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Backtrack4 min read
Long-distance train travel means different things to different people. For some a journey on one of the main lines to London will be quite an outing whether on business or for the experience of a visit to the capital. For others, peregrinating from o
Backtrack23 min read
The Lost Junction At Dauntsey
How does a railway enthusiast evince a dedicated fascination with a railway station long-vanished from the face of the earth? How does the lure of a denuded wasteland exert such a strong pull over someone who was not even alive during a former railwa
Backtrack19 min read
Langley Green 30 Years Of post-steam Era Freight Operations at This West Midlands Location Part Two
As already has been ascertained from Part One of this feature (March), the yard at Langley Green served as a useful gathering point for various locally generated commodities and another of these was scrap metal from Handsworth (there may well have be
