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Poor Folk
Poor Folk
Poor Folk
Audiobook5 hours

Poor Folk

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Poor Folk, Fyodor Dostoyevsky's first novel, is almost forgotten now, living as it does under the long shadow of Crime and Punishment, Anna Karenina, The Brothers Karamazov and much more. Yet when it was published in 1846, it brought him instant fame.

It is an epistolary novel, presenting the relationship between neighbours, who happen to be distant cousins. An older man and a much younger woman, they are both living in straightened circumstances in rented accommodation and, though their letters, reveal their thoughts, their hopes, their anxieties and their daily struggles at the lower end of social and economic life of mid-19th century St Petersburg.

Yet it was exactly this situation that was a revelation to the readers of the time who were more accustomed to encountering tailored emotions in a less challenged class. For the first time, ordinary life, challenging life and the effect on the individual was presented to readers, many of which could identify with the protagonists: Makar Devushkin, an impoverished clerk, and Varvara Dobroselova who hopes to work as a governess, but earns money as a seamstress. Yet this was no ordinary portrait of emotion enmeshed in common hardships, but a writer in full command of his medium.

After he left the manuscript with the publisher Nikolay Nekrasov he told himself, ‘They will poke fun at my Poor Folk.' In fact, Nekrasov read it at one sitting at burst into Dostoyevsky's room at 4am to shower him with kisses. ‘A new Gogol has been born,' he declared. It sold widely, and was dubbed ‘Russia's first social novel'. Poor Folk is fascinating as the first important step in the career of one of the greatest novelists of all time.

"Both Jonathan Keeble and Julie Teal do a splendid job of narrating this production of Dostoyevsky's first novel. " - AUDIOFILE MAGAZINE
Release dateApr 27, 2023

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Fyodor Dostoyevsky is considered one of the greatest novelists of all time. Born in Moscow in 1821, he began adulthood by resigning a commission as a military engineer to embark on a writing career. The praise he earned for his first novel, Poor Folk, immediately vaulted him to literary stardom. His political activity led to imprisonment, a mock execution, and exile to a Siberian prison camp, all of which shaped his later novels. Since his death in 1881, he has been best remembered for his novels Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov.

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