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Operation: Normal
Operation: Normal
Operation: Normal
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Operation: Normal

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About this ebook

Ally desperately wants "normal" for her half-sister Kayly, something she never had herself thanks to her liberated mom. First on her list of to-dos is contacting Kayly's dad, who promised he'd stay out of Kayly's life just as Ally's own dad once did. When Kat leaves the country on assignment, Ally drops in on the guy to introduce him to his baby daughter. But Kayly's dad doesn't live there--her half brother, Zach, does. And his shocking offer to help Ally find "normal" is nothing compared to what happens next.

This title is published by Uncial Press and is distributed worldwide by Untreed Reads.
PublisherUntreed Reads
Release dateFeb 12, 2010
Operation: Normal

Linda Palmer

Linda Palmer admits it all started when she fell in love with Roy Rogers in the fifties. The family TV was boxy; the picture was black and white. That didn't matter. Roy's cowboy courage won the day and inspired her to  create elaborate scenarios when playing with her sisters and friends outside. Indoors, she read romances in every genre from Sci Fi to Gothic. Linda began writing for pleasure in the third grade, mostly poetry, and has letters from her grade school teachers predicting she'd be an author. Her poems eventually became short stories; her short stories became books. And even though a writing career was never actually a dream, it was something she pursued with intent after winning some writing contests and joining local and national writers' groups. Silhouette Books published Linda's first romance novel in l989 and the next twenty over a ten-year period (writing as Linda Varner, her maiden name). In 1999 she took a ten-year break to take care of her family, but learned that she couldn't not write. She began again in  2009, changing her genre to young adult/new adult paranormal romance. She has now written over a hundred novels and novellas ranging from traditional romance to erotica. Linda was a Romance Writers of America Rita finalist twice and won the 2011 and 2012 EPIC eBook awards in the Young Adult category. She was also a finalist in that category in 2013 and in 2014. Linda has been married to her junior high school sweetheart over fifty years and lives in Arkansas, USA with her family. Ever a hopeless romantic, she still falls for unattainable Hollywood heroes that inspire her to write romances about alpha males and the women who stand up to them. Linda hints that her current crush's name starts with Tom and ends with Hardy. Her website is You can also find her on Facebook: Linda Varner Palmer.

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    Book preview

    Operation - Linda Palmer

    Chapter One

    A Little Help from My Friends

    Tell me everything. Minka Howard, my best friend, twisted as far as her seat belt would allow so she could glance back at me.

    Later, okay? I answered. I need to focus right now. I double checked that my half-sister Kayly was secure in her car seat, then handed a slip of paper to Heath Lipman, the owner of the Dodge Ram in which the four of us sat. I considered him my other best friend. This is where I need to go. Do you think you can find it?

    He read the address. No problem. Just as Heath started the engine, a drop of rain splashed on the windshield. It's that apartment complex next to UT. I think a lot of students and maybe even some professors live there.

    Professors? I smiled to myself. One of those would definitely work. Anticipation replaced dread for a nanosecond as I secured my own seat belt.

    Minka looked at me again. Whatever it is you're doing, you know Heath and I support you one hundred percent, right?

    Right. Even though we'd only really hung out together for a couple of years, I knew they had my back. That's why I'd called them to help me tonight. Well, that, and the fact that my mom's sporty Miata wasn't ideal for a car seat.

    I glanced over at Kayly, the innocent party in all of this. She grinned at me through the dark, making every questionable thing I'd done the past twelve hours totally worthwhile. I gave her a kiss, then nervously gnawed my bottom lip until Heath turned the truck into a crowded parking lot about twenty minutes later.

    By then it was pouring, so he dropped off Minka, Kayly, and me at the front door. Though we dashed inside the building, we still had to stomp off raindrops. I finger-brushed my half-sister's damp brown curls.

    This is all for you, peanut. I settled her a little higher on my hip.

    I couldn't help but study my reflection in the glass door while we waited for Heath to join us. Though I didn't mind being petite so much, I did hate my baby face and the serious lack of curves that so often led to assumptions I was a ninth grader instead of the high school senior that I actually was.

    How do I look? I nervously patted my red hair, worn very short except for my bangs, which were in my eyes.

    Very tense, answered Minka.

    That was not the answer I'd hoped for. Tonight, I wanted to come off as mature and collected, not young and impulsive. Minka stepped behind me and began to massage my knotted shoulder muscles.

    Suddenly assailed with second thoughts, I looked down at my water-spotted clothes, then spun to face her. Thanks for doing this.

    No sweat. I just wish I knew what 'this' was.

    Soon, I promised her, reluctant for some reason to explain. Very soon.

    Heath finally walked into the building, shaking off water like a puppy after a bath. All righty then. He rubbed his hands briskly together and looked at me. Let's get this show on the road. Which apartment are we going to?


    With a nod, he headed straight to the elevators and pushed the up button. In a few seconds the shiny metal doors slid open. We got inside and rode silently to the fourth floor. When the doors reopened; we stepped out and walked past D, E and F, finally reaching the address we needed.

    By that time my hands were shaking and my knees were wobbling. I hesitated, listening for a minute to the sounds of voices, laughter, and a television coming from beyond that closed door. A Sunday evening party? I wondered, suddenly rethinking my whole strategy. Bad timing could jinx everything.

    I stared at the doorbell, but couldn't quite bring myself to make my move.

    Just do it, Heath said.

    I handed Kayly to Minka without answering and firmly punched the button with my thumb. About a minute later, an average-build guy with dark blond hair and big brown eyes opened the door.

    Hi, I blurted with a gulp.

    Hi, he answered, clearly curious.

    I'm, uh, here to see Seth Thomas... My voice sounded as shaky as my hurriedly hatched Plan A might now be. If I'd broken promises and defied authority to confront this guy, my mom had robbed the cradle. That put a whole new spin on things and meant I'd better switch to my Plan B, and fast.

    As if I had one.

    Just a sec. To my relief, the young man in question motioned for us to stay put, then turned and walked down a short hall to disappear from view.

    I looked uncertainly at Minka. She looked right back at me. Nobody breathed.

    Suddenly several guys yelled like someone had scored or something, which meant they probably watched sports on TV. Over the din, I could barely hear the door answerer, summoning Z. Seth Thomas, the man whose name appeared on the father line of my baby sister's birth certificate.

    You've got company.

    Oh yeah? Who?

    Some chick.



    It seemed like forever but was probably only seconds before the man I truly believed was Kayly's mystery father stepped into view and slowly approached the front door. I looked him over from top to bottom, noting shaggy brown hair, tattered jeans, and a UT Comets soccer shirt.

    University professor? No freaking way.

    University student? That was more like it.

    Just my luck.

    His gaze swept me just as mine had swept him. He frowned when he saw my face, probably because he didn't have a clue who I was. But I knew who he was. Oh yeah. Those sapphire blue eyes of his, the exact shade of Kayly's, confirmed his paternity status and looked amazing against his dusky skin. With an effort, I managed to square my shoulders and lift my chin.

    You asked for me? The apartment behind Seth went suddenly quiet, like someone had pressed the mute button on the TV remote. I heard whispers and shuffling, then dead silence.

    Yes. I reached back and took my half-sister in my arms. I know this is not what you want, but I'd like to introduce your daughter, Kayly.

    Behind me, Minka gasped.

    Seth Thomas opened his mouth to speak, then closed it, then opened it once more. Say again?

    I cleared my throat. I know this is--

    Not that part.

    Of course not that part. This is your baby.

    I heard a crash, then three guys suddenly rounded the corner, tripping over one another in their haste to get a look at us. One of them was the door answerer. I felt my face heat up and knew my cheeks undoubtedly matched my hair.

    Seth never even glanced at his friends, though he was bound to have heard them. This is a joke, right?

    I shook my head.

    But I don't even know you.

    I... You... Could we please talk in private? I looked pointedly to Seth's companions, all of whom now gaped at us.

    She's got your eyes, dude, one of them said.

    Seth zoned in on my sister, tensed, and looked closer. A second later, he raised his narrowed eyes to lock with mine.

    Out! he said.

    And he didn't mean me.

    Wordlessly, two of the guys filed past, slipped between Heath and Minka, and left. The door answerer turned on his heel and walked down the hall, abruptly turning to go into a room. He shut the door quietly behind him.

    Seth looked pointedly beyond me at Heath and Minka.

    We'll just wait in the truck, said Heath as if on cue, taking Minka by the arm.

    I could tell she didn't want to go, and for a second, I didn't want her to, either. But I let Heath as good as drag her to the elevator, protesting loudly all the way.

    Finally, Seth, Kayly and I stood alone, me and my sister in the fourth floor hall and Seth just inside his apartment.

    I don't know what you're trying to pull here, he said, But there's one thing I can say for sure. I'd never have sex with you.

    My jaw dropped.

    For your information, I retorted, furious. I'd never have sex with you, either. Though ready to punch his whiskery jaw, I sucked in a calming breath. Fighting would get me nowhere fast. And I should be flattered I wasn't his type, right?

    A nanosecond later, the meaning of his comment registered. He thought I was Kayly's mother.


    This is my half-sister, not my baby, I blurted, adding, I'm Ally Mills, by the way.

    For a full minute, he just stared at me. You honestly think I had sex with your mother?

    "No, I know you did. My mom was one classy lady and not that old. I didn't appreciate his insinuations she might be otherwise. Drawing in a ragged breath, I kept my temper in check and deliberately refocused. I dug into my bag, pulled out the folded contract I'd stumbled across that very morning, and thrust it at him. Maybe this will supercharge your memory."

    His gaze still locked with mine, Seth unfolded the papers, then glanced down at them. I stood in silence while he read the legalese on page one. His frown deepened. Finally he flipped it over and scanned page two. I heard his sharp intake of breath when he came to the dollar amount. Another one when he reached the signatures. A second later he looked up at me, refolded the contract and handed it back. I noticed that his hand trembled slightly, but his voice and expression remained cool.

    Do you remember signing that last year? I said.

    Why are you here? He stuffed his fingertips into the front pockets of his faded, boot cut jeans, the tattered hems of which dragged the floor. I noticed he had a hole in the toe of one snow white sock.

    I worded my answer carefully. I think Kayly deserves a relationship with you. I hoped that once you actually met her, you'd reconsider this lame contract and, well, step up and be a daddy.

    What does her mom say about all this?

    Uh-oh. S-She's out of the country at the moment.

    He laughed shortly and shook his head. Why am I not surprised?

    That hit me way wrong. I mean, we'd just met, okay? And he didn't know me at all. Everything I said and did at this point should surprise him. Yet he'd apparently already typecast me as an airhead he'd never have sex with. I began to tap my foot on the floor, something I only did when I was really, really torqued. So...?

    So...? he echoed.

    I shifted Kayly to my left hip to give my aching right arm a rest. What's your answer?

    I've got to give this some thought.

    Fair enough, I said, as startled as I was pleased that he hadn't refused me outright. How long do you need?

    Longer than a minute, less than a lifetime. He shrugged. How would I know?

    Somehow I managed a tight smile. Why don't I give you my number, and you can call me when you're ready to talk.

    He shrugged again, which could've meant yes, no, or go to hell.

    Undaunted, I reached into my hobo purse--not easy with Kayly tying up one whole arm--and fumbled until I found a pen and a piece of paper.

    Turn around, I said.

    He hesitated, then did as asked. I rested the paper on his broad back, holding it there with the hand supporting Kayly, which pretty much smashed her against him. I jotted down my cell number, then tried to step away, but couldn't since my sister now had a double handful of Seth's tee.

    Sorry, I murmured, freeing and then patting the fabric smooth. His muscles felt rock hard beneath my fingers. My heart sort of black-flipped. He turned as I stepped away. I handed him the number, which he took without comment, promise, or even looking at it.

    Nice meeting you, Seth, I said, offering him my right hand.

    With a grunt, he shut the door in my face.

    Chapter Two

    Black Magyk

    For several seconds, I just stood there, my nose one inch from the 4G nailed to the door. I'd done it! I'd actually done it! The worst was over, I figured.

    Silly me.

    My head swirling with first impressions, possibilities, and ramifications, I headed downstairs. In minutes and in a daze, I crossed the carpeted lobby on the first floor, where I found Heath and Minka waiting in chairs by the entrance.

    She leapt to her feet. Well...

    He wants to think about it. Then he'll call me when he's ready to talk.

    She nodded speculatively. Okay. All right. This is good... Isn't it?

    Heath, now standing too, hooted with derisive laughter.

    What? I demanded.

    You honestly believe that guy is going to call?

    I looked uncertainly from him to Minka and back again. I...uh...yeah. Why wouldn't he?

    Heath just sighed, took Kayly from me, and abruptly left the building. Minka and I exchanged a glance and hurried after him. Fortunately, it had stopped raining by then, so we walked with Heath to where he'd parked his truck, puddle jumping en route. As he drove us away minutes later, I peeked through the rain-sprinkled glass at the apartment building. I automatically counted up four floors and looked where I thought the window to 4G should be. I saw the silhouette of someone looking out.

    Seth? I guess you two have a million questions.

    A million and one, actually, Minka said.

    Okay. Here's something to tide you over until we get to my apartment. I thought for a minute. You know that list I've been working on lately, the list of changes that must take place if my sister's life is going to be more normal than mine?

    Minka eagerly nodded. Heath just drove.

    Well, locating Kayly's dad is one thing on it. The biggest one, I guess.

    Hottest one, too, I'll bet, said Minka with a sigh.

    I could only agree. Hot, but rude. Very rude. So how old do you think he is? I rested my elbow on the window ledge and pressed my flushed cheek against the cool glass.

    Twenty. Twenty-one, tops.

    That's what I'm guessing, too. I shook my head, still a little bewildered about what had just taken place. I don't have a clue how he and Mom could've hooked up. She's way too smart for a fling with a university student. Way too busy, too.

    Well, he has got that whole bad boy thing going for him, said Minka.

    I frowned. What do you mean?

    Oh, you know. That Edward Cullen quality that makes you want to take him in your arms and say, 'Let me make it all better, baby.'

    We both burst out laughing at that. Heath, however, did not crack a smile.

    I'm guessing he owns at least one leather jacket, added Minka with a dreamy sigh, oblivious to our male companion's sudden scowl, and probably a Harley, too. I wonder what he'd say if I asked for a ride on it. You know I've always wanted to do that.

    Poor Heath, I thought. Minka still had no idea he was crazy for her, and boy-oh-boy was he. So much for the Harry-Ginny breakthrough I kept hoping for. Apparently it wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

    And weren't you just dying to touch his hair? Minka continued. It looked so good on him. You know, there aren't a lot of guys who can pull off that look.

    No, there aren't.

    Seth's at least half Hispanic, don't you think?

    At least. By then, our driver was fuming. I mean, I could see his window fogging over. I tactfully

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