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Sooper Talk: Vincent Jenewein
Beat / Hi Vincent, great that you‘re back again – SUPERBOOTH is going into round six! For someone who hasn’t been attending the last five times, can you tell in a nutshell what the event is all about? Vincent / Superbooth is the world‘s biggest trade
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What do you get when a renowned software manufacturer and sought-after sound designers join forces? The impressive answer is the bass drum synthesizer PunchBOX, which combines the excellent drum modules and effects of D16 with the club-proven samples
Beat English3 min read
Streams Are The New Currency Like Teeth Brushing
The fact that you can make easy money with bot farms and the use of AI on Spotify is one of those urban legends that endure for a long time. There are certainly more lucrative business areas than streaming music. Plus, you still lose more than you pu
