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Die for You: A Novel
Die for You: A Novel
Die for You: A Novel
Ebook471 pages6 hours

Die for You: A Novel

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Isabel Raine thought she had everything–a successful career, a supportive family, and a happy marriage to the man she loved. Then one ordinary morning, her husband, Marcus, picks up his briefcase, kisses her good-bye, and simply vanishes.

That day, all her calls to him go straight to voice mail; the messages she leaves at his office go unreturned, too. Panicking after finally receiving a call from his cell phone in which all she can hear is a man’s terrified cry, Isabel calls the police. But they aren’t interested. Men leave, they tell her. They leave all the time. Desperate to find her husband, Isabel races to his office. But instead of finding him, she finds herself in the middle of an FBI raid. Hours later, she awakens in the hospital with a severe concussion and a homicide detective by her bedside waiting to question her about Marcus Raine–the real Marcus Raine.  

Now the only thing Isabel knows for sure is that her husband of five years is gone. Where is he and who is he are questions no one seems able to answer. But Isabel will not rest until she discovers the truth about the man she loves, even if it means risking everything–including her own life. 

Bestselling author Lisa Unger takes us on a nightmarish journey from bustling, glamorous New York City to the murky, twisted streets of Prague, seeking the answer to one bone-chilling question: What if the man you love, the one sleeping beside you, is a stranger? 
Release dateJun 2, 2009
Die for You: A Novel

Lisa Unger

Lisa Unger is a NYT and internationally bestselling author. Her books are published in 32 languages, with millions of copies sold worldwide. In 2019, she received two Edgar Award nominations, an honor held by only a few writers including Agatha Christie. Her work has been named on "Best Book" lists from Today, People, GMA, EW, Amazon, IndieBound and many others. She has written for the NYT, WSJ, NPR, and Travel+Leisure. She lives in Florida with her family.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    New Yorker Isabel Raine has made peace with the single life when she meets her charming, somewhat enigmatic Prague-born husband, Marcus. After five years, the romance is still fresh, Isabel a much published author, Marcus a successful software designer. Why then does Marcus walk away from their home one morning never to return? After a night of anxiety, fear and rage, Isabel begins a desperate search for her husband that leaves her reeling and distraught. After a run-in with the FBI at Marcus' office, a brutal attack and a concussion, the trashing of her home and assorted dead bodies, Isabel balks at revealing all her secrets to the police, crashing blindly through crime scenes in search of clues. Isabel's intransigence draws everyone in her family into a vortex of violence, all put at risk as Isabel compulsively races from one conclusion to another. While her stubbornness may ultimately reveal the answers she needs, Isabel's actions does not make for a likable protagonist.

    Isabel is worse than a bad horror film heroine. You know the type. She's the one who makes you want to yell at the movie screen as she, against all logic and common sense, stupidly steps over bleeding, dying bodies to walk into the same dark room the victims came out of and where everyone but the heroine knows the killer lurks. "Die For You" is a well crafted story if you like your protagonist totally insane.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    "Love accepts. Forgiveness comes in time". With author Lisa Unger I often find myself with a "glad I read this book" rating. This one being no different. This love accepts quote and a few others from this story has me stopping to see how I feel about that statement. For the record, the love accepts quote I find so very accurate. I enjoyed the storyline taking place in New York and also Prague. I enjoyed the sister relationship between Isabel & Linda. The ending with Isabel sharing her thoughts was quite realistic. I'm pleased Unger ended Die For You in this manner.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    At the beginning, very interesting and exciting, with a lot of mystery/intrigue, but then it became very unlikely and completely far fetched.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    We read this book for my book club, and it was my first exposure to author Lisa Unger. One of my issues with this book is the constantly changing perspective. This person to that person to this person to that person. I always have trouble with shifting perspectives. There is always a moment of disorientation as I realize that someone else is now speaking, and have to figure out who it is. Add to that the fact that it would shift from past to present, and I found myself often left confused.I began the book enjoying the first half. It was gripping, keeping me turning the pages, wondering what would happen next.At moments I loved the turn of a phrase and where the author was taking me, but then the last half of the book took over, and the story just wound up sort of preposterous.This book wound up just being sort of "okay" for me.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Right up front I'll say, DIE FOR YOU by Lisa Unger is great! DIE FOR YOU was published in 2009, and at first it reminded me of the more recent GONE GIRL by Gillian Flynn. GONE GIRL is on many best-of lists for 2012, and it is a good book. But DIE FOR YOU is better.GONE GIRL has a wife who has gone missing. DIE FOR YOU has a husband who has gone missing. Unlike the husband who has been left behind in GONE GIRL, the left-behind wife in DIE FOR YOU doesn't depend on the police investigation. Unger does a fabulous job of presenting the various characters' views. She shows that no one person is all good or all bad. And the heroine, whose viewpoints are the only first-person chapters, may take unnecessary chances; but that's more satisfying and interesting than a do-nothing husband.A good book can be five star or four. That depends on whether it is unputdownable. DIE FOR YOU is.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Unfortunately, this was the first Lisa Unger book I had read and now it will be quite a while before I decide to pick up another. Not a good read in my opinion with an annoying heroine and a story that easily suspends belief.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Well, the praises for this book from a lot of writers (on the back of the cover) don't really fit in my opinion. O.k. it's a 'crime thriller' but each step is too obvious and so it isn't really a surprise. On the other hand there is a lot of romantic relationships which are in my point of view much more important than the criminal actions are themselves. It is an easygoing reading but not actually gripping.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Ann Marie Lee does excellent with the voices, but her performance is a little monotone.The story is unbelievable. Marcus Raine leaves for work one day and doesn't come home. Isabel goes to his office to look for clues and it is raided by fake FBI agents. All the employees are killed and Isabel is knocked out. (That part I can believe.)Isabel Raine is a writer, and I believe she could be a detective. However, I don't believe that she is as brave, fearless and smart as an FBI agent. How does she manage to escape the many dangerous incidents she gets herself into? Seems like providence works in her favor every time. She doesn't consider her family or the consequences of her actions as she runs away with no plans except to find Marcus. Even as she begins to believe that he is a con artist, thief, and murderer, she blindly continues with no thought of repercussions. Nothing in her character before she starts tracking down her missing husband suggests that she would evade police, withhold information, etc. And why does her family go along with it? They withhold information as well.So many ruminations after each action...We know Isabel wants to know why Marcus left. She doesn't have to keep telling us she has questions. I probably would have liked this book better if it was about half as long.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book was a page turner and very suspenseful but Isabel's actions were a mystery to me. There's brave and then there's stupid. At first she doesn't believe the FBI when they tell her that her husband is a murderer and international con-man and thief. When she finds that he has cleaned out all their joint accounts she decides to take matters into her own hands even sneaking off to the slums of Prague to track him down.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a story of betrayal, forgiveness and suicide. The incredible love that Isabel has for her husband, only to find out that he's not who he says he is, is almost unbearable. Even for the reader. There are so many characters in this story. I found that I liked many of them, and of course disliked the villains. Detective Grady Crow is an awesome character. He's even keel, even in the most bizarre of circumstances. He keeps his head, and still has his own life going on in the background of the story. There are a lot of different story lines going on in this one at the same time. It takes a bit of concentration to keep up. It didn't take away from the main story though, and while reading I wondered if it would all come together and even though it didn't come together like I thought it would be, it did tie in and create and interesting conclusion.Overall, I really liked this book. The narrator was awesome and did an incredible job with the accents and character voices. The book isn't one that is totally memorable, but it comes back as something that held meaning and had purpose. This was my first book by Unger and I'm looking forward to picking up another or two of hers!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Isabel Raine is married to a man she loves who is not what she thinks he is. He disappears, steals money and people die. Izzy must find out who and why he did this to her. New York and Prague. Undertones of father's suicide prevail.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    In Lisa Unger's DIE FOR YOU, Isabel thought she knew her husband, until the night he didn't come home. Married to Marcus for five years, and except for one brief indiscretion by her husband, Isabel thought they were happy. After alternating between anger and panic all night, she finally gets a phone call from his cell phone- and hears a violent struggle and a man scream on the other end of the call.A call to the police goes nowhere, as a husband who doesn't come home is not high on the priority list. Isabel goes to her husband's office, a successful high-tech game software company, to talk to his partner. The partner is evasive, angering Isabel. Before she can get any more information, the FBI raids the office. Confusion reigns, and Isabel is knocked out. When she awakens in the hospital, she finds out that it wasn't the FBI, and several people were killed, including her husband's partner. Her apartment has been trashed, and all of the money she and Marcus had in the bank is gone. Isabel discovers that her husband conned her brother-in-law Erik out of his life savings as well.Police Detective Grady Crowe is wary of Isabel's claims of ignorance of her husband's activities. More bad news arrives when it is discovered that her husband is not the real Marcus Raine- that man was murdered years ago, and it appears that her husband assumed his identity. Did he also murder the real Marcus Raine?Isabel is determined to discover the truth about her husband. Crowe warns her against that, particularly when more people show up dead, and Isabel seems to be the one closest to the dead bodies upon discovery. Is she a victim or a murderer?Unger writes a fast-paced thriller, and she uses the setting of New York City to good advantage. Anyone familiar with the city will recognize the spot in Central Park where a confrontation takes place, and the Upper West Side area where Isabel lives. A journey to Prague brings that city to life as well.Some thrillers/mysteries sacrifice character for action, but Unger's characters are fully drawn. The family dynamic between Isabel and her sister Linda, Erik and their kids is realistic and interesting. Erik and Linda's relationship is loving, even though both make big mistakes that threaten that relationship. Even Detective Crowe and his partner have a good chemistry.One thing bugged me though. Isabel's actions frequently put herself in danger, but also endanger her family. Isabel's quest to find out the truth about her husband caused her family great pain, and I couldn't understand that. Was her need to personally discover the truth about her husband worth the agony she put her family through? Isabel also knew nothing about her and her husband's finances. She signed papers he put in front of her, and agreed to use her name on all the paperwork for his company. Could she be that naive, particularly since her father left her mother, sister and her broke when he killed himself. Yet her sister makes a similar mistake. Perhaps this is a cautionary reminder to the reader to always pay attention to your family finances. I didn't understand Isabel, but maybe that is the point of the story. Maybe we never really know anybody, even the person sleeping next to you for five years. I give DIE FOR YOU three and half stars because Unger kept me turning the pages when I should have been sleeping.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Reason for Reading: Well, we all know by now I love a good thriller and a missing person case is always a good read. The plot intrigued me and I hadn't yet read the author but had heard of her. Comments: Isabel Raine, famous bestselling author, is married to Marcus Raine, successful software designer and company owner; they've had five fairly blissful years of marriage and after a particularly pleasant morning Marcus sets off for work and never returns. After waiting, and making phone calls, all through the night, Isabel heads for his office where she meets his partner on his way up to work. Barely after arriving the office is swarmed with men and women in FBI jackets taking all the computers and files. They lock her in an office and she sees her husband's partner in handcuffs. After banging on the door a woman who Isabel has determined could not be FBI comes into the office and kicks her in the head. When Isabel wakes in the hospital, she's told that the office was ransacked by these people (not the FBI) and all three employees were found dead in the office with her still alive, albeit unconscious. And so starts the tale of Isabel learning some frightening facts that Marcus Raine was a man who disappeared ten years ago and while also from Czech and looking slightly like her husband, is in fact not the man she is married to. Her whole life as she knows it falls apart by Isabel is not the type of woman to lay down and cry, oh no, she is going to find out why he's done this to her.The incredible fast pace of this novel takes place over a short period of time and has our heroine in New York, remembering the past in Paris and on the run in Czech. Her rich, luxuriant life is now filled with NYPD detectives, Russian and Albanian mobsters, and other unsavouries who'd simply prefer she be dead. But Isabel has a dark past where she was once left before and never had the question why answered and she'll not rest, even if it kills her, to let the man she loved get away from her without this simple answer. Determination runs through the book so hard, that you feel your teeth clenching as Isabel often kicks caution to the wind to try to find her answer.This is not my typical type of book. I'm usually your serial killer, or at least "let's have a few dead bodies" thriller type of reader but this book sucked me into a new sub-genre I can see myself really enjoying. I certainly love these types of movies. There is a suspense that starts to tickle you on the first page only to grab you a couple pages later and just doesn't let go until the final pages. A complete whirlwind of compulsive reading. I read the first 3/4's all in one day. Then unfortunately real life intervened and I had to wait a bit to get back to finishing it but this can certainly be set aside to read in day. When you have one of those lazy Saturday's coming up spend the day with Die For You and you might find your pulse rate quickening and even burn a few calories while you read. Recommended!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Lisa Unger tantalizes us in the opening prologue of Die For You.An American woman lies on the ground in Prague, staring up at a man approaching her with a gun. She knows him - "He is impervious, his face expressionless, as though I've never meant anything to him. And maybe I haven't."The novel then begins with author Isabel Raine and her husband Marcus eating breakfast. Marcus leaves for work, but he doesn't return home. When Isabel's phone rings and she sees her husband's number she is relieved - until she hears the terrible screaming. She races to his office, where a group of people clothed in FBI jackets slaughter the entire staff....Isabel survives, but is determined to find her husband, dead or alive. The more she digs, the less she knows. The man she married is someone completely different from the man she is following. Who is he? We are offered tantalizing snippets of Marcus as Isabel searches for him. The action ranges from Manhattan to Europe. Tension is ratcheted up as we alternately read chapters from the past to the present - each revealing just a little bit more.There's a great cast of supporting characters, each with their own secrets. And that seems to a be a large part of Die for You. How well do we really know the person closest to us? Isabel's sister is deceiving her husband. The lead cop on the case has been betrayed by his wife. Each character has their own secrets and their own reasons for hiding something. It explores the thoughts and reasoning behind the secrets. I enjoyed the subplots involving the supporting cast. Unger has a deft way with words and author Isabel showcases those talents.Unger has created yet another fast paced, page turning thriller.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS Lisa Unger is one of my favorites, and this time she did not disappoint. This one took me a little longer to get into, but once I did, it was a rollercoaster ride right through. This one was a little different from her other books, as we knew who the bad guy was all the way through, and the bad guy was her husband. I found I had trouble reconciling myself to this at some points through the book. Unger has a cast of interesting, on the most part well developed characters. There are so many stories to follow (and yet, I didn’t get lost, much, except for a minute in the beginning. Was she TRYING to throw us with Erik and Rick?), sometimes I got so into a side story, I forgot about the main plot. My one criticism, would be that it is a little formulaic, in the way that I didn’t know what was going to happen next, but I knew how it would happen. I have read all of Unger’s novels, so I knew we were going to start with a chunk of climax. Then we go back to the beginning, tell the story from there, with jumps to the characters pasts, build up to the climax, play it through, and end with some wrap up and closure of any lose ends. In a way it is comforting. Knowing before you start the style that an author is going to use. And in another, it felt a little repetitive. I did like that this one we knew who the bad guy was, and so to some extent had the opportunity to follow him through as well. There were still enough plots and twists to keep it exciting, I didn’t feel like it was missing the ‘mystery’ aspect. I think I did prefer Black Out over all, but that did not detract from this one at all. I am just as eagerly awaiting her 5 novel as I was this one. =D