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The Mystery of Belle Jardin
The Mystery of Belle Jardin
The Mystery of Belle Jardin
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The Mystery of Belle Jardin

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For twins Amanda and Tyler exploring with their sister Francesca and her friend Sally is always a great adventure. But when they stumble upon an old mansion sitting on a hill, little do they realize the secrets it contains. A hundred years ago something terrible happened. Now, every ten years time reverses and there is a chance to right the wrong. Will they have the courage to see it through?

Release dateJan 12, 2012
The Mystery of Belle Jardin

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    The Mystery of Belle Jardin - Elizabeth Decker


    The afternoon sun was hot and the dragonflies flitted over the still pond. In the near distance, the tumbled down mansion sat dowager-like upon the hill. Once, long ago, it had been surrounded by exquisite gardens, gravel paths, and manicured lawns. Now, weeds were the only flowers, the paths were in ruins, and the forest encroached upon the once pristine lawns.

    There was an air of melancholy, of waiting, of abused hope, that hung over the structure and the surroundings. The once proud walls were slowly breaking down, and inside, the grand staircase lost a bit of its footing each winter. No fires crackled merrily in the hearth and the crystal chandelier swayed precariously each time the cruel winter wind blew in through the broken windows. Years ago, young boys would come and throw rocks to see who could reach the farthest panes of glass. Now, those same boys were grandfathers and the house was alone and forgotten by everyone.

    But the rooms were not silent. Every once in a great while, if you listened deeply, you could hear the ping from the now decrepit grand piano, as the music called a soft hello. Echoes of conversations long since past, drifted down hallways and slight laughter could be heard in the dining room. Sometimes, the music would swell and the house seemed to take a big breath, hold it, waiting, and then a soft, deep sigh could be heard as if it had exhaled its disappointed expectations.

    However, it had not always been thus and before we continue in the present, let us stop and pause, for the history of a house is the key to its heart. It must be stated that the house had a name, once in the long forgotten long ago and it was called Belle Jardin. It was so named by a dashing and charming young man called Cyrus Tyler. Cyrus had been on a tour of the world, and whilst in Europe, he had fallen in love, not only with the magnificent architecture, food, and culture of those old and stately countries but also with a beautiful young artist named Mary Saint Clair. Mary was a young American lady studying art in Italy. Her parents were dead and her Uncle Eustace, who was extremely wealthy, could deny her nothing.

    When she professed her love for art, she was given lessons by all the best tutors. When she professed her desire to travel to Italy to study with the masters, he organized a trip abroad. And when she came to him and expressed her love and desire to marry young, dashing, Cyrus Tyler he could do naught but bestow his blessings on the union.

    So they were wed, in the early summer of 1894, and after a long honeymoon in France and Ireland they came back to the United States to settle down. They were given a large piece of property by her uncle and as Cyrus was very rich, they started to build their home.

    Mary’s artist’s eye lovingly created a magnificent garden. She combined the best of what she had seen both abroad and at home and infused it with her gift of imagination. Cyrus meanwhile, harbored dreams of being an architect and so he began constructing a huge mansion that would complement both their creative sides and their station in life. He created a magnificent ballroom, the most modern of kitchens and baths, two elevators, and not only an indoor arbor, but also a marvel to all that saw it, an indoor pool. Of course the heating was astronomical but since Cyrus loved it so very much, Mary said nothing.

    This notion of an indoor pool was, of course, very forward thinking and caused a stir among their social set, upon which neither of them spared a second thought.

    All seemed complete when in the year 1898 their daughter, Grace was born. There was utter bliss until the early summer of 1906.

    It was in the month of July when the tragedy occurred. All that was good and great was dashed away in a single afternoon. And the house and its occupants were never the same. A darkness descended, obscuring the happiness of the house and the land around it.

    Years passed and the house and gardens slowly sunk into disrepair.

    It was precisely in this ruined and dilapidated condition that our four intrepid explores Francesca, Sally, Amanda, and Tyler stumbled upon the house one sweltering hot July day.


    TYLER! Francesca yelled across the fields. At 14 she was all arms and legs, as slim and gangly as a young colt. Her dark hair was pulled back into a thick braid which hung halfway down her back and her green eyes flashed with emerald fire. She was hot and sweaty and none too pleased at her missing younger brother. As the oldest child she was very protective of her younger siblings who were twins, and was also used to bossing them around a great deal. She was competent, loyal, and at the moment, completely exasperated.

    Where is he? She turned to her two companions with a glare.

    Sally, Francesca’s best friend and exploring companion shook her blond head. As tall as Francesca and with the same build, her straight blond hair was pulled back in a high ponytail. Her creative mind was always spinning stories and it was her great ambition to be an author. Consequently she had any number of ideas what young Tyler was getting up to. Sally was also the youngest in her family and with four older brothers she was used to their rough and tumble adventures. Her dark brown eyes were amused as they regarded her friend. Her own nature was considerably more relaxed. They were the yin and yang of each other and that’s what made them the best of friends.

    Maybe he was eaten by wild animals, she said gravely.

    We should be so lucky, Francesca grumbled.

    Nan, don’t say that. He may just be your brother but he’s my twin, Amanda waved her slender arms about, and if he were to get hurt – I would feel it. And then perhaps die, she fell to the ground in mock convulsions.

    Francesca and Sally exchanged looks. Amanda, although only eight, was in possession of such a dramatic disposition that she was surely destined for the theatre. Her blondish hair was getting blonder every day in the heat of the summer. It was cut short in a page boy and swung about her chin. Amanda had no intention of having to fuss with her hair and only wished for a style that was easy to care for. Her slight build was as athletic as her twin brother, the missing Tyler, for they played together frequently. She was about three inches shorter though and this caused her great consternation.

    Once in a great while, Tyler and Amanda were allowed to join in Francesca and Sally’s expeditions. Although Amanda would never betray her twin she was secretly upset with him for disappearing so completely. If it ruined their chances for going with the girls again she would be very mad at him indeed.

    Well, if you are so psychically linked then perhaps you can tell us where he is? Sally asked with an amused glint in her eye.

    Tyler came barreling out of the bushes at that very instant.

    GUYS! Wait till you see what I’ve found.

    Tyler was as blond as his sister but that’s where the resemblance ended. He was built as sturdy as a truck and besides the three inches he gained in height, he also weighed a good fifteen pounds more. His grin was as unruly as his hair which stood straight up on his head in the back and was plastered down in the front. His shorts were torn and his knees were covered in dirt. His blue eyes were wide with glee as he looked at the girls.

    Tyler, if you disappear like that again I will hunt you down, Francesca fumed at him.

    Aw Nan, you sound like mom! Come on and SEE WHAT I FOUND! He grinned and jumped up and down.

    What is it? Sally was intrigued.

    This way, Tyler ran back into the bushes.

    The girls dove into the bushes after him. It was slow going for there were brambles and bees and weeds and vines and all sorts of things that seemed determined to trip them and halt their progress. Their legs and arms, bare in their shorts and t-shirts, were soon covered with angry red marks left by the nettles they encountered. However, the group was hardly aware of the scrapes and scratches they suffered for they considered them merit badges. They reveled in the freedom to roam about on these long hot summer days. Of course they had to be careful because their mothers’ thought they were each at the others house – but it was the only way that they could escape from the clutches of adult supervision. All of them realized that there were dangerous people around, but they also all knew that if they stayed, and stood together, they would be safe.

    The girls burst out of the brambles and found themselves on a slight hill overlooking the pastures beyond. Breathless they stood amazed at the sight before them.

    Spread before them down the hillside, was an overgrown pasture that sloped up another hillside to a tumbled down wall. The land then leveled out. Deep in the overgrown shade of the massive oak trees the outline of a huge crumbling mansion could be seen. It appeared to have been built of stone and was formidable, even its decay. There was a center portion which was three stories high and there were two wings off to each side. Mullioned windows dotted the upper floors and large French doors graced the ground floor. Many of the windows were broken and on the two large turrets some of the stones could be seen crumbled on the ground. The air of mystery was deep and palatable.

    Tyler beamed, Isn’t it neat? Let’s go!

    With a war whoop, the foursome speed down the slope and up the next one.

    They stopped in front of the crumbling stone wall and hesitated, trying to catch their breath after the headlong run.

    I don’t know if we should go in there, suddenly Amanda felt strange, her insides were in turmoil and she was anxious. She rubbed her stomach and looked at the others, What if there is a ghost or something inside?

    Tyler shook his head, Girls! There’s nothing in there that will hurt you, come on.

    He bounded over the wall.

    Sally went after him, Come on Francesca, Amanda. This is too cool to miss.

    Francesca looked down at her sister, concern etched on her face.

    I know what you mean Mandy. It’s weird isn’t it? I get the same sort of feeling, she paused, come on though, don’t want the others to think that we are sissies do we?

    Amanda looked more troubled. There was something urging her not to go forward.

    I don’t like it Nan. Don’t let’s go in.

    Don’t worry Amanda, nothing will happen, I’ll be right here, she pulled her sister’s hand and dragged her over the wall.

    Unbeknownst to all of them, four wild pink roses bloomed simultaneously in the crumbling stone wall.


    The foursome walked across the jungle of grass. Tyler was in the lead swinging about a big stick he had picked up and he cleared a path for the others, Who do you think lived here?

    I don’t know. I’ve never heard anyone mention this place before. Not even my brothers, Sally said. and they used to explore all over before they went off to college.

    Ask them about it later will you? Francesca asked.

    Sure, Sally said as she stumbled a bit and looked at the ground. Look there used to be a path here, she pointed to the gravel barely visible at her feet.

    This must have been some really rich person’s house. Look at how big it is.

    Tyler stopped and looked up and the others followed suit. In front of them, the house was bigger and older than it had appeared from the distance of the hill. He started forward, but stopped just as suddenly, some instinct making him wary.

    Wait, there’s something here, he pushed aside some weeds. "Good thing I checked, look it’s a pond or something.

    Amanda pushed to the head of the line, Wow. I wonder if they had any goldfish in there. Imagine what they would look like now if there were?

    The others just grimaced at the thought.

    With Tyler once again taking the lead, the group slowly made their way around to the huge patio.

    Suddenly overcome by the forbidding ambiance of the house, they silently crept up to the French doors which hung lopsided on their hinges. They looked at each other, now a bit reluctant to go inside.

    Well? Sally looked at Francesca.

    Well? Francesca looked at the twins.

    Let’s go! Tyler’s natural instinct for wild abandon won out, and he reached for the door.

    Wait! Amanda stood still. The feeling that something was definitely wrong was very strong and suddenly she was certain of one thing, I think there’s someone in there.

    What? Are you crazy Amanda? No one is in there, Tyler scoffed. What’s a matter, you chicken?

    I’m not chicken; I just don’t want to go in there. Amanda crossed her arms and sat down on the ground.

    Okay Mandy, you don’t have to come in. We’ll be just a few minutes. Francesca was worried when Amanda started acting this way, plus she really wasn’t comfortable leaving her alone outside.

    Sure, don’t worry about me, Nan. You go ahead. I’ll wait here in the sun and keep guard. Don’t worry, suddenly Amanda seemed relaxed and sat next to a crumbling stone bench.

    Okay squirt we’ll be right back.

    The trio opened the decrepit French door and walked inside.


    The house was still, no birds flew in the rafters, no squirrels darted out the doors, and even the sound of their footsteps was muted as their sneakers crossed the marble floor. They passed from the large windowed room which fronted the garden and into the main hall.

    Cool, Sally breathed as Tyler whistled softly.

    Can you imagine living here? Francesca chimed in. It must have been beautiful back when it was first built. Look at how high these ceilings are, and the beautiful floor. Francesca was enthralled with the interior. It no longer seemed forbidding, just sad and that melancholy note struck something in the chambers of her soul.

    Well, Sally said, they must have had a lot of money. Imagine what it would have cost to heat this place. Already her mind was alive with pictures of

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