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Abel Classics, De drie kleine biggetjes
Abel Classics, De drie kleine biggetjes
Abel Classics, De drie kleine biggetjes
Audiobook7 minutes

Abel Classics, De drie kleine biggetjes

Written by Joseph Jacobs

Narrated by Micky van Rijn

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Een grote boze wolf blaast de huizen van de eerste twee biggetjes omver, die respectievelijk van stro en stokken zijn gemaakt, maar kan het huis van de derde big niet vernietigen omdat het van stenen is gemaakt.
PublisherAbel Studios
Release dateSep 23, 2023
Abel Classics, De drie kleine biggetjes

Joseph Jacobs

Joseph Jacobs (1854–1916) was a noted folklorist, critic, and historian who gained fame compiling English folktales. Born in Sydney, Australia, Jacobs completed his studies at the University of Cambridge. His career began with a post as the secretary of the Society of Hebrew Literature. Work with Jewish literature and history became a principal pursuit in his life, and he eventually became president of the Jewish Historical Society of England, a revising editor of the Jewish Encyclopedia, and editor of the American Hebrew. In 1890 Jacobs began releasing collections of English fairy tales in a mission to give English children homegrown stories to read in addition to the more traditional French and German fairy tales. 

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