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The Unreasoning Mask
The Unreasoning Mask
The Unreasoning Mask
Ebook345 pages5 hours

The Unreasoning Mask

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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PublisherPenguin Group
Release dateFeb 27, 2007
The Unreasoning Mask

Philip Jose Farmer

Philip José Farmer (1918–2009) was born in North Terre Haute, Indiana, and grew up in Peoria, Illinois. A voracious reader, Farmer decided in the fourth grade that he wanted to be a writer. For a number of years he worked as a technical writer to pay the bills, but science fiction allowed him to apply his knowledge and passion for history, anthropology, and the other sciences to works of mind-boggling originality and scope. His first published novella, “The Lovers” (1952), earned him the Hugo Award for best new author. He won a second Hugo and was nominated for the Nebula Award for the 1967 novella “Riders of the Purple Wage,” a prophetic literary satire about a futuristic, cradle-to-grave welfare state. His best-known works include the Riverworld books, the World of Tiers series, the Dayworld Trilogy, and literary pastiches of such fictional pulp characters as Tarzan and Sherlock Holmes. He was one of the first writers to take these characters and their origin stories and mold them into wholly new works. His short fiction is also highly regarded. In 2001, Farmer won the World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement and was named Grand Master by the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America.

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Reviews for The Unreasoning Mask

Rating: 3.5161277419354837 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Fantastic premise and incredibly grand in scale, this is one of those books that takes you through one end of existence and out the other (only scraping the sides due to the author's occasionally stale prose) into the realms of the infinite. Nice egg too ;)
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Jun09:Characters: Bleh. I liked the egg. The lead was okay. Actually, the Commodore was the most fun. None of them stole the show though.Plot: Not really one. Just an excuse to give his idea some substance. I mean, the whole actual plot could be: 'Man steals egg. Evil blob shows up. Man self destructs to destroy blob after deciding motivation is pointless.'Style: It was all just an excuse for the author to postulate on the form of the universe. The 'revelation' was entertaining, but it was horribly long worded. Many of the characters communicated in nonsense. I particularly enjoyed the last hoorah of the main character: 'Fuck it, I don't know what the truth is, but this blob is going for earth so I'm going to blow it up.'