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Traces7 min read
Forgotten Heroes Of The Australian Voluntary Hospital
At the start of my research into the Australian Voluntary Hospital, I found this extraordinary appeal by Rachel Dudley in Australian newspapers after the outbreak of World War I: ‘I appeal to the people of Australia to give financial support for this
Traces3 min read
The Twists And Turns Of Tiwi History
According to Tiwi belief, the Tiwi Islands were formed millennia ago by the creator-ancestor, Murtankala. Tiwi have lived on Country ever since and have fiercely defended their lands from intruders. There were some wars with neighbouring mainland peo
Traces8 min read
Wakka Wakka Resistance In The Burnett River Basin
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are warned that this article contains the names and images of people who are now deceased. It is hard to imagine two cultures so different in values, language and customs as that of the Wakka Wak