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Horse & Hound1 min read
Horse & Hound
EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief Sarah Jenkins Magazine Editor/Eventing Pippa Roome(07815 442555) Website Editor Carol Phillips (0330 390 6598) News Editor Eleanor Jones (0330 390 6386) Features Editor/Polo/Riding Clubs Martha Terry (0330 390 6327) Showjump
Horse & Hound1 min read
Bad Week
A non-horsey type concerned about the cost of living was eyeing up a bag of horse oats and asking why he shouldn't save cash that way. So many reasons, but might he have a shot at Ascot? (No. Ed.) Overheard from another non-horsey type: “If you can d
Horse & Hound1 min read
Good Week
Scientists believe rain makes us happy and improves mental health. We'd like to invite said scientists to the yard next time we have a winter and spring like the most recent ones. Contact details on p13. A rider was canvassing opinions on the stronge