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Australian Traveller1 min read
Stitches In Time
The often-overlooked art form of quilting has been given the spotlight at the National Gallery of Australia until August. A Century of Quilts showcases a variety of blankets that highlight the artistic expression found in the domestic space and speak
Australian Traveller2 min read
Michael Hing
AS A CHILD, OUR FAMILY HOLIDAYS WERE ALWAYS TO… Shoalhaven Heads (1). We’d stay in these pretty rundown apartments for a week or two over summer and walk barefoot to the deserted beach every day, eating dinner at the local RSL at night. We did this f
Australian Traveller5 min read
Snow Days
REGRETTABLY, I WAS A LATECOMER to snow holidays and their affiliated joys. While I’d always longed to frolic in water’s crystalline form, circumstance and a northern coastal upbringing kept me away until my mid-twenties. By then, film-fuelled notions
