
Ebook28 pages23 minutes

Whisper (Book 1 of "The Whispers Of Rings")

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About this ebook

Josselyn Thorn, born a fabled Whisper, finds herself accused of a murder she did not commit. Having received word of her predicament, Lord Adrien Markov pays to have Josselyn released, and offers every comfort she could ever dream of in exchange for her scintillating talents. Josselyn may share his bed, but her true intentions lie in unearthing the answers behind the deaths of the two people she loved most...

~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~

The Temple of Elwyn housed the coldest, dankest cells I'd ever had the misfortune of spending time in. A few other chambers at least afforded the luxury of a torch and a bedroll, but the guards had spared me no such kindness. This wasn't the first time I'd found myself shackled to a wall, but it had never been under the pretense of murder. Generally, the public prison was found suitable enough for felons of the great city of Anastas, but according to the Elwyn clerics only the best guarded dungeon would do for a Whisper like me.

I couldn't remember how many days had passed since they'd dragged me from my home and locked me in. After three I'd lost the ability to keep track of time; the guards held unpredictable shifts, and windows were a comfort long forgotten. Even sleep refused to keep me company, as the brutal nightmares tortured me to consciousness. My body had given up from exhaustion only once and I'd awakened to a guard shaking me while demanding I stop screaming. Food was another fond memory; I hadn't eaten anything since before they'd brought me here. Not only had they not bothered offering sustenance, I'd heard rumors that it was common for the Temple to poison its occupants before any official judgment could be made. The less mouths to feed the better.

“Still alive, wisp?” The most recent guard on duty raked his pike against the bars.

I didn't want to respond. My mouth was parched and my patience had long since evaporated. The King's Guard had devised the term after Whispers had become a despised race. A 'wisp;' only a shred, barely even human. It was disgusting what they thought of me. All for things that couldn't be helped.

“Answer me!” He didn't wait long before he slammed his weapon once more against the door, startling the few other inmates.

“Unfortunately.” The truth was bitter to taste.

There was absolutely nothing left for me. The damp floor had completely soaked through my thin clothing, the cold air took every last drop of energy I had hoped to preserve, and the metal that surrounded my wrists and ankles chaffed my skin until it bled. I wanted to die.

“My lord, wait!” Heavy footsteps suddenly echoed from further down the hall. Visitors weren't common in the Temple. I strained to look into the darkness without much luck.

“You will give her to me and ask no further questions.”

“But her trial! She must be judged!”

“I will pay any amount that you wish. Give it to the king, use it for this god-forsaken Temple, I don't care. But you will hand her over to me immediately.” The footsteps stopped abruptly and a tall, sharp silhouette of a man stood in front of my cell. The few available torches didn't emit enough light for me to see his face. A second pair of uncertain footsteps halted beside him. The distant fire glinted off of the gold medallion that signified the cleric's power within the Temple.

“Josselyn Thorn?” The man's voice was soft; the most gracious gesture anyone had shown me since I'd arrived.

“Yes, my lord.” I decided addressing him as the cleric had would be the safest course of action.

“My lady, I need you to tell me if you were Lord and Lady Terryn’s Ring.”

“Lord Markov!” The shock in the cleric's voice didn't surprise me. Rings were a sensitive topic within Anastas, and the houses of Elwyn believed them taboo...

Release dateApr 7, 2014
Whisper (Book 1 of "The Whispers Of Rings")

Catherine LaCroix

After spending time as a musician, caterer and wine connoisseur, I've returned to my true love in life- the written word. I adore painting worlds filled with lush environments, deep characters and sensual romance. Whether it's hundreds of years in the future, or a thousand years in the past, I love to take my readers on fantastic journeys that will leave them begging for more.

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