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The Secret Story of Sonia Rodriguez
The Secret Story of Sonia Rodriguez
The Secret Story of Sonia Rodriguez
Audiobook7 hours

The Secret Story of Sonia Rodriguez

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

California Teacher of the Year Alan Lawrence Sitomer is the author of hard-hitting best-sellers like Homeboyz. Sonia Rodriguez, the teenage daughter of illegal Mexican immigrants, feels stuck in the middle of two worlds. Sonia plans to be the first in her family to graduate high school and go to college. But when she puts her schoolwork before her familia, Sonia's mother sends her to relatives in Mexico to learn "the ways of the old world." Sonia returns more determined than ever to succeed-but it won't be easy. Be aware of strong language and adult situations.
Release dateJan 9, 2009
The Secret Story of Sonia Rodriguez

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Rating: 3.4047618761904763 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I tried, but I couldn't even read the whole thing. I started, skipped to the end, then went back and read some of the middle. It seemed very preachy to me. Plus I had a hard time knowing that the author is a white man writing like an hispanic teenage girl.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Sonia wants to be the first girl in her family to graduate high school. But her family is dragging her down. She does all the cooking and cleaning and caring for her younger siblings, as well as putting up with a mean aunt and a drunken uncle. Her father works long hours to support them, and her mother doesn't see why a girl needs an education. Sonia just wants to graduate and make something of herself.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a quick pick for a reluctant reader, probably a girl and probably someone who is Latina or has some connection to Latino culture in the U.S. The language is simple, the story quick to read and easy to follow. I can see the appeal of this book, particularly for girls who want stories that reflect their lives and don't find it in volumes like "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants", etc. I met this author when he signed my copy of this book at the ALA conference in Anaheim, CA in 2008. Alan was the California teacher of the year in 2007, and his presentation on how to deal with challenging students and reluctant readers was inspiring. I hesitate to give a higher rating for this book, primarly because I don't think men can tell a woman's/girl's story, particularly in this male-centered culture. I think this book will appeal to girls if there are few alternatives about the Latino culture in the U.S., but I'm hoping to read others, written by women, that allow them to share their voices.