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My Lady and the Rogue
My Lady and the Rogue
My Lady and the Rogue
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My Lady and the Rogue

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A look into the life of a princess and her acquaintances along her process of becoming a lady
Release dateApr 26, 2013
My Lady and the Rogue

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    My Lady and the Rogue - Jesse S. Ward



    As she walks down the aisle of life like a Queen that one day she will be prissy as Cleopatra ever hoped to be. Demanding the best of everything around her to be brought to her, as she needs. Bringing in people from all of her world being told how beautiful she was in their world. Taunting and laughing with her peers seeing life so different thru their eyes reckless an loving each and everyone that comes into contact with her.

    No matter how young or old she is the same with each an every one of them she as touches their worn hands from working the fields as if they were silk. From these fields comes her fruit she praises their hard work her encouraging their work is their reward from her an to them it is a compliment that they should earn. The noble ones are kept in their place as she speaks to her peers her beauty and her words make them work, just for her.

    Being young she does rebel against the elders with a mighty conflict of interest challenging her they are always telling her how to be. Knowing all the time that she is right she does have her conceit but she overcomes it with a magnetism of life for others. Gently, she talks to them satisfying their need.

    The days when the young come around her she takes them into her heart playing the games that the young like to play as she did when she was younger. The elders shaking their heads when they see her wanting more discipline in her being a leader of sorts instead of her being whom she is.

    The King and the Queen love her to death, she is the only one that they do have spoiled rotten is the fault of the two of them as the elders do say. Letting her run loose with the commoners is not the place for her they tell her Mother and Father. They say she is different an this is true she makes the difference, between me and you.

    She sent for her Knight to go out on a night that she needed to be away from the Castle. She had enough of this day she went down to the stables where her Knight for the night was awaiting her for her night on the village.

    He followed her as she strolled talking an carrying on like she aways did when she was with her people. A fight broke out right in front of her a big men battling it out with a much smaller man were going at it throwing each other to the ground the blood flowing from the corners of their mouths. Looking like heathens from hell these two are as she stepped in between them, and dared them to touch her in front of a crowd.

    Stop this madness right now she demanded who is it that you think, you two are. What is it that you two vagabonds are fighting for. No fear shown in her face madness had taken its place her face blazing red in her rage acting years beyond her age she had spoken.

    My lady we weren't fight for nothin', we were fighting to see which was the stronger, and who would win the food and ale, we are hungry. The stronger man said this is what we men do sometimes just to see who is the strongest an that was me I get to eat the food. The smaller man was badly hurt he lay listlessly on the ground as the big man spoke.

    Having no feeling for the big man she walked over to the smaller one is he still alive ruining one of her few nights out of the Castle. She an her escort helped him up and took him back to her room at the Castle. Having to keep him a secret from all. If discovered he would be exiled from this country, if not killed.

    He was a handsome man she told her self small but handsome she had to wash him from all the blood that was all over his body all by herself. His fluffy shirt was all red with his blood it was white. She had to unbutton it to get it off him. Making her feel sick, as she touched him. Blood dried to his skin so thick as she humbled herself to start to wash it off layer by layer.

    She was sickened by this experience the feelings of filth an stench. She had to make her on bath for herself to bath to wash it all off only to find that what was is now deeper. What have I done how am I going to hide him out with all the goings and comings he is sure to be found out.

    Her room is so getty white sheer curtains everything so perfect his presents here made her appear a mess. To the servants that could not find him out, and why she had to have all the bloody mess from every one else, but she. Fear of being found out suddenly hit her, and with that thought only intrigued her on she felt as thou she had to do this.

    As a girl she had a secret hiding place an that is where she was going to take the small one that was now starting to wake. Which had started another problem of keeping his mouth shut before someone heard his moaning, and groaning. Her secret room now had spiders an cobwebs, and dust all over the place.

    Was this so called man worth all of this all I have to do is say the word and he is gone from this earth. Maddened by having to care for someone that is a nothing a commoner and for why I could and can have any man of my choosing. As she drug him into the room feet first.

    All of a sudden my lady is not so pretty all covered up in cobwebs and bugs is she. Yes she is as she sets on the floor crying with the cobwebs laying all over her pretty night dress a night of nights for her wanting to throw a temper tantrum an scream but holding back the noise.

    A strange feeling came over her as she was cleaning a spot for him to lye she scudded it off as he woke in strange surroundings he voiced himself rather loudly, wanting to know where in the hell he was if he was not in hell already. Taking her hand and thrusting it into his loud mouth, and saying shut up or you will be killed.

    He has deep baby blue eyes that she had not yet seen, now she had. No more tears ran down her face as she looked into to his eyes. Am I in heaven or am I just dreaming as he saw her for his first time. His body in agony an in so much pain his eyes were blackened from his fight for food.

    From her side she had not a clue of being hungry, and to have to fight for it was a quest beyond her knowing what it was that was going on inside of the Kingdom. His body was so cold, and broken she could not leave him for the night she had to sleep with him to keep him warm, and deal with the filth of this room.

    As soon as the sun rose so did she an she went to the windows and opened them up to let the air into the room before anyone woke. Her skin was itching from all the dust an damp, nasty clamminess of her secret room. He woke and as he spoke the words he said were innocent of the night before.

    She cleaned up the room as best she could to make his stay a little more pleasant no air for years it was stale, the spiders had done there artwork to the room as well. Cleaning up was not to her liking dust so thick you could see it in the sunlight as it shone in through the window beaming particles all around the room.

    He lay upon a bed of cloth that she had drug him into this room with now she had to help his wounds heal. He talked of hunger in her way she told him of his having to be still and quite as to not be discovered by someone she could not discount above her. He said he would lie still and wait.

    Later she brought him fruit after he ate she cleansed his body once again she had become quite and not so melancholy as usual some were asking what was wrong. Excuse was after excuse she was so confused about her feelings making her out of sorts wanting something that she had never known before.

    She went to see about him as often as she could. Opening up the door she saw him standing at the window looking out. Tell me what you see. I see a land that was once alive, why do you say that, because it is all dead now. Why are you saying that, the land is barren of its beauty. It is now a desert or what it just is what it was not once, that is all. Why are you up and walking around anyway go lie back down.

    You my Princess will never know or understand what life for us is all about. You said that everything looks dead, why I see my life and those like you. You have everything we have nothing.

    As she left, a servant had followed her because she had been acting out of the ordinary. Out of her routine, and character not spending time with the kids that were her heart now she was taking care of him.

    The Castle keep her busy, and she now was back with her children they talked of their stories played their games. She had to sneak some fruit and food for her little man. He was on her mind making it hard for her to concentrate. The servant went to the Queen, telling her of what she had seen Mame the Princess has a man in a room a filthy room, and he appears hurt. She just bungled it out, Queen Ann Marie told her to be quite about this matter and she would settle it.

    Princess Diane took some food while she was with the children, and wrapped it up in a towel to hide it. They loved her being with them and as she was trying to leave they told her how pretty she looked and giggled, as she walked away.

    She carefully made her way to his room opened the door, and he was lying on the floor. She went to his side an talked to him in a gentle voice. He was weak from walking around the room looking out the window not being able to be still even thou he was hurt.

    Man what have you been doing, she asked I just had to move around, and I fell to the floor before I could get to the bed. He held his weak arms up for her to help him she walked over and laid his food down, and went to him and helped him get back to his bed. Taking her hand and rubbing his face man what is your name I am Adam a man of no place. I have food and a flask of water for you to eat and drink then we must talk.

    As she fed him she spoke to him of the night he was in a fight. Needing to understand what had happened on that night. It was a fight I will be okay. I have suffered much worse. I am not of this Kingdom I walked miles and miles to get here only to find that I was not as the others around me.

    Queen Ann Marie was disheartened over what she was told she was saddened that her daughter would do such a thing in the Castle. To tell the King at this point was not going to be a good thing his strength would be the end of her taking care of a man. He would let his Knights use him at their will.

    As they talked his eyes were tired but she could not take her eyes off of his. They were like looking into a sea of blue as he spoke she could not hear what he was saying she was so taken by the way he spoke to her. His voice faded away she was tranquilized the feelings of her body made her fell weary. As she laid down beside him she felt comfort an contentment she held his hand. Silence was in the room I am going to have to move you from this nasty room if you are well enough to be moved. Where are you taking me, to my room were I can bathe you. You really need cleaning up an some clean bandages an clothes.

    Queen Ann Marie went to her chambers an poured herself a nice big glass of wine walked outside onto her porer sat down trying to come up with a way to fix this mess before the King found out from some one else. Dealing with him was not always easy his temper was not aways nice. The Princess had never been this bad ever before. This is going to be a mess if she did not handle him just right. There had to be a way for her to do this without making him feel challenged .

    She took him back to her room, this time he was able to walk at least slowly. He had gotten better even thou he was bad about moving around too much. Getting him there was a trek down this hallway an then that one without being seen. They arrived there all in one piece.

    At this point things got uneasy he had to have a bath the days had really added up in a really bad way. She had never had to make her bath before the other night, and now she was having to make a bath for him. She thought to herself this is going to be where do I begin, what have I gotten myself into my maids have done this for me since I was born. Lord help me.

    She had to go and fetch buckets of warm water to put in her tub that was now seeming to big was this guy worthy of all of this. That was the easy part now she had to get this heathen into the tub. She went to him and gently said you have to take a bath this is going to be just as hard for me as you. As he looked into her eyes he said my Princess, it will be okay.

    She had never seen a naked man before as he stood before her in the dark was one thing but this. Oh my God let's get you to the tub before you get cold. His wounds were still tender he did not yelp he just closed his eyes as she washed his body clean of his unpleasant odors. As she sponged his private part it was hard not as he entered she jerked her hand away mystified, yet aroused.

    Helping him out of her tub was interesting as she dried him off her eyes wasn't on his deep blue eyes she was trying not to look, but could not help herself. She had put a very makeshift bed hidden away for him to sleep on getting him out of the tub to there was going to be her feat. She raised him up, and dried him off with her towels put a robe on him, and helped him to his bed.

    He felt like a new man that was so wonderful I can't thank you enough my Princess. He did not remember being here before she had put everything on the line for this man for some reason that she didn't even understand, yet.

    She knew that she had to talk to her Mom before things got out of control. He was doing better now he would at least be able to survive if they made him leave the Kingdom or worse leave our village. She had to tell him what she had to do, and make him understand what could happen to him.

    She had to ask him one question first why did you say that the land was like a desert. I come from a land from afar. I came here to start my life all over only to discover a land that had no heart no better than the land I left even thou it is really a beautiful land just a sad land. What you saw on that night happens everyday. A fight for food and drink.

    This disheartened her when she snook out she never had the feeling that things were not right. All were happy so she thought. What is wrong in the village tell me so I can understand at least some of our problems. There is a group that is very strong that takes away from everyone. They threaten them with there lives if they don't do as they say. Go on I need to know more.

    His eyes were getting heavy, and he was falling asleep. Her people were being hurt, and she wanted to know by whom. First she had to talk to Mom that was going to be bad enough for now and then she would find out what was going on in the village.

    As he sleep she had to talk to the Queen, not Mom this was going to be hard to make her understand what she had done. Her mind was racing with fear she had to calm down before she entered her chambers. Before she would just rush on in there like a kid would do this time she would enter as someone else. There was no way to not be strong, and she had to be truthful not knowing that the Queen already knew she had no idea what she was walking into.

    She went in as always hoping for everything being alright in the beginning there was immediate tension flowing in the room. Her heart fell to her feet who would speak first the look on her Mom's face gave her up. Mom I need to talk to you well I guess you do young lady did you really think that you would be able to harbor a man in this Kingdom without me finding out about it what if your Dad found out first have you lost your respect for us.

    No Mame, I came here to speak with you about him humbling herself as she spoke. I know I did wrong but I did right, by him. My child what were you thinking, he needed my help and I gave it to him. He is a bit of a heathen, but he is someone that has a meaning to me. Oh honey you don't have feelings for this trash do you. I have known of your ventures out on the village for sometime now, and now this.

    I cannot say that I am sorry, I cannot believe you said that, I did. Not out of disrespect, but my honor the things that you have taught me. What in the world are you saying you taught me to love our people and I do I love the children an they love me. The land workers love me they just don't know me very well. Yes they do my dear they know who you are, and yes they do love you. Stunned she sat in a room that was so divine tears running down her cheeks. Everyone that I trusted told you everything didn't they. Yes they did for your own good even this. I know of the room of filth in the room of old treasures of the past.

    What can I do to make you believe what I have done is right for you it is right if you had have left him there to die, then I would have wondered if your heart was right after what I was told. My dear you were let do the things that you have done for a reason, and you have been well protected by me. Your Dad is not going to be happy when we tell him what has happened. He has to know me, almost as you do I know he has the power to do as he wants, but just this once he has to believe in me and what I have done just this once. He has protected me all of my life I am not grown yet, but I am a growing woman as you have seen. I am changing more every day, and one day I will want a man an you and Dad will have to give a little, to let me grow up.

    Mom smiled at her and remembered the day that she, and the King smiled at each other in passing. My dear I was once young myself I remember the day we first kissed. I will talk to him first, but he will have a lot to say to you just as happened to us. I just want to save this man I am not sure of my feelings just yet of this man. Wrenching her hands as she spoke looking down in respect to her Mom.

    Mom could tell of her feelings it was in her eyes she could not hide things well her eyes always told on her. As she left the room she gracefully thanked her Mom. She went to the little man they spoke of what just happened with Mom. She was scornful in the beginning but as she spoke she was understanding. I know that without you I would be dead Diane you have giving me a new chance to live, and for this I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and from this day forward I will see the land as it really is, you have changed my heart. I hope to be a better man, and I a better woman. The land is not perfect it will never be, but a land that I love and a people that I have always loved.

    As the Kings day ended he went to his parlor as he walked thru the door his wife was looking out of the window. As he spoke to her she said come to the window, and watch the sun set with me. She had already poured him a glass of wine. She handed it to him with a smile on her face. The sky was so many different colors, a bright orange ball falling from the skies. As it set on the horizon.

    She took his hand and lead him outside, and they sat on their swing. Trying hard not to give herself away they did sometimes have moments like this, but beginning was like telling him they were going to have another baby. Remember when we first met and all the things that we went thru, I was nothing and you were royalty how you had to fight for me, because I was just a commoner. Yes, I do remember and I have not had any regrets to this day, I know that I am not an easy man to deal with, but you always have found ways of making our lives better.

    I have a story to talk to you about, please listen to me before you start to shout at me. She took his hand and started a story about the Princess. The King already knew when he first found out he was ready to go out and kill the little man until he found out why. He let her tell her story and then he jumped up, and said what are you trying to say woman he couldn't help himself the smile just broke out all across his face. Looking at him in disbelief you knew, yes all along, and you said nothing to me, that is correct, I have known everything for a long time. The Queen was bewildered an other glass of wine she was ready to be mad at him for not telling her. Looking at her in her beauty he said all he wanted was for her to tell Mom and Mom to tell him, but now we all have to meet.

    He was still hurt, but getting around the bruises were about all healed up. Diane helped him up and moved him into a more comforting spot. They talked about what had happened with her Mom. All he could say was how thankful he was for her saving his life. If he is told to leave, he will on his own, if told to do so. I am well enough to leave, and go back to fighting for food. If that is what I have to do. The day has ended, we need to make you a bed, but I like your bed, my Princess, she just looked at him you were hurt, and I had to take care of you. You are better now so you will sleep in a bed of your own. They worked together to make him a bed away from hers, it was a hard thing for her to make him do.

    The night was restless so many things to have to deal with, she tossed and turned all night just to be wakened by one of the Kings Knights. Both were taken to a room of silence, not a noise was heard until the King and Queen entered the room. Their clothes were becoming, the King sat down looking this little man down, then the Queen sat. Still silence, the little man strode and spoke of his words for the Princess, Sire your Princess saved my life, if not for her I would have surly died. If it is your wish that I go I will peacefully. I have known many a man spoke the King much more honorable then thee will ever be. Mom took Dads hand into hers in hope that he would take heart in this man.

    The King asked of drink and asked the ladies to leave the room, we have some man talk to work thru. As they left, they each turned and looked at both men in hopes of the bitterness of each of them not standing out. They filled their goblets with their drink for themselves, for Adam this was the best wine he had ever tasted, and the King asked if it was to his pleasure. Oh yes sir the best I have ever tasted I know Sire what you must think of me, but given the chance I will prove myself. Where are you from, I am from nowhere sir as I told Diane my life has been from place to place, never home. Why were you fighting, for food, just for food huh, Sire when you don't have anything to offer and there is a tidbit around, you have to fight for it when something gets thrown out.

    In my village I have tried to bring a life to my people, but there are some that always make life hard for everyone. Are you one of those that will bring peace or one that has the purpose of destruction upon everyone around you, to tell you the truth it is like this I promise. Looking the King into his eyes, was a daring thing to do. My life has been nothing since that fight I have learned more from Diane about life than I ever knew existed not just the beauty of the this Kingdom just to hear her talk of her children playing games with them. The way she talks of your people, and her going out to speak with them they all love her, and I hope that you are proud of her an her ways.

    The King rose from his seat, the little man felt really little right now. My daughter is not to know of this only you. I have known of her whereabouts for a long time. The people do talk about her and her way with them when she takes her strolls. She would be rather upset with me if she were to know, that I knew of this. We have not spoken of this I also made sure she would be without harm on her ventures outside. Until you came along, and I found this out. She took a big chance sneaking you into her room, but I would have been disappointed in her if she had have left you there to die, because she was afraid she showed me might when she took that chance. Damn I was so afraid of the day that she would grow up her body has started to change and grow with her. Beautiful she is, pretty you are not, silence hit the room as the King was in deep thought and was pacing the floor.

    Let me see your hands palms up, you know of work don't you, yes sir I do, one of Diane's pleasures is going out to the people and speaking to them as I cannot. One of the things that you will do is protect her when she goes out into the night, the next thing you will do during the day is be one of those people that she loves to talk about you will work the land. You will also sleep in the Castle at night, in your quarters. Do you understand, yes Sire, and you are to not to be with her in her chambers at night. You must prove yourself to her, and to us then we will see what we have to do next. I am not a forgiving man, fail me and you will be exiled from an other land, like your past. You are not well enough just yet, Diane will see to you until you are well enough to work at your duties. Thank hard on this it may be easier to move on once again for you. Your future here will be hard as well as for Diane. Sire, once I am well, I will not fail, at first I saw this village in a way of tyranny, I now look upon it as a new hope, that I will work towards helping to make better. Enough said, sleep on this, this night, do not take this lightly if you do, you now know.

    Adam rose up thinking the King and left the room. As he walked out the door he leaned on the wall to support himself he had never been thru anything like that before his knees were so weak he almost hit the floor. The fight was easier than that. He made his way to Diane's chambers. He had never been so glad in his worthless life as to see her. She was just glad to see him alive she made him lie down his body was worn out at least you are still alive. What all did he have to say alot once I am well I have a lot of work ahead to work your fields as a man and to look after you and a place in the Castle to sleep and after I am well to not enter your chambers again until at least I have proven myself to you and the King. Tomorrow we talk again. The wine was putting him to sleep. Diane went to her bed as well but could not go to sleep.

    As Adam sleep he had dreams, dreams of the past always being taunted because he was not a big man and having fight after fight because of it. His night mares were always making his sleep restless, except when he slept with Diane. Her comfort and closeness, made him content, in his sleep, his bad dreams didn't happen. The night pasted and a new day began. Two of the Kings Knights knocked at the door at the crack of dawn, awaking them both into a startle, throwing on her robe she answered thru the door. She didn't say what she wanted to what do you want, the King sent us to fetch the little man, Mame okay it will be just a short while. He was awake and getting dressed in a real hurry. The King was serious about a talk this early, they escorted him to the King. The King had a real smile on his face a breakfast was laid out Adams eyes were not even ready to focus yet, good morning Sire. Set down with us Diane is coming down as well I know how she sometimes likes to be lazy in the morning. There she is her servants are bringing her in as we speak so all of us can have a nice breakfast to start our day off right, isn't that right my dear, yes it is.

    Please enjoy the food, partake this is from our land, a land that is not perfect, but one cannot make a land that is perfect. As one day you will see if you can do as asked. Some have to be as commoners, and that is hard work, we have to eat, and feed many, some crop years are better than others. As you see in front of you, as you slept on our talk, last night how do you feel today. I will not let you down on all of what we talked about, Sire. Good I hope you have many dreams I do, I hope for my people to have peace in their lives as our village grows. The children they do love Diane, the people love her as well, one thing I need from you is what is happening to make our village tainted. You were new to us is that not correct, yes Sire it is, tell me then what you experienced. I had nothing to offer for food, all I could see was hate, I know that sounds bad to you it's just some have nothing but nothing. They say you take to much of what they try to earn, and no matter how hard they try you just take more. It may be true to a point, but there is so much more, you have spoken well, I must now think and wonder about what you have said. We will continue this later.

    Adam had said a lot that the King was not accustom to hearing he had been spared, the life of the people of his village the King now knows. Diane had sat quietly as they spoke knowing that what Adam had said was of the truth. She didn't dare say a word at that time. Adam later asked her if he had said to much Adam he needed to hear the words you spoke he is a very powerful man, but he does have heart when it comes to his people. Adam there are lands that would love to come here and take our land away from us. He has to have the Knights and solders that he does to protect us from our enemies. We have had attacks on us burning our crops at harvest time making it so hard to feed our people. You judged us after being here for just a few days you saw the shortage of food for yourself. He spends nights trying to find away to stop the madness Mom has worried herself to death about him trying so hard. He offered you work an a place to live it will be hard work for you my friend. To work and look after me will not be easy I love our people. I have to comfort them as best as I can. The crops have just begun to grow the work will now become hard labor, and as the crops grow you will have to protect the labor that you have put into it. Come with me as you will be my protector you are getting around well now and it is time for you to see for yourself the work that you will be doing.

    She had her carriage brought around for them to leave the castle. The land is our life without it we would die as she spoke he listened never before had he had any part of what was. Dumbfounded is what he was she handled her carriage galloping thru the cobblestone streets to the fields of labor that Adam was going to have to work. The sun was getting high, and hot was not the word for it hell may have been a better word for it, sweat was rolling as they got to the field that he would be working. Diane was dressed as she always was when she went to the fields. Just as they were stopping the carriage he climbed down and walked around to help her down. They all stopped working, and walked over to her she spoke to them telling them just how much she loved them, and how hard that they had been working.

    Then she introduced Adam as a new worker. I would like for you to meet Adam your new helper. He has worked hard in his past and I hope that everyone will teach him how to grow the land. They were glad to see her, and they would support her wishes. He will start as soon as he has healed. Has he ever worked the fields they asked. No, he hasn't he will have to learn. The older woman asked him just what have you been doing with your life anyway. To be honest I have been a drifter, and I am from many lands but not one such as this. I first saw it as the rest but there is life here. Diane, knows the land she spends time with the children as everyone works. I have learned much from her, as I hope to as well from thee. We will see.

    As they left everyone watched them leaving, he's one of them, they are throwing him to us just to spy on us the old woman said just you wait and see. They all knew she was just blowing off steam a new worker was something that always got something started just as it was when they started. Back to work things have got to get done you all want to get your severance don't you, muttering what severance they went back to the field. Growing cotton don't just up and happen you know. The leader of the field Peter was shaking his head kinda laughing at them sure they were distrusting a lot had happened over the years. The crop was young an needed rain. The rains will come one day soon an when they do so will our crops.

    Chopping the weeds out of cotton does not take a whole lot of smarts, the little man will be closer to the ground than the rest of us, he my even need a shorter hoe than the rest of us do. They all laughed at Peter as he spoke his words of wisdom to his workers. As they work the fields they all have to bash upon one another just to keep on going day in an day out. With the blistering sun facing them each an every day they had to go on, and with another set of hands on the dirt they would be finished just that much sooner.

    The ol' lady said if I were you Peter I would be watching out the Princess has never brought anyone to our field, I'm just saying you know better than I do. Let's all hope that he is an honest hard working man fore if he isn't I will let you old woman have your way with him, and when he arrives I will tell him so.

    Hope of a bountiful crop was always needed, everyone needed to eat, the more food the merrier. Diane knew what they were thinking, Adam when you go to work there they are going to work your little ass off. I know I felt as I have before. I will make things right, for the first time in my life, I feel like someone, I can't really say as to why just yet because I don't fully understand myself. I have never been anywhere that I fit in, and my hope is that I can.

    Peter will make me work harder than everyone else, to prove to them that I am worth my on weight. Oh yeah! They all will and this year we need a good crop from all of the land. When we talked to the King and Queen you had a lot to say that made the King wonder about some of the ways that he has. He does love his people they just cannot understand why he does the things that he has to do to them. Our village has to have protection from the other lands that would love to take this land away from us.

    The spies are all around us and every day they send messages back to there Kings telling them what all has happened. We have our spies as well, doing the same thing. I am telling you this because they will attack the crops first trying to starve us out and then we will attack there's. Remember when you first arrived here and how you felt and how you had to fight for food, soon you will see, and you will have to fight just as you did on that night, that I found you in your fight for food, the difference being is this will be the crop you have busted your butt off to try to raise.

    My Dad will try you in so many way's because of me, to be sure you are worthy of even living in the castle, you will earn your way, and work harder than you ever have. The worst is I won't be able to help you in your pain, and I will feel your pain because we will be apart, as he said you will work and protect me, we will still be apart, you cannot be caught in my parlor. We now have to live by his rules, that will make me very sad but in the end all will be right if it is meant to be.

    The Queen and the King had to have a talk, when it came to the village she had little to say but when it came down to family, she always had a lot more to say then he was usually willing to listen to. He knew it was coming and she was going to be right, and this time he would have to try to make her understand what he was doing. Richard just what in the God's name is it that you think you are doing.

    I know that you are thinking that I am being to harsh on Adam, and I may be but do you feel as if you can really trust him, we have to know him. Diane is becoming a woman her body has become that of a goddess same as you, and her needs are changing in a way that she may not be thinking of the consequences of what she wants, and how it may effect everyone. This may be true Richard but you put a weak man in one of the hardest fields to work. Peter will work him to death, I know, that is when we will see just how they really feel about each other.

    You did this just to see if she would go to his side, he said a lot when we all had our talk, things that I have given a lot of thought. If and only if he can prove himself , will I back off, he has to be a man of worth, if not he will have to leave our land, just as he has all the others. We have stood beside each other, thru all of the atrocities that have happened in our lives. We didn't have a son, to lead one day, our daughter will have to lead with her King. He has to be right in his heart, not so much in his size, we have ruled but what we have done together has to be able to be pasted down to her and whom it is that she will one day marry.

    If he can get past the fields he will move up, if something happens at the field he works he will move up, on this day he will surly be tried, to his limits. No one can protect him in his trials, for that would make him a lesser man, and he would feel betrayed. On the day Diane meet him she changed, and you felt it just as I did, she had someone to take care of and uneventfully may have fallen in love with. We both knew all along that something was going on, we had our spies follow her she took care of him, and I respect what she has done as I have said many times before. I am just as proud of her as I would if I had a son.

    As they approached the castle, an empty feeling was in Diane's stomach, she felt alone again, being with him was so comforting to her. I will miss you little man, as I will you my lady. Today, you must move to your quarters, I will miss taking care of thee, and I will miss you fussing at me for not listening to you as I should. The King has you as one of my escorts, when I go to the village, I will see you then and only then, there are spies upon us. Ones that I trusted told on us, if not for them you would not be going thru half of what you will be. Once in your quarters there will be many around you all of the time, some will try to provoke you into something. I know of the things that go on there, many have been hurt, or killed over trying to be tough beyond their means.

    The King takes care of them in his way that I don't know about after they have beaten someone to the point of not being able to work. We need every body that we have to work. You work hard and you will eat well and be taken care of. I care for you and I don't want you hurt. He came with nothing so he had nothing to move, he thanked her for everything she had done, kissed her cheek, and said I will not disappoint you, but I have to be a man.

    Turning away, walking to his new quarters, Diane cried tears for him, she had heard of some of the things that had happened there. Men being men, drinking after a hard days work. What no one knew was that the King had a man inside watching over the quarters, reporting only to the King, in secrecy only did they talk, as his informer he was rewarded well, to much was at stake for him to lose his workers respect.

    As Adam walked into the quarters, he was taken at what he saw in front of him, at least a hundred beds, nasty men, and all of them looking at him grumbling at him as he past them. What the hell, they must be in dire need of help these days to hire in a boy such as you, the room filled with laughter, as he searched for an empty bed. Not saying a word to anyone, a big man said in a tone of holding back laughing, your bunk is here little one. Shamed in a way feeling cursed that he was not a big man. He just knew he was a smarter man than most, and that was his only hope.

    He walked over to get some beer, and walked to his bunk. Dealing with the King was not as bad as this, this was awesomely terrible. Diane was right, and now he had to play this out right or else he would get his little ass beat. Making the right friends would take time but that is what he was going to have to do. Drinking his beer his mind began to think, of a way to make this work, another beer and he finally began to relax.

    There was another new guy and he approached Adam, they talked as the others keep on drinking and started becoming a little bit obnoxious. It is like this every night, we come in from our various chores, some tended the horses that the knights rode, some work the castle they are the lucky ones, most work the crops that is what I do. Adam said so do I, which field do you work the corn field, and which field do you work the cotton field, I do feel sorry for you, you work for Peter, he is the toughest slave driver, to work for, all talk of him and his ways but he does always have a good crop. As well as others we all need the crops to be good. The ones that grow the food we eat are given privileges, the rest of us aren't, they are special they have their own quarters a lot better than ours.

    This is a motivation for us to become the best and as we do we move up. Until then you get to live in this hell of hel'yens. I have worked here for months, the food is good, the beer is good, just when they get drunk they want to fight. Do not fight them and they are going to pick on your size trying to make you fight them, I already know that has been my life, and I have fought, and won and I have fought and lost many.

    Work as best you can with Peter and the old lady she carries a lot of weight. The wagons they roll in each one goes to a different field before the sun gets up. The old woman will be driving so don't be late, you won't thou the room will be crazy with a men getting up with hangovers. That is every day, weather may keep us in and on those days we work a short day of just what ever they can find for us to do. Rain is welcome at anytime. This is a good time everyone is happy, their crops are getting wet.

    I have heard of enemies attacking the land have you seen this, no but many have. They come almost every year at harvest time, the Kings Knights come out and watch over the land which is hard because they shoot fiery arrows that are shot up into the sky just to burn the horses hay, and the wheat for our bread. They always hit at different times of the day keeping the guards off their guard confusing all the fields. Adam replied, when I first came to this land I had to fight for food, a much bigger man than me, I had no idea of what the village was going thru. Now I am sorry for the words that I said about this land. Thank you for all that you have told me, I will when the time comes be on guard. I have now found my home, even if I must fight for it. For now we must try to get some rest, fore tomorrow I am going to get my butt worked off. It was getting late some were still making a ruckus, Ramon, walked in and yelled at the top of his lungs for everyone to shut up and get some sleep, and for some of you worthless pieces of slime you have a little surprise waiting just for you, when the sun rises. The room became alive what are you saying, Ramon, it's training time for some of you, more later. Sleep well, morning came, and at sunrise they were awakened by Ramon. One of the Kings knights awoke them hitting his shield with his sword. Screaming as loud as he could for them all to get up and stand by there bunks.


    This had never happened before, every forth man step forward now, and I mean now. He walked down the aisle, looking at a bunch of scared men, are you afraid of me I am your friend, a friend that is going to teach you how be a real man. Don't look away from me look at me, today we will start training our new warriors to protect our land.

    You little one take my sword, if you can even pick it up, and he laid it on the floor in front of Adam, been here one damn night, and now I have to go thru this. Pick it up if you can, and you had better be able bodied enough to do it. He was awake now, he reached down to pick it up, all of you had better be able to do the same, do it now. Adam reached down, and let the life that he once was step up, he not only picked it up he raised it over his head, and looked him dead in his eyes, he had, had to fight before but nothing like this. Handing him back his sword, he walked to the door and Ramon had everyone line up, to repeat the same thing, and lead them out of the room.

    This means we just have to work harder today, what are you bitching about we didn't have to go with them, at least not this time he did say that there would be more. No one knows of this day and it had better be keep a secret. Adam was in the first of many to be trained to protect the land. Word had it that there was going to be an attack on the village. He needed to step up on his guards, and be prepared for and onslaught.

    King Richard only wanted his land to be proper, and be at peace, but the beast in men was not going to let this be. As he sat back, reminiscing of the times that everything was so perfect. His people had lost trust in him because they could not see the atrocities, of the village, the day would come that he would have to have a village meeting and it was going to have to

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