More from PhotoPlus : The Canon Magazine

PhotoPlus : The Canon Magazine6 min read
EOS S.o.s
“Why does my Canon EOS R10 have three settings for the AF area, is there a way it can be simplified?” George Hazel, Kendal BRIAN SAYS… The EOS R10 and some other EOS cameras have the setting to allow different AF points and areas to be selected autom
PhotoPlus : The Canon Magazine13 min read
The World In Miniature
Get up close and personal to small subjects and most macro prime lenses can deliver a magnification ratio of 1.0x or 1:1. But what exactly does that mean? In a nutshell, at their shortest focus distance, they can reproduce objects at full life size o
PhotoPlus : The Canon Magazine1 min read
THE NO.1 MAGAZINE FOR CANON USERS! In the next Canon Skills chapter… ■ DIY photo booth for parties ■ Top shots of bands and artists at festivals ■ Learn to take ‘premier’ league football photos ■ New Photoshop, Lightroom and Affinity Photo tutorials
