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Whatever Happened to Davey?
Whatever Happened to Davey?
Whatever Happened to Davey?
Ebook29 pages26 minutes

Whatever Happened to Davey?

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About this ebook

Dave Corrigan is touring the Middle East and the Holy Land. Stressed by his mother’s passing and his own mid-life crisis, what happens next is right out of this world. The funny thing is, Davey’s all right with it. It might even be exactly what he needed. A short story.

Release dateSep 30, 2013
Whatever Happened to Davey?

Harold C. Jones

Harold C. Jones does professional landscape design and is an avid sports fan. He started writing as a hobby. He began taking it seriously when he realized he had something to say. His work has helped him to come to terms with himself, or perhaps explore himself would be more accurate. Harold believes that homo-erotica is valid as literature, and that it can be written in such a way that real stories of real people takes precedence over mere prurience. It can still be a hot read.

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    Book preview

    Whatever Happened to Davey? - Harold C. Jones

    Whatever Happened to Davey?

    Harold C. Jones

    This Smashwords edition copyright 2014 Harold C. Jones and Long Cool One Books

    Design: J. Thornton

    ISBN 978-0-9916716-9-4

    The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person living or deceased, or to any places or events, is purely coincidental. Names, places, settings, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. The author’s moral right has been asserted.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Act One

    Act Two

    Act Three

    About Harold C. Jones

    Whatever Happened to Davey?

    Harold C. Jones

    Act One

    Dave Corrigan fumbled around in his fanny-pack for his close-up spectacles, thick of lens and frame. He used them for reading and minor work but had so far resisted the need for bifocals or even trifocals. He cheerfully admitted that it was pure vanity. At his advanced age of thirty-nine, it didn’t make much difference anyway. Not these days. The notion that he might once have had a love life was a cruel, nagging joke.

    The highly-pitched and rapid-paced voice of their tour guide Maurice Abdullah pattered away in the background. He’d never been this close to a real mosaic, Byzantine or otherwise, in his entire life. So far, they’d all been on the ceilings, or high up on the walls. It really was beautiful, and yet the tour was at such a fast pace, eight countries in eleven days. On a whim of some previously unsuspected masochism, Dave counted up the stops listed in the brochure. There were forty-seven prime attractions in all, and they’d only done about seventeen or eighteen of them so far.

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